Voting is open for the next 2 hours, 16 minutes
@Neablis - Since Cia is now officially our bean, I took a crack at making some AI character art.

Disclaimer, large images

I like the last one, not so much because of the face, though that is fine as because that winged stylized skull is the kind of thing you would see in Imperial iconography, it's derivative of the main symbols, skulls and birds of prey while also being somewhat distinct, so it would be the symbol of the monastery she was trained in.
[X] Prep for departure
-[X] Research
--[X] Manufacturing Machine Spirits (100 RP)
---[X] Anexa assists (+40 RP)
--[X] Maglev System (25RP)
--[X] Basic Spaceship Stealth (100 RP)
--[X] Anti-personnel Bunker (15 RP)
-[X] 1st Construction
--[X] Repair Shields (-50 BP)
--[X] Ship! (19,850/33,650)
-[X] 2nd Construction
--[X] Ship! (27,200/33,650)
-[X] 3rd Construction
--[X] Ship! (COMPLETED!)
--[X] Shipboard Basic Psychic Experimentation Lab (-300 BP, -50 CP, -1 Mod Slot)
--[X] 2x Basic Defense Satellite (300 VBP, 10 CP) = (600 VBP ,20 CP)
-[X] Anexa
--[X] active Action: Research
-[X] Victan
--[X] passive action: Counterespionage & communication
-[X] Cia
--[X] Passive Psyker improvement
[X] Yes
You won't explain the full picture, but about the same of what you did for Anexa and Victan. Chaos exists, is a memetic danger, and can corrupt people. It can corporeally manifest, and you might need to fight it.
-[X] Write In: The Emperor is real, he's against Chaos but because of the memetic nature of the threat you don't actually know who he was or is now nor what the plan was, how much of it worked, how much of it failed and how much of it simply was never implemented.

Alright I bet this isn't going to happen but well I got work during prime discussion hours and I do these plans better on a computer
So research machine spirit manufacture with Anexa because we're leaving soon and the last thing we want is all the BP makers getting chaos'd after we leave then maglev to trade to Denva so they all get equal access to the complex we made basic spaceship stealth so we can start making stealth strike craft in space which will ruin most peoples day and anti-personnel bunkers because we may need to keep a base safe from scouts and it's cheaper than all the mobile units to make.

Now construction finish the ship, put a psylab on it, repair the shield, and make some orbital platforms for more las cannons to shoot anything that comes our way
[X] No.
-[X] Write-in: Explain the concept of Cognitohazards, of how a thing that, if you know too much about it, can have an actively detrimental affect on you. Explain that, as a Psyker, if she ever encountered such a thing, her own powers would make her especially vulnerable, as she can put real power into the things she thinks, knows, and feels. About how she would need to become stronger in mind and soul, with an incorruptible will, before she could be safely told of such a thing, should it exist. And of how we want to give her the facilities and protection needed to do exactly that.
[X] Plan: A Prelude to Eternal War
-[X] Construction x2
--[X] Repair Shields (-50 BP)
--[X] Spark of the Ancients (27,200/33,650)
-[X] Research x2
--[X] Introduction to Human Genetics (65 RP)
--[X] Nuclear Warhead (10 RP)
--[X] Basic power armor (100 RP)
--[X] Superconductive Shenanigans (200 RP)
--[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (25/50 RP)
-[X]Crew Actions
--[X] Anexa active Action: Research - Nuclear Warhead 40 RP
--[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & communication
--[X] Active Psyker improvement: Cia will actively attempt to practice her powers.

[X] Yes
@meianmaru, there was a few lines during the taking of the station and the attack on the mechanicus about heavy bots struggling to fit into small spaces. I'm not sure if this had any mechanical impact or not, but is worth thinking about. Any chance you would switch the bot build to 2x Heavy, 2x Humanized Med, 2x Humanized Light (all machine spirit)? It would cost 580 BP total and would give us some more tactical flexibility.
I would care more about tactical flexibility if 1) it hadn't been already established that Vita isn't actually good at war/strategy/tactics and most of the time has to rely qualitive and/or quantitive advantage against her enemies 2) this is our ow ship with pre-established fortified chokepoints and kill-zones against invaders (Medium Boarding Preparations) so moving around isn't that big of a problem.

Also, we will be taking most of our existing bots with us. Even if those bots are something we might want to replace eventually, probably. Even if these bots in my current plan are something that I want to replace eventually, because humanized versions are a bit more durable and stronger, even if they are also a bit more bulky. These ones don't even have machine spirits jammers, because we already have 3000 of those on existing heavy bots if we happen to need that capability. Which is why I judged the raw number of heavy bots more important at the moment.

