Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
[X] Try to Convince Nothing There this isn't the way. There's other options. You made a Cage out of your own EGO, surely it-, or she, of she prefers, can at least let you try to do the same for her. A Shell made of herself. She saw how Lobotomy worked, after all. Those Soul Gems can't take the strain of what she's doing to them, and we know it's hurting the girls inside. X doesn't want that. Anything worth calling human doesn't want that.
-[X] If it continues to refuses, or gets violent, pretend to back down. Ask to at least check on the gems it's had longest with Lobotomy. After it either lets them get checked, or refuses, say that your willing to take the deal until you can figure out something better. The moment you feel that's guard is down, telepathy Homura, and tell her to time stop and get here to bring you into timestop. Then hit Nothing There with Lobotomy, either to put it to sleep so you can safely extract the Soul Gems, or cut it off from the Soul Gems magic and stop the pain.
Apologies NT. I really don't like seeing 37 girls get put into a soul blender.

It's evil. Simple as.

[X] Try to Convince Nothing There this isn't the way. There's other options. You made a Cage out of your own EGO, surely it-, or she, of she prefers, can at least let you try to do the same for her. A Shell made of herself. She saw how Lobotomy worked, after all. Those Soul Gems can't take the strain of what she's doing to them, and we know it's hurting the girls inside. X doesn't want that. Anything worth calling human doesn't want that.
-[X] If it continues to refuses, or gets violent, pretend to back down. Ask to at least check on the gems it's had longest with Lobotomy. After it either lets them get checked, or refuses, say that your willing to take the deal until you can figure out something better. The moment you feel that's guard is down, telepathy Homura, and tell her to time stop and get here to bring you into timestop. Then hit Nothing There with Lobotomy, either to put it to sleep so you can safely extract the Soul Gems, or cut it off from the Soul Gems magic and stop the pain.
A Non-sequiter, if you please

The person before you is tall, nearly your height. Dull red hair falls in messy curls down barely past their shoulders, a few trails of green and blue twisting together just above their left ear. Their skin is a bone-white that gradually transitions to a light tan towards the extremities. Mismatched eyes, sapphire blue and emerald green, stare at you in unrestrained glee. Around the creature's body is a heavy coat that resembles Kali's own, veins a d muscle woven together in place of threads of fabric. Beneath, the creature wears a simple black shirt that seems slightly too coarse to be any ordinary material. The Abnormality smiles at you, as if everything is right in the world. You can say only two words, your voice flat and emotionless.
So, Not quite Moetron then?
[x] Plan: honest negotiation 101:


[X]The situation is not yet unsalvageable. Talk to i-her. Ayin's past taught you what poor communication does to people, and how to avoid making the same mistakes. There has to be a way for everyone to get what they want.

Nothing There has changed, she has undeniably developed her own sense of identity and personality. How well developed that identity and personality are and whether they mean we should give her a chance are debatable, but she has changed towards becoming human, and that means negotiations are a thing that are possible. She can be convinced of different things, she can be taught, and we can help her, so that's what I want to do.
We can't save everyone.

Even if that was the case:

-One, that quitter's talk
-Two, that's no reason not to try

Its nothing there its breeched disguised why not just unload with disposal bullets.

The ones we don't have?

We already know how, it's using a Magical Girl power, probably Kyoko's, to send an illusion over there.

We know OOC, and it's iddle talk and allowing them to brag even if we know IC.

I'm not voting for any plan that does get all 37 Soul Gems in agonizing pain out of Nothing There. Full stop. No excuses, no bullshit. I'm not opposed to resolving this peacefully, but I'm not taking chances.

Your plan has exactly the problem I pointed out when posting mine: this is the beginning of the negotiations, try to learn the situation and what levers we have before going instantly to ultimatums and plans to betray.

Also, I will never agree with any plan of discussion that includes a *how to betray if it doesn't go well* in it, that's a horrible mindset to have and just asking for problems, you do not negotiate while clutching a dagger in your back *just in case*.

We can get the girls back, there is no need to do it next update, we can learn how to convince NT easier during this one and use that to make a proposition that will actually works, instead of going in as if we already lost.
Adhoc vote count started by Lurker183839 on Nov 16, 2022 at 3:24 AM, finished with 202 posts and 22 votes.

