[X] [Music] Flute
[X] [Alicent] Tell Her of your Desires, How You Nearly Swept Her off Her Feet the Day of the Tourney

I like the flute best in terms of the sound it makes, so must choose that. As for Alicent, let's see how the fair lady feels about finding out that her knight wanted to sweep her up in her arms and go ride off into the sunset.
Harrenhal's problematic-ness is overstated, we'd live most of the time in the Red Keep and maybe a few months here and there on Dragonstone, and needn't visit Harrenhal much at all. We certainly don't need to divert crown funds to its upkeep. Much more problematic is having our husband on a timer before he is kinslain.
If we marry Harwin, our second child will eventually inherit that monstrosity, so as the doting mother she is will feel compelled to make it livable for her child...

Well, the flute doesn't seem likely to win at this point so I am dropping the lute... The lute is alright, but the harp goes better together with our Knightly vibes...
[X] [Music] Harp
[X] [Alicent] Tell Her of your Desires, How You Nearly Swept Her off Her Feet the Day of the Tourney
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Why would you think that?

From what we have seen in the show Harwin was not jealous of Laenor being the King Consort, that his children called Laenor father, or that he would never be anything more than Nyra's secret lover... You can say many things about Breakbones, but he doesn't seem like the jealous kind of guy.

Yes, but the difference is that it was in fact him who was Rhaenyra's "love interest". The one she had chosen, the one she loved (or close enough to it). Laenor was just a political marriage with zero intimacy, everyone knew that.

But here, it is Alicent who is our love interest. The one our heart belongs to. If he has genuine feeling for us, this might in fact be way worse for him than the situation with Laenor. Basically, he would be here what Laenor was in canon, and Alicent would be what he was in canon. That is a rather large difference, and if he has feelings for us that might lead to jealousy.

/E: Basically, we know he isn't jealous about official status, but he might be about emotional intimacy. Especially if he desires that emotional intimacy for himself.

Harrenhal's problematic-ness is overstated,

If at all, it is often understated in fandom. As I've said before... The curse of Harrenhal is real. In 300 years, 8 houses have held Harrenhal. 8 Houses have gone extinct. While elsewhere they continue for millennia. 8 houses dead in 300 years is no mere coincidence. Every single House who touches Harrenhal seems to go extinct. House Hoare ended in dragonfire after thousands of years, House Qoherys killed in rebellion, House Harroway killed by Maegor, House Towers all killed by violence, war and illness within the third generation, House Strong killed by a massacre, House Lothston went mad, House Whent unable to bear enough children and House Slynt ending as a house basically as soon as it was established. And all de facto rulers and castellans end up the same way too - in ASOIAF, Armory Lorch, Vargo Hoat, the Mountain and Tywin Lannister all die shortly after having run Harrenhal.

Of course the great exception to the curse was Rhaena Targaryen ruling the place for 20 years (we don't know how Alys Rivers, the other long time de facto ruler ends up), and then dying peacefully of old age. So hey, maybe Targaryens are immune to the curse. But, uh, I wouldn't bank on that.

If we somehow manage to only be de jure ruler and never actually going there we might also be fine, but I don't think that would happen, either. Plus, Janos Slynt never even set foot in Harrenhal and still ended up dispossesed.

Much more problematic is having our husband on a timer before he is kinslain.
Unlike a mega-magical curse that is basically certain to exist, that one seems much more preventable. Of course, the curse will then probably strike in another form. Due to the above, if Larys or Aemond don't kill them all, House Strong will go extinct some other way.
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If we somehow manage to only be de jure ruler and never actually going there we might also be fine, but I don't think that would happen, either. Plus, Janos Slynt never even set foot in Harrenhal and still ended up dispossesed.
To be fair, Janos Slynt was a participant in an extremely volatile period of Westerosi politics and his overall faction's politics were a snakepit. It's quite possible that Harrenhal didn't need to do a damn thing to ruin Janos Slynt, for Slynt to nonetheless wind up ruined.
To be fair, Janos Slynt was a participant in an extremely volatile period of Westerosi politics and his overall faction's politics were a snakepit. It's quite possible that Harrenhal didn't need to do a damn thing to ruin Janos Slynt, for Slynt to nonetheless wind up ruined.
I mean, on its own, that is true, but as part of that wider pattern that is clearly above single-case explanations... well, as part of that this probably means we should be wary of mere de jure ownership, too. Plus, as Fanhunter points out, one of our kids would inherit the place anyway, and probably wouldn't then just stay around at the royal court.

