Yea this quest just really got my creative juices flowing so I created all the mechs and vehicles I did because of that. I am currently working on a rewrite of the lore for first mech I ever posted here along with some art for it. Stay tuned for when I post it.
while I love the design, seriously great job it just doesn't scream helghast to me. It seems to smooth and not brutalist enough if that makes any sense. Other than that love it especially the claws
while I love the design, seriously great job it just doesn't scream helghast to me. It seems to smooth and not brutalist enough if that makes any sense. Other than that love it especially the claws
That was actually the intention. This design was meant to look new and next gen from the moment you lay you're eyes on it. After all in it's lore one of the designers of the Lightshow another quite smooth design was put in charge of the project after proving he was the only voice of reason among the leadership. So it's logical some elements of the design he worked on came through into this new design.
Also you would be surprised how smooth quite a few Helghan ships and drones are when you actually look them up.
Edit: Also I have deliberately been trying to give our varying mech manufactures different mech design styles to really make it clear who build them. Ogoun Heavy Industry makes brutalist designs, Detroit Consolidated MechWorks makes more smooth designs and finally Helghan State Arms falls somewhere in between the two.
One thing I really like about the Defender and the Cthonic-line of mechs you presented is that they seem borderline Outside Context Problem for the era they're being showcased in.
Also half of our new designs the Clans won't have battlerom data to train against come the next war.
One thing I really like about the Defender and the Cthonic-line of mechs you presented is that they seem borderline Outside Context Problem for the era they're being showcased in.
Also half of our new designs the Clans won't have battlerom data to train against come the next war.
Oh yea but that's Helghan tech for yea you can do some crazy stuff with it.
Another yep on the clan part. And honestly it shouldn't really be that surprising after all after the Clan invasion in canon the Innersphere also went kinda crazy with introducing a bunch of new designs. So in this timeline where the Periphery is at it highest point since the Reunification war it would be natural for them to also introduce a bunch of new designs especially to begin separating themselves from the Innersphere phasing out older Innersphere designs for ones of their own design.
Also I am considering making some future designs for the Innersphere separate from what they develop in canon. After all we introduced so many butterflies some unique mechs would likely be developed by the Innersphere with some even replacing canon designs in this timeline because they got more funding.
That was actually the intention. This design was meant to look new and next gen from the moment you lay you're eyes on it. After all in it's lore one of the designers of the Lightshow another quite smooth design was put in charge of the project after proving he was the only voice of reason among the leadership. So it's logical some elements of the design he worked on came through into this new design.
Also you would be surprised how smooth quite a few Helghan ships and drones are when you actually look them up.
Edit: Also I have deliberately been trying to give our varying mech manufactures different mech design styles to really make it clear who build them. Ogoun Heavy Industry makes brutalist designs, Detroit Consolidated MechWorks makes more smooth designs and finally Helghan State Arms falls somewhere in between the two.
Huh cool I definitely got the impression that it was meant to be next gen, but I never realized that the manufactures had different designs. ( Wich is pretty stupid of me in hindsight) good to know. Love your art work
Huh cool I definitely got the impression that it was meant to be next gen, but I never realized that the manufactures had different designs. ( Wich is pretty stupid of me in hindsight) good to know. Love your art work
All credit goes to MattPLOG for the art. I merely commissioned him and gave him instructions for what I wanted. Though all the lore, the idea for the designs style and how they would look was all my idea and MattPLOG then brought those idea's to life.
Much like Red Breath, Operation Selene had been an excellent crucible with which to further hone the Republic war machine. With lessons studied and learned, a new generation of weapon systems would eventually find its way onto the battlefield.
Having established a long history of supplying cutting edge and reliable weaponry for the Republic tracing back to its inception, Ogoun Heavy Industries had also made a name for itself after having pioneered the Republic's first native battlemech design, the Titan. Over the years, they had slowly refined the Titan with more advanced production materials, weaponry, computer systems, and even design philosophies. This eventually culminated in a modern battlemech for the modern battlefield.
