[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.

Using the Sharingan does also, well, allow us to practice using it — getting used to the chakra drain and the like. Besides, copying a teacher's perfect form and then analysing it later seems more efficient than constantly correcting ourselves to get up to standard. (And we're technically already behind our fellow peers)

And with the Sharingan's chakra sight, it's possible Hisana may get some additional insight on how the technique works if she bothers to understand it.
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[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up
[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.

[x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up
[X] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[X] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up

I seriously dislike 'actively befriend Naruto pre-canon' storylines because they are dishonest. One person knows so much more about the other that it's not fair at all, and is really just so grindingly two-faced. There are lots of unpopular kids hanging about—Hisana only cares about this one because he's the jinchuuriki and she knows he grows up to be overwhelmingly powerful. Does that sound like a good reason to start pursuing someone as a friend? It's absolutely not.
[x] Learn the hard way.

Don't get in the folly of the sharigan! WORK HARD TRAIN HARD!

[x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up

It will be suspicious if we go right after naruto.

Sorry If I'm too late for the votes just read the update.
[X] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[X] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up
[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up
I seriously dislike 'actively befriend Naruto pre-canon' storylines because they are dishonest. One person knows so much more about the other that it's not fair at all, and is really just so grindingly two-faced. There are lots of unpopular kids hanging about—Hisana only cares about this one because he's the jinchuuriki and she knows he grows up to be overwhelmingly powerful. Does that sound like a good reason to start pursuing someone as a friend? It's absolutely not.

Just because he's a Jinchuuriki is not a good reason to pursue a friendship, but he's a lonely kid and kinda hated in the village. Regardless of his status he could use a friend. Yeah, she's gonna know a lot more about him but we can't really do anything about that (literally it's against village law to tell him about quite a bit of what we know about him). And honestly, I think he'd be quite happy with ANYONE trying to be his friend, even with an imbalance in the knowledge between them.

It will be suspicious if we go right after naruto.

I don't think it will actually be too suspicious. Hisana seems to have been sequestered away a bit so she might not have ever been told about the whole 'he's a demon stay away from him' thing, and well, she doesn't really have any adults left to tell her that now. That and the whole 'being shunned' thing in both their histories would seem like a reasonable point of connection for the two
Wait didn't Itachi tell Sasuke something along the lines of the Uchiha clan holding him back? Because it seems plausible enough for Sasuke in his horribly traumatised mental state to view Hisana being successful as evidence that maybe Itachi had a point.

Unless Sasuke had no idea who Hisana is due to her not even being an Uchiha until after he was mindraped into a coma.
[] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up

I seriously dislike 'actively befriend Naruto pre-canon' storylines because they are dishonest. One person knows so much more about the other that it's not fair at all, and is really just so grindingly two-faced. There are lots of unpopular kids hanging about—Hisana only cares about this one because he's the jinchuuriki and she knows he grows up to be overwhelmingly powerful. Does that sound like a good reason to start pursuing someone as a friend? It's absolutely not.

I get what you're saying, but reaching out to Naruto doesn't mean willfully ignoring other people.

And we may have additional motives in wanting to help the probable future Ninja Jesus, but that doesn't change the fact that right now he's a lonely kid. Hisana knows this from her knowledge of canon, and is being presented with the chance to be his friend and maybe help him be less sad. Should she not reach out to him just because she knew about him before?
I don't think it will actually be too suspicious. Hisana seems to have been sequestered away a bit so she might not have ever been told about the whole 'he's a demon stay away from him' thing, and well, she doesn't really have any adults left to tell her that now. That and the whole 'being shunned' thing in both their histories would seem like a reasonable point of connection for the two

Look underneath the underneath! Underneath I see suspicion and paranoia! Under that I see a calculated risk to see what makes us tick by the Old man who knows something is up with us because we shouldn't be as composed as we are after everyone we knew died. Underneath that I see the old man being curious as why we would reach out to Naruto.

Though honestly speaking I don't care about any of the above and was just bullshitting. What I really care about is this.

What is more organic to start a friendship?

Reaching out and holding all the cards so to say, easily manipulating Naruto's heart strings to get a life long friend... or!

Waiting until he makes the move. Coming to us on his own when we don't rebuff him. Have him work out his suspicious nature as he probably been burned quite a bit. And becoming a true friend to him on his terms instead of ours!


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Look underneath the underneath! Underneath I see suspicion and paranoia! Under that I see a calculated risk to see what makes us tick by the Old man who knows something is up with us because we shouldn't be as composed as we are after everyone we knew died. Underneath that I see the old man being curious as why we would reach out to Naruto.

Though honestly speaking I don't care about any of the above and was just bullshitting. What I really care about is this.

What is more organic to start a friendship?

Reaching out and holding all the cards so to say, easily manipulating Naruto's heart strings to get a life long friend... or!