Our first enemy we come into contact with, either here or elsewhere, might not have machine spirit -based technology, after all.

And continuing speaking of bots:
@meianmaru we already have 7000 bots, so unless we get rid of some or leave some behind we'll only have space for 3000 more (assuming we don't make some tanks as well).

If you take one off that leaves 150 BP, so you could: refit one manned manufactory (to use as an example?), 70 BP on man-portable jammers to cover all of our humanised bots, then the remaining 30 on Trade goods?
I very much intend to leave behind or just dismantle some of our existing bots, which will almost certainly be the 1000 almost bare bones light machine-spirit infantry bots. Because yes, 3000 of our existing bots are two different varieties of light bots. So even with 4000 new heavy bots, we should be left with something like this:
2000 Light Machine-spirit humanized infantry bots (40 CP)
1000 Medium Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots (20 CP)
4000 Heavy Machine-spirit Infantry Bots (80 CP)
3000 Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots with Machine Spirit Jammers (60 CP)
Meanwhile, the list that I would want us to have, after unlocking tiny void shields with research as a low-hanging fruit, goes like:
10000 Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots with Machine Spirit Jammers and Void Shields (200 CP)
For the fun experience of having to fight through ten thousand heavily armored and armed terminator-robots with energy shields, and also disrupt the functionality of your weapons, gear and potentially even your cybernetics if you are using Imperium's technology base.

...And then later on probly those machine spirits having Chaos resistance and having the miniaturized version of our psychic shield applied to the shells of the bots. To just ruin the fun the forces of Chaos might otherwise have with our bots. Because having machine spirit in a bot is just the bare minimum of having some resistance against their corruptive powers.

Oh, and hopefully at least some resistance against the different forms of psychic-based scrapcode itself, but well, that one we will find out during this turn if a plan with researching it (like mine) goes through.
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So, random thought, do we want to build Vita up into an interstellar world breaker type dreadnought vessel eventually, or stick with a more battlecruiser esque doctrine of being able to outrun what she can't out fight? Cause some research into better real space engines might be wise if we want to do the latter?
So, random thought, do we want to build Vita up into an interstellar world breaker type dreadnought vessel eventually, or stick with a more battlecruiser esque doctrine of being able to outrun what she can't out fight? Cause some research into better real space engines might be wise if we want to do the latter?

Too far in the future to predict. I think we'll trend toward a Dreadnought scaled vessel long term regardless, just because that's what we need to have all the space to have our base with us all the time, but specifically how far we go depends on things we don't know about yet.
It's not an issue of installing them as much as the question of 'if vita isn't using machine spirits what is she using?"
They already have manual Vita factories, don't they? I thought that was one of the earlier diplomatic bribes. And that that's what the converted and handed-over factories would also be.

Tangent re: factory handover. A large fraction of our ground factories are inside our most favored nation, with the rest all in a remote and isolated location. One more Vita contribution to breaking the local balance of power, probably.
I very much intend to leave behind or just dismantle some of our existing bots, which will almost certainly be the 1000 almost bare bones light machine-spirit infantry bots. Because yes, 3000 of our existing bots are two different varieties of light bots. So even with 4000 new heavy bots, we should be left with something like this:
My impression is back then, it might have been better to use even more light bots - but now that we're going to be limited by carry capacity rather than BP, yeah, probably don't need any of those on the flagship. Some medium maybe for mobility for when, inevitably, the designed fighting positions don't 100% contain the fighting/we need to board something that isn't sized for space marines.
@Neablis will we be able to build specialized manufactories around certain deposits in the future? Like being able to build a gas giant manufactory since there's one in the system that give the same amount of BP as the Deep space manufactory for half the cost?
Too far in the future to predict. I think we'll trend toward a Dreadnought scaled vessel long term regardless, just because that's what we need to have all the space to have our base with us all the time, but specifically how far we go depends on things we don't know about yet.
Fair enough, plus who knows what nonhuman tech we'll pick up over the years.
Cause some research into better real space engines might be wise if we want to do the latter?
Ah, I knew I was forgetting something. Adding the following tech, which should have come out of the physics research.
-[] Improved Engine Designs (150 RP) Based on your understanding of physics and a few old research papers you think you can improve engine reactor thrust velocities. (Enhances ship speeds at every level. Unlocks further speed, maneuverability & stealth technologies)

They already have manual Vita factories, don't they? I thought that was one of the earlier diplomatic bribes. And that that's what the converted and handed-over factories would also be.
They each got one, but have used them differently. Aevon and Denva are using them to bootstrap their manufacturing capability. Estrana is using it to try to build some space platforms but it's very slow and the other two are mostly wasting them on luxury goods.

