[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 360 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)

[X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
-[X] Inventions, Jokes and stand-up comedy, Noise and Music, Pets and animal care, Relaxation, Skating, Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary

Only change is the electives. Given that we only get five electives over five weeks, I'm going to break the pattern and pick some that have a good mix of Anna home runs (Skating - every Canadian kid knows skating, Pets, Inventions, Relaxation) and Anna potential hilarity or potential surprise enjoyment (Comedy, Music, Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary).

While continuing our list is fine, we are never going to get the interesting ones done at this rate of 1 per week and I would prefer interesting updates than Golf.
Last edited:
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are yousupposed to pick? (2 Days)

[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
Adhoc vote count started by Sixpack on Jan 5, 2018 at 3:34 AM, finished with 18029 posts and 33 votes.

  • [X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
    --[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
    --[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
    --[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable. (1 Day)
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 360 points.
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Astronomy
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Continue down the list for the next 4 elective classes
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    --[X] Five Days - 50 points.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Target Rich Environment - 20 points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 80 points
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Inventions, Jokes and stand-up comedy, Noise and Music, Pets and animal care, Relaxation, Skating, Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
    [X] Timeskip Activities - Plan Godspeed
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities. (21 Days)
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Energy Equivalency Speed - 30 Points
    --[X] Teleport Range - 145 Points
    --[X] Teleport Precision - 38 Points
    --[X] Teleport Efficiency - 32 Points
    --[X] Interdiction Range - 45 Points
    [X] Timeskip Activities - Plan Teleporting Training Sessions
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Energy Equivalency Speed - 30 Points
    --[X] Teleport Range - 45 Points
    --[X] Teleport Precision - 38 Points
    --[X] Teleport Efficiency - 32 Points
    --[X] Interdiction Range - 9 Points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 206 Points
    [X] Dn't vote for anything that requires extensive research.
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities. (21 Days)
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions. (7 Days)
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Teleport Range - 145 Points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 75 Points
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Noise and Music
    -[X] Space and Spaceships
    -[X] Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    --[X] Five Days - 50 points.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Target Rich Environment - 110 points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 200 points
    [X] Timeskip Activities - Plan Teleporting Training Sessions
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Energy Equivalency Speed - 30 Points
    --[X] Teleport Range - 145 Points
    --[X] Teleport Precision - 38 Points
    --[X] Teleport Efficiency - 32 Points
    --[X] Interdiction Range - 45 Points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 70 Points
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Astronomy
    -[X] Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Astronomy
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
    --[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[x] Flight world tour: Visit the homelands of everyone as a flight. An around the world tour of India, Siberia, South Africa, Japan and Canada- maybe not Canada. No? Not India either?
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    [X] Continue down the list for next 7 elective classes

Adhoc vote count started by Sixpack on Jan 5, 2018 at 5:43 AM, finished with 18042 posts and 39 votes.