Despite the design's refinement, the Titan was still Helghans first attempt at a battlemech and this placed it at a disadvantage against the more refined battlemechs of the Innersphere. The Princeps existed as a successor of sorts to the Titan line and was much faster to produce, easier to maintain, and just faster in general meant that the Titan was quickly losing whatever special niche it could've laid a claim to. Not to mention the Republic's state-owned entity, Helghan State Arms, had recently announced the creation of two Assault-weight battlemech designs.
That other industrial competitors were looking to enter the field of battlemech design and manufacturing only served to light a fire under the company board. Responding to Republic High Command's long standing desire to field more powerful battlemechs, Ogoun submitted a simple heavy design with a convoluted design history.
The mech that would eventually be designated as the Raver would start out as a proposed solution to the problems that presented itself during the Marian campaign. Limited by interstellar distances and bottlenecked logistics, the military had expressed a desire for a machine that could operate on extended mission times while simultaneously requiring minimal maintenance frequency. While energy-based load-outs and double heat sinks helped solve this problem, standard wear and tear from frequent use continued to plague every iteration of the Raver.
One instance has the mech equipped with no less than three gravity control drives, taking inspiration from several unique Marauder prototypes tested during Selene. While they were eventually removed, at least two design teams were rumored to have kept copies of design blueprints and are said to be working on it during their off-time.
At the closing days of December 3041, OHI would finalize a more balanced design that met the military's requirements, integrating advancements in the field of Petrusite theory and application. Trials would begin during the first quarter of 3042 before the announcement of successful technological exchanges with the Capellan Confederation and the Niops Association subsequently put them to a temporary stop.
Taking advantage of two certain pieces of technology acquired from said exchanges, a 69th and truly final entry was submitted. This mech known as the RVR-69 Raver was everything the Helghan Republic Armed Forces had requested. It was durable, easy to maintain, easy to pilot and incredibly rugged perfect for long campaigns or campaigns where resupply would be difficult. Full production of the machine would be authorized and begin in September of 3042.
It wouldn't take long for the Raver to see it's first true test during the interventions that kicked off in 3046. All in all it served well in these conflicts, its speed allowing it to easily out maneuver it's enemies. This speed also allowed it to act as heavy support for lighter formations. It's ruggedness and easy to maintain nature also made it a favorite for many mech techs that worked on it.
However it would be the Clan invasion where the mech would truly be tested and some of it's flaws became more apparent. While the Ravers could easily out maneuver enemy Innersphere battlemechs when facing the Clans who's heavy Omnimechs moved at the same speed it did as standard it only equalized the playing field. Though even when the playing field was equalized the Raver performed well against it's clan opponents even gaining a rivalry with the most preeminent Clan heavy omnimech the Timberwolf.
The design that proved Ogoun hadn't lost it's edge in battlemech designs the RVR-69 Raver is a relatively simple design that still uses some of the most advanced technology the Helghan Republic had access to during the 3040's. Powered by Hephaestus 375 XL fusion engine the RVR-69 this engine gives the capability to walk at speed of 54 km/h and running at speeds up to 86,4 km/h. However this speed comes at the cost of the engines size meaning should a side torso be destroyed the engine and the entire mech go with it.
To make sure the Raver was easy to produce and maintain a Solar Foundry Type-S standard structure is installed which is wrapped in 14.5 tons of Solar Guard Standard Armor which gives the Raver excellent protection for it's weight class. To further add to this defense a Rave-101 Laser Anti-Missile system is installed along with a Guardian ECM system.
The weapons of the Raver's were deliberately kept simple consisting of 11 Solar Ray MK2 Helghan grade Medium Lasers with 3 located in each arm, 3 being located in the left torso and the final 2 being located in the right torso. This complement of medium lasers is supported by a single Grazer Ray Helghan grade Small Laser in the right torso at close range. To deal with all the heat generated by all these lasers 19 double heatsinks are installed that allow the Raver to alphastrike while running as long as it's Anti-Missile system isn't active.
Finally for electronics systems, the RVR-69 is equipped with a Helghan Arms Electronics HBCS Communications system and a Pharoah Lockscreen linked to a Targeting Computer located in the left torso allowing the Raver to be more accurate with it's strikes.
