Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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For some reason, I'm imagining this conflict like it's undertale but the MERCY option has been replaced with ADOPT
We know OOC, and it's iddle talk and allowing them to brag even if we know IC.
It just seems like a space filler to me, not even useful space filler. If you want to get it bragging, try asking about the other MG powers it has? The ones it's getting by torturing teens and preteens. Or maybe ask how it's measuring its progress towards something as abstract as Human.
Your plan has exactly the problem I pointed out when posting mine: this is the beginning of the negotiations, try to learn the situation and what levers we have before going instantly to ultimatums and plans to betray.

Also, I will never agree with any plan of discussion that includes a *how to betray if it doesn't go well* in it, that's a horrible mindset to have and just asking for problems, you do not negotiate while clutching a dagger in your back *just in case*.

We can get the girls back, there is no need to do it next update, we can learn how to convince NT easier during this one and use that to make a proposition that will actually works, instead of going in as if we already lost.
Disagree about the negotiations thing. X already started, and the opening offer got a hard reject. Given my hardline is all the girls, no one left behind, I don't expect this to end well.

I think the best chance to save those kids is stab Nothing There in the back. That's what I care about, so that's what I'm going to vote for. Nothing There, as I said, can get bent. Every moment letting Nothing There worm around those kids minds is a moment too long. That I'm even giving it a chance to resolve this without hurting it, a real chance mind, when I'd much rather mutilate the fucking thing, is taking a lot of goddamn willpower.
The likelihood of him instant killing her is high too.

Its just that I don't think the Adult is dumb enough to not jump on the blind bird with a surprise attack.
If there's one thing I'm sure of about the Adult, it's that she's very well-defended right now. She's the kind to hole up and set a base of operations. It's probably all made of emerald, too. It's unlikely that JB can sneak up to deliver a kill at all. If they meet, it will be in her terms.

[x] Plan: honest negotiation 101:
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I think the best chance to save those kids is stab Nothing There in the back. That's what I care about, so that's what I'm going to vote for.

Then we'll simply never see eyes to eyes, betraying a willing potential ally *for the greater good* is something I find absolutely horrid.

Disagree about the negotiations thing. X already started, and the opening offer got a hard reject. Given my hardline is all the girls, no one left behind, I don't expect this to end well.

Just because the very first offer given without any context has been rejected is not a reason to instantly go and say *well, negotiation's over, time to kill everyone*, seriously, of course the first offer was rejected, that's always how it goes, you simply use the knowledge of how it was rejected to continue. There is absolutely no reason to reject *get all the girls back* as a possible end of honest negotiations right now, we didn't even try to bargain yet and have no real idea on our interlocutor's boundaries.


Also, your post makes me think you would be an horrible negotiator, too much emotional reaction and not enough empathy for the one you're talking to, NT is not a thing, doesn't intend to do harm, and is actually non hostile, trying to provoke her or stab her in the back is not the attitude of someone who wants to try to save as many people as possible. I do not want to make X into someone that can do these things for convenience, thinking on how to stab NT in the back is just as monstrous as keeping the girls in a fate worse than death for me, it is a betrayal of ourself, our own principles as someone who wants to do better, be better, it should never happen.
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we pulled an agent copy out and we know helix is in there somewhere is it really so unbelievable that x might be able to pull out a copy of her gun if we try.

Yes, because we don't know how any of it works.

Also, see my previous posts for what I think of even thinking of betraying NT here.


I am not saying I will roll over and accept anything NT propose, or that I won't try to win if it degenerate into a fight, I am saying that I don't want to be the one that turns hostile first just because the other one didn't accept our first mindless proposition. The last line of my vote is basically an opening for more, a first offer, *here is what we offer, what does she offer in exchange?*

If Nt refuse to be reasonable, to accept to even budge a little, to even entertain the possibility of not keeping the girls in eternal agony, THEN we'll discuss how to stop them, but doing it beforehand is how you poison the well and argue in bad faith.
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Looking back at our initial encounter with "Kyoko", I'm pretty impressed that Nothing There managed to impersonate Kyoko near flawlessly.

