It's less what you're offering and more the manner you're offering it. A letter is the least dramatic and impactful way you could do it. This is something best handled in person with our social buffs active and lots and lots of witnesses to spread rumors.

[x] zxzx24

True, and that was my original idea, but we don't really have an easy means of doing so unless we go loud with Tygett. I just want to plant the idea now, to let it stew and spread, so we can call back to it during a parley in the future.
Let's not preclude killing children yet. Joffery is will still be a kid when we end up fighting the war.

Murdering children is too OOC for Viserys. It's one of the places where he clearly draws the line (the only exception would be if the child has stopped being human...even then he'll hesitate because it might just remind him of Dany). The limits of his morality are very much based around "Do not be my father" and "Do not be Tywin Lannister."

Too soon to throw down the gauntlet like that... I'd issue a public declearatio graften on to the ravens that will declare our invasion. Too many things can still change, if Tywin throws his lot in with Baator for example its not out of the question we'd chuck most Lannisters into Yss' gob and confiscate everything the rest owns.

Edit: besides, Tyggett will read it and then promptly hand it to Tywin, who will burn it and achieve nothing.

Ah, but Tygett will have read it. If he's being cautious (avoiding explosive runes) and has a mage look over it first, they might know too. And will Tygett keep it from his other family members, if things begin to get dire for the Lannisters? He's the angry one, the one who doesn't get along with Tywin.
So thinking about things some more I realized i can't do a proper Shireen interlude. She is too young, hardly three years old. I just don't feel I can mange the voice of someone that young. Her mother might work better as an interlude after the fact.
All right then. Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 11, 2018 at 11:57 AM, finished with 138145 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Agree to let Dany heal Shireen while you recover Rhaella's bones
    -[X] Tilt every portrait you walk past.
    [X] Agree to let Dany heal Shireen while you recover Rhaella's bones
    [X] Argue against it
    -[X] The longer we tarry in Dragonstone, and the more people whose path we cross, the greater the likelihood of discovery. Let's collect the bones, without splitting up, then continue our journey.
    [x] Agree to let Dany heal Shireen while yourecover Rhaella's bones, and any and all family heirlooms you see.
    [X] Agree to let Dany heal Shireen while you recover Rhaella's bones
    -[X] After you have both finished your tasks, leave a letter for the Lannister in a public but unoccupied place, before teleporting out.
    --[X] Outline the crimes you hold Tywin accountable for (the murder of children through Amory Lorch and Gregor Clegane, the rape and murder of Elia Martell, the sack of King's Landing, and aiding in the usurpation of the crown), but state you do not seek the utter destruction and ruination of his house. He (and the specified bannermen) will be held accountable for their crimes, but you will spare any Lannister that does not fight you, but instead bends the knee when the time comes, up to and including Jaime Lannister, and furthermore free him from his oath as a Kingsguard, you would spare Tywin's grandchildren and see them fostered with Stannis Baratheon or other honorable relatives if he is rendered unavailable, as long as they do not take the crown. If they did take the crown, you would still give children greater mercy than Tywin did, by sending them to the wall or the silent sisters. If, when the time comes, they bend the knee promptly, they will have much less confiscated from their house, but if they prove stubborn, they will lose more the longer they delay. If House Lannister proves intractable, it will be ended within this generation, with no one bearing that name holding lands, lordship, or among the living a hundred years hence, forever known for their folly.
    [X] Argue against it
    -[X] The longer we tarry in Dragonstone's, and the more people whose path we cross, the greater the likelihood of discovery. Let's collect the bones, without splitting up, then continue our journey.
Murdering children is too OOC for Viserys. It's one of the places where he clearly draws the line (the only exception would be if the child has stopped being human...even then he'll hesitate because it might just remind him of Dany). The limits of his morality are very much based around "Do not be my father" and "Do not be Tywin Lannister
Counter arguement, it's fucking Joffery. Assuming he's anything like canon he's going to do something that is going to put him on the kill list. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he managed to get in contact with demons and started selling souls.

I'm not suggesting that we murder all of them, but I could definitely see Viserys killing Joffery for doing something horrible.

Speaking of the royal family what do you guys think the chances are that Cersei has done something to alienate Jaime? I'm kinda hoping that we'll be able to wedge them apart somehow.
I'm actually hoping that Tywin will be openly pacting with Baator by the time we are ready to kick off the war. It would be nice to use the declaration of war to label him "Enemy of Mankind" and promising "to melt Casterly Rock down to the bedrock to purge the taint spread by his debased crimes".

It just fits so nicely into our narrative.
I'm actually hoping that Tywin will be openly pacting with Baator by the time we are ready to kick off the war. It would be nice to use the declaration of war to label him "Enemy of Mankind" and promising "to melt Casterly Rock down to the bedrock to purge the taint spread by his debased crimes".

It just fits so nicely into our narrative.
And we'd have a green light to sacrifice him. :D
I'm actually hoping that Tywin will be openly pacting with Baator by the time we are ready to kick off the war. It would be nice to use the declaration of war to label him "Enemy of Mankind" and promising "to melt Casterly Rock down to the bedrock to purge the taint spread by his debased crimes".

It just fits so nicely into our narrative.
That means we can fight high-CR devils and we have a chance that reasonable people like Lanna will accept he needs to be put down for everyone's sake so they might join us.

I'm really fine with that outcome.:D
I'm actually hoping that Tywin will be openly pacting with Baator by the time we are ready to kick off the war. It would be nice to use the declaration of war to label him "Enemy of Mankind" and promising "to melt Casterly Rock down to the bedrock to purge the taint spread by his debased crimes".

It just fits so nicely into our narrative.