Raver RVR-69
Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Production Year: 3042
Dry Cost: 18.410.438 C-Bills
Total Cost: 18.410.438 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2.033
Chassis: Solar Foundry Type-S Standard
Power Plant: Hephaestus 375 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 54,0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86,4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Solar Guard Standard Armor
11 Solar Ray MK2 Helghan Medium Lasers
1 Grazer Ray Helghan Small Laser
1 Guardian ECM Suite
1 Rave-101 Laser Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: Ogoun Heavy Industry
Primary Factory: Helghan
Communications System: Helghan Arms Electronics HBCS
Targeting and Tracking System: Pharoah Lockscreen
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 114 points 7,50
Engine: XL Fusion Engine 375 19,50
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 19(38) 9,00
Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro: Standard 4,00
Cockpit: Standard 3,00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA R: SH+UA+LA
Armor: Standard Armor AV - 231 14,50
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 23 35
Center Torso (rear) 11
L/R Torso 16 25
L/R Torso (rear) 7
L/R Arm 12 24
L/R Leg 16 32
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Guardian ECM Suite CT 0 2 1,50
2 H-Medium Lasers RT 6 2 2,00
H-Small Laser RT 1 1 0,50
Laser Anti-Missile System RT 7 2 1,50
3 H-Medium Lasers LT 9 3 3,00
Targeting Computer LT - 3 3,00
3 H-Medium Lasers RA 9 3 3,00
3 H-Medium Lasers LA 9 3 3,00
Free Critical Slots: 12
Quirks: Rugged, Easy to Maintain, Easy to Pilot
RVR-69S: Introduced alongside the RVR-69 the RVR-69S was specifically designed to use the recently introduced miniaturized shield system. To facilitate the installation of the shield the XL engine was replaced with a Maridian 375 Irradiated Petrusite Reactor which allows the Raver to reach ridiculous speeds up to 75.6 km/h while walking and 108 km/h while running however this comes at the cost of the reactor itself being far more unstable. Alongside the engine being switched out the standard structure is replaced with a Solar Foundry Type-E Endo-Steel Structure -which is later replaced by the Type-C when Clan Endo-Steel is introduced-. Finally the Laser Anti-Missile system is removed as it was deemed unnecessary with a shield being installed. With those changes made the InvisiPro Mark I-M Shield Generator is installed into the right torso.
Raver RVR-69S
Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Production Year: 3042
Dry Cost: 18.174.188 C-Bills
Total Cost: 18.174.188 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1.975
Chassis: Solar Foundry Type-E (replaced by Type-C in 3059) Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Maridian 375 Irradiated Petrusite Reactor
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 108 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Solar Guard Standard Armor
11 Solar Ray MK2 Helghan Medium Lasers
1 Grazer Ray Helghan Small Laser
1 Guardian ECM Suite
1 InvisiPro Mark I-M Shield Generator
Manufacturer: Ogoun Heavy Industry
Primary Factory: Helghan
Communications System: Helghan Arms Electronics HBCS
Targeting and Tracking System: Pharoah Lockscreen
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel 114 points 4,00
Internal Locations: 1 HD, 3 LT, 3 LA, 3 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine: Ir Pet reactor 375 19,50
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 10
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 19(38) 9,00
Heat Sink Locations: 2 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro: Standard 4,00
Cockpit: Standard 3,00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA R: SH+UA+LA
Armor: Standard Armor AV - 231 14,50
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 23 35
Center Torso (rear) 11
L/R Torso 16 24
L/R Torso (rear) 8
L/R Arm 12 24
L/R Leg 16 32
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Guardian ECM Suite CT 0 2 1,50
2 H-Medium Lasers RT 6 2 2,00
H-Small Laser RT 1 1 0,50
Shield Generator RT 5 3 5,00
3 H-Medium Lasers LT 9 3 3,00
Targeting Computer LT - 3 3,00
3 H-Medium Lasers RA 9 3 3,00
3 H-Medium Lasers LA 9 3 3,00
Free Critical Slots: 0
Quirks: Rugged, Easy to Maintain, Easy to Pilot
RVR-69B: Introduced in 3048 this variant was designed after complaints from Helghan Pilots that the standard Raver was too fragile thanks to the XL engine. In order to remedy this complaint the RVR-69B removed the XL engine and replaced it with a Hephaestus 300 Standard Engine allowing for walking speeds of 43,2 km/h and running speeds of 64,8 km/h. However with the engine it was also decided to switch up the Ravers weapon loadout. This was put to use by taking out the 2 medium lasers in the right torso along with the Laser Anti-Missile system and replacing it with a P2 Quasar Flash Helghan Large Pulse Lasers. Finally the total amount of double heatsinks is decreased to 18.
