The real question is, does a physical obstruction like sunglasses impede the copy function of the Sharingan? We can easily test it if we don't know, but it'd suck for the imperfections in the glass or whatever to contaminate our readings.
The real question is, does a physical obstruction like sunglasses impede the copy function of the Sharingan? We can easily test it if we don't know, but it'd suck for the imperfections in the glass or whatever to contaminate our readings.
I quote:
Hisana remembered one more thing about arriving here. Using something she'd long been taught, be never expected to need, she channeled power to her eyes. The world gained a slight red tinge, and she saw fire. It was stunningly natural a thing to do, somehow. She saw the flow of power through walls, the vast sea of quiet puddles and raging oceans in the village below; and she saw her own movements before they happened. In the hand mirror on her bedside table, she saw her single tomoe spinning against a red glow.
Shouldn't be a problem.
After all, it's not like chakra constructs like the Susanoo have ever been an impediment to the Sharingan's function.
She formed her chakra, directing it along the pathways her Sharingan dictated; and breathed fire. Orange flame, far smaller and cooler than Sasuke's, came roaring out of her mouth and shot across the lake like a flamethrower. She felt incredibly powerful; and like she was finally becoming stronger. She knew that was absurd, of course - she'd only been Hisana for a few weeks, and she was far from being able to use the Grand Fireball in battle. But it was satisfying.
Oh man, we got it on our first try?

Sasuke's inferiority complex gon b growin

[x] - Use a physical disguise to do so.

Sunglasses don't disappear if you get jostled too heavily and lose focus on maintaining the technique. Major bonus in a large crowd where there will probably be some jostling.
You know, it would be hilarious if Itachi actually left Hisana alive on accident.

ITACHI: Look, I had a million things on my mind that night. Family to kill, brothers to torment, coordinating with the evil mask guy. Am I not allowed one fuck-up? I thought I'd killed her, but then when I was halfway out the village I realized 'shit, I never got around to the actual killing blow'. I am not perfect, okay! Can I not be perfect just... one... time?
Oh man, we got it on our first try?

Sasuke's inferiority complex gon b growin
He hasn't settled into the whole 'I will avenge the clan, grrr must become stronger.' thing yet.

Give him a few years of seeing Hisana grow by leaps and bounds while thinking 'I could be that strong if only I had my Sharingan' for the resentment to build up.

I may be remembering the series wrong, but didn't Sasuke activate his Sharingan the night of the massacre because of all the trauma of what Itachi did to him and he just forgot or something?
I may be remembering the series wrong, but didn't Sasuke activate his Sharingan the night of the massacre because of all the trauma of what Itachi did to him and he just forgot or something?
I don't remember anything like that, but I stopped reading at the start of the Great Ninja War arc, and I stopped paying close attention much earlier than that. Maybe he did, but I'm not aware of any evidence of that.
[X]Use a physical disguise

I think it would be a good idea to make sunglasses or googles part of our usual attire. A good number of nasty techniques rely on direct eye contact, so that would mitigate the issue somewhat, especially if we get them reinforced so they don't break as easily. It also allows us to no sell pocket sand, thrown mud, and the side-effects of some wind techniques (namely strong winds going to your eyes). It would also prevent some suspicion, since it could be passed off as just a new choice of attire, especially if we begin wearing them well before the Chuunin exams.
I may be remembering the series wrong, but didn't Sasuke activate his Sharingan the night of the massacre because of all the trauma of what Itachi did to him and he just forgot or something?
He did, he's repressed it out of sheer trauma though.

It might not be much of a stretch to poke him into trying to activate his eyes right not actually between Hisana's Canon Knowledge and the trauma he went through. Kind of a "You went through all that, far more than I did (I think) and you didn't activate them? Naw, now try it out." He has them, he just doesn't know he has them.
Oh man, we got it on our first try?
Smaller and cooler than his, though.

You know, it would be hilarious if Itachi actually left Hisana alive on accident.
Note that Hisana wasn't considered a member of the Uchiha clan, though her mother was. She didn't even get to carry the surname.
And Itachi left non-Uchiha alive.

Which is why I worry about our increased vulnerability to people like Orochimaru and Danzo; there is no indication that we are covered by his canon deals with Konoha and Tobi. Why I pushed for fuinjutsu.
We don't have a big brother launching shadow plays for our safety.
I may be remembering the series wrong, but didn't Sasuke activate his Sharingan the night of the massacre because of all the trauma of what Itachi did to him and he just forgot or something?
Yes. Chapter 403.

