You have earned the Hatred of House Peake.
The feeling is mutual.
I see this as an absolute win - Unwin is genuinely one of the worst people in Westeros and that's before he was mean to us. He all but singlehandedly ruined any hopes of the Blacks/Green reconciling when he seized power, weakening the crown for a generation to come. He killed a queen to try and make his daughter one, he filled his pockets while the realm starved, and he got away with it all.

So lets fuck him up more.

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight
Not a huge fan of the others, this is the one I like best

[X] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower
[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce

Good with either of these
Seeing that Steffon wants to ride on a dragon definitely makes me feel he should be spoken to as soon as possible. It's possible we'll like somebody who is that enthusiastic about it. Too bad we can't fit all three of the people who want to go on Syrax. It would make it difficult to have a private chat with Gwayne though, and it definitely seems he wants that.

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Falcon

[X] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower

What better place to have a private chat with Gwayne than the back of a dragon? Clearing the air with him seems worthwhile.
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Falcon

[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce

Well, we've made the best argument we could for knighthood and it seems like we're generally popular. So far this has been quite the impressive Royal Progress.

Hunting with Rhea sounds good.
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Falcon
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Silver
[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce
[X] [Travel] Steffon Redfort
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[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce
she interests me the most. Gwayne's my second choice. I laughed at the description for choosing Steffon, but we can take him flying another time.
I wonder if we could hypothetically call for the tongues of those who booed, if we had acted on the spot?

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Falcon

[X] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower

[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce
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[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce

we haven't had a chance to talk with her yet, and in previous updates the option to speak with her noted something off.

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Bold
[X] [Title] Write-in : Rhaenyra The Silver Knight

Rhaernyra "Dragon Knight" Targaryean sounds so incredibly badass.
edit: i've been convinced of some others.
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[X] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower
[] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight

I personally like "the Silver" better but "dragon knight" fits what she is going for so much more.

I guess if Aemon comes around again, he'll be Aemon the Dragonknight II: Reloaded.

Also dunno if this was intentional or not but Dragonknight is one word for Aemon.

Steffon has the most valid of reasons but someone pointed out that we can take him on a ride another time.

Edit, screw it, Rhaenyra the Silver.

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Silver
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I mislike the idea of privileging silver over black or red, but especially the falcon over the dragon, in our popular epithet (silver is minimally acceptable since there are other things it could plausibly reference than our mother's sigil; our hair, for instance). For all that we have roots in the Vale, and aspirations high as honor, we are ultimately Heir to the Dragon, and live by fire and blood. All seven kingdoms, and more, are our birthright, not just one.

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Silver
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Bold
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight
[X] [Title] Write-in : Rhaenyra The Daring
[X] [Title] Write-in : Rhaenyra The Silver Knight

I was in favor of talking to Gwayne on Turn 12 (i.e., this upcoming turn) before, and will stick to my guns.

[X] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower
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[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Silver
I personally like the falcon best honestly, but I can just imagine Daemon giving us shit about being more Arryn than Targaryen because of it and that would annoy me. Maybe someone has a good write in?

[X] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower
We're probably due a conversation.
[] [Travel] Steffon Redfort
Steffon just wants to ride on a Dragon
#relatable We should chat with him after we reconnect with everyone, this option made me like him already lol.
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[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Silver
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Bold
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight

Not the Falcon. Our mother was an Arryn, and our foremost backer among the Great Houses is an Arryn, but the Falcon is theirs, and we are a Targaryen.

...basically it's the same argument as my "Don't change our sigil".

[X] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower
Yeah, we gotta talk.
So now House Peake hates us forever until the end of days? Okay then. Unwine Peake, I give you the finger (đź–•) and you can keep that giant stick of greed up your ass.

Unwine Peake deserves much more for what he did in canon. He was a scumbag there and he's a scumbag here. May he live the rest of his life in mockery.

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight
[X] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower
I think it fits us very much...
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Silver

But honestly I love the idea of stealing such a cool nickname of our asshole future grandchild...
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight.

Honestly I think we should throw Rhea a bone we hadn't had time to talk to her.
[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce

I just love his reasoning...
[X] [Travel] Steffon Redfort
It occurs to me that having the people refer to us as "the dragon knight" (emphasis added) before Daddy even makes it official could present him with a nice fait accompli.
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Silver

Uhh, lovely people. Bearing in mind that the Falcoln is the Sigil of House Arryn, and Jeyne Arryn quite notably has no viable heir at current, accepting the name of 'the falcon' might be seen as putting ourselves forwards for consideration there. Politically a headache considering how much Arryn blood Rhaenyra actually has.

The other thing I'd warn people to consider. Is that, even if Jeyne is happy and pleased for us to be noting the Arryn ancestry publicly tying ourselves to house Arryn and Lady Jeyne, might see awkward questions asked about her and us.

Of course, the flip side to that. Is that publicly tying ourselves to house Arryn, possibly even to the point of being named heir if Jeyne would prefer her over other distant cousins could possibly strengthen the crown. Meaning that, as an example. If Rhaenyra has multiple children one might inherit the iron throne, while the other is fostered in and raised to one day be the heir to the Vale.