Raver RVR-69B
Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Production Year: 3048
Dry Cost: 7.033.688 C-Bills
Total Cost: 7.033.688 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1.865
Chassis: Solar Foundry Type-S Standard
Power Plant: Hephaestus 300 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43,2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64,8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Solar Guard Standard Armor
1 P2 Quasar Flash Helghan Large Pulse Laser (upgraded to the P3 by 3060) Large Laser
9 Solar Ray MK2 Helghan Medium Lasers
1 Grazer Ray Helghan Small Laser
1 Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Ogoun Heavy Industry
Primary Factory: Helghan
Communications System: Helghan Arms Electronics HBCS
Targeting and Tracking System: Pharoah Lockscreen
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 114 points 7,50
Engine: Fusion Engine 300 19,00
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 18(36) 8,00
Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 2 RT, 2 LA, 1 RA
Gyro: Standard 3,00
Cockpit: Standard 3,00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA R: SH+UA+LA
Armor: Standard Armor AV - 231 14,50
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 23 35
Center Torso (rear) 11
L/R Torso 16 25
L/R Torso (rear) 7
L/R Arm 12 24
L/R Leg 16 32
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Guardian ECM Suite CT 0 2 1,50
H-Large Pulse Laser RT 10 2 5,00
H-Small Laser RT 1 1 0,50
3 H-Medium Lasers LT 9 3 3,00
Targeting Computer LT - 4 4,00
3 H-Medium Lasers RA 9 3 3,00
3 H-Medium Lasers LA 9 3 3,00
Free Critical Slots: 13
Quirks: Rugged, Easy to Maintain, Easy to Pilot
RVR-69NG: Introduced in 3058 this Raver is meant to be the next gen upgrade for the standard RVR-69 using reverse engineered Clan technology and new recently introduced Helghan technology. The old XL engine is upgraded to a Hephaestus MK2 375 Clan grade XL fusion engine. While this engine doesn't provide any speed increases it is quite a bit smaller than the original engine which resolves the biggest weakness of the original model that being the loss of a side torso would destroy the mech. The standard structure is also replaced by a Solar Foundry Type-C Clan grade Endo-Steel. This new structure allows for the Armor to be upgraded to 16 tons of Guardian FL23 Ferro-Lamellor allowing the Raver to take after the recently introduced DFR-B3 Defender in being incredibly durable. Finally some of the Ravers weapons also gain an upgrade. The left torso Laser Anti-Missile system is removed however medium lasers and small laser are upgraded to 2 P2 Pulsar Flash Helghan grade Medium Pulse lasers and 1 Quasar Grazer Helghan Grade Small Pulse Laser. These new weapons while having a lower range then the weapons they replaced make up for it by being far more accurate and having a significantly higher amount of firepower or in the small pulse lasers case is far more effective against infantry. Besides being upgraded to Clan Grade the double heatsinks remain the same as the standard model.
