I should note I originally had an idea for a Dream that was "Build a cadre of allies" basically Rhaenyra forming her own mini council of friends and advisors before becoming queen. But it felt much more mundane than any of the other goals. Like it's not really something that feels like Rhaenyra would aspire to, more like a goal she would make on the way to actual goals.
As "Build a cadre of allies," it's kind of weak, sure.

But as "build a circle of true friends," maybe not so much. It's not sexy romantic but it's still, in a real sense, romantic, if you know what I mean. I could see it as a dream, especially since Rhaenyra really doesn't have a lot of friends except for Alicent who's basically a slow-burn girlfriend now.

Rhaena had the "Four-Headed Beast" for a time, for instance, and while I know you've possibly-jokingly referred to them as a little polycule, the possibility that she just had some really good friends is something I could see Rhaenyra actually kind of wishing for in and of itself.
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the Arryns squiring a Stark and Baratheon did wonders for them up to a point.
Umm. The main line that fostered them is practically extinct, the Baratheons all ended up hating each other and miss ruling westeros, and lead to a war against the mad king vastly ahead of schedule, which killed all but two starks. The fostering was a very good experience that lead to the ruin of all three houses very shortly after it ended.
Okay no. There's kind of no reason for Rhaenyra to suddenly wanna be a wizard. Learning about magic and that leading to eventually wanting to learn magic is one thing but it can't just be like someone flicked a wizard switch in her head.

Okay, the first version was okay for me anyway.

[X] [Dream] To Explore the Higher Mysteries
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Dream] To Explore the Higher Mysteries

These have some potential to overlap, I would think- that is, by achieving one dream we might reasonably set ourselves up to make the other easier to accomplish.

[] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)

I would fondly hope that Rhaenyra can revisit this decision in a few years, because the situation is clearly one where she has a lot to do and training obsessively to become the knightly equivalent of Ser Arthur Dayne in a dress is going to cut into her time too much.

(EDIT: The idea that Rhaenyra can't revisit this decision kind of shakes and bothers me, so I'm removing my vote against it)

This, I want the future Briennes to have someone to look up to, someone they can point to and go "I wanna be like her"
I'm pretty sure that that would happen anyway.

God, I bet Brienne would LOVE to live in a parallel universe where she has an example of someone who's done as much as Rhaenyra already accomplished.
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[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
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[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Dream] To Explore the Higher Mysteries
[] [Dream] Bring Dorne into the fold.
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
So, obviously we have a narrow window to investigate that dream before winter arrives, and we can't just go to Harrenhall for no reason, but if we go meet lord strong's son for marriage consideration, that gives us an excuse to rush there on dragon's back while it's still fall, and search for Jane Rivers in the process of spending time feeling out what's his name.
[X] [Dream] Become an Exemplar of Knighthood.
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
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[X] [Dream] Become an Exemplar of Knighthood.
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Dream] To Explore the Higher Mysteries
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
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[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Dream] To Explore the Higher Mysteries

This dream is an issue that would be best nipped in the bud early to avoid constant stress and a self-fulfilling prophecy, whilst exploring the higher mysteries opens a lot of doors for us later down the line.

[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)

After the Northern Tourney we're in the conversation for highest prowess in Westeros. At that level rote training is going to have very diminished returns so locking the action isn't so bad. Sharpening our prowess on the battlefield or in duels later in life would probably be more fruitful, and we haven't lost that opportunity by focussing on rounding ourself out now.

[] [Dream] To Visit Essos

Visiting Essos would be very beneficial for furthering our skills. Our prowess could be sharpened against the different Essosi martial traditions. Learning aided by exploring their centres of learning. Diplomacy and intrigue tested as an ambassador to their courts. And stewardship aided by hashing out some trade deals.

It would also be useful for our legitimacy and personal piety if we tied in a pilgrimage to Andalos. Still I think this is more of a long-term dream best pursued after finishing our tour of Westeros and gaining experience on the Small Council.
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Dream] To Explore the Higher Mysteries
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)

really funny to take the diligent trait the immediately decide we've done enough work on our prowess
Its the questing way, and the argument that we have literally zero follow through was why I changed to approval voting for ambitious too
[X] [Dream] Bring Dorne into the Fold.
[X] [Dream] To Explore the Higher Mysteries
[X] [Dream] To Visit Essos

[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
[X] [Dream] To convince Alicent to ride on Syrax
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
really funny to take the diligent trait the immediately decide we've done enough work on our prowess
Because we're slacking on too many things! When was the last time we serenaded our beloved with poems of our affection? When was the last time we dug deep into history to learn about our family's past? How long ago had we decided to study music Someday Later, and why has this day not arrived yet?

Being diligent is not the same as having tunnel vision and abandoning everything else. That's just obsession.
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)

Committing to a single training action every 2 turns doesn't sound too bad actually

Especially since Rhaenyra now has 2 free actions for a total of 6 things she can do a turn

The temptation to get to Barristan levels of prowess before we lock it in place is just too great

And permanently locking out Prowess improvement for the foreseeable future when we're so close would bug me
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
You wanted to scream. You wanted to tell someone, anyone, what you knew, but who could you even tell? You had only spoken of that vision to Syrax. The Westerlings would think you mad and even your father would have a hard time believing you.
Yes, the father who passed on the Prophecy of Ice and Fire, who knows well your family has the occasional vision and prophetic dream.

Misplaced doubt is misplaced.

"You named me after all," a voice echoed in your mind. "Named me and rejected me."
Obvious solution, don't reject her. Or the other twin.

You don't need a vision of the future to predict that distancing yourself from your half-siblings, and being cold towards them, will cause a divide within the family.

Be a good big sister to them.
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
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