So here is my take on the quest banner:
It feels a little plain to me but I can't think of anything else to add and the size restrictions make it hard to do so anyway.

The font is Black Chancery and everything else is hand drawn in GIMP, which is under the General Public License v3 which allows anything made within to be used for any purpose including commercial. The only concern I have is that the Sharingan design may be protected in which case this would probably violate that. Unfortunately I have no idea how to go about searching for that, especially since
What about a sharingan but with the two tomoe instead larger, stylised and poking out of the eye's edges? maybe also have the red part glowing?

I'm a big fan of having the final hurricane seal included somewhere, like in darkgamer's banner.
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Why are the non-story things like the omake list and charsheet at the end of the threadmarks rather than the beginning? It's just disorienting and confusing when you're reading the last chapter.
What about a sharingan but with the two tomoe instead larger, stylised and poking out of the eye's edges? maybe also have the red part glowing?

I'm a big fan of having the final hurricane seal included somewhere, like in darkgamer's banner.

I wouldn't count on it remaining at two all that much longer.
So I'm going to go ahead and say that while we shouldn't underestimate Temari, we also shouldn't overestimate her and spend far more effort on that battle than is entirely necessary.

Hisana is so much faster than her that this match wouldn't take more than a second if she went all out. Even without the Lightning Blood seal, she should just be able to cut her fan in half before Temari can do much of anything. Which would also rather conveniently cripple her for the invasion as well.

Because while Temari does become a Jounin fairly young, you shouldn't forget that that's three years off, and that Temari is older than the Konoha rookies. She didn't do anything in her match with Shikamaru that Hisana couldn't do better- she used a lot of wind jutsu, but it was always rather weak. It couldn't even cut trees down.

While you can say 'she managed to throw wind jutsu for hours', you can also say 'she managed to throw wind jutsu for hours and not even cut down some small trees'.

Her 'flight' is also less that and more floating- and there's no real reason to believe she can do it for a long time. Hisana's Raven jutsu seems outright superior.

It's possible that she has her summon at this point- but I think it more likely that she got it specifically because she realized that if she had more firepower she would have won that fight with Shikamaru.

And if she does, well, speed difference again. She'd only manage to cut her finger and draw a symbol on her fan if Hisana let her.

So then you have to ask- what's more impressive? Ending the fight as quickly and efficiently as possible, or playing with your opponent and giving them time to surprise you? Because you can say it's to show off intelligence and planning all you want, but if you're capable of ending the fight quickly and painlessly, and don't, that doesn't strike me as all that intelligent.

Besides that, she should be using the absolute minimum effort possible on a relatively unimportant exhibition match- don't forget the invasion is happening right after, and that Hisana is already nearly guaranteed a promotion.

That said, I do think using the Lightning Blood is entirely unnecessary for already stated reasons. The fight would be effectively identical either way, one just reveals a trump card.

[x] No, you need the surprise!
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Why are the non-story things like the omake list and charsheet at the end of the threadmarks rather than the beginning? It's just disorienting and confusing when you're reading the last chapter.
I need to navigate to them way more often than any other post in the thread. If they're at the end, I can always get to them from the quick drop down threadmarks thing.
[x] No, you need the surprise
While Baki and Kabuto have presumably seen it briefly, they don't actually know what it was we did.
And frankly, I'd rather only worry about two A-rank ninja having seen our new trump briefly at night, than having an entire stadium seeing it right before an invasion crashes into the village.

Including a hostile jinch, who will undoubtedly be warned by his jounin.

I wonder if Kabuto performed an arm graft for Baki.
Or if Baki otherwise was able to claim he wasn't there. That might not have been Baki at all; after all, Kabuto is canonically capable of puppetteering multiple bodies.
So here is my take on the quest banner:
It feels a little plain to me but I can't think of anything else to add and the size restrictions make it hard to do so anyway.

The font is Black Chancery and everything else is hand drawn in GIMP, which is under the General Public License v3 which allows anything made within to be used for any purpose including commercial. The only concern I have is that the Sharingan design may be protected in which case this would probably violate that. Unfortunately I have no idea how to go about searching for that, especially since
Not bad.
If I could art worth a damn, the logo would be a sword blade reflecting a sharingan eye.
But I can't do anything on that level of quality.
I want to ask the Ravens if they have a way to deal with the downsides of our Sharringon, even if it's just use it for happy events as well as battle.
I've been working on my own, currently trying to spice it up a bit since it's kinda plain, but something worth noting:

You can find the full policy here. Most fonts are restricted for use in commercial purposes, which this is considered, and that Sharingan there looks like you got it off google image*.

*Thought if you did make it yourself; well job it's better then my attempt.

Edit: Oh I almost forgot, banners have to be 650 pixels wide and 70 pixels high.

Eh, it's fine. I did it for a bit of fun, I never planed for it to be actually used.

Still, thank you for giving me advice.