One moment stands out:

You scan for any familiar sensation, any sign of an Abnormality's presence, but nothing makes itself apparent. At your side, Kyoko fidgets and taps the base of her spear against the ground as she fiddles with her necklace.

We were explicitly looking for an Abnormality's presence during this scene, but we got fuck all even though we were standing right next to her. The way she fiddled with the soul gem makes me think that she has a magical way of fooling our senses. Probably one that works at close range, since she insisted on coming along.
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I don't see NT as an ally. Its behaviour is more of a betrayal or infiltration in my eyes.

Leaving the MGs with NT IS the option you are disparaging, in my eyes.
While my pessimistic brain said that there's no way we can win against NT we are not that smart.

I more empathize with NT, In my ayes NT is just a newborn who can't differentiate between right or wrong, and in NT ayes standing beside manager is the peak of happiness that can be attained. So what NT think is the MG that traped also feel happy to be working alongside Manager after fashion

It's also worth remembering that the possibility that NT doesn't know about the MG that suffer because of her.

So I think rather than kill this newborn it's our duty to guide NT to the correct path. And if possible try meeting NT eye to eye and persuade NT to agree to receive our assistance in making a perfect shell and giving the soul gems back to us
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Leaving the MGs with NT IS the option you are disparaging, in my eyes.

Where did I even say I wasn't trying to get the girls back? The goal of this is to see how to do it without razing the neighborhood and losing a potential ally, and NT IS a potential ally, they would NOT have reacted as they did if they were a betrayer or infiltrator. If they were, they would have asked not to have us use lobotomy, something we proposed ourself, by the way, they would have gone full bore on *yeah, let's use a different method to see if I have been mind controlled* or attacked us as soon as we were alone with them and about to blow their cover anyway.
It's also worth remembering that the possibility that NT doesn't know about the MG that suffer because of her.
Okay, I can see how that could be possible, it just...doesn't change anything in my eyes.

If it gave up on the MGs, then sure, but it refuses to stop and going by evidence its pretty fucking bad.

So one unrepentant being who refuses to stop what seems to be torture, when someone who she respects a great deal asked, or 37 other beings.
Okay, I can see how that could be possible, it just...doesn't change anything in my eyes.

If it gave up on the MGs, then sure, but it refuses to stop and going by evidence its pretty fucking bad.

So one unrepentant being who refuses to stop what seems to be torture, when someone who she respects a great deal asked, or 37 other beings.
That why we need to try diplomatic route first. Try to understand NT goal, and if possible give NT more humane alternatives. We also need to give reassurance to NT that asking other people help is also a necessary path to become Human. A help that we currently try to give to NT. We also need to say that we are while disappointed with NT method, we will not judge NT or even we will be ecstatic if NT agree to receive our help.

And isn't it a greatest honor to make people we admire to be happy for us?
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So one unrepentant being who refuses to stop what seems to be torture, when someone who she respects a great deal asked, or 37 other beings.

Or we could negotiate and save 38 persons by giving NT an alternative.

Seriously, NT is not unrepentant, that would require them to even understand that what they're doing is wrong, they are ignorant, naive, innocent (in the sense of not knowing right from wrong), we are negotiating with a baby who don't understand that what they're doing makes other suffer, not with Hanibal Lecter making us eat our children and taking joy in our suffering.