...come to think of it, even Harwin's bastard sons all died in canon, to complete the extinction of his house. Yeah the curse could conceivably screw up even our dynastic considerations. Like, we win the war against a half-brother and then he inherits anyway because the Harrenhal curse strikes or something like that. That would be very ASOIAF, after all.
I mean, on its own, that is true, but as part of that wider pattern that is clearly above single-case explanations... well, as part of that this probably means we should be wary of mere de jure ownership, too. Plus, as Fanhunter points out, one of our kids would inherit the place anyway, and probably wouldn't then just stay around at the royal court.

...come to think of it, even Harwin's bastard sons all died in canon, to complete the extinction of his house. Yeah the curse could conceivably screw up even our dynastic considerations. Like, we win the war against a half-brother and then he inherits anyway because the Harrenhal curse strikes or something like that. That would be very ASOIAF, after all.
...I think I'm convinced.

Unless Alys Rivers can sell us on a method for beating the curse or something, best to just not take chances.
To be fair, Janos Slynt was a participant in an extremely volatile period of Westerosi politics and his overall faction's politics were a snakepit. It's quite possible that Harrenhal didn't need to do a damn thing to ruin Janos Slynt, for Slynt to nonetheless wind up ruined.

It made things easier for the curse.

I have also come up with a use for Larys Strong. If we conquer Dorne, we should install him as our Warden of the Sands (Governor of Dorne). If Larys screws up he will either die or we have an excuse for executing him. If he does well, Dorne will be pacified.
...I think I'm convinced.

Unless Alys Rivers can sell us on a method for beating the curse or something, best to just not take chances.

We still need a husband though. Someone from the Riverlands could be helpful, someone with influence on a major crossroads in case of war, someone who could muster a substantial number of troops in our name, someone like:
I mean, on its own, that is true, but as part of that wider pattern that is clearly above single-case explanations... well, as part of that this probably means we should be wary of mere de jure ownership, too. Plus, as Fanhunter points out, one of our kids would inherit the place anyway, and probably wouldn't then just stay around at the royal court.

...come to think of it, even Harwin's bastard sons all died in canon, to complete the extinction of his house. Yeah the curse could conceivably screw up even our dynastic considerations. Like, we win the war against a half-brother and then he inherits anyway because the Harrenhal curse strikes or something like that. That would be very ASOIAF, after all.
..I think I'm convinced.

Unless Alys Rivers can sell us on a method for beating the curse or something, best to just not take chances.
Honestly, the best way of dealing with the curse of Harrenhal is simply to move House Strong's seat to another unoccupied place...

And I have my suspicions that Starpike, Dunstonbury, and Whitegrove will become available during our reign...
It made things easier for the curse.

I have also come up with a use for Larys Strong. If we conquer Dorne, we should install him as our Warden of the Sands (Governor of Dorne). If Larys screws up he will either die or we have an excuse for executing him. If he does well, Dorne will be pacified.
I am firmly against even trying to conquer Dorne... I mean we know that we will have to fight a civil war in the next 20 years or so, why waste thousands of lives and resources in trying to conquer Dorne?

If we decide to bring Dorne into the fold Peacefully like Daeron the Good did, that is an entirely different matter...
Okay, so current status of the potential husbands:
Laenor: we never even talked to the guy in the quest, and his dad refused to let him come progressing with us
Harwin: cursed, also seemingly the least suitable to be a beard, but enthusiastic
Gwayne: making good points while sounding like an ass
Qoren: never met him at all, won all the points he has through geographical means
Yes, but the difference is that it was in fact him who was Rhaenyra's "love interest". The one she had chosen, the one she loved (or close enough to it). Laenor was just a political marriage with zero intimacy, everyone knew that.

