Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Nah, the QM did say that we would've had more social problems if we had chosen Carmen, not having a powerful body only change the battlefield we would've fought on, it doesn't necessarily means everything would be more difficult.

As in, if we had been Carmen, I wouldn't be surprised if we could have compensated our *lacking* strength by recruiting the local magical girls into our cult family, and we probably would have spent much more time beating the abnormalities socially than physically, maybe even recruiting them too.
This actually gives me ideas of every single other body that X could use and their problem

Malkuth: Wish for others approval, Which means we'll be extremely attached to our kids and we will never let go because they believe in us and approve of us.

Yesod: Not doing things emotionaly, but actively trying to distance ourselves from death, dead, or the dying, because we cannot maintain calm when looking at them, we will break as soon as we saw them.

Netzach: Suicidal, depression, Seeing no point in trying because we have already done our purpose. Why can't we just die and stop feeling anymore.

Hod: Trying to do good, but actively pulling everyone down to the pit with us and we will be very delusional about it.( Can you see? I'm trying to help. It's just that it is going wrong. You just have to listen to me and do this instead. Come on, please just listen to me! Why doesn't anybody take my effort seriously!? )

Tip A&B:... Somewhat like Nyarky, not completely.

Chesed: Severe lack of trust, not even our own daughters, And this talk with Angela will be a lot more hostile.

Hokma: Reminiscent of the past hinders our move every step of the way, Simply just doesn't want to move on, refuse to accept the past mistakes.

Ayin: Means to an end, As long as the goal is clear and the way is there, no matter what kind of thing you need to do, you will do it and you will get there, no matter what, no matter the cost.

Carmen:...mini Carmen.
So, yeah, out of all these.
Malkuth seems like the best one.
Do note that Malkuth being extremely addicted to approval doesn't mean that she isn't capable of being stupid,

So X will be more stupid trying to put herself at risk all to keep up the image of a capable senior.

She's not gonna much better than the current X (K). The only difference is, X(K) has the power to back it up. X (M) likely does not.
Now that I think of it, the choice of each body would have probably influenced X mentally in some way, considering how the body was made by how X saw themselves. So with Gebura X does her best to protect the others around her (because she failed to protect them before).
If we chose Carmen it would be for how she was inspiring to Ayin and how X hoped to be like that.
However on the other hand if we chose Binah it would mean that X saw themselves in Binah, The one that killed everyone around them with no remorse and acted as if they enjoyed it the whole way so X would either act with severe self-flagellation the whole way, embrace the city, or do her best to kill other monsters .
If X chose Chesed, other than a coffee addiction X would probably do their best to choose a set of goal and ALWAYS stick with them no matter what anyone else tries to do
If X chose Hokma he would have likely put more emphasis on building up Mami and the others around him.

Also one thing that I felt is that X herself never felt that she had any of the qualities that the others (even Ayin) had shown so with choosing each of the other Sephirahs we would be wanting to exemplify both their quality and what they meant to X.
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Also, my owns ideas about this one would be an at least 1k long *update* who span one sec in universe, really makes the readers feel that 100x speed.

Strangely enough, I don't think it would be popular. :V
Hey, I'd read it. It's rather like watching all of the Endless Eight episodes, to really understand the Nagato Grindset.

We could have gone for Tiphereth, or maybe Tiphereth, actually, do you think we could have made a case for having both bodies?
My Precocious Little Brother Is A Magical Boy From An Alternate Dimension...? by bestselling author, Tomoe Mami.

I love the idea of X (Enoch).
My Precocious Little Brother Is A Magical Boy From An Alternate Dimension...? by bestselling author, Tomoe Mami.

I love the idea of X (Enoch).

Personally am preferring Lisa, I can see it in my mind:

"I am not a little girl! I am older than some civilisations! And stop calling me cute!"

"Yes X, of course she's so cute when she pouts like that."

"Hey! I can hear you!"
In fact, even the oldest known human civilizations are supposedly no more than eight thousand years old - X may well be older than all of them.
Depends on what the history of the world of the City looks like, though they do seem to have a tendency to erase it anyway, so.... Yeah, probably older than all known ones.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Dec 6, 2022 at 3:21 PM, finished with 197 posts and 40 votes.

Honesty is the best policy, and all that.
Honesty is the best policy, and all that.

Let's see how awkward it can get, I am betting on Roland somehow entering the scene right as we have an emotionally charged moment, or him revealing that he's been there for five minutes already but we didn't register him.

More seriously, hope X will manage to explain herself to her sister, and that we'll have a way to either contact her or go back to see her, or can take her with us, before we are forced back to see Homura 2.0, also hope Angela will have the time to at least mention distortions, but that one is probably not gonna happen.
"Shut up mom, I swear my theme is different from Jester of Nihil!"
X (K): Hey sweety what would you like for breakfast?
X (L): STOP CALLING ME SWEETY!!!! We are literally the same person! And I would like some eggs and bacon, please.
X (K): Sure thing sweety.