I think Tywin is too smart to do so, and part of my aim of outlining how his house might survive would be to avoid making him desperate enough to make any such deal. Less chaos and more fait accompli is better.
Weird question. What was Viserys like when he was in Kings Landing and did people say bad things about him then? Not to his face but like how people thought he would grow up as?

In Canon, Barristan commented that he was a lot like Aerys in ways Rhaegar wasn't.

It's one of the reasons he hid his identity from Dany at first. To first see what she was actually like.

Which is pretty hilarious considering what Viserys is like now and what Rhaegar ended up doing.:V
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I doubt he'd be so accommodating.

Not suggesting we do anything about it; but does anyone think that Littlefinger isn't a diabolist?
I think Tywin is too smart to do so, and part of my aim of outlining how his house might survive would be to avoid making him desperate enough to make any such deal. Less chaos and more fait accompli is better.
The thing is that Tywin knows that we are coming for him and not going to accept a surrender.

Besides, the greater the enemy, the greater the hero. The forces of hell make a wonderful backdrop for the messianic image we are building for us.
The thing is that Tywin knows that we are coming for him and not going to accept a surrender.

Besides, the greater the enemy, the greater the hero. The forces of hell make a wonderful backdrop for the messianic image we are building for us.

I will admit, as salty as we were to be interrupted by the assassin devil, getting that reputation boost was very, very nice. I always love furthering the light against the darkness narrative. That's going to help quite a bit in corrupting Brienne.
If we ever found out about the Temple of Nine Swords a guaranteed way to get all the Disciplines under our banner is finding the Blades of each school and giving them to someone who is willing to swear loyalty to us. They would have to be a master strong enough to fight off any challengers but the Nine Swords are the holy grail of Reshars unified temple. They are what bound all the Disciplines as one and the second they were lost everything went downhill if we find them we would be able to reform the Temple under our rule and have them train our Legion. From there we can grab any other Martial Disciplines or Arts pretty easily
As for Joffery he would get along smashing with Demons of the Abyss both being Chaotic Evil monsters. One is just the embodiment of malefic forces of primordial darkness and damnation while the other is Joffery.
The thing is that Tywin knows that we are coming for him and not going to accept a surrender.

Besides, the greater the enemy, the greater the hero. The forces of hell make a wonderful backdrop for the messianic image we are building for us.

That was the point of the letter. Tywin is about his house, not himself (though he is a bit of a selfish... ahem), so if his house has a way out that requires him to die, he would be willing to do so to protect his house's legacy (if it looked like there were no other options).

The devils are already working with someone (I suspect Littlefinger and the Eryie), no need to go pushing more people off that slope.
@DragonParadox do you mean a double crossbow as in the one that can shoot two arrows as it is two crossbows stacked one atop the other. Or a double-bow crossbow that extends the range and increases power? The Khmer double-bow crossbow used the second bow to add further tension to the string thereby increasing its range and allowing it to punch through the strongest armor. Elephant mounted double-bow crossbows were ubiquitous in Khmer and Dai Viet armies. Used as anti-infantry and against light fortifications. Because of the power of these bows Khmer and Dai Viet armor development stopped. They moved to light and flexible armor. Relying instead on mobility and taking cover behind the trees of their jungle battlefields or their heavily armored elephants.

The double bow crossbow has a siege engine cousin especially favored by the Chinese. The triple-bow crossbow. Historical records state, which modern day experiments confirm, that it can launch its payload up to a mile away. That can be anything from gigantic iron bolts (the size of the cabers used in the Highland Games) to bolts loaded with gunpowder, incendiaries or other special payloads.
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@DragonParadox do you mean a double crossbow as in the one that can shoot two arrows as it is two crossbows stacked one atop the other. Or a double-bow crossbow that extends the range and increases power? The Khmer double-bow crossbow used the second bow to add further tension to the string thereby increasing its range and allowing it to punch through the strongest armor. Elephant mounted double-bow crossbows were ubiquitous in Khmer and Dai Viet armies. Used as anti-infantry and against light fortifications.

The double bow crossbow has a siege engine cousin. The triple bow crossbow. Historical records state, which modern day experiments confirm, that it can launch its payload up to a mile away. That can be anything from gigantic iron bolts to bolts loaded with gunpowder, incendiaries or other special payloads.
I'm assuming, since the double crossbow is a racially-preferred weapon by all Minotaurs, that this is what we're looking at:
I'm assuming, since the double crossbow is a racially-preferred weapon by all Minotaurs, that this is what we're looking at:
That's just mid-weight crossbow stacked one atop the other. It's no deadlier than a normal crossbow. While increasing the cost of production and maintenance. If he wants powerful crossbows for his troops then he should use a double-bow crossbow.

Nitpick: That bow in the portrait is flimsy as fuck. If I made that in real life it would break the moment you drew back the bow. That lower bow as depicted is stupid that hole in the bow arm would break the bow from tension, and that slit in the stock weakens the entire frame. Aside from being impossible to draw and load that lower bow.
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That's just mid-weight crossbow stacked one atop the other. It's no deadlier than a normal crossbow. While increasing the cost of production and maintenance. If he wants powerful crossbows for his troops then he should use a double-bow crossbow.
It's not deadlier against real people, where one well-placed arrow ends the fight, but in D&D you want to get as many hits on a single strong foe as possible.
That's just mid-weight crossbow stacked one atop the other. It's no deadlier than a normal crossbow. While increasing the cost of production and maintenance. If he wants powerful crossbows for his troops then he should use a double-bow crossbow.

Nitpick: That bow in the portrait is flimsy as fuck. If I made that in real life it would break the moment you drew back the bow.
It literally doubles our crossbowmen's damage.