[x] [Music] Lute
[x] [Alicent] Tell Her of your Desires, How You Nearly Swept Her off Her Feet the Day of the Tourney
[x] [Music] Lute

Guitar > Harp. Plus the mobility is is a big point in it's favour. Rhae won't be lugging around a Harp to practice and play for Alicent (and others). So Lute is more practical practice wise - can pull it out and play for 15 mins here and there much easier - and can take it on trips with Alicent to play for her.

Harp is just to goddamn unwieldy for someone who will be traveling regularly (even ignoring the progress, she's the heir, she'd be visiting around the crownlands, flying on Syrax, and hoping between Kings Landing and Dragonstone once she has that).

Also, cannot be overstated - fuck Rhaegar. Already unavoidably have to much that makes Rhae girl-Rhaegar don't need anymore especially when it's so easy to avoid.

[x] [Alicent] Kiss Her

Fortune favours the bold, but I'm not too bothered here.
Laenor is a terrible match. We've burned a bridge with the Velarions and squandered chances to connect since. The strong's are loyal allies irrelevant of who we marry, but Marrying Gawain gives us camouflage for affection and a reason for greater cooperation from Otto.
If we marry Gwayne, Alicent will be an aunt to our children - a perfect justification for her to be close to them. It's not quite the same as having children with her, but it's the closest we can reasonably get to raising them with her.
There's only one correct option here:

[X] [Music] Lute
[X] [Alicent] Tell Her of your Desires, How You Nearly Swept Her off Her Feet the Day of the Tourney

I know we can't actually marry Alicent since it's locked behind Ambitious, but out of curiosity, what would the Doctrine of Exceptionalism imply about marrying a wife as well as a husband?

Welllll. If we could somehow put it as the man marrying the two women, then it would be covered by Valyrian custom. Though that would probably be kinda incompatible with that family having the Targaryen name instead the name of said man (and in the marriage options I will literally vote for anything that lets us and our children have the Targ name without weird special rules)

(plus what teen spirit said about what the Doctrine narrowly covers in practice and how much resistance there would be to using it to justify anything else).
I know we can't actually marry Alicent since it's locked behind Ambitious, but out of curiosity, what would the Doctrine of Exceptionalism imply about marrying a wife as well as a husband?
These are fundmentally the kind of things you'd only be able to consider doing if you were in a position of great strength with your enemies crushed so utterly that even some Meagor-level of breaking the rules isn't a major threat to your rule.
Honestly, I hope that with the Knight Dream already fulfilled, and that Ser Lyonel told us that we wouldn't be entering the Small Council until our early 20s, we can stop the mono focus that we had for the first two years...

Ahahaha no, see the last [Tarly] vote alas.

I am not sure of that. There is a difference between polygyny and polyandry, and we have no indication that Valyria practiced the latter. Soo even Daemon on his more Valyrian than thou trip would probably disapprove.

I think Daemon would vaguely approve on the "lmao yeah raise some shit!!!" level but disapprove since it's us and he hates us, along with whatever baseline misogyny he has. I don't think Daemon is much of philosopher.

[X] [Music] Lute
[X] [Alicent] Tell Her of your Desires, How You Nearly Swept Her off Her Feet the Day of the Tourney

Portability is nice.
These are fundmentally the kind of things you'd only be able to consider doing if you were in a position of great strength with your enemies crushed so utterly that even some Meagor-level of breaking the rules isn't a major threat to your rule.
A good reason to provoke and then decisively win a Dance. But decisively winning a Dance requires more dragons than even Laenor can provide.
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However, Harwyn would be the greatest uncertainty in regards to Alicent.
I think we can at least sound Harwyn out if there's no great harm in doing so.

I do strongly reject the idea that there's a best marriage match.
That's very wise! But there may be a best marriage within the context of specific constraints, one must admit. It's just that there's so many different factors that when you add them all up and don't ignore anything there is no clear 'best.'

Wasn't there info on Alicents preferences behaviour wise when we first got with her that warned against this kind of thing and gave us advice?
That was when Alicent was more uptight. It looks like half the romance scene is sort of telegraphing to us that Alicent has loosened up. A year ago, smooching Alicent would definitely have freaked her out, but now things are different enough that it won't necessarily have the same effect.

I don't like the idea very much, begin married to the brother of our Love Interest could cause too much interpersonal drama in the long run.

Having a friendly but unrelated husband might be better in my opinion.
It depends. Like, I strongly suspect Harwyn Strong's gonna have a "jealous of Alicent" hidden downside. Though we should at least sound the guy out.

It helps to be honest in relationships.
I mean, I hardly think it would be dishonest to communicate that particular bit of information via... body language. :p
Portability is nice.
Portability lets us bring the instrument on dragonback, and even if we didn't choose it as a Dream, we do still probably want to take Alicent up on Syrax at some point. The lute would let us seranade her, or if not her, then Syrax herself, while aloft; a harp would not. (Notably, Rhaegar didn't have to consider this, as he never lived contemporary with any dragons, and horses both aren't as romantic and don't respond to their rider's song the same way as a bonded dragon does.)
Guys, you do realize that the Harp we will be playing is a medieval Harp (that weights around 1.5 kg), which is admittedly more cumbersome than the lute, but it is perfectly portable, unlike the modern 47-stringed seven-pedalled harp...

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These are fundmentally the kind of things you'd only be able to consider doing if you were in a position of great strength with your enemies crushed so utterly that even some Meagor-level of breaking the rules isn't a major threat to your rule.
This would be so much easier if he had the blood mage build and could just curse people.
It depends. Like, I strongly suspect Harwyn Strong's gonna have a "jealous of Alicent" hidden downside. Though we should at least sound the guy out.
Why would you think that?

From what we have seen in the show Harwin was not jealous of Laenor being the King Consort, that his children called Laenor father, or that he would never be anything more than Nyra's secret lover... You can say many things about Breakbones, but he doesn't seem like the jealous kind of guy.

I mean he already has a couple of pretty big downsides, his brother Larys will be a pain to deal with and Harrenahal is a cursed white elephant which we would need to invest many resources to make livable...
[X] [Music] Harp
[X] [Alicent] Tell Her of your Desires, How You Nearly Swept Her off Her Feet the Day of the Tourney

I just like the idea of visiting nobles seeing Rhaenyra gently strumming her harp at a feast one day and then the very next day smashing their best guard's shield to bits on the training yard. Lute does seem like it might help us feel more approachable to the smallfolk at least. I won't be upset if it winds up winning.

And Gwayne is kind of rubbing me the wrong way...like he brings up good points so I'm not against having him in our inner circle but as a husband...? Unsure. Might want to speak with him again when tensions aren't so fraught to get a better read on him.
[X] [Alicent] Kiss Her
[X] [Music] Lute

Yeah I also felt that the conversation with Gwayne sounded off. Like he was being every where with his emotions. It made me feel suspicious. I feel as if more wasn't said and it seemed as if he was distracted a bit.
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I mean he already has a couple of pretty big downsides, his brother Larys will be a pain to deal with and Harrenahal is a cursed white elephant which we would need to invest many resources to make livable...
Harrenhal's problematic-ness is overstated, we'd live most of the time in the Red Keep and maybe a few months here and there on Dragonstone, and needn't visit Harrenhal much at all. We certainly don't need to divert crown funds to its upkeep. Much more problematic is having our husband on a timer before he is kinslain.