Mami: Our sister is such a tsundere.
Yuma: Whats a tsundere?
Mami: I'll explain when you are older.
Angela will have the time to at least mention distortions
It's probably for the best that this doesn't come up or comes up last after things are somewhat worked through, because when the implication comes through to X that the possibility of Distortion and thereby Homura's current state is indirectly caused by Angela...

I mean, we aren't going to go Roland on Angela no matter what, but. Uh.
It's probably for the best that this doesn't come up or comes up last after things are somewhat worked through, because when the implication comes through to X that the possibility of Distortion and thereby Homura's current state is indirectly caused by Angela...

I mean, we aren't going to go Roland on Angela no matter what, but. Uh.
She could also likely attribute Homura's status to herself too though. Since Angela is probably gonna bring up Carmen's meddling.

So hip hip hurrays for X's mental state.
Omake - Angela IF (2)
OMAKE: Angela IF (2)

You realize you hated it.

'I'm sorry Angela. I'm so sorry. Our creator…he has done something terrible hasn't he?'

How did she endure such a hellish state for ten thousand- no one million years?

'I should've changed some parts. Maybe included in augmentations in this body. Something. Anything to not be. So. Slow.'

Why the hell did you copy Angela perfectly? This 100x reaction speed cannot be controlled with Ayin's design.

'Ah, the folly of recklessness…I think the day 49 high is still getting to me.' The loss of TT2 was such a whiplash back then. Perhaps it influenced your decision-making because this is probably one of the stupidest decisions you have ever made.

'I could try changing it, but I have a feeling that that's a bad idea.'

By the time you finished your wandering thought, that blue-haired girl finally finished her greeting to Madoka.

Your emotion-sensoring ability, 'Thanks One Sin for it.', Allow you an understanding that Sayaka is enthusiastic about meeting Madoka. If not for it, you would have probably thought the girl was frozen in time.

'I'm…Calm yourself. Angela dealt with this for 1 million years. You can deal with it too.'

Even the gripping of your hand to bring you back to reality takes too long. You quickly schooled your darkening face back into a neutral one before the girls can notice.

'There are children in front of me. I shouldn't let my own mistake ruins their happiness.'

The compliment from Madoka helped lift your mood a bit. But it was not by much.

The yellowed-haired girl who accompanied Sayaka is named Tomoe Mami. A "magical girl".

She doesn't seem to be dangerous. But you've worked with Magical Girls long enough to know that they never appear as they seem. The one you currently wield is an example of such a thing.

This Mami seems to be under the notion that you are one such magical girl. Based on your observations of the girl, she doesn't appear to be an Abnormality of some sort. The thing that sits on her shoulder, however.

"Is that thing something I need to worry about?"

The yellow-haired girl seemed surprised at your tone of voice. Ah. You let your frustrations leak for a bit there- Wait. No.

She was just strangely defensive of the weird ferret-like creature. Hm…That is something to file for later.

"Don't worry! This is just Kyubey, my close friend and an assistant to magical girls." Very defensive…it reminds you of how you once viewed Angela.

'And even now.'

"It is as Mami-"

The telepathy of this "Kyubey" echoes in your head. The utter snail-crawling speed at which it speaks allows you to easily notice its obvious manufactured nature.

Yep. It's just like Angela. Now that you are in her body, it's surprising that you haven't noticed the times when she lied to you. Well. The less obvious times.

Anyway, this thing is suspicious. Knowing beforehand the information on its "magical girl candidates", keeping a watch on them to give them "help" whenever they are in trouble.

Now, where have you heard of that before? Ah, yes. Lobotomy Corporation.

'I hate this.'

"What do you mean exactly by 'becoming a magical girl'?" These kids likely have no idea of what they are getting into.

It is always the same. You have more than enough experience with another red and white abnormality that seems good as first to know that there is more to this, similarity to Lobotomy Corporation aside.

Your pointed question managed to draw out some more defensive emotions from Mami. A curious look from Sayaka and Madoka.

"Magical Girls are-"

The moment that ferret started talking again, Wishes, Karmic Potential, Witches, Powers.

You can easily catalog the facts in a blink. Witches obviously refer to the thing you fought before.

Not too powerful, but you can see how it would be a problem for low-ranked Fixers. However, for them to warrant the manifestation of 'Power beyond what is normally possible' using one's Karmic potential through a wish.

And the sheer irresponsibility or apathetic nature to use children for such a thing.

It sounds similar to the ability of another woman you too admired. The "Red Mist" Kali, or Gebura as she is called last you talked to her.

Isn't this oddly familiar to you? The memories of a man you called your creator called out to you again.

'Please tell me this isn't just another scheme for human salvation…'

Similarities to your circumstances aside, it seems that this creature isn't up for revealing more detailed information.

'Another similarity to the accursed Wings.' Always so secretive. Even to their own employees.

The girl, Mami is telling Sayaka and Madoka about how it is to be a magical girl as you think about these implications.

You wonder whether or not you should stop them from their conversation. But decided against it. The information Mami is giving to them isn't necessarily deceiving from what you felt about the girl.