Waiting until he makes the move. Coming to us on his own when we don't rebuff him. Have him work out his suspicious nature as he probably been burned quite a bit. And becoming a true friend to him on his terms instead of ours!

Naruto may not make the first move. He didn't reach out to Sasuke. He saw him as a rival instead.

Trying to befriend Naruto doesn't mean manipulating him. It could be as simple as taking a bit of initiative and making just a bit of effort to get to know him. It may not take much for him to open up once talking to him, but we may well have to start the conversation.
[X] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[X] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up
Naruto may not make the first move. He didn't reach out to Sasuke. He saw him as a rival instead.

Trying to befriend Naruto doesn't mean manipulating him. It could be as simple as taking a bit of initiative and making just a bit of effort to get to know him. It may not take much for him to open up once talking to him, but we may well have to start the conversation.

Problem is that we're a girl. Probably a cute looking one too with those Uchiha genes and their perfect hair. He will likely reach out to us like he did Sakura.

And yes, I still view going after him right now as manipulation on our end. There is no two ways ands or buts about it. Any interaction with naruto would have a degree of manipulation, but at least not going after him and not rebuffing any attempts he might make would allow him to come to us on his own terms.

Besides frankly, I don't like the fact that we have a "We must fix everything" SI and I would love if we end up on a different team than Naruto and Sasuke anyway. Though this has nothing to do with my decision here.

To put it bluntly, I don't give two shits about naruto right now. I want our character to be more stable minded before she reaches out to anyone and that her perceptions of this being anything like the fictional universe she knew completely shattered. As it is she may see naruto as a two dimensional character or have a habit of imposing her interpretations of his character on him which will hurt Naruto.


Hell, our character had her entire family murdered, her distant cousin is stuck in a fucking coma because his brother is frankly a god damn idiot, and she just became the head of the family. And what does she do instead of collecting herself?

"I must fix this and that and that can't happen in the future so better fix that too"

I liked that she got Ebiso to train her though because that is awesome in the long run. Too bad apparently he hates naruto and thinks he's the fox.

Though honestly later on that never made any damn sense in the manga considering he's a trained jonin that tutors people very well in the basics. So it's more likely due to the fact he see's naruto as a trouble maker that would have been detrimental to his charges training than him being the "demon fox".


...Sorry for the rant.
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[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up

Why wouldn't you use a sharingan? It's an efficiency multiplier. Show me one piece of evidence from canon where using sharingan to supplement your training hurt the results of said training. Smarter, not harder! Sure, you could spend ten hours practicing a jutsu. Or you could spend two seconds copying it with sharingan, then two hours practicing it. The result would be the same, but in the end with sharingan you have eight hours to spend on something else.

If learning with a sharingan resulted in exploitable weaknesses, Uchiha clan would not have used sharingan to copy jutsu.

Also, yeah, it kinda shows that the character is a child:
1) Thinking about the world in terms of stories
2) not considering going to the authorities
3) The most direct route to personal safety instead of circumstantial ones.
I get what you're saying, but reaching out to Naruto doesn't mean willfully ignoring other people.
I never said that. What I said is that Hisana only has a special vote in her head (so to speak) regarding what to do about him because of who he is, not because of his circumstances.

There are lots of lonely children all about Konoha. Is it Hisana's business to fix their lives? Only if she makes it her business, as QM proposed here. I'm not opposed to accepting someone else's attempts to befriend Hisana, but I don't see why she should go about this dishonest line of approach on purpose unless she's clear to herself, at least, that she's doing so on less than upstanding reasons.

And honestly, I think he'd be quite happy with ANYONE trying to be his friend, even with an imbalance in the knowledge between them.
And we may have additional motives in wanting to help the probable future Ninja Jesus, but that doesn't change the fact that right now he's a lonely kid. Hisana knows this from her knowledge of canon, and is being presented with the chance to be his friend and maybe help him be less sad. Should she not reach out to him just because she knew about him before?

Reaching out to him to make him less sad is not the real reason, or else there'd be thought about improving the situation of orphans in general or something. Instead it's all focused on Naruto. In the entire thread no one's said that they'd like to help anyone other than Naruto. The 'help his loneliness' argument just goes down easier. Sugar to hide something else. The real argument is to pursue being friends with Naruto specifically, because of becoming Ninja Jesus in one iteration of things.

Every argument made in favor of helping him so far is only an attempt to mitigate that fact: 'it's actually not suspicious at all!' and 'does it matter if it's dishonest?' being the main lines of thought, I believe. Neither of these are actually in favor of making friends with him specifically, they're just warding off objections.

The third reason you've brought up, that 'He'd be happier!', is not a reason to manipulate people. It's still creepy as hell to maneuver people like that, even if you believe the end justifies the means here. It's self-deluding as well as extremely deceitful to think that it's not.

