The weird part is how she cut down a whole bunch of those mooks and yet still has a clean sword.
That was what I was thinking about after reading the update. I was honestly surprised when people mentioned that we should have Kabuto's blood on Hisana's sword.

This goes doubly so when you look back at the prior chapter:
The world slowed down, Hisana's lightning blood seal enhancing her reflexes to an unfathomable extent. She sped forwards in a shunshin, taking a step or two up the side of the next building instead of jumping such was her velocity, and unsheathed her sword in a perfect iaido strike. Her razor wind raced up the blade as it extended from the sheath, fully formed as it cut the leader in half. Next, she struck down the archers, and after that the swordsmen.

She finished her attack by sheathing her sword once more, and only then did her seal fade and the bodies of her fallen foes hit the ground. The leader's top half slid forward at the clink of the guard of Hisana's sword hitting the top edge of the scabbard, and the ninja gave barely a glance to the strange ninja lying dead on the rooftops behind her. She had a comrade to save, and history to change.
I suppose it could be that the wind chakra doesn't allow any blood to actually touch Hisana's sword.

I'm instead however going to go all consipiracy and say the reason why the Trench coat Brigade can constantly throw bodies at problems is because these are all clones. Not flesh and blood clones but some kind of chakra based clone, like the Shadow or Water clones.
I'm a touch busy right now, but I'll just point out that ignoring this is probably a bad idea.
Use that Uchiha Resources background for once.

Quietly, carefully acquire a bunch of extra field kits. The ones with emergency medicine kits, soldier pills, common poison antidoes, the like.
Stick them in sealing scrolls along with a couple extra kunai and shuriken; almost certainly going to run into people who are unprepared for a general free for all to break out.

Single-use summon scrolls are a thing; we see the Sound invasion team,Team Taka and Naruto use them in canon. Just prime with blood.
Prepare 1 or more with a boss summon, just in case; if there's the need to call one for backup, we won't need to use our chakra to do it.
And a couple smaller ones might help, to call combat summons to guard/support people or areas.

Offer to help Sasuke make one, if his summoning contract is along. Kakashi probably can help him there though; he used one against Zabuza.
Offer to Naruto, but he probably doesn't need the help if he's training with motherfucking Jiraiya.

Check that Uzumaki Karin is appropriately supplied; if we went to the trouble of acquiring a minion, might wanna check on how she's coming along.
Though I'm willing to go out on a limb and bet they handed her over to Anko to apprentice, along with the Haku kid.
Immigrants should get an Intel specialist, just in case.

And if Hisana is going full Uchiha-sama, might have her seneschal/estate manager cross-check the security arrangements for her tenants.
Houses up to fire code, each household has emergency/first aid kits, et cetera. Shell out cash from the rents to defray it, if necessary; buying some extra goodwill might help if we ever need to play politics in the future.

If anyone in power notices, like they will, it'll probably be explained by the Orochimaru encounter as well as the Sand jinch triggering incipient paranoia.

1) Acquire extra field kits in general scrolls.
2) Make multiple single-use summon scrolls, at least one with a boss summon.
3) Check Karin is getting settled in; check equipment availability.
4) Issue instructions to Uchiha estate manager to ensure homes in district are prepared for mishaps. Fund as necessary.

Any other ideas?
I suppose it could be that the wind chakra doesn't allow any blood to actually touch Hisana's sword.
Most techniques don't leave blood on their user.
Kakashi doesn't end up with bloody hands after sticking Chidori in people's chests.

I'm instead however going to go all consipiracy and say the reason why the Trench coat Brigade can constantly throw bodies at problems is because these are all clones. Not flesh and blood clones but some kind of chakra based clone, like the Shadow or Water clones.
This is also possible.
I guess we'll only know if/when Hisana begins to sense familiar signatures among them.

If we're still doing ads:
Oh yeah, this looks good.
And it's choice of elements profers a very different image from the rest.
And the choice of colors contrasts the good intentions with the bloody path.
We should also adapt this 'Uchiha sama' method into our regular preparations before missions, so that people don't get suspicious of our single time use of it. Would be nice character development, to see Hisana more liberal with her usage of her clan's resources, whilst also providing an extra layer of redundancy in case of unexpected events.