But here, it is Alicent who is our love interest. The one our heart belongs to. If he has genuine feeling for us, this might in fact be way worse for him than the situation with Laenor. Basically, he would be here what Laenor was in canon, and Alicent would be what he was in canon. That is a rather large difference, and if he has feelings for us that might lead to jealousy.

/E: Basically, we know he isn't jealous about official status, but he might be about emotional intimacy. Especially if he desires that emotional intimacy for himself.
That is the beauty of him being available as a romance option is that we can probably go poly with him and Alicent... So there won't be a lack of emotional intimacy there.
There might be others, we just haven't thought of yet.

I was pretty big on Tyland Lannister at one point.
Why? He and his brother are pretty huge assholes
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That is the beauty of him being available as a romance option is that we can probably go poly with him and Alicent...

Why? He and his brother are pretty huge assholes
I think poly availability isn't assured for any candidate with only Qoren with higher chance accepting with his cultural value.
Tyland is some kind of more principled, Jason in other hand is more repugnant.
Okay, so current status of the potential husbands:
Laenor: we never even talked to the guy in the quest, and his dad refused to let him come progressing with us
Harwin: cursed, also seemingly the least suitable to be a beard, but enthusiastic
Gwayne: making good points while sounding like an ass
Qoren: never met him at all, won all the points he has through geographical means

You forgot:
Elmo Tully: Muppet, best boy.
That is the beauty of him being available as a romance option is that we can probably go poly with him and Alicent...
That's a longshot at best. Probably untenable.

I think poly availability isn't assured for any candidate with only Qoren with higher chance accepting with his cultural value.

Forget the men, what about Alicent? Yeah, she is making progress about shedding her prim and proper upbringing, but she isn't just clay to be formed in our hands. With some things she might never be okay, and that is fine, too.
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I think poly availability isn't assured for any candidate with only Qoren with higher chance accepting with his cultural value.
Tyland is some kind of more principled, Jason in other hand is more repugnant.
That's a longshot at best. Probably untenable.
That is why we will need to talk and evaluate every option...
Forget the men, what about Alicent? Yeah, she is making progress about shedding her prim and proper upbringing, but she isn't just clay to be formed in our hands. With some things she might never be okay, and that is fine, too.
It is pretty much inevitable that Rhaenyra will have to be married with someone by her early 20s at the latest, and once we do we will have to start produce heirs (and since each child is a potential dragon rider we won't settle with a heir and a spare)...

Alicent is not dumb, so she must already know that if we wants to remain in a relationship with Nyra in the coming years exclusivity is not an option...
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It is pretty much inevitable that Rhaenyra will have to be married with someone by her early 20s at the latest, and once we do we will have to start produce heirs...

Yes, that part is clear, but you are talking about more than that after all.

Like, this is the same stuff as with Harwin and jealousy. Do you truly not see the difference?
[X] [Music] Harp
[X] [Alicent] Tell Her of your Desires, How You Nearly Swept Her off Her Feet the Day of the Tourney
Alicent is not dumb, so she must already know that if we wants to remain in a relationship with Nyra in the coming years exclusivity is not an option...
Romantic exclusivity is very much an option. Rhaenyra can't opt out of (some amount of) sharing a bed with her husband unless he's Laenor (and that just comes with the necessity of bedding another man orrr a lot of awkwardness), but she can choose not to let him into her heart, and not to partake in any romantic activities with him.

Some romance options are open to polyromantic relationships and some are not, entirely separately from the politics of marriage and producing heirs.
By the way, does anyone think they have a handle on what's going on in Gwayne's head in the last conversation? He seemed... weird, as noted, kind of off, offputting, that sort of thing.