Raver RVR-69NG
Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X-X
Production Year: 3058
Dry Cost: 18.996.250 C-Bills
Total Cost: 18.996.250 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2.401
Chassis: Solar Foundry Type-C Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Hephaestus MK2 375 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 54,0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86,4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Guardian FL23 Ferro-Lamellor
2 P2 Pulsar Flash Helghan Helghan Medium Pulse Lasers
9 Solar Ray MK2 Helghan Medium Lasers
1 Quasar Grazer Helgahn Small Pulse Laser
1 Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Ogoun Heavy Industry
Primary Factory: Helghan
Communications System: Helghan Arms Electronics HBCS
Targeting and Tracking System: Pharoah Lockscreen
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel 114 points 4,00
Internal Locations: 2 RT, 2 LA, 1 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Engine: XL Engine 375 19,50
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: (CL) Double Heat Sink 19(38) 9,00
Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro: Standard 4,00
Cockpit: Standard 3,00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA R: SH+UA+LA
Armor: Ferro-Lamellor AV - 224 16,00
Armor Locations: 1 HD, 1 LT, 3 RT, 2 LA, 3 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 23 36
Center Torso (rear) 9
L/R Torso 16 24
L/R Torso (rear) 8
L/R Arm 12 24
L/R Leg 16 29
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Guardian ECM Suite CT 0 2 1,50
2 H-Medium Pulse Lasers RT 8 2 4,00
H-Small Pulse Laser RT 2 1 1,00
3 H-Medium Lasers LT 9 3 3,00
IS-Targeting Computer LT - 4 4,00
3 H-Medium Lasers RA 9 3 3,00
3 H-Medium Lasers LA 9 3 3,00
Free Critical Slots: 0
Quirks: Rugged, Easy to Maintain, Easy to Pilot
RVR-71: The RVR-71 was a Raver variant that had been in development at Ougon for quite a few years after the clan invasion and was introduced in 3061. This variant is designed to support the original RVR-69 and it's upgrades. The RVR-71 removes all but one medium laser -which remains in the right torso- and replaces them with 3 high firepower P3 Quasar Flash Helghan pattern Large Pulse Laser -which are located in the right arm, left arm and left torso- that open holes in enemy armor for the medium lasers of the RVR-69 to take advantage off. For armor the RVR-71 uses the same Ferro-Lamelor as the RVR-69C and in the same quantity. Finally some heatsinks are removed dropping the total to 17 which is more than enough to keep the heat under control.
Raver RVR-71
Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X-X
Production Year: 3061
Dry Cost: 18.702.250 C-Bills
Total Cost: 18.702.250 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1.982
Chassis: Solar Foundry Type-C Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Hephaestus 375 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 54,0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86,4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Solar Guard Ferro-Lamellor
3 P3 Quasar Flash Helghan Large Pulse Laser
1 Solar Ray MK2 Helghan Medium Laser
1 Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Ogoun Heavy Industry
Primary Factory: Helghan
Communications System: Helghan Arms Electronics HBCS
Targeting and Tracking System: Pharoah Lockscreen
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel 114 points 4,00
Internal Locations: 1 LT, 2 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Engine: XL Engine 375 19,50
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: (CL) Double Heat Sink 17(34) 7,00
Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT
Gyro: Standard 4,00
Cockpit: Standard 3,00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA R: SH+UA+LA
Armor: Ferro-Lamellor AV - 224 16,00
Armor Locations: 1 HD, 4 RT, 3 LA, 2 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 23 36
Center Torso (rear) 9
L/R Torso 16 24
L/R Torso (rear) 8
L/R Arm 12 24
L/R Leg 16 29
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Guardian ECM Suite CT 0 2 1,50
H-Medium Laser RT 3 1 1,00
H-Large Pulse Laser LT 10 2 5,00
IS-Targeting Computer LT - 4 4,00
H-Large Pulse Laser RA 10 2 5,00
H-Large Pulse Laser LA 10 2 5,00
Free Critical Slots: 9
Quirks: Rugged, Easy to Maintain, Easy to Pilot
Notable pilots:
Arno - Wolf Bait- Klauber: By all accounts Arno is a very ordinary individual. Born on Helghan in 3017 Arno had a very simple early life though somewhat difficult life as a farmer on Helghan. He and his family worked the field and made sure people had food to eat on Helghan. However during 3030's Arno began to feel dissatisfied with life on the farm and felt it was his duty to serve his country in a more direct fashion. Saying goodbye to his family Arno set off to join the Helghan Republic Armed Forces.
During basic training Arno's was found to be capable of piloting battlemech so was transferred to be trained in battlemech piloting. His skills in the field were nothing special but good enough that he managed to make it through training and officially become a mechwarrior. He initially piloted a Titan TTN-2HR however would switch to the RVR-69 Raver. His reasoning for requesting the switch was that he would be able to perform better in the very easy to pilot Raver then the Titan which his commanding officer agreed with.