  • [x] Plan: honest negotiation 101:
    -[x] Begin attachment work on NT, ask questions, try to learn more, stop if they seem to become too unstable. You want to learn more about them as a person.
    -[x] You may have an alternative to his… her… thei.. actually, first thing first: what pronoun should we use? (Using they in my vote for ease of writing)
    -[x] You may have an alternative to *insert pronoun* method to become human, after all, they can see it right now, you appear and act human right now, what would they think if trying to test if it works for them? Later, of course.
    -[x] By the way, how did they make the illusion and what is Kyubey following right now?
    -[x] You can accept them as an employee, but you'll have to say no to their offer to be Kyouko for you, Mami would be devastated if she learned that you accepted this, you should come clean to her if you want to do this.
    -[x] There is more to being human than a body, they seems to get that, but you can help in this, you can teach them.
    [X]The situation is not yet unsalvageable. Talk to i-her. Ayin's past taught you what poor communication does to people, and how to avoid making the same mistakes. There has to be a way for everyone to get what they want.
    [X] Try to Convince Nothing There this isn't the way. There's other options. You made a Cage out of your own EGO, surely it-, or she, of she prefers, can at least let you try to do the same for her. A Shell made of herself. She saw how Lobotomy worked, after all. Those Soul Gems can't take the strain of what she's doing to them, and we know it's hurting the girls inside. X doesn't want that. Anything worth calling human doesn't want that.
    -[X] If it continues to refuses, or gets violent, pretend to back down. Ask to at least check on the gems it's had longest with Lobotomy. After it either lets them get checked, or refuses, say that your willing to take the deal until you can figure out something better. The moment you feel that's guard is down, telepathy Homura, and tell her to time stop and get here to bring you into timestop. Then hit Nothing There with Lobotomy, either to put it to sleep so you can safely extract the Soul Gems, or cut it off from the Soul Gems magic and stop the pain.
    [X] plan desperate hope
    -[X]The situation is not yet unsalvageable. Talk to i-her. Ayin's past taught you what poor communication does to people, and how to avoid making the same mistakes. There has to be a way for everyone to get what they want. Negotiate via Attachement work and gather information
    -[X] Ask her to let you go through with the Lobotomy session. Not to take any of the Soul Gems away from her, but to make sure they aren't being harmed or at risk of dying.
    -[X] Gather as much information without triggering Nothing There's aggression, during lobotomy gather as much information as possible and figure out their plan
    -[X] if you can not reach a good agreement, reluctantly accept and wait until you are strong enough to suppress them
    -[X] Set the various souls to some sort of hibernation if possible and ask nothing there to be careful not to hurt or break further
    -[X] find substitutes for the soul gems if at all possible, even get kyubeys help
    -[X] backpedal on the 'i could help make you human' comment and apologize for it. Claim it was insensitive and based on preconceived notions of what Nothing There was like in the facility.
    -[X] Nothing There is for all intents and purposes, a child. A very powerful child trying to understand the world and how to fit in with those around her. She is absolutely a person. A human, even if she doesn't have the shape of one, or a full understanding of morals and societal expectations. So now... Her next step should be to solidify herself. Learn what she wants to do and be now that she's 'won' her main battle. Help her with it where possible, Treat her as a child, as human, and teach her. Especially human biology, psychology, morality and developing her own identity as a person. First Step a Name, not just an Epithet but an actual name, and what pronouns they wish to use
    -[X] politely accept nothing there's offer to be an employee but decline her hecoming kyouko and find some way to gently break the truth to the others via telepathy afterwards and ask them to not attack and for them to simply treat Nothing there as a particularly volatile magical girl who is in desperate need of help, then Properly introduce them by inviting them in with Nothing there's permission, Yuma First then the others
    [X] Give Kyoko her privacy while performing the scan.
    [X] tell nothing there that it could ask for shell from X as she also now Abnormality with most human shell and promise that it can help you more this ways……
    [X] Plan: Stack the deck
    -[X] If Nothing There is still in its shell, you might have a chance. Fight.
    --[x] Stall for more time
    --[x] While stalling for time have QB make a network between X, Mami, Sakaya, and Kyoko
    --[x] Have Mami get Madoka and Yuma out of here and away from where-ever we're fighting.
    --[x] Sakaya assists by buffing X and generally just trying to stay out of the way of the fight otherwise. If asked why, explain that purely physical attacks do not work on this thing.
    --[x] 1 on 1 network with Homura, explain that NT stole a bunch of soul gems and ask if she can attempt to use time stop to swipe them while she's distracted with fighting us.
    --[x] Basically the game plan is a fight with Sakaya providing buffs and Homura using time stop to assist in whatever way she thinks will help.
    --[x] Tell Homura about 'Goodbye' and ask her to drag you into time stop to commit massed fire and get out of the way of the attack.
    [X] Hug her

Seems like currently we are arguing about which flavour of diplomacy to use here
I just thought about something. Does X have IC knowledge of the Aberrations (Namely Nobody Is), because that seems to be what's going on here.