It could always be that she's currently mind-controlled by the ferret. But something tells you that is unlikely. You think her emotions wouldn't be so natural like Sayaka and Madoka's if she wasn't in control of herself.

Still, it wouldn't be good if they are constantly given positive information. Things are never as they seem after all. You should probably chip in too.

Your attempt to enter the conversation is interrupted. A gap appeared in your consciousness. Feeling the sudden presence you were keeping tabs on closer to the group.

Immediately turning around, you spotted another girl standing on the scaffolding, glaring down at you. Probably a Magical Girl, judging by the clockwork shield on her arm. Her outfit is much simpler than Mami's, mostly plain white with some grey added in.

What happened before? You didn't even detect her appearing.

You were aware of her presence. It's hard not to when you have so much time to pay attention to everything. But for her to approach you without a sound?

Teleportation isn't a new thing for you. But they usually have signs. Which would have been hard to shield from your senses, alongside that of the children who also seem surprised at the girl's presence.

'The only thing that could be similar…' Perhaps it is time stop? It would fit with the clock shield.

She clearly has a problem with you aside. This is one dangerous opponent who has appeared.

Even if it is not time manipulation, the ability to completely be invisible to one's senses isn't something you don't know about, the fact that she managed to approach your group so suddenly is dangerous enough.

She still continues glaring at you even as Mami extends the offer of cooperation to her. You could feel her emotions all the way from here.


Let's test it, shall we?

"You can get down from there if you wish to speak. I have no interest in a staring contest." Immediately you began to pay close attention to the girl's state just as

she reappeared on a small pile of rubble, still looking down on you, but no longer from high above.

At this distance, it's easy to see. Her ability is definitely time stop. That rubble, they were different from how you remembered them being.

If it was teleportation, that would not be. You would've noticed the rubbles changing. But even they made no sounds.

Though…the most pressing part is the look on her face. 'She reminds me of my Agents.'

How many times have you needed to look into their eyes and saw the trauma and bloodshed which plagued their everyday lives?

Your deduction is bearing more fruits by the moment. Whatever this 'Kyubey''s scheme is, it's not too different from your home.

You would note how much stranger her emotions are now that you stand this close to her if not for the sudden surge of anger that suddenly appears deep inside you.

It would be bad to do what it tells you though. The girls could be harmed, and you don't know whether your justice will bore fruit.

'Calm yourself.'

Multiple abnormalities share the trait of being small and cuddly, all while being able to utterly destroy you with their power after all.

You redirect your focus onto the child in front of you.

"Introduce yourself, will you? It is rather rude that you know my name, but I don't know yours."

"I will warn you ahead of time. Do not trust Kyubey. Do not contract." She pulled her attention from you back to the whole group. But you can still catch the emotions which leak from her.

The girl's reply was strange. Filled with such a mess of emotions, doubtful, hopeful, conviction, determination, anxiety, and fear.

Why is that so? You can only guess.

She then reaches for the shield on her arm and

went away. 'Hm…Way to make me jealous.' That is indeed a mighty ability. You used to have it but now you don't.

And it does give you a rather strong impression of these 'wish' powers. Hopefully, not all of them will be that powerful.

You have had enough problems with time shenanigans entities before.

'I will have to think more about it later…or when I'm bored.' You turned your attention back to the kids.

The Sayaka girl is complaining about her, with Madoka trying to defend the black-haired girl.

It seems like that Homura is a fellow schoolmate of these two. You will give her props for killing Kyubey, although given its current presence next to you, it appears that it was all for naught.

'It's a good thing I didn't follow through on murdering it earlier.'

Still…stalking Madoka huh? What is her goal you wonder?

Madoka defends her despite such an act too. There is definitely more to that girl than what you currently know. Or perhaps it's just the girl being naive again.

Time stop ability, a gaze that seems far more mature for such a young girl, a seemingly mysterious purpose, and a distrust of the shady evil ferret.

There is definitely more to her than meets the eye.

Mami herself seemed to have made up her mind regarding the girl though. Her words may make it seems otherwise, but you have more than enough time to understand what her emotions say.

Let's add a heavy dose of 'No social skills' to that list too. It seems like whatever she did before she alienated these two, Sayaka and Mami.

Whether that is deserved or not, you will have to investigate later.

There truly are so many things to investigate and think about.

'A pity I am so slow.'

Mami then proceeded to bring up a good point to you. You are currently homeless, moneyless, and basically nameless.

That is a horrible position to be in, back in the City. Perhaps wherever you are, it's kinder. But better to be safe than to be sorry. Beside, it's a token of trust to these kids.

"I am…currently lacking any residence. Or money. I'm new to the city. But it's probably not inaccurate to call me a homeless hobo. Are you aware of any safe places for one to sleep at?"

They seemed shocked at this information. Some pity too.

Strange. You have been feeling nothing but frustration at your current situation and might have blown a short fuse here and there.

Why would they appear to care so much for some random stranger they have just met? While it is indeed a dangerous situation to sleep out in the street, you don't think you would need it as much as they think you do.