Unlike what he was expecting Arno's unit the first armies 9th Battlemech regiment wouldn't be deployed for a long time, even during the interventions it would remain a garrison unit for defense against potential deep strikes. However when the Clans invaded Arno's unit like the rest of the first army would be deployed to defend the Free Rasalhague Republic.
Arno would first see action on Hohenems against Clan Wolf's 37th Strike Cluster in a traditional Clan Batchal. It was a hellish battle fought among ice covered fjords and stone canyons. However at some point during the battle Arno would be separated from the rest of his lance when a flanking maneuver was pushed back and found himself alone attempting to return to ORDI lines. However he would be intercepted by a Clan Star on the way and thinking on his feet challenged the star commander in charge to a one on one Batchall which if he were to win they would allow him to safely return to ORDI lines and should he lose he would summit to becoming a bondsman.
Arno's challenge would be accepted and Star Commander Richard Wolf who was piloting a Timberwolf would engage him in one on one combat. However unlike what both combatants were expecting Arno managed to pull out a win by managing to hit all his mechs lasers directly into the Timberwolfs center torso completely coring the omnimech forcing Richard to eject while his mech detonated into a miniature star. Having won the Batchal the rest of Richards star held up the agreement and let Arno safely return to ORDI lines even going as far to inform other Stars in the area to let him pass.
Arno returned to ORDI lines with a heavily damaged mech which desperately needed repairs but he was just glad to have returned with his life. However this encounter would set the precedent for every battle Arno would take part in for the rest of the invasion. Without fail in every battle he would be separated from his lance, encounter a Timberwolf, end up fighting one on one -though the circumstances of each battle would be different not all of them being Batchalls- and end up winning before returning to ORDI controlled territory with a heavily damaged mech.
After the 4th time this song and dance happened Arno would gain the nickname of Wolf Bait among his unit for his constant bad luck with encountering Timberwolfs. However due to the fact he defeated every Timberwolf he encountered, a legend sprang up around Arno among Timberwolf pilots. It portrays Arno as the Wolf Hunter, an incredibly skilled barbarian Mechwarrior that specifically chose to only engage Timberwolf pilots alone to prove his skill by beating them. Paradoxically this legend caused Timberwolf pilots to seek out Arno in battles hoping to bring down Wolf Hunter causing Arno to encounter even more Timberwolfs. It's reported that when Arno learned of this legend from a Clan POW he didn't know if he should be proud or embarrassed.
After the Clan invasion Arno continued to serve in the HRAF being reassigned to the Helghan Institute of Military sciences to act as an instructor for Helghans next generation of mechwarriors. From current reports he is well liked among his students and his classes have been shown to have incredible promise especially a student by the name of Karolina Shinobu.
AN: And here we are back where my mech designing for this quest began. With the quest having ended it just felt right to give the Raver's lore a make over to how I write it now along with giving it some proper art. This will likely be the last time I will post a mech for this quest until the sequel is made so I hope you guys enjoy it. I do have one more piece of art I am waiting for and I may write a omake for but for now this is it (unless I just feel like designing some future the Lords of Ruin Innersphere or Clan mechs). Finally credit to @abominable who wrote the lore for the original Raver post a lot of it remains in this rewrite so it only was fair to give him the proper credit he deserves.
After the 4th time this song and dance happened Arno would gain the nickname of Wolf Target among his unit for his constant bad luck with encountering Timberwolfs.
Ironically none of those where inspirations for the Raver (though I can see why you would think they would be). The Avalanche was partially the inspiration alongside the Phoenix Walker from age of wonders planetfall.
Ironically none of those where inspirations for the Raver (though I can see why you would think they would be). The Avalanche was partially the inspiration alongside the Phoenix Walker from age of wonders planetfall.
Indeed I was just trying to make a mech that was just simple to make and supply but while creating it it also turned out to be a good fighting machine.
In general I try for each machine I create to have character but also be logical for the Helghan Republic to have created and use. It's why I included the failed Vanguard prototype in the Defenders lore to showcase that even the Helghan republic can make failures but isn't stupid enough to actually put those machines into production.