My current disposition towards Nothing There is that it is it's own person and wishes to be acknowledged as a person.
X knows that in the past Nothing There would take anything that it could to become a human.
Nothing There is afraid of not being accepted by X as a human as well as possible betrayal.
X knows that Kyouko was Mami's closest connection and desires to help her.
X knows of what happens when EGO overwhelms an agent.

[x] Plan: Hopeful Bargaining
-[X] Try to convince Nothing There that there are other ways to go about this. We know that what she is doing is overwhelming their minds and we wish to help both them and you. Mention that our body is also a shell and that if it desires we can try to help build her one as well. Ask them if they would be willing to work with us through this.
--[X] If they are still willing to work with us ask if we could perform Lobotomy on the gems.
---[X] If yes assist the gems and start doing our best to form bodies for both them and Nothing There (Prioritize Nothing There's)
---[X] If no ask if we could try to use Sound of A Star instead.
--[X] Be prepared to dodge if they do not wish to
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[x] Plan: Bargaining

--[X] If they attack us do our best to dodge while using Pale rapiers and try to summon Last Helix and the Army in Pink as well if possible
---[X] If we manage to stay safe for long enough call for assistance from Homura with an explicit warning to stay as far away from Nothing There as possible and ask for time-stop

The last part is not something that should be included in any honest bargaining vote, having a mindset that is already thinking on how you'll fail is not a good thing, we will vote for how to fight if a fight happens and no sooner, trying to include it in the vote for the talk is taking words and energy that could've been used in talking better and making sure the fight don't happens.

A negotiator don't enter a room thinking on how he'll kill everyone if negotiations fail, they do it with the intent to negotiate and are sincere in this behavior, no betrayal planned, no *I can't do it*, no *my position is right and my interlocutor is wrong*, you want to learn more, find levers, seek the boundaries but not push them, you want to defuse the situation, not think on how it'll escalate.
[X] Accept the offer FOR NOW. You lack too much information. NT seems to trust you a lot. Use that trust and gather more information, then you can make a more informed decision. You cannot beat NT in a physical fight but there's nothing stopping you from taking a page out of Hod's book.

[x] Plan: honest negotiation 101:
-[x] Begin attachment work on NT, ask questions, try to learn more, stop if they seem to become too unstable. You want to learn more about them as a person.
-[x] You may have an alternative to his… her… thei.. actually, first thing first: what pronoun should we use? (Using they in my vote for ease of writing)
-[x] You may have an alternative to *insert pronoun* method to become human, after all, they can see it right now, you appear and act human right now, what would they think if trying to test if it works for them? Later, of course.
-[x] By the way, how did they make the illusion and what is Kyubey following right now?
-[x] You can accept them as an employee, but you'll have to say no to their offer to be Kyouko for you, Mami would be devastated if she learned that you accepted this, you should come clean to her if you want to do this.
-[x] There is more to being human than a body, they seems to get that, but you can help in this, you can teach them.

This feeling of h hopelessness while trying to help someone... It hits home
Honestly, I would like the "honest negotiation 101" If it weren't likely to make one (or many) of the girls witch out...

In this kind of situation, I would personally break right there and then, maybe try to talk to NT about human emotions, empathy, among other things. But in the end I would just resign and beg her to please don't damage the soul gems, to please don't hurt anymore MGS, that I would be willing to try and help...
Don't know what to say honestly. This is horrible...
I just chose this vote because maybe X has a better idea...
Really good chapter Lepidoptera.

Read the bargaining plan wrong.

EDIT: Changed vote
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I do not have too clear an idea what to say here, but just for the sake of an informed discussion:

Two points in favor of Nothing There:
"I take it things went well?"

Your eldest daughter nods and takes a seat across from you in the living room, clearing her throat before she elaborates. Barely-contained glee dances through her body.