Like, what if those spooky SI ninjas attack our allies out of the blue? I think that the Uchiha sama preparations should become a constantly ready resource, which we regularly upgrade for better performance.
I can see it now.

Karin: "Quick, they're catching up, we need to do something-"
Hisana: "Relax, I've got this." *Unseals an artillery cannon*
Karin: "That's a cannon. Hisana, why do you have a cannon?"
Hisana: "Why shouldn't I have a cannon?"
Oh yeah: explosive tags.
What special preparations for the Invasion do you want to make?
Write In
[X]Write In: Uchiha-sama
- Acquire extra field kits in sealing scrolls.
- Make multiple single-use summon scrolls, at least one with a boss summon.
- Check Karin is getting settled in; in particular, check equipment availability to her, and remedy if necessary.
- Issue instructions to Uchiha estate manager to ensure homes in district are prepared for mishaps.
Crosscheck civil defense plans, evacuation bunkers and routes. Fund as necessary, discreetly as possible.
- Make(or buy) generous numbers of explosive tags for those incapable of making their own.D-rank technique, so I don't know if it's better for her to make or buy them.
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[X]Write In: Uchiha-sama

Good stuff, and we don't have to worry about being called paranoid thanks to last night's incident.
[x] Yes, you need to win it quickly to conserve chakra!

Temari is a beast. Going in fast and hard and disabling her quickly leaves us with more reserves, which is important given the invasion coming up.

And, let's be honest, Chunin rank is just a formality. We don't really need it. It'll be nice if we get it, but it's better to be prepared for the major battle ahead and get Chunin later rather than string ourselves out in the hope of getting Chunin and ending up worse off in the coming invasion because of it.

[X]Write In: Uchiha-sama
I know it's particular to the finals that Chunin candidates are supposed to impress the audience, but honestly, Hisana is already the de-facto team leader and has been since before graduating the Academy. Not just in missions, but through all the other rounds of the exam so far. It's not like the promotion is given out through an audience vote; the Hokage and subordinates decide, and the exam finals are mere qualification.

And in that case, I can't see Hisana being overlooked because of something ridiculous like "won the fight too quickly". Like, if she lost, or forfeited, or if she won in Naruto-vs-Neji-style, and so on, then it would be understandable. But blitzing the opponent? In the ninja world, that's a good thing.

Especially since the opponent is the daughter of the Kazekage. Blitzing Temari isn't like blitzing a no-name; even to the audience, it would show that the discrepancy between Konoha and Suna is this much. The PR from beating the Kazekage's daughter in an instant is just as good as a longer fight. It would be different if it was a lesser village or an unknown genin as the opponent, but in this particular case, it's okay to win fast. It will be just as impressive to the potential clients.

I don't think it's a big deal, mind you. Either way is probably fine.
So here is my probably poorly done analysis using available information what the objectives of the various faction are, and what if anything we can do to derail them. The factions in question are the camo cape, trench-coats, Sand, and Orochimaru.

For the camo cape guys we've only seen them one time, and they apparently have access to Zetsu, but whether, or not their Demonic Statue of the Outer Path originates from this dimension is uncertain. I'm inclined to believe it doesn't otherwise Madara's Rinnegan is either in their hands, or destroyed, because it can instantly summon aforementioned statue. In regards to their overall objective well they explicitly targeted Team 7 for uncertain reasons, but the most obvious explanation would be that they wanted the 9 Tails.

Their universal usage of camo cloaks might mean they're on the run from the trench-coats, and the more futuristic design of their armor alongside dramatically lower numbers compared to the trench-coats lends a little credence to that theory. What's weird is that they for some reason did something that resulted in Karin becoming a Transmigrant, but the fact that she felt the need to tell Hisana she wasn't with either faction implies they're both deeply tied to the presence of Transmigrants.

Honestly I'm wondering if they're doing a kill, and replace policy for characters preferably named ones, but regardless of whether, or not that is true I'm expecting to interfere in large numbers for the invasion.