Also I currently have idea for the Vanguard to give it even more of a legacy. The 3 test models that where created where never recycled or dismantled just put into storage and promptly forgotten about. However the FWL got wind of project Wall and the fact 3 of it's prototypes where stored away and saw it as the perfect opportunity to steal them and gain some Helghan tech. However they never actually got details on Project Wall or why the Prototypes were stored in a hanger near the edge of a city merely considering it overconfidence on Helghan part. However after stealing the prototypes instead of the highly advanced and capable mechs they where expecting they got a failed Vanguard designs. So to make it that they didn't steal the prototypes for nothing they used the prototypes as a base to create a actually competent mech design that while different from the prototypes does take a lot of elements from it.
"That last desperate battle was my last option to get me and my star safely off world" said former Star Commander Jayden a contemplating look on his face. "At the time when I heard Lance Commander Richard Klinger challenge me to a batchal I couldn't belief it. A periphery barbarian challenging us to a honored Clan battle while most Innersphere forces had just ignored them or taken advantage of them? It was absurd."
Jayden sighed "However with Richard offering my Star hegira should I win it was my best chance to get us safely off world but should I lose my star was to surrender and become prisoners of war. Some of my Star mates warned me that Richard maybe lying but I rebuked them as such I took his challenge fully knowing should I lose our days as Clan warriors could end right there and then."
A frown appeared on the young mans face. "It was properly the hardest fight I ever had to fight with Klinger matching my moves with one of his own. However in the end my own overconfidence and superior speed was my undoing. My move to circle around him and strike his back to take him out in one blow backfired with him maneuvering out of the way of my strike at the last possible moment putting me directly in front of him. And he ended the battle right there and then with a barrage of lighting, lasers and missiles.
Then the frown faded from his face being replaced a faint smile as a sense of contentment seemingly washing over him. "But I am happy I lost to him that day. Life in the Republic is far different then how it was in the Clans and it wasn't a easy transition but it's so much more free. No longer do we have to be warriors because we were born to be. We can now just be who we truly want to be. Just look at my former star mate Ezra he is now the leader of a research program looking to improve the safety of the Warp Communications network or Naoimi who runs a fitness studio on Detroit."
"Me loosing ended up improving our lives for the better. And looking back I wouldn't have it any other way".
-Jayden Klinger (formerly Smoke Jaguar) to reporter Angila Fincke during a interview on how former Clan POW's are integrating into Republic society.
AN: And this is the final piece of art that I commissioned up until this point. Originally I wanted to write a full omake on Jaidens last mission and battle however I just couldn't get the Clans way of talking right. So I did this interview which takes place after the invasion where Jayden recounts the battle in a short hand matter instead. I hope you guys still enjoyed it though.
I've definitely enjoyed your commissioned mech art Omega-Chris with the Beetle being my favourite due to how different it is looks wise from the majority of mechs in battletech.
If OTL Battletech wasn't upholding the status quo realistically the Clans would have more deeper and meaningful societal changes not surface-deep changes.
I've definitely enjoyed your commissioned mech art Omega-Chris with the Beetle being my favourite due to how different it is looks wise from the majority of mechs in battletech.
If OTL Battletech wasn't upholding the status quo realistically the Clans would have more deeper and meaningful societal changes not surface-deep changes.
Yea it's why in the interview I had Jayden specify that they had so much more freedom now and how they were taking advantage of that freedom. In OTL most of the Clans still control there people with a iron grip however the POW's we took in after a difficult transition period would have the freedom to do whatever they wanted without any real oversight.
Who knows what they would become my choices for the carriers Ezra and Naomi end up choosing are just on of many paths they could have taken.
There is a saying that there is nothing worse than an ignorant person with complete conviction, so it's nice to see that even some Smoke Jaguars are able to evolve beyond the confines of Clan society.
"We had the jump on them" said Katrina the young woman having a smirk on her face "the Clanners hadn't expected a Assault mech and a bunch of tanks to intercept them.
The smirk shifted into a full blown smile. "And they suffered for in my first volley I managed to get most of my small lasers to strike the enemy UIller. They tore through the light mechs entire left side to get into it's center turning that prized engine all their machines have into molten scrap."
