Voting will open in 21 hours, 38 minutes
my biggest worry is the gellar field,we havent upgraded the thing and we are about to take on a road trip with our resident scrapcode fucker
are we leaving right this turn or do we have time left for upgrading the thing?
Neablis has been pretty clear that the gellar field just reduces passive shield damage during travel. It's in the tech blurb, and also a few comments.

Separately, back around turn 19 I commented about warp travel risks related to bongo when the space marines showed up, and this was neablis's response:
That said, we definitely need warp understanding before we take that thing on a warp jump, lol. I have to assume our old as fuck gellar fields being the only thing enforcing reality will pose new complications to the task of containment, and we've little chance at knowing about or hedging against them before we have those basics.
Gellar fields come along with the warp engine. Yours are a little bit dated but very serviceable.
And, well, now we have warp understanding and Neablis hasn't seem to have changed his tune.

I went back and forth about it during the moratorium, but ultimately I expect that HP saved from having scrapcode resistance during the bongo study will outweigh HP saved from improving our gellar field this turn.

We are leaving this turn under the leading plan, incidentally. Heading to Ascalon, which is part of that triangle to the south-west.
One thing that will be an important lesson to learn from our first warp voyage in the new world is whether that shield damage will outpace our repair bay or be trivialized by it.

Which things like efficient shielding probably improve.
And if the answer is 'they can't' then what are we doing here? How are we meant to make things less shit when we can't touch Chaos even in the most contained of circumstances putting a massive amount of effort towards it?

pretty much,if we cant handle bongo while surrounding his ass with so many psyshields that they get into his ass and come out his mouth

may as well follow the local 58 contigency plan against memetic threaths:

Hmm. A mantra, eh?

Asdo jusdo buhwf ojhda sjaof bugfg fajg!

Hows that? XD
How are we meant to make things less shit when we can't touch Chaos even in the most contained of circumstances putting a massive amount of effort towards it?

We got the answer this last turn with the immaterium research. Make the galaxy less shit and that will make the warp less shit. You don't solve nightmares by studying them and trying to understand their logic, you solve them by waking up.
We got the answer this last turn with the immaterium research. Make the galaxy less shit and that will make the warp less shit. You don't solve nightmares by studying them and trying to understand their logic, you solve them by waking up.
...I'm going to go out on a limb and say that actually, Vita isn't in a position to claim she knows the one weird trick that solves chaos and that she wasn't trying to think she had.

Also, making the galaxy less shit is still going to involve interacting with chaos and their warpy bullshit because they have armies who will object to being solved, so it's a moot point.
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One day Anexa is starting into space with a distracted look. She's clearly having a Deep Thought, and you leave her undisturbed until she's ready to share. "I think I understand." She says after a moment, and you let her continue. "It's not just imagination of every sapient being. Or their dreams. It's... deeper. The sleeping mind of the galaxy itself, carved by those who live on it. A storm where rules dissolve, and meaning is all that matters."
-[] Immaterium Understanding (300 RP) Anexa believes she understands something fundamental about the warp. Do some experimements to see if she's right. (Further discounts on all warp-related research, potential to unlock a research from farther down a warp research tree while skipping prerequisites) Anexa must work on this action. Guaranteed level(s) for her. Requires Warp Research Lab.
There's another possibility: The warp/galaxy itself might have a mind. Perhaps the nature of the galaxy's dream could be changed.
I won't deny the possibility, however, I would like some solid in-lore proof before I decide if that's true or not.
honestly, that's way to big a goal for our group to handle we'd need a dozen AI just to start figuring that sorta thing out even if we got into the black library.
Turn 21 vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Neablis on Jan 4, 2025 at 6:16 AM, finished with 73 posts and 31 votes.

