[X] Have her assist Alinor in her free time, if she so wishes.

I reiterate, she is already taking lessons, she wants to feel useful.

And fuck going Magus, she is a Sorceress! That's such a tremendous waste of potential.
I don't recall anything being "decided" as such.

DP flat out said she'd be a good sorceress, why are you insisting on a bard spell progression? You might as well be shooting her in the foot.

Also, she is already taking a multitude of lessons to ascertain her talents.

The "we" in this case being those of us talking about it. I personally don't have any problem with her being a Sorcerer, but there was a general bent toward her being somewhat more martially inclined than a pure spellcaster, so there was a compromise.

Feel free to propose a different option.
Seriously, it's been hinted she could go into PC-doom. Why snatch that away from her for a middling gish?

Go Sorcadin if we want her to gish it up, but seriously, Magus instead of sorcerer? Hell, we don't ?even need the proficiencies.

She wants something to do. Maybe she could accompany Waymar with Yss Priesthood?

Ew, Paladin? Of what?

The discussions tone was that people are for one bored of straight Sorc I believe and two, see her as a future Dragon Rider and therefore Sorcerer is a waste when she can fly her self, throw fire further herself etc. What we should have her be is some kind of Dragoon.
There were voices for making her an actual Bard, let's be glad we brought it to Magus.

Also some variety is always good, don't need everyone in the same classes.
Can I just add that class is beyond badass looking?
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Yeah, but she isn't some stray cat we are desperately scrambling for a class.

You want martial sorcerer? There is always Stawart Battle Sorc, by far better than magus.
Red Raiding Hood

This might work out, martial, works well with a mount, intended to be secondary front line with a reach weapon (oh would you look at that, her mount is the primary front line) and high damage which is what you want on the back of a Dragon. And doesn't trigger TNE with sub-spell progression.

A Bard is actually a great idea for a buff the big guy approach, make the dragon the threat and the rider the support. Chuck in some Marshall maybe.
I'll admit, I'm not uber-knowledgeable, certainly not as much as TNE, on D&D classes. But we're mostly aiming for variety? Is there really that great a disparity in capability between a Magus and Sorc?

I don't really care, but maybe someone should throw out an alternate path?

Also, as others have pointed out, she's already receiving lessons and tutors, she wants to be brought into our confidence in regards to... anything. A responsibility.
I'll admit, I'm not uber-knowledgeable, certainly not as much as TNE, on D&D classes. But we're mostly aiming for variety? Is there really that great a disparity in capability between a Magus and Sorc?

I don't really care, but maybe someone should throw out an alternate path?

Also, as others have pointed out, she's already receiving lessons and tutors, she wants to be brought into our confidence in regards to... anything. A responsibility.
Yes, there is. Fuck, we don't even know if she has the needed STR/DEX/CON for it.

Want a perfectly fine sorcerous Gish build? Paladin 2/Sorcerer 4/Spellsword1/Abj Champion 5. That gets her a fine build, a sorcerer with a heavy martial bend.

[X] Goldfish

Can I just add that class is beyond badass looking?

Please, please don't do that. You are crippling her.

I don't think that's what we are even supposed to vote for. We should vote for a job, not a class.
Yes, there is. Fuck, we don't even know if she has the needed STR/DEX/CON for it.

Want a perfectly fine sorcerous Gish build? Paladin 2/Sorcerer 4/Spellsword1/Abj Champion 5. That gets her a fine build, a sorcerer with a heavy martial bend.

Paladin of what? Do you really want to put a Paladin on the back of our Dragon?

DP does an alright job of not making Good incompetent but Paladins are up themselves, if she thinks she's right as a Paladin she will disregard us and then we have to deal with that BS. No thank you, keep her tractable with a nice non-alignment based, action repenting class.

Please, please don't do that. You are crippling her.

I don't think that's what we are even supposed to vote for. We should vote for a job, not a class.

I agree we shouldn't be voting for a class.
I defer implicitly to your MinMax expertise.

[X] TotallyNotEvil

But all that aside, we should put together something for her to do. Even assisting someone else would be fine, right?
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@DragonParadox Is this vote just to give her something to do outside of her lessons, or is it a roundabout way of introducing her to her future PC class?
[X] Have her manage the former household slaves of Westhaven as free people who may want to continue to use their hard won service skills.
I'll admit, I'm not uber-knowledgeable, certainly not as much as TNE, on D&D classes. But we're mostly aiming for variety? Is there really that great a disparity in capability between a Magus and Sorc?
Well, yes. Magus has some nice tricks and feats and is much better with the blade, but by sheer potential nothing can make up for the difference between 6 levels of casting or the full 9.
The latter just has a lot more power and variety than classfeatures can compensate for.

Still Magus looks like a fun class and I really get the reasoning that a Dragonrider shouldn't be doing the while Fire and Flight thing herself.
Well, yes. Magus has some nice tricks and feats and is much better with the blade, but by sheer potential nothing can make up for the difference between 6 levels of casting or the full 9.
The latter just has a lot more power and variety than classfeatures can compensate for.

Still Magus looks like a fun class and I really get the reasoning that a Dragonrider shouldn't be doing the while Fire and Flight thing herself.

That doesn't mean budget gish is the way to go, I'd rather a full buff-the-dragon build or a meelee spear user.
She wants something to do outside of lessons, though if you can sell more lessons well enough (which you can with Viserys' social stats) she will be fine with that.

To the best of Viserys knowledge, are there enough of these people to make it worthwhile and does her skills in household management extend to this task?

[nvm] Have her manage the former household slaves of Westhaven as free people who may want to continue to use their hard won service skills.

Edit: She can be trained, I just hope it's not vanilla sorcerer.
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I'd rather convince her to double down and really become an asskicker in preparation for Dragonriding. I mean we want her to be one of our chief asskickers in the future, right? Then that should be her focus.
@TotallyNotEvil is right.
I looked at the class, and it's much too martially oriented. She needs a class that will be more useful in peacetime.
And if we want to spread magic and regard for magic, shouldn't we have as many full caster nobles as we can?

[X] TotallyNotEvil

Edit: Why use a sword when you have a dragon? Take Ride and Handle Animal, and cast spells from dragonback!
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