The smile faded from Katrina's face as a more haunted look took it's place as she looked at the ground. "That first strike gave me a false sense of confidence that was quickly shattered. The Clanners responded quickly ravaging my Shatterer escorts deliberately targeting the ground beneath them to send up debris into the tanks more vulnerable undersides all the while dodging and weaving through counter fire."
The young woman then looked me directly in the eyes. "We gave it our all and we did manage to put the scout star down before they managed to gain any intel on our main forces movements. However it came at the cost of 2 Shatterers destroyed, 3 more damaged to varies degrees and my Lightshow losing an arm".
The woman took a more relaxed posture but kept eye contact "This battle really showed me that while we could beat the Clanners it would come at a great cost. However after the battle we were celebrated by the planets people throwing a massive party. Seeing their smiling faces I decided I would be willing to pay the price to keep these innocent people out of the clutches of tyrants. Even if had cost me my own life."
-Katrina Kiefer to reporter Angila Fincke during an interview on the experience of participating in the defense of the Free Rasalhague Republic
AN: Well it has been a while. This piece has been in the oven for a lot longer then I was expecting but here it is now for those who are still around I hope you guys enjoy it.
"At the time I was furious" said Ned the older man sitting across me with a scowl across his face "That these Periphery barbarians would dare to attack us while we where at such a vulnerable state"
"But now I realize that anger stemmed from a deep sadness that I had to fight my own people. While ORDI stepping in was undoubtedly opportunistic they were their to give the people what they wanted." The scowl had faded replaced by a frown.
"I remember sitting in my Stalker moving through the streets of Saso trying to get to the most optimal defensive position for the defense as Helghan forces flooded the city. However on the way we detected 2 lone Helghan Assault mechs and our lances commander Jackson made the decision to engage them." The frown remained on his face but a contemplative look had joined it.
"The Thanatos and Helknight weren't caught off guard and immediately engaged us when we came around the corner. Jackson charged the Hellknight with his Atlas knowing the longer the mech remained active the harder the battle would become. I followed him in preparing my weapons to strike the Thanatos. However this had been a trap out of seemingly nowhere a Ereshkigal came jumping over the building -I would later learn it had been hidden by the ECM of a Huginn- firing a volley of inferno SRM's at me preventing me from using my weapons to their fullest before switching to our lances Wolverine quickly disabling it's main weapons. It was then that the Hellknight fired unstable green beams dug into Jackson's Atlas and the surrounding area but I had little time to react before I got bombarded by the Thanatos which I responded to with LRM fire". The frown now completely vanished from his face replaced by a haunting look.
"As the green beams continued to dig into the Atlas I heard Jackson's panicking. He screamed that the beams where destroying his reactor through the Atlas's armor. He acted quickly shutting down his mech before ejecting -trying to avoid capture- not wanting to risk a reactor explosion in the center of the city. It wasn't long before Michella -the pilot of the wolverine- joined him as her mech was torn apart by weapons fire from the Ereshkigal. Now with 2 intact assault mechs in front of me and a medium behind me I knew I couldn't win and surrender." A strange look appeared on his face I couldn't make out what it was. "At first I was expecting the worst as all those who where captured did considering we were captured by Periphery barbarians. Imagine my surprise when we where treated quite well. Of course their where the occasional insult but nothing more than that.
"It would be while I was in captivity I learned what ORDI's plan's where in the Outback and how their where intending to assist the rebels gain their freedom. This surprised me as I was fully expecting them to just conquer the outback but no they intended to let the people choose their future." A look of true sadness crossed his face. "We had been fighting to keep our worlds but in the process we where killing our own people. Looking back on it what we did was both foolish and horrible. But the past is the past and we can't change it."
"After I was returned to the Federate Suns I decided to retire. I had seen enough war it was time for the younger generation to choose the future of our nation but from the rhetoric I have heard lately it seems our nations may repeat the mistakes that led to the Outback Intervention."
-Ned Reeves former AFFS mechwarrior to reporter Angila Fincke during an interview on the experience of fighting ORDI during the Outback Intervention.
AN: And that is the last of the Battlescenes (for now anyway). But that doesn't mean this is the last art I will post. I have 2 more mech arts being created for future Helghan mechs which I am sure you will all enjoy.