  • [X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
    --[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
    --[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
    --[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable. (1 Day)
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 360 points.
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    --[X] Five Days - 50 points.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Target Rich Environment - 20 points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 80 points
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Astronomy
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Continue down the list for the next 4 elective classes
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Inventions, Jokes and stand-up comedy, Noise and Music, Pets and animal care, Relaxation, Skating, Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
    [X] Timeskip Activities - Plan Teleporting Training Sessions
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Energy Equivalency Speed - 30 Points
    --[X] Teleport Range - 45 Points
    --[X] Teleport Precision - 38 Points
    --[X] Teleport Efficiency - 32 Points
    --[X] Interdiction Range - 9 Points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 206 Points
    [X] Timeskip Activities - Plan Godspeed
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities. (21 Days)
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Energy Equivalency Speed - 30 Points
    --[X] Teleport Range - 145 Points
    --[X] Teleport Precision - 38 Points
    --[X] Teleport Efficiency - 32 Points
    --[X] Interdiction Range - 45 Points
    [X] Continue down the list for next 7 elective classes
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    --[X] Five Days - 50 points.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Target Rich Environment - 110 points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 200 points
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Interdiction: range and efficiency to 50 (27 pts)
    --[X] Gate: speed to 100, range, precision and efficiency to 25 (107 pts)
    --[X] Remaining time into Blue Wave
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Wave Force study group: strictly off-duty activities, because you training maniacs need to learn to manage your downtime, and I'm not even talking about Anna this time *glares at Washington and especially Vivas*. (2 days)
    --[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Noise and Music
    -[X] Space and Spaceships
    -[X] Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
    [X] Dn't vote for anything that requires extensive research.
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities. (21 Days)
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions. (7 Days)
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Teleport Range - 145 Points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 75 Points
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Astronomy
    -[X] Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Astronomy
    [X] Timeskip Activities - Plan Teleporting Training Sessions
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Energy Equivalency Speed - 30 Points
    --[X] Teleport Range - 145 Points
    --[X] Teleport Precision - 38 Points
    --[X] Teleport Efficiency - 32 Points
    --[X] Interdiction Range - 45 Points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 70 Points
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
    --[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[x] Flight world tour: Visit the homelands of everyone as a flight. An around the world tour of India, Siberia, South Africa, Japan and Canada- maybe not Canada. No? Not India either?
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    [X] Try your hand at those tabletop RPG things from the board games club. Trying to think and behave like someone completely unlike you sounds weird, but intriguing.
Last edited:
[X] Timeskip Activities - Plan Teleporting Training Sessions
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Train Skills
--[X] Energy Equivalency Speed - 30 Points
--[X] Teleport Range - 45 Points
--[X] Teleport Precision - 38 Points
--[X] Teleport Efficiency - 32 Points
--[X] Interdiction Range - 9 Points
--[X] Blue Wave - 206 Points

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable. (1 Day)

I'm a bit nervous about doing lots of high-end training and would have liked to try learning how other elites talk about Group Impeller. Standard Teleport is safe enough I suppose.

[X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Architecture
-[X] Astronomy
Last edited:
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
--[X] Five Days - 50 points.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Target Rich Environment - 20 points
--[X] Blue Wave - 80 points

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable. (1 Day)

[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 360 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)

[X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
-[X] Inventions, Jokes and stand-up comedy, Noise and Music, Pets and animal care, Skating

Only change is the electives. Given that we only get five electives over five weeks, I'm going to break the pattern and pick some that have a good mix of Anna home runs (Skating - every Canadian kid knows skating, Pets, Inventions) and Anna potential hilarity or potential surprise enjoyment (Comedy, Music).

While continuing our list is fine, we are never going to get the interesting ones done at this rate of 1 per week and I would prefer interesting updates than Golf.


Damn it now I have to switch. Time to see if a plan doesn't have reconstruction. I'm pretty sure other people are going to jump ship too over that.
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)

[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
I had forgotten how fast this thread moves when active. *Stares at the "Messages have been posted..." -button appear the third time after starting to write this post* Anyway, now that voting is open, might as well as throw in my own vote. Though I lean somewhat more heavily towards the Blue Wave options, I don't hate the idea of better teleportation either. I just think that the Static Wave and Blue Wave take priority, and want to grind them to something like Static Wave 3 / Blue Wave 2 / Red Wave 1 somewhere in the future. Holiday activities are pretty much uncontroversial, so no arguments there.

On allocating regular electives for Anna with some kind of schedule instead of continuing going through the list, on the other hand, I will fight to the bitter end.

[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.
[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
[X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Architecture
-[X] Architecture
-[X] Astronomy
-[X] Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary

PS. @Avalanche, could you clarify if taking the crafting elective will contribute towards the HPP -project? I will be voting for it regardless, but it might persuade people one way or another if they are better informed.

EDIT: After Avalanche's correction about the amount of electives available to us, added additional architecture elective plus the only new elective that I'm still truly intrigued about, that being VOVTTAOCBSRS.
Last edited:
Didn't see any other plans, so I'm gonna support the general actions while staying the course on the most important thing -- the list.

