Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
Fighting is possible yes
Without hurting any of the hostages further Lep
No I don't think we can avoid hurting the hostages so it's best we run damage control
Since there has clearly been some failure to properly communicate this on my part, I'll state it clearly here.

Combat with Nothing There is not an instant loss. It is currently significantly weakened in order to maintain its current level of humanity, and will not give that up unless it has absolutely no choice. Nothing There and X are equals physically right now, with the differing factors being X's EGO Gear and support from others against NT's stolen Magic.

Fighting is a viable option as long as you're smart about it.
Yeah but what will happen when the "shell" break? Isn't it the same losing Scenario then?
[X]The situation is not yet unsalvageable. Talk to i-her. Ayin's past taught you what poor communication does to people, and how to avoid making the same mistakes. There has to be a way for everyone to get what they want.
i still say no because that is only the shell we are talking about, and if we go berserk on this mother fucker and break the shell..it still gonna be absolutely painful.
Yeah. But there's nothing there about what will happen AFTER we defeat her current form.

She is a Frieza villain. You gotta prepare yourself for her strongest. Not her current.
Defeating Nothing There in its shell doesn't cause it to break out and change forms. Nothing There can be suppressed at any of its stages.
Since there has clearly been some failure to properly communicate this on my part, I'll state it clearly here.

Combat with Nothing There is not an instant loss. It is currently significantly weakened in order to maintain its current level of humanity, and will not give that up unless it has absolutely no choice. Nothing There and X are equals physically right now, with the differing factors being X's EGO Gear and support from others against NT's stolen Magic.

Fighting is a viable option as long as you're smart about it.
Good to know if it comes down to it, but personally I'd like to avoid it so long as Diplomacy remains An Option.

That in mind, I think I have.... an idea. My brain screams that it is a bad one, but it might not be. Also this isn't fully thought out and me sort of just rambling my thoughts out onto the keyboard.

First, backpedal on the 'i could help make you human' comment. Claim it was insensitive and based on preconceived notions of what Nothing There was like in the facility. Back then she wasn't quite as knowledgeable, and it was wrong to assume she'd still be the same. We're going through a time of change, and change can be strange, scary, and unexpected.

Back then, she very much was struggling to get what she wanted, but here, now? Nothing There is for all intents and purposes, a child. A very powerful child trying to understand the world and how to fit in with those around her. She is absolutely a person. A human, even if she doesn't have the shape of one, or a full understanding of morals and societal expectations.

So she's a person. And she managed it by emulating others, which is impressive. But at this point, she's reached the limit of what she can learn via mimicry. As it stands, sure, she's a person, but nobody can really say what kind of person. So now... Her next step should be to solidify herself. Learn what she wants to do and be now that she's 'won' her main battle. Like Nobody Is. Her Abberation succeeded, after all, so clearly they must have been asking the right questions, right?

Except I have no gods-damned idea how to get from here to there. Because of course I don't. Meme, help???
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[X] plan desperate hope

I recoginize that this is probably the best plan we got right now so im changing my vote, but I maintain that if we set off NT somehow we will be in a fight against our will. I just want to have our cards on the table if that happens, ya know?
The OP said it is viable. So I am inclined to believe that.
If we beat Nothing There she will likely just turn into a Sapling. So we would not need to worry about anything there I'd say.

Okay. In that case trick Nothing There into giving up Kyoko's Gem. Call the Homu Timestop Button over QB Telepathy, tell them that an Abno had been hidden inside Kyoko and just hit it with Sayaka boosted Tiro Finale's and EGO gear and just try to suppress Nothing There even if it totals the apartment.

Or trick her into leaving for the streets first I guess.
[X] plan desperate hope

I recoginize that this is probably the best plan we got right now so im changing my vote, but I maintain that if we set off NT somehow we will be in a fight against our will. I just want to have our cards on the table if that happens, ya know?
Do take note I will be updating it as the debates continue to account for bew insights like Genih wats
A quick omake because the scene makes me laugh too much (and also hope).

The Manager, X stood with one of her daughters on her floor of the Library, part of her /knew/ it to be hers, and standing across from her were the familiar human forms of the Sephirah, Angela, and a man she'd never seen before. Outside of Binah and Hokma, the rest of them looked rather confused at her chosen appearance.

"Yes I look different, but after falling into the Light and needing to build myself a body I picked the person I most wanted to emulate! Also, let me introduce you to one of my adopted children... I learned quite a bit on how to do it right from not doing what Ayin did. This here, " She hefts up a shorter somewhat similiar looking girl to herself with red, green, and blue hair and a blue, green eye. "is NT-Chan."

The still somewhat confused Librarians looked at her funny, of them only Binah seemed to immediate realize who she had in her hands. The sudden intense focus was easily observable for X. A moment later Yesod seemed to catch on as well by how he gave her a far too familiar look, even as a robot, of just how exasperated he was with her decisions.

NT impishly smiled in your grip before introducing herself in the most chaotically way possible. It's easy for her to mimic her old voice.

"hëLLò?" she says without the accompanying attack.

Pandemonium broke out among the Librarians and it took quite a while for things to settle down, but the panicked confusion was rather nostalgic for X. The whispers she overheard of panic about her other adopted children were quite amusing as well. Still with this icebreaker, she was fairly confident about it all working out.

I kinda assume that if we break Nothing There's shell, we just win and get a sapling? Otherwise it wouldn't make any sense to fight at all.
Edit: Confirmed while writing from QM, breaking shell counts as suppression.
Still... I worry about the parallels X is already forming with NT and how our actions might reinforce X's view of themself. As X seems to be having a small bit of hope about an Abnormality being able to change for the better.

Regardless, your fellow Abnormality has been friendly so far. Maybe you can hold onto that?
First, you have to believe that Nothing There will actually lose their violent impulses when they become human. While it seems a logical conclusion, Abnormalities are very rarely that straightforward. More importantly is the question of if it's even possible for an Abnormality to become human. No matter what shell they wear, how perfectly it fits, how many people believe it to be real, an Abnormality will remain an Abnormality. It would take a miracle to change that.

And while I currently talk about adopting NT, I guess if they mentally mature quickly as a result of becoming human and re-contextualizing their past...
Well, relatively friendly. The way Nothing There has started staring at you seems somewhere between adoration and hunger. They either want to eat you or are… what was the phrase? "Checking you out?"
There's the whole chance of Yandere NT-dating instead of NT-adoption.
I was talking about the whole can Abnormalities help people thing NT was kinda trying to circumvent, and meeting what is essentially a good faith attempt at diplomacy with an sneak attack
I just don't want to do it, okay?a single action that we did not accounted for could end us with a total wipe out, I would rather play safe and find another time to backstab her then just do her in right now.
It is just too big of a risk.