Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Truth lies at the intersection between reality and perception. Communication is the method by which the Truth is changed, inch by inch, and year by year.
[X] Truth lies at the intersection between reality and perception. Communication is the method by which the Truth is changed, inch by inch, and year by year.
[X] Truth and lies are but warp and weft, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
[X] Truth and lies are but warp and weft, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
They are referring to the fact that, at a quantum level, observing a system means interacting with it, and therefore altering it.

Yes? That just pushes your problem around, not solves it. Because you cannot have a measurement without a measurer, or an experiment without an experimenter.

If something can be 1 or 0 but isn't measured, it ISN'T one or zero and we just don't know which. It is both at the same time, and we can prove that.

If a rock falls in the woods, has it fallen? Yes, but only because you are given the observation and then asked to pretend there is no observer. That's the trick of the question.

Has a particular rock fallen in the woods? Maybe! Reality doesn't exist until it is observed. And we can assume otherwise, but because the existence of a mind is the constant across every bit of knowledge we've got, it will ALWAYS be an assumption.
[] Truth lies at the intersection between reality and perception. Communication is the method by which the Truth is changed, inch by inch, and year by year.

Damn. And I really liked that. Feeds nicely into how Choice shapes truth, and how time and cycles lead into change and endings of old things and new beginnings. Even has that bit of Community to define what "our" truths are, and the corresponding "other/outsiders" for truths which are true, in general, but not for us. (Like how the polar nation cultivates)
Maybe! Reality doesn't exist until it is observed. And we can assume otherwise, but because the existence of a mind is the constant across every bit of knowledge we've got, it will ALWAYS be an assumption.
That bit of pseudophilosophical wishy-washy only works until something outside of your reality acts on something within it. If a tree falls on your head in the woods, you won't be unharmed just because you were facing away and had headphones in.
If something can be 1 or 0 but isn't measured, it ISN'T one or zero and we just don't know which. It is both at the same time, and we can prove that.

You appear to be conflating quantum uncertainty with regular uncertainty (i.e. just not knowing something). There is in fact a very important distinction between something being 1 or 0 and just not knowing which, and something being in a quantum superposition between 1 and 0.
Vote Expansion Explanation
So firstly. I know some people really don't like these 'unclear votes', but I want to state that their being somewhat up to interpretation is part of the point. I enjoy seeing the discussion and disection, and that helps me inform my writing of things going forward. So, my apologies to those who dislike this, but it will probably continue going forward.

I will probably end up having to delay the update a bit to give this time to simmer and be discussed

[ ] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
-this insight is meant to lean more toward materialism as was correctly speculated. It is concerned primarily with the intersection where understanding allows and pushes the alteration of material reality
[ ] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
-this insight leans toward idealism. It is more concerned with the formation of ideals than directly affecting 'facts' on the ground, with a slightly cautious edge toward the danger of the tool you're wielding

There are further nuances as people have thankfully been discussing, but that is my baseline intention for this.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
For the lazy:

Option 1:
[ ] Truth lies at the intersection between reality and perception. Communication is the method by which the Truth is changed, inch by inch, and year by year.

Evolves into

[ ] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.

Options 2:
[ ] Truth and lies are but warp and weft, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.

Evolves into

[ ] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
Yes? That just pushes your problem around, not solves it. Because you cannot have a measurement without a measurer, or an experiment without an experimenter.

If something can be 1 or 0 but isn't measured, it ISN'T one or zero and we just don't know which. It is both at the same time, and we can prove that.

If a rock falls in the woods, has it fallen? Yes, but only because you are given the observation and then asked to pretend there is no observer. That's the trick of the question.

Has a particular rock fallen in the woods? Maybe! Reality doesn't exist until it is observed. And we can assume otherwise, but because the existence of a mind is the constant across every bit of knowledge we've got, it will ALWAYS be an assumption.

It doesn't pushes the problem around, it solves it.

Quantum physics aren't Weeping Angels, they care not for if a sapient being is observing them. They care about if something is interacting with them. There is no interaction without alteration.

You are misunderstanding what I meant when I said measurements. I wasn't referring to the arbitrary labels or the approximations that we use for our convinience.
I was referring to the fundamental quantities of existance, and their intrinsic property of being capable of being measured. A rock's weight doesn't change because you have measured it. A car's speed doesn't change because you have measured it. But an electron's energy changes when you measure it.
In fact, you measure it by changing it, by interacting with it. But the electron's energy would have been the same even if you hadn't measured it. The same with the rock's weight and the car's speed.

My entire point is that reality does exist outside our observations. The rock requires no one's acknowledgement or awareness to fall. People not knowing that it fell doesn't change the fact it did. The lack of knowledge or perception of an event doesn't preclude it from happening or from having happened.
Even if there were no life, the rock would still fall. It would interact with the world around it the exact same way. It would still weight the same on the ground, it would still be warmed by the sunlight and it still would get eroded by wind and rain.
Reality comes first, then our perception of it comes later.

About something being 1 and 0 at the same time until measured, that isn't quite right.
First of all, the "measured" there means until something interacts with the system, not the presence of a "measurer".
Second, it's not that the system is both at the same time. It's that there is a certain probability of being one or the other, but we can't know until we have observed it which means interacting with it and thus altering it.
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It doesn't pushes the problem around, it solves it.

Quantum physics aren't Weeping Angels, they care not for if a sapient being is observing them. They care about if something is interacting with them. There is no interaction without alteration.

You are misunderstanding what I meant when I said measurements. I wasn't referring to the arbitrary labels or the approximations that we use for our convinience.
I was referring to the fundamental quantities of existance, and their intrinsic property of being capable of being measured. A rock weight doesn't change because you have measured it. A car's speed doesn't change because you have measured it. But an electron's energy changes when you measure it.
In fact, you measure it by changing it, by interacting with it. But the electron's energy would have been the same even if you hadn't measured it. The same with the rock's weight and the car's speed.

My entire point is that reality does exist outside our observations. The rock requires no one's acknowledgement or awareness to fall. People not knowing that it fell doesn't change the fact it did. The lack of knowledge or perception of an event doesn't preclude it from happening or from having happened.
Even if there were no life, the rock would still fall. It would interact with the world around it the exact same way. It would still weight the same on the ground, it would still be warmed by the sunlight and it still would get eroded by wind and rain.
Reality comes first, then our perception of it comes later.

About something being 1 and 0 at the same time until measured, that isn't quite right.
First of all, the "measured" there means until something interacts with the system, not the presence of a "measurer".
Second, it's not that the system is both at the same time. It's that there is a certain probability of being one or the other, but we can't know until we have observed them which means interacting with it and thus altering it.
Remember to revote now that the revote has started with the altered options.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.