Baaad idea, gonna be dragging us into a forever war. If we wanna bring Dorne into the fold, our best bet is marriage.Onto the Dream I think so genuinely that Dorne war would be the mosfun option, and trcks with the incredibleinfluence Tarly has on us. and wins us a lot of allies. We pull haalf the rach and most of the Stormlnds if we're seen as the Conquerorof Dorne or the Vehicle by which they can conquer it.
@Teen Spirit , I do think Breadnaugt has a point here. Now, it's absolutely understandable that right there in the moment, while Rhaenyra is freaking out about the sister thing, she absolutely would see it as something she can't tell anyone about because it's so goddamn freaky to realize you've had a true prophetic dream. So I'm not in any way criticizing the character reaction you wrote, which made sense. But in the longer run, I feel like our Rhaenyra maybe could talk to her dad about it, if the right circumstances ever arose, in principle.Yes, the father who passed on the Prophecy of Ice and Fire, who knows well your family has the occasional vision and prophetic dream.
Misplaced doubt is misplaced.
Just a different kind of diligent. Instead of keep up training and diligently knock people on their asses on the regular, it's train up to do as well as my other duties and be a better lawgiver and ruler diligent.really funny to take the diligent trait the immediately decide we've done enough work on our prowess
I don't believe we are. I think if we put in some work and understand the prophecy better with my write in goal for specifically that purpose we might be able to stop and work to over come this before the rejection part of the prophecy can become something irrevocable.[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
@Teen_Spirit are we locked into bad relationship with sisters because of the prophecy ? cause i want to Rhae to realize that prophecies show possibility not destiny.
It's already making Rhaenyra spiral. It's not like Rhaegar and his obsession with being the one to make the prophecy of 3 dragons and ice and fire come to pass. Rhaenyra's phrophecy is going to be part of her life for years. Sticking her head in the sand and being slapped in the face with it every time she sees her sister and feels abject terror accomplishes nothing.Prophecy is a fool's game. Canonically, it ruined Rhaegar, and I could see it doing the same to us. We already have enough stress issues. I don't doubt it's real but I think worrying about it too much will make us spiral before our time. I'd rather prepare for the future by gaining skills and allies.
Indeed. We have an arrangement to be groomed for lord of Laws, which is a fine title to shift our focus too. Freeing up some time for that is just good sense.[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
I am really conflicted on the one hand i want her to become the most skilled fighter ever but, the rational side of my brain is telling me that another skill would cruical down the line such as warcraft, leadership and administraton