I'm not sure what's going on here. The armor wraith is speaking through Richard? Someone's been possessed? Viserys is possessed? Richard is possessed? Someone's hallucinating? The armor is dripping blood?

Not really sure what happened at the end there.

Is Richard not himself? Mindblank? Why didn't we use the godsdamned Freezing Glance?

We did use Freezing Glance;

Even as pale spirits rise like mist all about you you call to winter's chill not once but twice... to bind anew,no end it swift, alas that the spirit proves more than a match for your sorcery's command.
I don't know how to vote because I'm just as confused as Viserys seems to be here.
@DragonParadox It's just a little Deus ex Machina-like for the Deva to be able to Area Dispel all of Viserys' buffs like that with a single spell. Everything Dany cast on him had a caster level of 16, due to her Ring of Enduring Arcana, and Viserys' own spells were at 13th level. The Deva would have only had a +10 bonus max for its Dispel Check. It's well within reason for it to get lucky enough to Dispel some of the buffs, but certainly not all of them, as each individual spell requires a separate check, with a separate roll.

Unless you have significantly beefed the Deva up well beyond its typical CR?
I have no idea what's going on.

So we freed the Deva, it unmade our Amulet of PfE, and some spirit is trying to possess Viserys so that the Deva can strike it (the Spirit) down, and then Ser Richard possessed by the Armor interfered?
[X] Let the scene play out

I haven't the foggiest.

The Deva? let Valyria? be destroyed rather than conceding it to the demons?
Did you, as they say, "call it'? Which post did you call it, and what did you call?

'Cause I'm still confused.

I would rather kill this Deva, to be honest. I don't trust it one bit. I don't trust its prison, either. There's no telling what the repercussions could be for freeing it.

It's not that I want to free it. I don't. I would prefer to perma-kill it, but that's not an option.

I want to get a professional opinion from Yrael on whether or not it should be freed at all, how freeing it might affect us, and how long it can remain imprisoned before it fades. Would "fading" kill it, or would it merely reach a critical threshold that would kill it and allow it to be reborn on one of the broken Celestial Planes? If it's on the up and up, we can benefit from this thing in many ways, including a free Raise Dead service. If it's not, we can leave it imprisoned.

I don't want to leave it here, only to find out that someone else has come along and set it loose, and that it turned out to be a batshit insane Immortal Murder Angel bent on killing everything that has ever had an impure thought.

I'm not really against freeing it, but I think doing so without a lot of precautions is stupid. We have no idea how the prison functions, or what safety measures it may use, not to mention what might happen to someone who tries to destroy it. This thing survived the Century of Blood, after all.

Do these count as "calling it"?
Also nice that we got another Enduring PfE destroyed...

Not destroyed. Dispel Magic only suppresses the effect for 1d4 rounds. There is no way DP would have let this thing have access to Disjunction, not only because it's wildly inappropriate at our current CR, but it would generate absolutely lethal levels of salt.
OK edits done. Points of note:
  1. Three of your buffs and none of Dany's are gone.
  2. The amulet is suppressed not destroyed.
  3. Ser Richard is not possessed but channeling the spirit.
The spirit in the armor seems to be challenging whatever "lives" in this room, the deva's jailer of sorts.
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[X] Intervene
-[X] Tell Richard to fight off the spirit.

Alright. Seems not to be the Devas fault. Doesn't mean that I'm suddenly going to like the armor taking over Richard.
We might as well let the scene play out, ya'll. We're in too deep to really know what course of action to take without fucking stuff up. Richard is still buffed to the gills, however, and a certified badass. Let's trust that he'll pull through, and that the spirit in his armor will valiantly sacrifice itself to destroy whatever is fucking with us, while leaving the armor not only intact, but fully empowered.
Um? Cast buffs on Richard - starmantle, haste and pepper in wings of cover and otherwise counterspell.

And vee cast's death ward in richard?