Since you spent a lot of time rereading @Duesal, mind doing me a favor? I've been meaning to get around to it for awhile, but could you summarize the physical descriptions of each of the party barring Viserys, Dany and Richard, seeing as most everyone has a good idea what they look like.
The problem is that DP doesn't tend towards physical descriptions very much more than he does personalities or facial expressions, well, unless there's a truly distinctive physical feature, like Valyrian features or some kind of scarring. However, there are some cases where a physical description slips through. Going back and finding them, though, would be hell, so I'll just post what I remember.

@DragonParadox, could you please confirm and expand on this?

Lya -- Long black hair, I don't know about the eyes but I would assume brown, slender body, pretty face (Viserys was attracted to her from the very beginning, wouldn't have happened if she was ugly or simply average)
Yet as the these things slip from your mind as your gaze returns again and again to the raven-haired figure draped as much in the stuff of magic itself as cloth. Your searching gaze often collides with hers but just as you play your part so Lya too enjoys the festivities, speaking of subjects as diverse as history, philosophy and the architecture of the hidden world. You note with some dismay (quickly squashed) as she receives her share of invitations to dance.
Waymar Royce -- can go off of canon descriptions
Garin Drekelis -- blond hair, pale skin, unsure of eye color, described as "Braavosi nobility" in appearance but I have zero idea what features are distinctive for Braavosi nobility
Vee -- surprisingly long brown hair, small, like so small you'd assume she's just a gutter rat but still presumably bigger than Dany, unsure of eye color, no facial features that DP has bothered pointing out
Tyene Sand -- can go off of canon descriptions
Maelor -- Valyrian features, except with two small horns growing out of his forehead, small size due to youth
Xor -- Is a Spectator, except when he's not :p
Teana Strykos -- Looks Valyrian and thus looks beautiful, there's a reason aside from her power that Zherys took her as his paramour
Leila Hill -- Golden hair and forest green eyes, typical to the Lannister bloodline
Valaena Velaryon -- Valyrian features, body of a young girl on the brink of adulthood
Hermetia Nephaerys -- Valyrian features, voluptuous figure that was very useful in making Waymar flustered
Nymeria Sand -- Can go off of canon descriptions
Kyla Fairwind -- Black hair, features of Braavosi nobility (whatever the hell those are), small because she's a tiny child even if she has magic
Reva & Liset -- Relatively small albino twins, pretty due to Valyrian proportions but lacking in the distinctive coloring

  1. When would be a good time to add / change / regear the scholarium curriculum?
  2. Would you O.K. a dedicated teacher-construct?
  3. Are Alyssandre leveled enough to teach at the scholarium? (Not her own class, but generic divine-classes like Adept, or Archivist.)
@Fehu, Alyssande was level 7 before she died, and now after going through Raise Dead she's level 6. She was Braavos' answer to us leaving the city. She was our replacement. It's just a damn shame she had literally no other PC to back her up, otherwise I would have given her good odds against that demon.
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Lya -- Long dark brown hair, I don't know about the eyes but I would assume brown, slender body, pretty face (Viserys was attracted to her from the very beginning, wouldn't have happened if she was ugly or simply average)
Keep in mind that her physical appearance has changed due to obtaining lores.
Especially her eyes have taken on different hues and quirks.

In my mind, she has quite an otherworldly touch by now.
Alright so we could have Alyssandre teach then, as she is above level 5. Should be able to do other classes seeing as Teana produced adepts too...

Maybe a dedicated Archivist course.
Alright so we could have Alyssandre teach then, as she is above level 5. Should be able to do other classes seeing as Teana produced adepts too...

Maybe a dedicated Archivist course.
The main thing is that I'd like her to help teach our baby wizards. She could tell us about her class for the sake of Lya's curiosity, but frankly I have zero interest in any class that mechanically pushes you to zero WIZ. That's just insane.
Huh... Lya. Very dark hair. Fair featured. Slender body.

...Viserys. Explain.
@Crake, I always thought it was a horrible sort of irony that Viserys found his own Lya. :p Robert would flip if he learned her name.
@Duesal, knowing she's dark-haired makes me think your picture with the woman with the dragon in the background works very well. For some reason I thought she had fair-hair, but now I can't really imagine her looking like anything else.
I have zero interest in any class that mechanically pushes you to zero WIZ. That's just insane.

Which why I wrote she shoulf trach other divine classes if able, we she should be. :confused:

Construct-Teachers would be the best though, and nothing unbalanced with it if thats how we want to spend our GP. Not worse than wighs imo.

Edit: Pretty sure Viserys noted Lyas Rhoynish/Myrish features when they jsut had met?
Next time we plot out an expedition (of which I accept will probably be the Spider Tomb next, which is fair, it's one that's been on the docket for awhile) can we go to Nefer, said to be an Underground City-State? Also a known haunt of Necromancers. I admit it's mostly because I want to poke around Mossovy which is known to have "demon hunters".

It'd probably have to wait until Greater Teleport, I know. But once we have that, there won't be much reason not to get accurate physical descriptions of far off locations and from sailors and travelers and then just teleport over to have a poke around. Err... hopefully accurate descriptions. Hopefully a little gold will get them to cut back on the tall-talking.
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Edit: Pretty sure Viserys noted Lyas Rhoynish/Myrish features when they jsut had met?
No, she's vaguely Rhoynish, that means mediterrane coloring.

Damn Ninjas.
So we've got raven hair, mediterranean skin, slender body, pretty face, otherworldly eyes (recent addition). Personality and wit aside, it's easy for me to see why Viserys fell for her.
Which why I wrote she shoulf trach other divine classes if able, we she should be. :confused:
I'm actually keeping my fingers crossed for having her train in one level as an Archivist as well instead of simply having her train our baby Archivists in whatever spells she knows. It fits more with our promise to make her stronger in general, and Archivist is an insanely versatile class. And I'm guessing it's a superior class to whatever she's got.