A place to stay is merely just an operation base. Angela's body doesn't even need sleep the last time you checked, with how efficient she is at dealing with employee reports and facility maintenance.

'Though I wonder just how much of it was because she already knows how everything will go.'

Madoka seems especially distressed about it too. That is a rather naïve mindset for someone in the City, isn't it?

Mami then proceeds to make an invitation. Hmph- This kid.

While you dislike the idea of living close to that thing, Kyubey, Mami seems like a good source of information regarding the creature and the general magical girl contract. But still. To offer a stranger a place in your home, especially when they are older than you are.

Besides, from the tone of her voice to the small traces of emotions that you can see leaking from the girl, you feel like there is more to this than you think.

But to rely on a child like her, while intentionally using it as an opportunity to abuse her trust and gather information…


'I hate this.'

How evil can you be?


And with that, your group went their separate ways.

While walking with Mami, you managed to gather more information. One, the previous location is actually a shopping mall, not a construction site like you thought.

Two, the location, the city you are in, Mitakihara is similar to that of a Nest. A beautiful place to live in, if nothing else special. What is more shocking is the "nation" of Japan in this particular city resides. You didn't push any further, but that is definitely something you will need to look into further. Wouldn't want to look too strange asking obvious questions.

Third, Magical Girls mechanic. The Witches, the magical girl's contract, and the reason why Kyubey targets mostly children. It appears that someone your age having the karmic potential for a wish is strange.

You just thought the creature was strangely insistent on having children be its soldiers. But to think there's an actual reason for it.

You are still suspicious, however. The creature butt in on your conversation with Mami too much. In fact, you have more than enough proof now, not concrete ones but still, that the creature definitely is hiding something. He wouldn't interrupt and try to control the conversation so much if he didn't.

You just need to find tangible and credible evidence.

Though let's put that off for later. You need to answer Mami's question first. Once she is done speaking that is.

"-It's not like anything I've ever seen. What is your magic?"

She is curious and excited at the prospect of learning about your ability. Her attempt at hiding it beneath the polite and cheerful persona is adorable.

It reminds you of Lisa, or well Tiphereth, when she's in her more, rare but absolutely adorable, happy mood.

Still, you would have to mimic your body's owner and keep a lot of truths away from the girl.

Outside of the fact that what you know is highly dangerous even by city standards, and the fact that you don't trust that white rat even if you have to touch him with the Twilight blade.

You just don't want the girl in front of you to think of you as a monster and ruin her seemingly happy mood.

You are already using her trust enough. Keeping her happy is the least you can do.

"It is less magic and more an advanced form of technology. A lost one. I am the last and final owner of its products."

She then presses you further for your capabilities, curiosity somewhat sated.

Now, this is a problem. While you completely trust Mami at this point, she's too sincere for you to distrust really, you aren't quite so sure whether or not it's a good idea to inform Mami about your 100x reaction speed. She would needlessly worry over you about it if you do.

'Technically speaking, I don't really need to specify do I?'

You ended up just telling her about the general combat capabilities you currently have, while also saying that you have a decent reaction speed. No need to let her know that from your point of view, she is basically not moving at all.

Your current capabilities might not always stay that way, however. 'I will crack the code to teleportation eventually. Just you wait.'

It would be nice to move around without feeling like it takes forever.

The conversation continues while you walk with Mami.

After what felt like days, or maybe it actually was for you, you suddenly noticed something odd. Which was a godsend.

Because you are bored out of your mind. You have completely memorized basically every single detail on the road you and Mami are walking on by now.

'Finally! Something to distract me.'

Mami was surprised when you suddenly tugged at her arm.

"I sense something strange nearby. I would like for us to go and investigate it. It feels important."

"Okay? If you are sure?" The girl is both confused and curious…And that's it?

How surprising. Not one bit of suspicion against yourself? Why?

You are going toward something she doesn't know about. A purpose she might be harmed by.

Surely that should warrant distrust right? Surely you aren't the only one right?


'Why aren't you warier of me when I am still keeping secrets from you even now?'


Mami directed you up to the rooftop, to be able to move without interruption. Which is rather troublesome, you quickly realized.

While she was more than able to traverse it. It took you a bit of getting used to jumping across them in Angela's body.

'I really want that goddamn teleportation.' You lament as you embarrassingly and sloppily jump from one rooftop to the next as Mami waited for you.

Thankfully, after a while, the KoD E.G.O helped you get more used to it.


By the time you and Mami eventually arrived at the source of your feelings, the city's industrial district, Mami's dread is picked up by you.

She answered your query about her mood by explaining that apparently, this is a very powerful witch, and how it is good that you managed to detect it earlier before it starts preying on people.

Worrying then. That you are about to meet face-to-face with one of the upper levels of these "Witches".

No matter. You shall defeat it all the same.

Entering the barrier invites that same feeling of overwhelming disgust once again. But you merely steel your visage and power past it. It wouldn't do to make the girl worry right as you two fight a powerful foe.

What came next, is one of the few moments where you are grateful for your 100x reaction speed.