"It was great! I was worried she hadn't wanted to see me after all this time, but it was really just a miscommunication.
As amusing as it would be to let this argument continue, you should probably stop it from escalating. Wouldn't want a brawl at your front door, after all.

"Something the matter?" You open the door to Sayaka and Kyoko, both in full Magical Girl regalia, glaring at one another with their faces barely a hand's width apart. Neither have drawn their weapons yet, but they might have actually gotten to that point if you hadn't intervened.

Nothing There had unattended meetings with both Mami and Sayaka and both are still in perfect health.
So points for that, at least.

But also something against Nothing There:
Ì̵͕͔̫̀͂̀̌̄ ̴̡̧͓̻͔̠͇͍̟͑̌͛͂̃̒̚̕c̸̛̮ạ̴̢̨͉̙̗̜͓̟̾͋̂́̒͑͑͠n̴̹͍̫̥̰͇̯̈́͂͛̑͋̌'̶̻͇̑̈́̓̑̎̋t̸̹̃̽ ̸̟̼̲̣͉̬̒̌̄͋ ̴̩̱̳̙̱͇̣̟̥͋͌͌̽̂͠ ̴̡̱͇̣̌̆ ̵̛̛̖̈́a̸̹͈̙͊̈̌̎n̸̛̦̽̿̎̿͆͊͝ŷ̶̖̙̪̋̋͊̑m̷̬̏̈͐o̷̳̦̘͉͚̻͍̬̟̅̃r̶̠̽̏̈́͌̾̚ȩ̴̯̝̯̼̽̑̓͗͝͝ͅ-̶̨͈͎̖̘̖̲̮̉́̏͛̈͛̐̕͝
Ņ̸̨͇̞͇̬͛ö̸̻̜̲̼̋̀̈͌̀ ̷͉̀̿͋̉̑͋͐̂͝n̷̪͖̱̞̿̄̆̃̓ơ̵̪̞̩̱͆́͊̇̈́͝ ̷̨̢̓̓̅͌̽̊̔̕̚n̴̺͍̋̏̐ȏ̵̬̟̌̏̆͛̌ ̴̰́̋͒́̓̕n̷͈̱̼̅͑̂̔͋̿̚͝o̷̘͐̄͒͠t̶̢̢̢̧̳͎̺̤̀̀͂ ̴̢̢̜̳̜̬̳̝̟̈́h̵̢̨͖̯̺̰̦̽̀̅̍̋͐͛͝e̷̢̼̹̮͖̿͐͒̕̕̚r̸̨̬͇͚̦̻̒̈̈́̀̀͌͗̄̕ ̴̞͍̎͋̚p̵̧̧̪̟͇̫͕̓̏͂̕l̴̟͖̖̳̏̈́ḙ̵̙̗̔a̴̜̼͎̜͔͈̦̓̅̑͜͝s̷͈̩̊͊̅̆̔͠e̷̲͚͍͓̾̄̈͗͜ ̶̩̋͆̔͠n̸̛͚̄̅̀̈́̀̕͝o̸̧͋͝ţ̷̛͖̼̻̼͒̋̈́̆̚͘-̸̛͙͖̾̿̎͌
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As far as I could decipher it it says:

"I can't anymore-"
"No no no not her please not-"
"Are you there? Anyone? I need-"
"please why, it hurts so-"
"I'll do anything, I'll-"

Under the assumption that those are from Kyoko it means she currently has not that great of a time.

So just for consideration.

Also now we know why "Kyoko" never accrued any Exposure.
... I hope that means Yuma doesn't have any because of Birb's EGO gift and not due to something more sinister.
She went through a whole day of school without anything exploding, so there should be no reason to worry? Maybe?
Honestly, I would like the "honest negotiation 101" If it weren't likely to make one (or many) of the girls witch out...

My plan has no intentions to go and talk to Mami and co next update, they are at no risks of withching out right now. We can see how to break the news to them after we get the situation with NT under control, we don't need to spin this plate yet.
The last part is not something that should be included in any honest bargaining vote, having a mindset that is already thinking on how you'll fail is not a good thing, we will vote for how to fight if a fight happens and no sooner, trying to include it in the vote for the talk is taking part and energy that could've been used in talking better and making sure the fight don't happens.

