Everyone seems so very, very, very certain that we don't need to worry about Abaddon. Why? I mean, I know it was "headed to a non-earth planet" but considering that our story goes beyond earth, (TSAB is coming.) Who knows what it could do? How many worlds have Belkan Tech, or other Lost Logia? The Entities can learn technology per canon, which is why Tinker Tech /= Magic but rather just high technology and is where it comes from. All it needs to do is find a world with people and tech from Old Belka, or other such worlds from other ancient fallen empires, (Who says Belka is the only old empire out there that fell? In the scope of an entire universe that's rather ridiculous. Maybe older ones exist with unknown magics that have never been interacted with by TSAB) and suddenly we're dealing with yet another Entity and this one has Magic.
If something anywhere near this vein of thought ever showed up it would probably be late to end game, but still. Did the QM say anything to make us so sure it won't be a factor in the future? Whether directly or indirectly? Because I worry that a being that searches for "energy" might find some Lost Logia, use it, and then we have a REAL problem to deal with. Jewel Seeds anyone?
I can't remember the third Entity ever even coming up in speculation except for one time I found with the search that was based on a scenario that SW rejected. So, why would we even suspect it? There's no reason to.
Abbadon went off in a 90° angle from Eden and Scion's path. And do you know when this was? When they were well outside of
our galaxy. I kind of doubt the TSAB is intergalactic, especially with the way they can just spread out through dimensions instead of through space. So by your logic, after the collision, Abbadon would have to race to their destination, which would conveniently be a place that had beings using the same or similar method of generating personal power expressed as magic. Or this extra race would have been there once and left behind enough magitech for the Entity to figure out mana production. And then Abbadon would have to either choose at random a direction directly to us or for some reason or chase E&S significantly faster than they traveled.
So. Assuming all of that, we'd have another Entity flying around our dimensions. The only reason I can think of why it would chase E&S would be if you go with the "It set a trap for Eden" idea, so it'd try to take out Scion too, most likely. However, he's dead too, so the only thing left here are their shards. It could scoop those up, I guess.
Then it could do whatever, blow up everything to leave, leave without blowing things up, etc. Assuming that it also has magic now, that changes things... how? It would not be an entity that is an insignificant fraction of itself because it shed so many shards to the worlds below. It could do whatever it wanted, and basically everything we can do now, Entities can replicate anyway. So it gains a few more ways to do things it can already do.
Besides, Jewel seeds? The things that caused iirc, dimensional quakes with their power and threatened maybe a few dimensions? Entities can blow up a planet so hard, it explodes
in every dimension!
So. TL;DR: There is no reason to believe Abbadon is even in the vicinity of our galaxy. If it did arrive it could do whatever and we could do jack shit, which would be stupid for a quest. Handing magic to the Entity would be like taking a carpenter with a completely stocked workshop filled with everything he needs and giving him an extra hammer.
The "*********" is almost certainly "radiation". The "dangerous spell" probably isn't Ragnarök considering we can't really play around with it and that it's entirely fire/radiation. I would guess it was Misteltein except that quote is from before we picked up Extinction Knight as our secondary template. So my guess is either Frost Beam since it's the absence of energy or one of the spells we haven't unlocked yet.
Dunno, I recall SW stating that shooting Ragnarök at an EB would result in something fun, and not something "fun", so I can see them meaning Ragnarök with it.
And sure we could play around with it.
-Find random uninhabited dimension
-Use cartridges and try it out