Within the barrier, you and Mami have to stand upon thin clotheslines suspended above an endless sky.

Your E.G.O instincts also helped. But it doesn't make it any less nerve-racking. 'I just made an unintentional joke didn't I?'

Mami reassures you that things will be fine. But it just made you feel worse. You are supposed to be the one supporting her and making sure she has less of a hard time as payment to her charity. To be comforted by a child over something this small. How humiliating.

You gotta redeem yourself. If not for Mami's sake, then for your pride as the Manager's sake.

From that point on, it wasn't too difficult as you and Mami quickly traversed the barrier. With you adapting to the strange environment rather quickly from the outsider's perspective.

During the combat, you obtained some more information on Mami.

First, she feels very sheepish when she has to rely on someone. Because of your hurt feelings regarding having to rely on her, you have been sniping and instantly killing most of the Matthieus, legs with skirts essentially, before they can even see the two of you with your swords, leaving very few for Mami to even see, let alone fight.

'No fatigue from attacking them with 4-or-less blades at once…and the generation rate of the blades is fairly high.'

Mami seems very impressed by your super-long-distance sniping abilities though. Which definitely made your mood better. You definitely didn't blush. You can't.

Second, Mami is overdramatic. Her attacks have a lot of flair to them. It would probably look better in real-time but with your reaction speed, it just seems incredibly wasteful and ineffective. She is very capable outside of that, however. In both power and accuracy.

Though from what you gleamed from her emotions during the fight…'You don't need to impress me with something like this. You are already more than good enough.'

Outside of that, due to your long-distance attack range, the two of you encountered basically no problems dealing with the Witch.

The Witch herself, Patricia, was immediately bounded in golden ribbon and shot to death by the both of you. Returning the world to a nor-

Wait, no. You two are still in a barrier. The once-blue sky has become stained with orange and filled with black clouds. Fragmented buildings drift aimlessly through the void.

Another Witch. Mami and you decided to continue investigating the barrier. It took a while until the two of you arrive at a large red building with a strange door covered in orange symbols.

It looked ominous.

Mami and you prepare for combat as you opened up the door. The sight that greeted the both of you is a world wrapped in the color of black.

Everything is either black or grey in color. The vast hills that surround you are a deep black that appears to be one continuous block of land. The sky above you is a bleak abyss filled with illogical patterns that twist and tumble aimlessly. The empty blackness of the night consumes the artificial sky just before it crests the horizon in the distance.

In the distance edge of the horizon…you can also see stars…

Strange themes aside though, you shook Mami from her sightseeing as you changed her attention to the small structure you spotted.

"That structure…it seems different from Witches and Familiars, let us go check it out yeah?"

"Okay! Now that you mentioned it though. It seems…similar to you?"


Strange then…

Upon approaching the structure, you noticed someone, or more correctly something you couldn't see from the distance before.

A pink soldier. Entirely decked out in pink armor. With a pink gun. All in the shade of pink slightly paler than Madoka's hair.

It's Army in Black…

'Why is Army in Black, an Abnormality here?'

'Are there any other Abnormalities here?'

'Is it a threat? It's not Blackened. So it shouldn't explode right?'

'Protect Mami, this is an ALEPH-level threat in front of you.'

'Plans plans plans, I need to make some immediately, this is an unrestrained monster that can destroy humanity itself!'

Any further train of thought is cut off as the soldier suddenly turned around and moved closer to you. You tensed up before quickly calming yourself.

'Calm down. It's not Blackened, trust in what you know.' With some effort, you managed to pull some of your more panicky lines of thoughts back and start devising a plan in case the Abnormality turns out to be hostile.

The soldier came to a halt in front of you two, set the butt of its rifle on the ground with enough power to dig the butt into the ground, and saluted sharply.

"Welcome, ma'am. We have been holding this position in preparation for your orders." Its voice was calm, which helped ease some of your tension.

'Good, it's not in the process of blackening yet.'

Even better, it seems like it wants your orders.

Mami seems very confused by this and immediately asked you a question about who this is. You could answer it, but it's better to check out whatever Army in Black is doing first and then explain it to her, so you deflected it with an "It's complicated."

Turning back to the Soldier, you gave it the order to report on the current situation. Your voice came out far more authoritative than Mami is used to, surprising the girl a bit.

Apparently, there is another Abnormality in this barrier, one strong enough to repel the Army in Black.

All while also having a psychological influence. Many could fit in that description, all of them being in the ALEPH category.

You do not look forward to meeting any of them.

Then there is the matter of "Spatial Distortion", which you quickly deduced that it is the Witch's barrier.

'Too many unknowns…' An Abnormality sealed inside of a Barrier by another Abnormality that is also sealed inside of a bigger Barrier. Still, you have a route to take.

You decided to trust the soldier. AiB isn't exactly the most deceptive of Abnormalities while it is in its calm state. Urging the soldier to lead you to the location of said Witch, you and Mami followed him.

One thing you notice while walking, however, was that Mami seems…drowsy of sorts.

She was fine before. And seems fairly skilled as far as a combatant goes.