And that is the best case scenario, that he actually does become happier. 'You think Naruto wants a pity-friend?'...is one way that I can see it going wrong. He's a prideful guy. I mean, it's a Tekomandor quest, and these have shown a distinct tendency towards utopic interpretations, but really, the QM shouldn't be so slanted that that has to be taken into account...

Anyway, all of that's not to say that a more general desire to help can't crop up in Hisana, but at the moment, from the arguments I see, that's not why people are voting for befriending him. She's lying to herself, as well as to him.
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[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.

[x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up
[X] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.

The Haxigan is the whole point of being an Uchiha.

Anyway on an unrelated note I'd rather the main quest be trying to work out what the hell is up with the reincarnation stuff rather than dealing with the main plot if only to prevent a canon retread.

Not really sure what to do with Naruto though, it's fine if we use meta-knowledge to make him a friend but do we have even a flimsy excuse to do so? Since the protagonist is 2 years older and has basically nothing in common what would they even bond over?
[X] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.

The Haxigan is the whole point of being an Uchiha.

Anyway on an unrelated note I'd rather the main quest be trying to work out what the hell is up with the reincarnation stuff rather than dealing with the main plot if only to prevent a canon retread.

Not really sure what to do with Naruto though, it's fine if we use meta-knowledge to make him a friend but do we have even a flimsy excuse to do so? Since the protagonist is 2 years older and has basically nothing in common what would they even bond over?
The protagonist is in the Rookie Nine's year. Anyway, vote locked.

As I count it, use your Sharingan and befriend Naruto won.
The protagonist is in the Rookie Nine's year. Anyway, vote locked.

As I count it, use your Sharingan and befriend Naruto won.

Here is the tally if you wanted it.

Vote tally:

[x] Learn the hard way.
No. of votes: 10
pressea, Varano, DeepWaters, Vindictus, Blueshift, Briefvoice, theauthor, NegativeJ, Yun, OverReactionGuy

[x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up
No. of votes: 12
pressea, Varano, DeepWaters, Koden, NegativeJ, Yun, redzonejoe, tricholysis, OverReactionGuy, Desmond_helios, Demojay, Leingod

[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
No. of votes: 17
tri2, Erebeal, Scotchtape27, UbeOne, Koden, StarkDemise, Shadowward, FatedBread, XkaliburRage, redzonejoe, tricholysis, Desmond_helios, wingstrike96, Demojay, Yog, Leingod, WorldSlayer

[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up
No. of votes: 13
tri2, Vindictus, Blueshift, Briefvoice, theauthor, Erebeal, Scotchtape27, UbeOne, StarkDemise, Shadowward, XkaliburRage, wingstrike96, Yog
Was going to vote.....actually curious how she would deal with her clan due to her bad memories of them.
I can respect the dead but tying ourselves to the clan's past, no way.
I hope she let go of the clan baggage and be herself, a fresh start after all this.
At this rank, the user can see the flow of chakra and gains impressive reflexes, predictive capability, and eyesight.
one Tomoe should not give all of this
predictive capability
3 Tomoe for this one
go re-read the Valley fight near the end of part 1 before the time skip
Naruto little talk make Sasuke eyes go from 2 to 3 and then he started kicking Naruto ass since he can see what happen next
Fundamentally, though, she didn't believe for a second she'd be able to fight off Orochimaru at the age of twelve. Or probably ever.
We clearly need to work on Hisana's ambition. Itachi managed to fight off Orochimaru at age thirteen! Admittedly he did have the Mangekyō but even before that he was probably around S-rank. That is one of the things about SI the bothers me so often; they seem to forget that Naruto is a world filled with monsters from geniuses capable of hitting Jonin and up by the time "normal" students are graduating the academy to Sexagenarians and older who are still capable of fighting at S-rank levels.
Vote's already over? Damn. Well I was going to argue in favor of using the Sharingan anyway based on how I have trouble with problems. Basically if I get stuck on solving something I'll jump to the back of the book and look up the answer for a similar problem and work backwards through it. Having the final solution essentially giving me help with establishing the framework I need to get from the problem to that answer.

Similarly here I think getting the base technique down will let us jump into refining it and "owning" it much sooner than normal. And we'll want to do that with at least substitution.
Merger 1.4
Merger 1.4

The Academy was an interesting place, Hisana decided. It felt very much like primary school, only insane. Some classes seemed similar enough - maths, history, etc - but others were off the wall. Hisana hadn't had any of the "ninja" classes yet, but the example problems in maths seemed absurdly violent to her; though of course in a school designed to train what were essentially child soldiers would see it differently. She had ninjutsu before lunch, and that lead her onto the question of how she'd use her Sharingan without catching the attention of the other students. Not that any of them had spoken to her at all, not after she was introduced with her new last name.