It might not be much of a stretch to poke him into trying to activate his eyes right not actually between Hisana's Canon Knowledge and the trauma he went through. Kind of a "You went through all that, far more than I did (I think) and you didn't activate them? Naw, now try it out." He has them, he just doesn't know he has them.
It took the trauma of killing his older brother for him to recover those memories.
We REALLY don't want to replicate a similar situation.
It took the trauma of killing his older brother for him to recover those memories.
We REALLY don't want to replicate a similar situation.
Yeah, but he got the Sharingan back before then, so to me that says he just needs to poke his eyes with chakra to use them. Or have that need to use them. But it's possible that that need just made the Chakra flow correctly to activate them. Especially since on the bridge he activated them with 1 and 2 tomoe rather than 1 and 1.
Yeah, but he got the Sharingan back before then, so to me that says he just needs to poke his eyes with chakra to use them. Or have that need to use them. But it's possible that that need just made the Chakra flow correctly to activate them. Especially since on the bridge he activated them with 1 and 2 tomoe rather than 1 and 1.
We can suggest his seeing an eye doctor just in case, assuming there are any Sharingan eye specialists still alive and working at Konoha General.
Just as a general checkup.
If there are any changes they can recognize from baseline, it might give him something to work on that he might pick up.

But as far as I know, there are no instructions on how to activate or use a Sharingan; you either know/remember, or you don't.
See how Kakashi never figured out how to turn his Sharingan off until Obito intervened down the line.
Or how Danzo never did figure out how to turn Shisui's eye off.
We can suggest his seeing an eye doctor just in case, assuming there are any Sharingan eye specialists still alive and working at Konoha General.
Just as a general checkup.
If there are any changes they can recognize from baseline, it might give him something to work on that he might pick up.

But as far as I know, there are no instructions on how to activate or use a Sharingan; you either know/remember, or you don't.
See how Kakashi never figured out how to turn his Sharingan off until Obito intervened down the line.
Or how Danzo never did figure out how to turn Shisui's eye off.
They probably kept eye check-ups in house. *Shrug* Clan secrets.

The Sharingan isn't the bloodline, but rather the most notable expression of the bloodline, see Itachi's comment to Kakashi back when they first ran into each other in the manga. So it makes sense that they don't have the ingrained instinct to actually do everything with it.

Kakashi activating Mangekyo like he did was a big fucking deal. Dude is beyond scary good. I'm pretty sure it was noted somewhere that if he hadn't fallen into his depression spiral he would have been S-Class flat out by canon start.
They probably kept eye check-ups in house. *Shrug* Clan secrets.
But Rin was familiar enough with the Sharingan to perform a battlefield transplant.
And Danzo knew enough to steal a viable eye from Shisui.
Your clan don't live forty plus years in a village without at least some knowledge becoming disseminated.

Worth checking, probably. In a year or two.
So it makes sense that they don't have the ingrained instinct to actually do everything with it.
Like you said: Instinct.
Kakashi had the Sharingan long enough that if it was possible, the Uchiha could have trained him to turn it off.
Especially given how Mikoto was his sensei's wife's bosom buddy.
That they didn't suggests not even prodigies like Kakashi can learn this stuff like that.

Kakashi activating Mangekyo like he did was a big fucking deal.
Obito actually evolved both Mangekyos at Rin's death.
Kakashi just figured out how to access it later.
[x] - Use the transformation jutsu to disguise yourself once inside the stadium.
That's the idea. In case one layer fails, there's still the other one.
Except someone suddenly turning into someone else is pretty noticeable. The downsides of the transformation jutsu (that she can only steal a limited amount of techniques before she runs out of chakra to continue activating the sharingan) still remains.

In my view, the transformation lets her steal better techniques since the target has a less chance of recognizing what she's doing. On the other hand, the disguise would let her steal more techniques since she'll have more chakra, but better ninjas could see through her bad disguise and know to not use good techniques in front of a sharingan.
In my view, the transformation lets her steal better techniques since the target has a less chance of recognizing what she's doing. On the other hand, the disguise would let her steal more techniques since she'll have more chakra, but better ninjas could see through her bad disguise and know to not use good techniques in front of a sharingan.

Hey, if they want to not get promoted to chounin because they're more worried about their techniques getting stolen, that's their call.