From your memories of talking to Gebura about combatants and their high level of alertness in the face of danger, someone like Mami shouldn't be this air-headed.

And her soul gem, which last you checked back when the two of you defeated Patricia was still clear, is now darkening rather quickly.

You informed the girl about it as you two walked, and she quickly cleaned it, in a rather undignified manner, as she apologizes for being sloppier than usual. Though her sloppiness did help you confirm that these soul gems are more than they looked like.

'Just like everything else regarding this magical girl business.'

"I am not sure it's your fault to be sorry for Mami."

"What do you mean, X?"

"I'm just saying that it might be the mental influence of whatever this unknown Abnormality. That soldier mentioned something about mental influence remember?"

"That is true..." The girl looks pensive at this. Seeing the opportunity, you decided to kill some time while you two follow AiB.

"This brings me to my next point, about your question. Try to stay awake for this all right?"

She giggles at your attempt to lighten the mood before she snaps back into attention. "Hai Hai Teacher."

"So to explain it better in the short time we have,-"

You quickly explained the basic concept of an abnormality to her, and how the two beings within this barrier would fit that concept, all while answering any questions she have about Army in Black. She seemed rather curious by the end of your explanations.

"What do you think the other Abnormality is then?"

"I am not sure myself. There are many that would fit the description given by AiB. But unless I get closer, we can't be sure."

Then, the two of you finally reached where the soldier was guiding you.

On a pitch-black hill, there is a small encampment of pale-pink tents. Alongside you know, just 10 Army in Black soldiers, counting the guide you have. A force far stronger than anything you can handle.

It was definitely a good thing you didn't attack them.

When he leads both of you to rest in one of the tents, the soldier that was guiding you spoke up. "Ma'am, we would advise against bringing the civilian any further. We will gladly fight in place of the pure-hearted. So there is no need for innocents to take up arms themselves."

Mami frowns at being dismissed and began to argue back. Quite the chivalric girl isn't she?

Given the general status of Mami's soul gem, and how she was blackening in a manner eerily similar to the Abnormality sitting across you, you would agree with the Army in Black.

At her argument though, before you can get a word in, the Army quickly acquiescent to her, and turned to you.

"As you have more resistance to this Abnormality's influence than us, we would ask you to destroy the focal point of the spatial distortion in our place. We cannot operate in our current capacity for much longer without unacceptable collateral damage. Without further ado, we salute you, ma'am." And with those words, Army in Black places its rifle on the ground and gives a final salute before vanishing in a puff of pink heart-shaped particles.

You pick Pinks off the ground, inspecting the gun as Mami stares in complete bewilderment at what just happened.

You can make a guess as to what the Abnormality meant by unacceptable collateral damage. Though that is strangely…understanding of the pink soldiers.

Perhaps their rampant state is only possible in the hell that was your home? Possible. Could be likely too. In those darkened corridors, where every day would be filled with constant death, fear, and despair, it is no wonder these soldiers can only go crazy.

Mami still confused, asked you about a plan to take down the Witch.

Well. You aren't too worried about that part of the problem. From what you've seen of a "very-powerful" witch, it's unlikely for this one to cause you any real trouble.

No, the problem lies in the Abnormality itself.

Even now, you can hear it, the slightly small almost unnoticeable, and yet omnipresent sound.

It was hard for even you to notice it before, but now that you start to focus, you can hear it.

The Sound of a Star.

[Blue Star]

"No. Only I will go."

"What! why?!" Mami seemed almost in distress at your denial.

"You know what I told you about the Army in Black yes?" She seemed confused by your sudden question and nodded in reply.

"Then understand that while Army in Black is bad, the upcoming Abnormality is worse. The organization I used to work with named it Blue Star, it was an entity that was worshipped as a god by a suicide cult. Its followers believed that they could reach some sort of afterlife or paradise by throwing themselves into it. As far as I know, it just kills people," Mami seemed horrified at the idea of it.

Good. Even back then, when you were safe and sound in your manager's room, every time that thing sent out a Pulse, you could still hear it. Someone like her shouldn't be near this thin-

And then Mami immediately got more worked up about it. Immediately saying that we should go and kill it. This girl...

Once again, you have to shoot her down. For three reasons.

One, she cannot go near it. Its mental effects are already darkening her soul gem faster than normal. She was shocked when she rechecked and realized that it was true.

Two, Abnormalities cannot be killed. No matter what you do, they will come back. The only way to avoid them causing chaos is to contain them. Which isn't possible right now.

And three, you deflected her worries by saying that Army in Black seems to have some idea of how to get rid of Blue Star, by destroying the Witch itself.

Point three is, of course, a lie. The real reason you want her to stay out of this is that you believe that even with the both of you this might be impossible. You are too slow, and she is too vulnerable.

And given that Army in Black was different from before, with its behavior, it's not too unlikely that Blue Star itself might also have some differences too. Too many risks. You can already see something going wrong.

You then devised a plan which wouldn't need her to follow you. It's a half-assed thing. Meant to give her a piece of mind, and maybe give yourself some too.

