No one even bothered to make a plan where we don't keep the scrap code? Sigh.
Been on trains all day (thanks for the delays, SNCF!) but here's my suggestion. As before, this plan's primary goal is to get us moving into interstellar space ASAP in order to provide a true shakedown cruise, one that actually tests our ship's full capacity, including the warp drive.
It doesn't neglect Denva diplomacy, either. While I'd like to keep the scrapcode generator, the discussion after my last post showed that it has a pretty big opportunity cost, even if I don't think it's particularly risky.
[X] Plan Bedtime for Bongo
-[X] Scrapcode: Toss it into the sun. Our recent experience taught us much, including a lesson in the sunk cost fallacy. It's time to spend our resources and research on other priorities.
-[X] Diplomacy x1
—[X] Help take advantage of the current upheaval to do the last bits of push, mediation, and guidance to put Denva II on the path to being a mature, spacefaring society. Use the resources provided by our construction action, plus our crew's skills, to move the planet toward a unified and stable single government.
-[X] Construction x1 (+7850 BP):
--[X] Build 2x uplift campus on Denva II (-2000 BP)
--[X] Build
void academy at Klyssar's Nest to aid Denva and encourage further cooperation (-2000 BP)
--[X] Build 35x Manned Manufactory (-100 BP each, -3500 ground BP total)
---[X] These factories and the uplift campuses shall be built to incentivize international cooperation and should be distributed among the nations willing to cooperate internationally, particularly to support globalist governments that have come into being since the recent international incident
--[X] Build 350x trade goods (-350 BP)
---[X] These trade goods should be available to pay rent during our travels, and we will provide them as gifts to offset the temporary shutdown of our juvenat facilities during our departure. We can offer a full 50/50 supply of juvenat as a goodbye present.
--[X] Repair Psychic Shielding on Ship (Repair Bay covers this for free!)
-[X] Research x1 (+400 RP)
--[X] Scrapcode Cleansing (-100 RP)
--[X] Void abacus-warp interactions (-100 RP)
—-[X] I'm not certain, based on Neablis' description, whether the uplift campuses cost 50 RP as well as their BP cost. If yes, they'll replace void abacus research. If not, that research can continue with Anexa as a backstop.
-[X] Explore x1
--[C] Travel to and explore Kethraxis, a neighboring system we know to contain a feral world. We travel cautiously, testing our shipboard equipment for faults, monitoring the scrapcode generator's behavior during the trip, and use a conservative Mandeville Point for entry. We do not act with immediate hostility, even if fired upon, choosing instead to evade and escape. If there is an opportunity to make first contact, we do so by identifying ourselves as a pre-Imperial explorer.
-[X] Anexa Passive unless her activity is needed to boost the completion of a research effort this turn due to a poor roll
-[X] Victan active Action: Diplomat-Spy aids in diplo action
-[X] Cia Passive Action: Passive Psyker improvement