Also, it has already been said but need to be said again:

Rejecting NT's humanity here is a step in not accepting that X can be humane too, it is rejecting our own chance of redemption by not accepting to give it to others. This would be a huge backstep in the self-acceptance we managed to get thanks to Mami and Yuma's reassurance.
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And if you say that NT is unrepentant murderer, we can frame it like this NT greatest desire is becoming human. In this dimension NT manage to find a perfect shell in which NT dream can be achieved. Of course NT will try to desperately cling to the only method that NT know for sure cam achieve it, bonus point if NT can achieve it alone, that in NT mind probably will make manager happy

We can also said the same about homura if you can said. Homura greatest desire is saving madoka, nevermind that which each iteration what homura do is make the situation worse by increasing madoka karmic potential. And if you think homu is innocent in her quest we need to only remember how many time homura pre-emptively kill every obstacles In the beginning of each iteration
I mean, our chances of getting everyone back in combat is basically 0, given as even if successful an Alpha Strike would not be able to attempt to avoid the Soul Gems, given they are currently hidden from view.
And so, if our goal is to save everyone, at least try our best to negotiate first without thinking of combat? If that fails (to whatever definition of failure), then we can consider the Alpha Strike
It's almost sad in a certain way.

You could consider the offer X made as a final test of sorts. Nothing There wants so badly to be human but instead of finding worth within itself it doubles down and tries to compensate with pale imitations.

Much like Angela's decision to break the cycle of constant vengeance, it was her going against her nature and making her first TRUE decision that marked her as human. Nothing There fails at this, too scared to lose what it has obtained to risk everything for a true chance at being itself.

It offers to be Kyoko Sakura, but what we asked for was Nothing There. Because Nothing There would've been enough, because Nothing There didn't need to be anyone else.

And that's the true tragedy, that this denial was made by fear and a constant-clinging to its nature as an Abnormality. Therefore, because of fear, Nothing There will never be human.

I'd make a write-in vote for X to present this very argument, but part of me is sure Nothing There wouldn't recognize the points presented within.
I'd make a write-in vote for X to present this very argument, but part of me is sure Nothing There wouldn't recognize the points presented within
Perhaps we could mention that one doesn't need to be a human to be under our care, Abnormalities can be too? (Well, be our responsibility, but they can shift towards being the same thing)
And that's the true tragedy, that this denial was made by fear and a constant-clinging to its nature as an Abnormality. Therefore, because of fear, Nothing There will never be human.

I'd make a write-in vote for X to present this very argument, but part of me is sure Nothing There wouldn't recognize the points presented within.

Perhaps we could mention that one doesn't need to be a human to be under our care, Abnormalities can be too? (Well, be our responsibility, but they can shift towards being the same thing)

You know, it would be interesting if we managed to reach the library and show Angela post game to NT. That would probably do a lot right there.

In the meantime, we can go and teach them this, make them more sure of themselves, show that we can accept them for being themselves as long as they're humane, correct their mistakes and praise them when they get things right, basically, be a good parent to them and consider them a *special need* child.

But first, we have some negotiation to do to reach this point.
Oh, @Lepidoptera, just remembered because I decided to reread the update, my plan is a direction more than exact instructions, sorta? I know it retread some things X asked, like the alternative method of being human, but it is something I think can work? I think NT probably only retained the *we dont want you to keep your current source for your body* instead of the *we may have another way*, so I want to reiterate it in a different context, without the other *distraction* (it is important that we recover the girls, but shouldn't be said in the same paragraph since it makes NT reacts too much.).

This is also why I begin with asking pronouns, it's a conversation reset. The goal is to learn more by being willing to listen and offering alternatives, asking them a little about what they can do (like the illusion question), checking their boundaries and what they want, these sort of things.

I'm pretty sure I already said it and you probably read it and understood what I was trying to do, or at least my feelings about what we should do, but I want to make sure it is here in a post with a ping so that I won't regret not being more clear in case of miscommunications.

After all, we did say quite a lot that this is a setting where miscommunication does literally kills, might as well prevent it IRL too.
At work, but is it not possible to tell NT that she doesn't HAVE to be kyoko or anyone else for us to accept her? She just... Can't torture kids. Other children, even, given how strongly she comes across as a really mentally fucked up kid seeking approval.