She will give you as much firepower as possible, and then you will deal with the problem.

Reluctantly, Mami agreed and made you a huge rocket launcher. You were a bit shocked at the size of it at first but quickly accepted it.

As you heft Pinks up while slinging the rocket launcher onto your back, you left Mami with one last message. To keep quiet about the Abnormalities, as they aren't supposed to be out and about like this, and if people knew about them, things could get dangerous for both her and me.

It's mainly because you still don't trust Kyubey, while Mami does. But it's also to prevent mass panic among the people. Many Abnormalities go ape shit whenever that happens.

Mami responds to the grim look on your face with a solemn nod, and the two of you part ways for the night. But before you leave her.

"Don't worry!" You call to her just as she was just turning away. "I'll be back! I promise!"

You don't think it really helped much. The noise is much too loud here for you to read her emotions. But from the now determined look on her face as she nods at you with a small smile. You'd like to think it worked. She is less likely to run after you like this.

It's probably for the better because you aren't even sure you can protect yourself, let alone another individual.


The walk through the Barrier is agonizing. If you weren't so preoccupied with how dangerous the situation is, you would compare the environment around you to something similar to the moon.

The familiars who live inside this Barrier aren't helping it either, what with their ambushing tactic, hiding within the ground. Attacking in groups larger than 4.

Though after the first Sebastian, you've already adapted to their strategy and are now sniping them before they could even notice your approach. Still, you have to get too close to them for your liking, you can't always see them when they hide behind rocks and trees after all.

On the way there, your experiment with Pinks bore fruits. You can wield Pinks alongside the Knight all at once.

Further increasing your ranged firepower.

'Still. That noise is getting more and more unbearable by the second.' It grates on your mind. You feel like you could've done more with Pinks but you aren't sure what else can you do.

You didn't think much of it before when AiB mentioned that you have high mental resistance, but now that you thought about it, that bastard must have been lying.

Because you feel like your head is going to split with how annoying the sound is.

These familiars probably are somewhat unique themselves. What with their appearances looking rock-like similar to the legs of Blue Star.

But once again.

You. Don't. Care.

'I can't fail this.'
This place gets more and more annoying as you travel through it.

The terrain begins to change as you travel. Trees, vines, arms, and unending greenery spring from the ground with no rhyme or reason, all pointing to the bright Star in the sky. The plant life has also been converted to stone, giving the Barrier the appearance of a strange, destroyed temple. The ground begins to tilt higher, like a mountain soaring toward the sky before abruptly plummeting off.

At the edge of the cliff sits the frozen form of Elsa Maria, the Witch's humanoid body splitting open into a titanic tree that reaches nearly a kilometer into the sky but is still unable to touch the target of its ire. Blue Star hangs in the sky, massive even at this distance. Elsa Maria's stony body below it resembles a shrine or artifact of some sort, reflecting the azure gleam of the God that shaped it.

The noises intensify. The voices in the back of your head are luckily still affected by your heightened reaction time, so they aren't as bad. Still, it is getting harder to ignore them as time went on. They are becoming...clearer in a sense, instead of being louder.

'I need to keep moving forward.'

The army of Sebastians that is charging at you is secondary to the real threat of that giant monster.

The wounds they inflict on your body are nothing more than scratches. But they are delaying your arrival and extending your time listening to this annoying noise.

'It is a good thing my assessment of Angela's durability is accurate.'

Their teeth break upon your skin. Making an army of these things nothing more than a bunch of speed bumps. With the looming call in the back of your mind. You pushed on.

By the time you are done with the Familiars, your fuse is already running horribly short.

All that's left is Elsa Maria herself, still unmoving from her position on the peak of the cliff.

You switch Pinks out for the rocket launcher slung behind your back and began to aim for your perfect shot on the ido-

"Why would you despise me? When I seek to give to you the salvation you need?"

The pulse was almost instant to the outside eye.

And that makes it all the more agonizing. What would've been an attack that lasted for but a moment, instead is drawn out to last for 100.

Like the scratching of a hundred forks against the chalkboard. You can't think- Don't resist it.



You are being pushed back for a moment as the ground you were standing on erupted. A shadow stood in front of you…but you aren't paying attention anymore.


Gravity catches you. Gentle. You can feel every moment as if it was normal time. No longer bounded in that cursed one hundred time speed up. "Why are you trying to let us slip away?" That voice…


The blue glowing light consumes your entire vision. "I envy you, manager, you can conveniently forget your moments most filled with shame." That quote…I remember that.


"Come,", the voices called out to you in your mind. No longer slowed down, sounding so natural, as if they were by your side all along. "Even if you could break the cycle, it would not last long." They…they are so familiar to you. These were your friends, weren't they?


"You deserve salvation. You deserve to rest. You do not need to seek redemption. Please, there is nothing to be afraid of." Would it be so bad? To be accepted for who you really are. "You left us because you were afraid of who you were, Manager. But you don't need to be scared." But I harmed all of you. Your deaths were at my hands.