Moving onto the trench-coat faction well they've interfered twice in an attempt to keep canon events on track, but appear to limit their gear to what the locales have, operate in large numbers, and have a Jutsu capable of transporting agents/shinobi across Time/Space in small numbers. Also they apparently have a method for tracking entities whose souls cross dimensional barriers. Judging by their past actions they're pretty much going to be trying to insure canon goes as close to possible as they can.

To be perfectly honest I have no idea what's up with Sand, but I'm expecting one of mystery factions to offer Baki a replacement arm in exchange for his cooperation while also helping him accomplish his mission because both of them can likely profit from it.

Orochimaru is to be following the events in canon, or at least trying to give off the appearance of doing so, which probably means the sound invasion is on schedule. He has said he wants Sasuke, and eventually Naruto. It seems reasonable to assume he will go along with the trench-coats while altering minor things in a way that benefit himself.

Given the uncertain over how things to proceed it would be best to plan for a lengthy fight, or rather acquire enough basic equipment that Hisana can pass them out to any ill prepared Genin, of Chunin so they have higher odds of survival. The important part of this is to keep things simple as you don't want to burden anyone with equipment they don't know how to use properly.

A few spare medkits to pass out to allies so they can keep wounded comrades from bleeding out while not requiring Hisana to spend time doing it herself seems like a good idea. Things like counters to various poisons is overthinking things though, because unless Konoha has a cure all tonic for poisons anyone with the needed knowledge is liable to have the relevant materials on hand, or for medics simply use the mystic palm Jutsu.

In regards to the Uchiha distract keep things simple something along the lines of "Ascertain whether you've been negligent in your duties as the Uchiha Clan head in the area of keeping your emergency procedures up to date.".

Look into whether, or not Hisana can layer a basic Genjutsu onto Kabuto's Genjutsu that makes those under the effect look to where Hisana is for a moment allowing Sasuke/Hisana to use their Sharingan to break allies out from the Genjutsu. Actually breaking the Genjutsu for everyone is probably not the best idea though because then you've got loads of civilians running around panicking while a battle is going on.

The Sound trio will probably be back for revenge, we might be able to make use of them.

I'd say we should plan to take out one of the Sound Four, but the uncertainty over who knows what makes me worry doing so would end poorly. Like for all we know the Hiruzen, and Orochimaru fight seen in canon will actually take place between Shadow Clones while the originals do what they want elsewhere.

Anyways this post is long enough so I'll stop here, and put some thought into when the actual fighting will start, because unless Naruto loses to Gaara it won't be during the Sasuke vs Gaara fight. Although considering Hayate specified everyone would survive so long as they don't do something stupid it'd be prudent to plan for how to save Naruto from being crushed should his plan not work out.
My personal theory is that somebody tried to use time travel to kill Hitler. Or, the equivalent here.

Someone wanted a happier ending so went back in an attempt to change history. Except whenever they did so, that resulted in Transmigrants. Specifically, when someone who was supposed to die survived, their soul would move on and a Transmigrant's was dropped into their body. Or, in Karin's case, whenever someone who wasn't supposed to die/had their soul removed, a Transmigrant dropped in.

So now it's all gone out of control, there's a faction trying to preserve the original timeline via removing the abberations, there's another doing something with the Zetsu's, and in the background ROB laughs.

Of course, my theory will only hold up if Hayate becomes a SI.
My personal theory is that somebody tried to use time travel to kill Hitler. Or, the equivalent here.

Someone wanted a happier ending so went back in an attempt to change history. Except whenever they did so, that resulted in Transmigrants. Specifically, when someone who was supposed to die survived, their soul would move on and a Transmigrant's was dropped into their body. Or, in Karin's case, whenever someone who wasn't supposed to die/had their soul removed, a Transmigrant dropped in.

So now it's all gone out of control, there's a faction trying to preserve the original timeline via removing the abberations, there's another doing something with the Zetsu's, and in the background ROB laughs.

Of course, my theory will only hold up if Hayate becomes a SI.

While I don't think you're right, it is the first testable theory. At least the "supposed to die" becomes transmigrants part. Having personally saved Hayate, we have reason enough to talk to the man later to see how he's doing.