It also gives us an excuse to periodically call her back to Sorcerer's Deep because we're the best source of spells she could possibly get.
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I'm actually keeping my fingers crossed for having her train in one level as an Archivist as well instead of simply having her train baby Archivists. It fits more with our promise to make her stronger in general, and Archivist is an insanely versatile class.
Usually taking a different caster progression if you already have a decent one is a straight-up wasted level.
Exeption for Mystic Theurge or Arcane Hierophant.

Taking an Archivist level is likely a bad idea.
Also, her class doesn't need her to have 0WIS, that would make her comatose, she just had to go down to zero once, to unlock it.
Also, her class doesn't need her to have 0WIS, that would make her comatose, she just had to go down to zero once, to unlock it.
I bet that was an unpleasant surprise for whoever found her at the time. :p
Usually taking a different caster progression if you already have a decent one is a straight-up wasted level.
Exeption for Mystic Theurge or Arcane Hierophant.

Taking an Archivist level is likely a bad idea.
Fair enough. I don't know if her class collects spells like a wizard or archivist (I think it does?) or if it has a set pool of spells like a sorcerer or duskblade, but if she collects spells we should try to give her some of the more useful ones that we can spare. Keeping her alive means that we have Uthero and Lady Redsail's undying loyalty.
Part MDXLIV: Heirs of the Lost Lord Part Eleven
Heirs of the Lost Lord Part Eleven

Second Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC

A most unlikely gathering you make, the sorcerer wrapped in a cloak of fey-spun shadows, the child witch surrounded by otherworldly beasts, the knight standing tall in an armor redeemed, the withered godling and the wraith of elder days, and the pale specter of a lord whose realm is lost to the ages, yet council do you take in the upper hall and much there is to learn.

The deva, Tyangyl in the tongue of the High Spheres, offers you this name willingly to call in an hour of need asking only for your word that you shall not bind it from its task as it had found itself. Curious, you ask of its stewardship of the town of Whisperwell. Tyangyl had served here for many centuries before the Doom, guarding what remained of the lair of a great necromancer and conjurer of spirits. In time men came to gather around the place of its vigil seeking wisdom or protection, and they were welcomed with open arms to aid in his task as they benefited from both. Indeed by the twisted spell that had bound the angel here, that wisdom spoke still in the dreams of the dreams of the townsfolk above, that warding of good fortune endured even as the Doom came upon Valyria and magic faded from the world.

"Does some taint linger that had driven the last of the custodians to madness and twisted me from my purpose so dreadfully?"
the spirit guide wonders.

Alas that you can given no definitive answer. If there is some subtle evil in these halls it is beyond your ken, or more likely expunged with the waning of sorcery which had cost the deva so much of its power. You had half-expected it to be reinvigorated by its freedom and renewed pledge to its purpose, but it seems the sins and failings of an age will not be undone in a moment, and as is the nature of otherworldly spirits bright and dark their mark will remain upon Tyangyl's form for perhaps and age more.

Though Laeris, last lord of Essaria speaks little during this sad tale, he does asks that his brother's bones be burnt, whether out of lingering familial affection in seeing that he have something akin to a proper funeral or a desire to ensure nothing of him endures you cannot guess. When the time comes to fulfill the ancient general's last request you rise by sorcery into the darkened streets above and go where his unseen presence bids you...

"A brewery," Ser Richard muses, looking up at the gently swinging sign that read 'The Golden Cask' in fine golden lettering. "There are worse places to find your lost kin..."

"So do we just knock on the door and tel 'em a ghost sent us to see it they are doing good?" Vee asks, sounding almost like she would like to try.

What do you do?

[] Sneak in and check on the inhabitants

[] Pay them a visit
-[] Write in

[] Write in

OOC: I originally wanted this to include the meeting proper, but then I realized that this is a rather socially awkward situation that might benefit from a more hands-on approach from the players.
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Between Invisibility and Greater Blink, we should be able to sneak in and check things over quickly enough without having to deal with complications like learning they've lost one of their kids or something similar.

[X] Sneak in and check on the inhabitants

[X] knock on the door and tel 'em a ghost sent us to see it they are doing good.
-[X] offer some healing to their kin if they need it

Edit: infiltration is way more fun, but this could be funny as anything.
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No reaction from Thyringol on Yrael's ... stewardship(?) of Mantarys?

Archons, being unable to Plane Shift on their own, would normally be stranded here on Planetos. The Deva, however, can Plane Shift as an SLA. It might offer to take Yrael and his compatriots back to the Celestial Planes if it learns of their existence.

Oh, shit! Idea. We need to have the Deva come to SD with us long enough to introduce it to Dany or Tyene, so it can Plane Shift us to the Celestial Planes. This is an opportunity we can't pass up. No telling when we'll get another chance to learn the location of a Celestial Plane.
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[X] Beepsmile

Epic diplomacy don't fail us now!

This has to be more believe able than telling them the sky is purple right?
Oh, shit! Idea. We need to have the Deva come to SD with us long enough to introduce it to Dany or Tyene, so it can Plane Shift us to the Celestial Planes. This is an opportunity we can't pass up. No telling when we'll get another chance to learn the location of a Celestial Plane.

That's a great idea, and dungeoncrawling in a Celestial Plane sounds like fun! We even have some Good names to throw around in diplomacy, and Danys templates and Richard's armor makes for good first impressions. Add Lya because she would want to see it too. :sp