"We are all waiting for you. Waiting to see you again." "Meet us again, as stars."


Can someone like me really be loved?




Aren't you forgetting about our duty? About our debts?

I cannot fail like this. To a task this simple. As a fool incapable of keeping a child's promise. I. Will. Not. Allow. It.

A pair of arms grabbed your waist before you could try to fling yourself into salvation as a bullet hammered your head. And the blue gleaming light cleared from your eyes.

You began to finally notice the 3 soldiers standing by your side. One of them was hugging you to his chest while another lowered his gun.


"Good to have you back ma'am."

"What are your orders commander?"

They are quickly darkening. But they still stood by your side. With their 100 times slowed-down voices. And their painfully slow movement.

'It really is ironic.'

"Dismissed." You told them as you brought out your rocket launcher again.

"Understood ma'am." The soldiers beside you disappeared into puffs of pink hearts, as you fired 4 blades toward the idol. They either missed or failed to do much damage against the hard stone.

As expected, your aim is shaky and your attacks weak. Your mind still hasn't fully recovered yet from the pulse. You would need to get closer to complete your job.

You decided to pull out the Sword Sharpened With Tears…and jammed it into your guts. Another pulse comes from the Star, but this time you are prepared for it.

'Even now.'

Your muddled mind has managed to deduce that Elsa Maria's body is still where it was, the surrounding area untouched by Blue Star's attack. It's a focal point of some sort, a link through which the foreign god attaches itself to reality.

Your body glowed in white gleaming light, and you reappeared on one of the floating rocks above that idol. Right as the pulse destroyed the ground you stood on once again. A knight must be quick and swift, otherwise, you will never arrive on time. You heard the Knight's voice amongst the cacophony in the back of your mind.

'You still can't do anything but rely on others.'

You teleported away just in time. As another pulse annihilated the rock you stood on.

'Even the Abnormalities have to help you out.'

And reappeared right behind the Witch, weapon out.


Your mind is still muddled, even more so now with how close you are to the Star.


The voices are clearer than ever in your mind. Feeling as if you still stood beside them your friends, your co-workers.


The gravity of the ALEPH, gripping you ever stronger.


The bright blue gleam of despair heralded yet another pulse incoming.


But the blade in your guts clears your mind.

The distance between you and the Witch makes the possibility of missing next to zero.

The will of a soldier guiding your hand.

And you simply pulled the trigger.

The bright yellow light which came from the weapon is almost a blessing.

It flew slowly. That rocket. So slow that you are afraid for a moment that it would miss.

But you should have never doubted the strength of the ones who stood with you.

With a deafening explosion. A bright yellow flash roared into existence as the rocket hit the dead center of Elsa Maria.

And the world swirled. The dust and stars themselves, are sucked right into the Grief Seed.

The massive Abnormality is turned into a…sapling of sorts. Which landed right next to the Grief Seed.

You think you heard the voice of someone running closer. But as you dismiss the blade in your guts, and fall flat on your back, you can only think of the last voice in your mind.

"Can't you hear my voice any more? Please…answer me."

'I hate this.'
AN: And thus, ended the second chapter of "Being Angela is suffering". Don't need to worry. I assure you that X (A) will be kicked some more while she is still down.
If you noticed any particularly strange moment where X (A) almost seems delusional in her theories or assumptions. Just chalk it up to her being even crazier than X (K) is currently.
She has a habit of dealing white damage to herself, that's all.

The Knight Of Despair: Synchronization: Fully integrated.
Army in Pink: Synchronization: Fully integrated.

Ah, the fun quiz here. There are 14 Army in Pinks soldiers who appeared in this omake. Where do you think the 14th one is mentioned?
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'Finally! Something to distract me.'
'Plans plans plans, I need to make some immediately, this is an unrestrained monster that can destroy humanity itself!'
Voice is a bit weird here compared to the rest, and definitely far from our X's voice; although this could be the Time or rambling speaking here (Omake 1 was closer IMO)
[Well, this X definitely fits the whole easily distracted analysing things mentioned in the Character Sheet better though...]

Here are 14 soldiers
Alternatively, the last soldier is the "will of a soldier" line??
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Now that I think about it, Angela probably will be a master at human biology simply because the more than thousands and Million times, she sees a man's skull being cracked open/Upper torso being ripped apart by nothing there or other abnos.
But because she has nothing better to do. And even turning her head away is too damn slow for her to not have to have a lasting impression of a dead body.
She can probably even give you the number of nothing theres eyes at any given moment.
By the time you finished your wandering thought, that blue-haired girl finally finished her greeting to Madoka.

Finally. :V

I'm…Calm yourself. Angela dealt with this for 1 million years. You can deal with it too.'

*Dealt* is a correct word to use for it, yes, not the best one thought, endured it and resented it are better ones and hated it is probably the best one for the end.

It is always the same. You have more than enough experience with another red and white abnormality that seems good as first to know that there is more to this, similarity to Lobotomy Corporation aside.

I mean, Carmen just wants the best for you!

What? White Night? Never heard of him. :V

Interesting *little* omake.