Hisana sat at the back of the class, resting her head on her arms. It looked like her plan would work - pretend to be slacking during the demonstration period. Students started filling in, and the teacher - none other than Mizuki himself - arrived to restore order to a classroom that was beginning to look more like a warzone than an educational institution.

"Settle down, everyone! Today, we're going to be practicing the Clone Jutsu - I hope you've all being doing your homework, because I'm going to be calling you up to perform it in front of the class throughout the lesson. Now, for those of you who need a reminder..." Mizuki lectured, explaining the basics of the clone jutsu. Hisana put her head on her arms, nearly hiding her eyes, and activated her Sharingan just before Mizuki demonstrated the jutsu. With her enhanced reflexes, she could just about catch the moment he noticed her doing it.

Still, she saw the jutsu clearly enough that she thought she could do a decent immitation herself on the spot. As she understood it, most Uchiha didn't directly copy the techniques of their enemies and use them on them right away; except for the most skilled. Everyone else could get the basics, but had to practice to get the jutsu into a useable state.

"Hmmm, let's see; who should demonstrate their progress for the class... Miss Uchiha, if you would be so kind?" Mizuki asked, and Hisana had to stop herself from giving him a full-on Sharingan glare on the way down. Luckily she hadn't done that, and thus was able to face the class a perfectly recall the motions of Mizuki's chakra. It wasn't a perfect fit for her, made even less perfect by the difference in sheer size between her and Mizuki.

But it was a hell of a lot better than anyone else in the class could have done at their age, even with weeks of study. So she molded her chakra, and released it without so much a whisper. Grey chakra-smoke burst to life, inefficiency made manifest, and Hisana felt the cost of the jutsu bite into her coils.

The smoke cleared and there stood a slightly blurry copy of Hisana.

"Very good, very good. Mind sharing your tips with the class?" Mizuki asked, out of what must have been some sort of sadistic glee.

"I made sure to practice at home, with an older shinobi present." Hisana said blandly, looking Mizuki in the eye - and as her eyes were out of sight of the class in general, she activated her Sharingan for just a moment. Then she was back in her seat and dutifully taking notes. That, Hisana thought, was awesome.

Taijutsu was less awesome. She wasn't particularly tall, strong, or fast right now; and she couldn't pull out her trump card. Mizuki and another Chunin she didn't recognise had them doing warmups and practicing specific punches, kicks, throws etc. for an hour before they switched to sparring. Full contact, all out sparring. Her first spar of her - well, Mary's - life was against a girl she didn't recognise named Ami. She was fairly tall, and Hisana could only hope her sharingan-aided training with Ebisu would pay off.

They made the Seal of Confrontation, and then Ami came charging at her; fists flying. It was all brute power and no finesse, but Hisana could hardly be called a master of martial arts herself. She tried to get out of the way, and she was mostly successful but still caught a glancing blow to the shoulder. She retailed, launching her own punch that collided with Ami's face, sending the girl staggering backwards. Hisana hadn't ever really fought someone before, and she'd frozen up the first few times Ebisu had her punch him, but she could do this!

She rushed forward, grabbing for the leg of Ami's pants, her opponent hurriedly bringing her leg backwards. In doing so, however, Ami had neglected her other leg and Hisana managed to grab onto that one, picking it up and running forward with it. Ami toppled to the floor; and Hisana managed to slide into a somewhat smooth armbar. Ami tapped her leg twice, and Hisana let her up. She'd been hit by a punch that would have broken the jaw of most adult's in Mary's world and come out without so much as a split lip.

Then, of course, Hisana was matched against Kiba and promptly destroyed all over the ring.

She didn't talk to Naruto that first day; to avoid suspicion. Hisana came home from her first day at ninja school with a sizeable bruise, headache and a new jutsu. All in all, not too shabby. She still had training with Ebisu today; but he mercifully allowed her time to rest, eat, and shower in between.

"Before we begin today, Lady Uchiha, I'd like to ask a few questions as to what else you want to learn. The academy's course material is there for a reason, but it's a very general course. I have the training to give you the basics in anything from shinobi archery to medical jutsu, from sealmaking to swordplay - it all depends on what you're willing to put the effort into." Ebisu began, as they walked to a small training ground.

Hisana paused before she responded...

[x] - Kenjutsu. You think swords are really, really cool - and you know you never want to bring a knife to a swordfight.
[x] - Kyujustu. Bows and arrows mean fighting at a distance, and that means less exposure to knives and bombs and such.
[x] - Fuinjutsu. Seals do all sorts of weird and wonderful shit. You want in.
[x] - Medical Ninjutsu. Your ambitions aren't compatible with being a full time medic, but some ability with them sounds like it could just save a life someday.

Please vote via plan for this update. You may choose any combination of the above, or none, though of course you will only have so many skillpoints to assign and learning the basics of a special skill does take some.