[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 360 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)

[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes

... Huh. I see how that could be read that way, but I'm pretty sure what's actually going on there is that Instructor Training and General Flight Training double as skill training in addition to their narrative effects.

@Avalanche, are we required to take Instructor Training or Flight Training as activities in order to train Blue Wave?
Required? Nah, there's just a possibility that the action will double dip on points and grant points on both group skills and wave force.

Each time skip week allows for 1 visit to an elective class. Select five or continue down the list.
[] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
[] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
So uh, somehow I brainfarted into what people on discord are now calling 'metric weeks' :V

You have 7 elective class slots in 7 weeks/50 days, not 5. Otherwise, carry on :V
Required? Nah, there's just a possibility that the action will double dip on points and grant points on both group skills and wave force.

Well, tell you what, I'm open to compromise.

[X] Timeskip Activities
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities. (21 Days)
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions. (7 Days)
-[X] Train Skills
--[X] Teleport Range - 145 Points
--[X] Blue Wave - 75 Points

Pray for a double dip on the general Flight training session, skip the Instructors, max Teleport Range at least, rest to Blue Wave for incremental progress in that case.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)

[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
--[X] Five Days - 50 points.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Target Rich Environment - 110 points
--[X] Blue Wave - 200 points

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable. (1 Day)

[X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Architecture
-[X] Noise and Music
-[X] Space and Spaceships
-[X] Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary

I really want to spend some time with the crafting club
Last edited:
I really want to spend some time with the crafting club
Then why not do that by taking it in the electives -slot? (Notice that Avalanche corrected in his latest post that we get seven of them, one per week, not five.)
[X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Architecture
-[X] Architecture
-[X] Astronomy
-[X] Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
--[X] Five Days - 50 points.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Target Rich Environment - 20 points
--[X] Blue Wave - 80 points

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable. (1 Day)

[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)

No clear preferences for the rest.

[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes

Everything must be in alphabetical order. Plus I find the clubs interesting.

However, this does sound like a valid Advanced Impeller Skill. You probably can develop this, it would be a subset of teleportation with point values in Efficiency and range most likely.

Would an extension of this into a phase dodge be possible? As in, very temporarily simply don't be in the same universe as incoming attacks while they pass through the space your body would normally occupy?
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)

[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
[X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenariossolo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)

[X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Astronomy
-[X] Architecture
-[X] Continue down the list for the next 4 elective classes
[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
[X] Continue down the list for next 7 elective classes

I am somewhat conflicted about the name "Timeskip activities" being a name of the plan, but welcome to living in a timezone where you cannot make a first vote and thus must choose from existing options.
...Since the mention of the, ahem, original goal of the quest, has been raised, I have two or three zany ideas:
1) Dimension Travel Spin-off - basically, we find a way to travel to different worlds with Anna and we may yet get her own spin-off where she is the fearless explorer.
2) Last One Standing - we need to arrange for Koujirou and the main cast to die off, without Anna breaking apart or dying, then introduce a significant enough plot hook that Anna will have to get involved in. Important is that it needs to be done in such a way Anna doesn't break her fandom favourite status (or there will be no spin-off), and that there is something significant to actually do afterwards.

Nevermind that, will be posting a tally in this post as well.
EDIT: Looking at the tally, it seems the predominant Holiday Activity will happen definitely, too few swing votes. Electives also might win with the disingenious option of "go down the list", while actual timeskip activities may vary - if some of the non-dominant votes consolidate.

[X] Timeskip Activities.
-[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
-[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
-[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
-[X] Train skills
--[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.