A negotiator don't enter a room thinking on how he'll kill everyone if negotiations fail, they do it with the intent to negotiate and are sincere in this behavior, no betrayal planned, no *I can't do it*, no *my position is right and my interlocutor is wrong*, you want to learn more, find levers, seek the boundaries but not push them, you want to defuse the situation, not think on how it'll escalate.
That is fair, I just like to try and have a plan ready. There is also the fact that next update will probably be almost all of the conversation with nothing there and there is a distinct possibility that it will attack. I did end up changing it to prepare to dodge an attack instead of planning to strike back, but mainly because X has shown major amounts of fear so far in the interaction and don't want to completely ignore that.
My plan has no intentions to go and talk to Mami and co next update, they are at no risks of withching out right now. We can see how to break the news to them after we get the situation with NT under control, we don't need to spin this plate yet.
Ok, the thing is, no matter how we break it to them, it's going to be BAD. The best plan I had was making NT transform into Kyoko 1 last time and making her "go on her way" in a way where they still don't interact a lot, but that feels like lying to Mami, and the truth will become apparent sooner or later, and she will react worse because we lied...

Will change vote anyways
Fuck. That joke about Kyoko and X looking like mom and daughter came to bite us in the ass.
No regrets! :whistle:
Ah, shit, that's what the marks close to sakura church where, Kyouko's last moments, NT managed to somehow use part of her magic to make clones that are the things Kyubey is chasing, or something close to it.
I was mulling this over, actually; Kyubey never said it was Nothing There moving toward... was it Kamihama? Only that it was an Abnormality X declared dangerous. Unless I misremember, this could also have been Judgement Bird.

Anyway, I already knew an Update hit when I opened this Thread and saw like eight new pages. Good job to the QM for ninja-ing Nothing There in front of our noses without anyone figuring it out.

[X] Nyarky

Also, my vote. I concur that this situation is unlikely to be resolved in a single Update, so negotiations it is.
The best plan I had was making NT transform into Kyoko 1 last time and making her "go on her way" in a way where they still don't interact a lot, but that feels like lying to Mami, and the truth will become apparent sooner or later, and she will react worse because we lied...

Yeah, just as you said, that plan would almost definitely be worse, my current ideas are about making sure to show them Kyouko's soul gem, I am bot working on it much because one of the biggest factor for it is currently an unknown, basically, if it is possible to get the gems back before going to explain to the girls, it'll mitigate the damages by a lot, problem is, it is also not easy to do and we are lacking info on how we could, so, concentrating on that right now.

I now miss Whitenight. Seriously. If Kyoko was somehow stuck with Whitenight it would be at the very least, a lot less worrying in the now.

But nope. Shes's not even Kyoko. Shes NT, who is using Kyoko as a high-quality cosplay costume.
Yeah, just as you said, that plan would almost definitely be worse, my current ideas are about making sure to show them Kyouko's soul gem, I am bot working on it much because one of the biggest factor for it is currently an unknown, basically, if it is possible to get the gems back before going to explain to the girls, it'll mitigate the damages by a lot, problem is, it is also not easy to do and we are lacking info on how we could, so, concentrating on that right now.
The problem with that is that we only talked about the Lich-bomb not the Witch-bomb...
This is more despairing by the second...

I have to go to sleep too, it's 6:03 AM here and I have an exam post tomorrow...
Good night/day everyone.
Only that it was an Abnormality X declared dangerous. Unless I misremember, this could also have been Judgement Bird.

"The Abnormality previously identified by X as a significant threat has recently been spotted moving towards Kamihama City. I will be allocating all my available resources towards tracking it."

Goddamnit you're right, judgment bird is indeed the most likely candidate, still want to keep the question in my vote about this, might lead to interesting knowledge depending on reaction.

Also, boy are there a lot of obvious hints about Not-Kyouko in retrospect when rereading the last updates. She look at Mami's reaction when we tell about our nature because she wants to see if she'd accept her, and because she probably isn't sure on how Kyouko would react. She is the first to talk after it and instantly go for *but you're not a monster so it's ok* because it concerns her too.

Somebody already pointed out her interest in Madoka wanting to be a doctor, as well as the soul gems she was probably wearing the first time we saw her.
What's the likelihood of Kyoko being the "first" soul gem NT took?

Darn it.

And Judgement Bird is moving into Kamihami huh? If that really is it, I wonder what it's doing there.

Judgement Bird and The Adult who tells Lies go together was well as oil and water.