Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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A good rival plan as any
Plan Desperate hope is simply that at the end of the day thats trying to handle as much it can

That's partially why I won't vote for it, it has good ideas, but better to try and do it by chunks, that's the nature of a quest, new updates always comes with new information and you risk problems if you have a plan that continues despite that. Can lead you right into a wall.
As I had said prior, my vote was the best option at the time until something better came. And now something better has, swapping my vote to be
[x] Plan: honest negotiation 101
Also Mami and everyone else is Future X's problem. Honestly explaining to Mami and co that "Actually Kyoko has been replaced since I first met her." is going to be it's own huge issue and topic that we can deal with after talking with NT!

"Not when I'm so close. Not when I'm so close to-" They suddenly cut themselves off, and for a second you think you see embarrassment at the outburst.
Anyway super important line here too, I mean likely 'so close to being human' but... considering who's form she's basing off of could it be to 'so close to being like Kali?' or 'so close to- being/working with you?' If we think about NT's past then the vast majority of their targets for 'being human' have all worked for The Manager so perhaps part of NT believes that working for The Manager is part of being human?

Remember the previous side story... Labeled "I Love You"
"Right, you probably didn't know about the monster thing. Or maybe you did, with how hard you fight just for territory. I'm actually doing you a huge favor, keeping you all safe with me! I need all the parts I can get for my debut, so I won't let a single one of you down! Plus, I think Manager would be sad if you died."

The empty husk on the ground said nothing to the husk standing above it.

"Oh, you don't know about Manager either, do you? They're great! Everyone always trusted and believed in them so much! They'd always make sure I had somebody to talk to! In fact, it's thanks to them I got to come here at all!"

"Do you think they'll recognize me when I finally introduce myself? Oh, of course they will! I've been holding this line so they can have some peace and quiet, I'm sure they'll be so happy to see me! Now, about cleaning this up…"
... NT's already started to rationalize things and has shifted from just pure 'become human' to more than that. It's "Become Human and Make Manager Happy because of everything The Manager has done."
But I do want Kyoko back. It will be a test of NT humanity.
Seeing as how the thought of Kyoko being dead bothered NT, and how happy she was to go "Look see they're all alive and safe! I /need/ them so even more reason for me to keep them safe!" Which kinda fits in with NT not quite understanding things, I mean they're all alive and with her so The Manager should be happy right?

"I'll accept it," You say with your usual managerial cadence. Nothing There leaps up and towards you in joy before you add "on one condition."

The Aleph immediately stops centimeters away from you, nervous energy apparent for the first time since you began.
Hmm the more I read this the more I feel confident that as long as we don't threaten taking away her ability to become human, NT will otherwise agree with anything for The Manager? And even that distressed and embarrassed her for going against The Manager, for losing control of herself.
No AGENTS deaths. Sadly, clerks are impossible to save from everything, but who counts them over your custom made nuggets?
This only counts because we cannot do anything for Clerks.

We can definitely save the 37 magical girls.

Does Nothing There know this?
If it does, then that information definitely isn't something at the forefront of it's mind right now. But it probably does given that it went out of it's way to keep the MGs alive.
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Its nothing there its divided why not just unload with disposal bullets.

A: with what gun? B: do we currently have disposal bullets to use? I suspect the answer to the second one is no, and the first one... well, we're currently in a confined space with NT, which is honestly significantly less then ideal for aiming fire arms.
One thing I know for sure.

After this, I'm voting for X to have a pillow fort with Yuma and Mami. We need to recharge our energy with some Attachment Work.
Now this is a twist that i did not see coming, while i vehemently do not want to associate with NT in any form, the other choice is one uphill battle with a seemingly low chance of success
You immediately recognize her attempt to draw everyone into a lighter conversation for what it is and join in
"I just- I knew you were a strong Magical Girl, and that we were partners, but there are- blank spots, I don't know!"
and there are some things I don't want to let out even a little bit
Setting aside the nature of the situation, it's quite impressive how far NT managed to get with so little information, and NT somehow knows enough about humans now to attempt to comfort them and mostly succeed
Personally, I'm going to take this as me being right and Kyoko not actually being Kyoko. I expect to be proven wrong, but until then I'll enjoy my guess work.
*Only now gets an insightful rating by the quest master*

oh u so cheeky
Since there has clearly been some failure to properly communicate this on my part, I'll state it clearly here.

Combat with Nothing There is not an instant loss. It is currently significantly weakened in order to maintain its current level of humanity, and will not give that up unless it has absolutely no choice. Nothing There and X are equals physically right now, with the differing factors being X's EGO Gear and support from others against NT's stolen Magic.

Fighting is a viable option as long as you're smart about it.
No, some people decide it was hopeless before this situation even occurred. No failure on your part, just some people talking themselves into a corner.
...Theoretically, I suppose we could, yes. But should we?? Should we really? It doesn't feel right to me. Sure, we gain another sapling and all the soul gems, but in exchange we lose the possibility of seeing an Abnormality become 'complete' in a sense. Seeing an Abno's ambitions fulfilled with no chance of backsliding... It's unprecedented. Abnormalities as a whole are built on a foundation of tragedy. Walpurgis is an entity that thrives on it. No, even if we could Suppress NT, we shouldn't, because we'd be shooting ourselves in the foot. Feeding into the cycle of grief and tragedy Facility X-394 was built on.

Nothing There has grown more intelligent with each shell she took. At this point, she's reached a level where she could absolutely be a person if she had all the context. All we have to do is help her realize that and show her that the soul gems are a crutch. Teach her social norms, some biology, effectively raise a child for a bit and we'll be a step closer to Victory Forever. She won't need to take other peoples' shells because she can just make her own.

She'll have everything she ever wanted and more, and we'll have on our side the full, unrestricted might of the greatest Red-Damage Abnormality in existence, without needing to sacrifice any more lives. Hell, we might still be able to extract EGO from her like that.
It's currently costing 37 kids their bodies, their autonomy, while being in extreme pain. As someone who has had to live with extreme pain, Nothing There can get bent.

There's no guarantee getting more Gems would work anyway. It's already 37 deep. What, is 40 the magic number? 50? A hundred. Just because Nothing There thinks it's getting closer doesn't mean it is. It's very easy to bullshit yourself.
-[x] By the way, how did they make the illusion and what is Kyubey following right now?
We already know how, it's using a Magical Girl power, probably Kyoko's, to send an illusion over there.

I'm not voting for any plan that does get all 37 Soul Gems in agonizing pain out of Nothing There. Full stop. No excuses, no bullshit. I'm not opposed to resolving this peacefully, but I'm not taking chances.

[X] Try to Convince Nothing There this isn't the way. There's other options. You made a Cage out of your own EGO, surely it-, or she, of she prefers, can at least let you try to do the same for her. A Shell made of herself. She saw how Lobotomy worked, after all. Those Soul Gems can't take the strain of what she's doing to them, and we know it's hurting the girls inside. X doesn't want that. Anything worth calling human doesn't want that.
-[X] If it continues to refuses, or gets violent, pretend to back down. Ask to at least check on the gems it's had longest with Lobotomy. After it either lets them get checked, or refuses, say that your willing to take the deal until you can figure out something better. The moment you feel that's guard is down, telepathy Homura, and tell her to time stop and get here to bring you into timestop. Then hit Nothing There with Lobotomy, either to put it to sleep so you can safely extract the Soul Gems, or cut it off from the Soul Gems magic and stop the pain.