  • [X] Plan: You can't take the sky from me!
    -[X] Explore: Ascalon (final action on the turn)
    --[X][FREE] They can have it (+1 Boon, we're getting OMC Manufacturing this turn)
    -[X] Construction (8,350 BP)
    --[X] Auto-repair damaged Shields (Budget of 1,000 VBP to handle shield repairs)
    --[X] Flagship Refits:
    ---[X] Drop 3x Manufactories, Captive Holding Cells. Build The Oubliette (Or, the Bongo Containment Zone), 4 Slots, Up to 8,100 BP for 540/540 HP. Move the Scrapcode Generator there after Further Scrapcode Research is complete.
    ---[X] All BP freed up from the Oubliette should be distributed in this order. 1) Nesting a shield around the Vault to further protect it against a Bongo Breakout during the research. 2) Nested compartmentalized shielding inside the Flagship, prioritizing critical facilities like Vita's brain and the crew quarters.
    -[X] Research x2 (400 + 60 Anexa RP)
    --[X] Industrial Organic-Machine Control (90 + 60 Anexa RP)
    --[X] Efficient Psychic Shielding (100 RP)
    --[X] Scrapcode Resistant Shielding (100 RP)
    --[X] Further Scrapcode Research (100 RP)
    --[X] Okay, maybe there's a point to medical school (+10, 30/50 RP)
    -[X][ANEXA] Active: Research (I-OMC)
    -[X][VICTAN] Passive: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
    -[X][CIA] Passive Psyker improvement
    -[X][DENVA] Boons!
    --[X] Denva #1: Unification: The Stellar Ascendancy. "Be for others as I have been for you."
    --[X] Denva #2: Manufacturing Capacity
    --[X] Denva #3: Crew: Tech-priests under Anexa
    [X] Yes
    [x] Plan: Foundation for Further Uplift (Without Bongo)
    -[X] Research x2 (400 + 60 Anexa RP)
    --[x] Large Scale Machine Spirits (40 RP + 60 Anexa RP)
    --[x] Industrial Organic-Machine Control (150 RP)
    --[X] Efficient Psychic Shielding (100 RP)
    --[X] Further Scrapcode Research (100 RP)
    ---[x] Free Action: Eliminate Bongo once we finish researching him.
    --[X] Okay, maybe there's a point to medical school (+10, 30/50 RP)
    -[X] Construction (8,350 BP)
    --[X] Auto-repair damaged Shields (Budget of 1,000 VBP to handle shield repairs)
    --[x] Refit manufactories with machine spirits, prioritizing planet side ones.
    --[x] Refit Installations with machine spirits, prioritizing planet side ones.
    --[x] Anything remaining can be spent on Denva as uplift assistance.
    -[X] Explore: Ascalon
    --[X][FREE] They can have it (+1 Boon, we're getting OMC Manufacturing this turn)
    -[x] Anexa Active Action: Research
    -[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
    -[x] Cia Passive Action: Passive Psyker improvement
    -[x] Denva: Manufacturing Capacity
    -[x] Denva: Technology Request: Manufacturing Technology. GMEI, LVSM, superconductors, machine spirit manufacturing techs, and Medium Defense Platforms (for industrial purposes, such as starports and other forms of space based manufacturing).
    -[x] Denva: Unification (Denva Federation)
    --[x] Ethos: make a truly benevolent, knowledgable, and strong society, and a place worth living in that can make the galaxy better.
    [X] Plan: Take the skies with science!
    -[X] Explore: Ascalon (final action on the turn)
    --[X][FREE] They can have it (+1 Boon, we're getting OMC Manufacturing this turn)
    -[X] Construction (8,350 BP)
    --[X] Auto-repair damaged Shields (Budget of 1,000 VBP to handle shield repairs)
    --[X] Flagship Refits:
    ---[X] Drop 3x Manufactories, Captive Holding Cells. Build The Oubliette (Or, the Bongo Containment Zone), 4 Slots, Up to 8,100 BP for 540/540 HP. Move the Scrapcode Generator there after Further Scrapcode Research is complete.
    ---[X] All BP freed up from the Oubliette should be distributed in this order. 1) Nesting a shield around the Vault to further protect it against a Bongo Breakout during the research. 2) Nested compartmentalized shielding inside the Flagship, prioritizing critical facilities like Vita's brain and the crew quarters.
    -[X] Research x2 (400 + 60 Anexa RP)
    --[X] Industrial Organic-Machine Control (90 + 60 Anexa RP)
    --[X] Efficient Psychic Shielding (100 RP)
    --[X] Scrapcode Resistant Shielding (100 RP)
    --[X] Further Scrapcode Research (100 RP)
    --[X] Okay, maybe there's a point to medical school (+10, 30/50 RP)
    -[X][ANEXA] Active: Research (I-OMC)
    -[X][VICTAN] Passive: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
    -[X][CIA] Passive Psyker improvement
    -[X][DENVA] Boons!
    --[X] Denva #1: Unification. Name: Denvan Unified Society. Ethos: "No Gods, No Masters: suffer no Kings among you."