[X] Holiday Activity
-[X] Spend time with:
--[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
--[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
--[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
--[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
--[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
--[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
--[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
--[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)

[X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
-[X] Crafting
-[X] Astronomy
-[X] Architecture
-[X] Continue down the list for the next 4 elective classes
Adhoc vote count started by Faraway-R on Jan 5, 2018 at 3:08 AM, finished with 18024 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
    --[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
    --[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 150 points.
    [X] Continue down the list for next 5 elective classes
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Try one of the historical simulator scenarios solo. What difference would a lone valkyrie of your caliber have made? Ask Sandra for a recommendation, she knows the context to the history involved better than you do. (1 day)
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Remainder to Blue Wave - 360 points.
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Astronomy
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Continue down the list for the next 4 elective classes
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities.
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    --[X] Five Days - 50 points.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Target Rich Environment - 20 points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 80 points
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Inventions, Jokes and stand-up comedy, Noise and Music, Pets and animal care, Relaxation, Skating, Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
    [X] Timeskip Activities - Plan Godspeed
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities. (21 Days)
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Energy Equivalency Speed - 30 Points
    --[X] Teleport Range - 145 Points
    --[X] Teleport Precision - 38 Points
    --[X] Teleport Efficiency - 32 Points
    --[X] Interdiction Range - 45 Points
    [X] Timeskip Activities - Plan Teleporting Training Sessions
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Energy Equivalency Speed - 30 Points
    --[X] Teleport Range - 45 Points
    --[X] Teleport Precision - 38 Points
    --[X] Teleport Efficiency - 32 Points
    --[X] Interdiction Range - 9 Points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 206 Points
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Volunteer again for Sandra's UNHCR reconstruction activities. (21 Days)
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions. (7 Days)
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Teleport Range - 145 Points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 75 Points
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Noise and Music
    -[X] Space and Spaceships
    -[X] Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[X] Attend general Flight training sessions.
    -[X] Attend Instructor training sessions.
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    --[X] Five Days - 50 points.
    -[X] Train skills
    --[X] Target Rich Environment - 110 points
    --[X] Blue Wave - 200 points
    [X] Dn't vote for anything that requires extensive research.
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Astronomy
    -[X] Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary
    [X] Write in specific elective classes to visit.
    -[X] Crafting
    -[X] Architecture
    -[X] Astronomy
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Yukari and Setsuna: Say Anna, what do you do in your time off? What do you say about dressing up a little, how about your room? Do you have enough furniture?
    --[X] Sandra: Greetings Anna, while we have become closer as a Flight in the past month, but I don't feel as if we've gotten to truly know each other as people, or maybe even this country. What do you say to a short trip around Australia?
    --[X] Ask Sandra for help in spending some time with Shuri. Out of everyone in the flight, she and you are most distant. And if you're going to be relying on her in battle, well, you'll need to know her better. (2 days)
    --[X] See if one or more of the clubs you've found relaxing (Anna's choice) have any activities planned over the break. Try to meet people who enjoy the same leisure activities you do. (3 days)
    --[X] Contact one or more of the other top ranked valkyries, ask to meet and talk shop. See if they have advice on training, on how to prepare yourself with top-level UN-supported combat, which you have not experienced before. See if any of your abilities are unique enough to contribute something no one else brings (wave excepted of course). See if they have advice on development of the wave force. (2 days)
    --[X] Beach Episode: Yukari is gathering the flight together to spend a day in the beach biome in Perth. Somehow this feels inevitable to you. (1 Day)
    --[X] Movie Marathon: When Sandra was looking for things for the flight to bond over, Koujirou suggested something called a 'Movie Marathon'. Now your flight is going to spend two days watching several cinematic creations together. Errm, what are you supposed to pick? (2 Days)
    [X] Holiday Activity
    -[x] Flight world tour: Visit the homelands of everyone as a flight. An around the world tour of India, Siberia, South Africa, Japan and Canada- maybe not Canada. No? Not India either?
    -[X] Spend time with:
    --[X] Koujirou: I guess it all came down to me not being able to stop those missiles in the earlier rounds, clearly I need help with long range things. Gimme a hand?
    [X] Timeskip Activities.
    -[x] Work with the crafting elective class for revised HPP prototype.
    [X] Continue down the list for next 7 elective classes
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