    --[X] Denva #2: Manufacturing Capacity
    --[X] Denva #3: Technology (Manufacturing)
    [X]Bye Denva see you in 20(ish) years
    [X]Bye Denva see you in 20(ish) years
    -[X] 2xReaserch 400RP
    --[X] Blueprint
    --[X] Abacus Manufacturing (100 RP) = (Complete 200RP left)
    --[X] Industrial Organic-Machine Control (150RP - 60 Anexa RP) = (Complete 110RP Left)
    --[X] Further Scrapcode Research (100 RP) = (complete 10RP left)
    --[X] Okay, maybe there's a point to medical school (20/50 RP) = (+10, 30/50 RP)
    -[X] construction
    --[X] repair bay (1000 RBP)
    ---[X] Psy shields (-100 RBP)
    --[X] Flagship Refits: 2,300BP, 200CP -100 BP cap
    ---[X] Drop 2x Manufactories, 1x Captive Holding Cells.500 BP, 100CP Warp Research Lab 3 Slots build use 1800BP for 180 Psy shield
    --[X]2x Assembler Factory Ship cost: 5,850 BP –200CP +200BP cap
    --[X] Upgrade
    ---[X] 26 Ground manufactories into Machine Spirit Manufactory cost: 520 BP, +780CP
    -[X] Explore: Ascalon
    -[X] Anexa active Action: Research Industrial Organic-Machine Control
    -[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
    -[X] Cia Passive Psyker improvement
    -[X] Denva: Technology Request: Walkers This is a path that you know exists and one that would be an amazing force multiplier for both yourself and Denva due to numbers you can field a small walker can be equipped with better void shields and heavier weapons than anything heavy tanks can handle on top of that a walker can handle rougher terrain (also as Anexa reminds you AI is called Abominable intelligence and the Men of Iron are figures of terror so maybe Denva not having armies of combat robots would be a smarter Idea)
    -[X] Denva: Crew: Tech-priests more hands to handle research or even just a dedicated team for turning ideas into functioning blueprints anything to handle the slog that is currently drowning you and Anexa
    -[X]scrapcode: destroy. It's time for the useful pain in your processers to go and get the worst sunburn in the galaxy
    [X] No
    [X] Plan: Foundation for Further Uplift
    -[X] Research x2 (400 + 60 Anexa RP)
    --[x] Large Scale Machine Spirits (40 RP + 60 Anexa RP)
    --[x] Industrial Organic-Machine Control (150 RP)
    --[X] Efficient Psychic Shielding (100 RP)
    --[X] Further Scrapcode Research (100 RP)
    --[X] Okay, maybe there's a point to medical school (+10, 30/50 RP)
    -[X] Construction (8,350 BP)
    --[X] Auto-repair damaged Shields (Budget of 1,000 VBP to handle shield repairs)
    --[X] Flagship Refits:
    ---[X] Drop 3x Manufactories, Captive Holding Cells. Build The Oubliette (Or, the Bongo Containment Zone), 4 Slots, Up to 8,100 BP for 540/540 HP)
    ---[X] Anything left over from discounts from Efficient Shielding is to be spent preparing a second cage around his current one before we research Bongo, just in case he stages another breakout when we poke him.
    --[X] Anything left over after that should be spent to refit manufactories with machine spirits, prioritizing planet side ones, then to refit installations with machine spirits, prioritizing planet side ones, and anything after that can be spent on Denva as uplift assistance.
    -[X] Explore: Ascalon
    --[X][FREE] They can have it (+1 Boon, we're getting OMC Manufacturing this turn)
    -[x] Anexa Active Action: Research
    -[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
    -[x] Cia Passive Action: Passive Psyker improvement
    -[x] Denva: Manufacturing Capacity
    -[x] Denva: Technology Request: Manufacturing Technology. GMEI, LVSM, superconductors, machine spirit manufacturing techs, and Medium Defense Platforms (for industrial purposes, such as starports and other forms of space based manufacturing).
    -[X] Denva: Unification
    --[x] Ethos: make a truly benevolent, knowledgable, and strong society, and a place worth living in that can make the galaxy better.

Ok, rolls please! d100's, each a separate person as usual:
1st: Industrial Organic-Machine Control, +20 modifier (Anexa)
2nd: Efficient Psychic Shielding, +20 modifier
3rd: Scrapcode Resistant Shielding , +20 modifier
4th: Further Scrapcode Research, +20 modifier
5th: Passive Psyker improvement (Cia), flat roll.
6th: Denva unification & development, +13 roll (Victan)
7th: Tech-priest recruitment, +12 roll (Anexa's level)

And then a mystery roll from me. If this is anything under a 90 I'll need a d6 rolled.
Neablis threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Mystery Roll Total: 37
37 37
Voting will open in 21 hours, 38 minutes