Aevon is pretty far ahead and looking to lengthen that lead when you leave.

@Neablis will we be able to build specialized manufactories around certain deposits in the future? Like being able to build a gas giant manufactory since there's one in the system that give the same amount of BP as the Deep space manufactory for half the cost?
Yeah, kind of. There will be specialized deposits (like the Kultrinium ore on Denva Primus) that will give various bonuses like that.

What you're suggesting is down the large-scale void manufacturing platform path. They'll be expensive but very productive.

Edit: @Nightlord256 I think I like Cia image 1. It feels the strongest/most determined, and her character arc is heading in that direction.
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Ah, I knew I was forgetting something. Adding the following tech, which should have come out of the physics research.
-[] Improved Engine Designs (150 RP) Based on your understanding of physics and a few old research papers you think you can improve engine reactor thrust velocities. (Enhances ship speeds at every level. Unlocks further speed, maneuverability & stealth technologies)
Thanks for the update!
Turn 18 vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Neablis on Dec 22, 2024 at 5:05 PM, finished with 47 posts and 30 votes.

  • [X] Plan: To The Stars
    -[X] Construction x3
    --[X] First Construction
    ---[X] Repair Shields (-50 BP)
    ---[X] Ship! (19,850/33,650)
    --[X] Second Construction
    ---[X] Ship! (27,200/33,650)
    --[X] Third Construction
    ---[X] Ship! (COMPLETED!)
    ---[X] Shipboard Basic Psychic Experimentation Lab (-300 BP, -50 CP, -1 Mod Slot)
    ---[X] 4x Heavy Machine-spirit Infantry Bots (-150 BP, -20 CP) (Ship Troop Compartment, 4000/10000) (total of -600 BP, -80 CP)
    -[X] Research (200 RP)
    --[X] Scrapcode Research (Completed)
    -[X] Pay rent (Trade goods, Aevon 27 BP -> 2 BP)
    -[X] Anexa passive action: Education
    -[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & communication
    -[X] Passive Psyker improvement
    [X] Yes
    [X] Yes
    -[X] Write In: The Emperor is real, he's against Chaos but because of the memetic nature of the threat you don't actually know who he was or is now nor what the plan was, how much of it worked, how much of it failed and how much of it simply was never implemented.
    [X] Yes
    -[X] Explain to Cia what you've already told the other two — there is a memetic hazard related to psykery that you will explain once you are sure that the danger is limited.
    [X] Plan: A Prelude to Eternal War
    -[X] Construction x2
    --[X] Repair Shields (-50 BP)
    --[X] Spark of the Ancients (27,200/33,650)
    -[X] Research x2
    --[X] Introduction to Human Genetics (65 RP)
    --[X] Nuclear Warhead (10 RP)
    --[X] Basic power armor (100 RP)
    --[X] Superconductive Shenanigans (200 RP)
    --[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (25/50 RP)
    -[X]Crew Actions
    --[X] Anexa active Action: Research - Nuclear Warhead 40 RP
    --[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & communication
    --[X] Active Psyker improvement: Cia will actively attempt to practice her powers.
    [X] Prep for departure
    [X] Plan: EXPAND! and prepare bribes
    -[X] Construction x3
    --[X] First Construction
    ---[X] Repair Shields (-50 BP)
    ---[X] Ship! (19,850/33,650)
    --[X] Second Construction
    ---[X] Ship! (27,200/33,650)
    --[X] Third Construction
    ---[X] Ship! (COMPLETED!)
    ---[X] Shipboard Basic Psychic Experimentation Lab (-300 BP, -50 CP, -1 Mod Slot)
    ---[X] 600 BP trade goods
    -[X] Research (200 RP)
    --[X] Scrapcode Research (Completed)
    -[X] Anexa passive action: Education
    -[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & communication
    -[X] Passive Psyker improvement
    [X] No
    [x] Plan: EXPAND!
    [X] Prep for departure
    -[X] Research
    --[X] Manufacturing Machine Spirits (100 RP)
    ---[X] Anexa assists (+40 RP)
    --[X] Maglev System (25RP)
    --[X] Basic Spaceship Stealth (100 RP)
    --[X] Anti-personnel Bunker (15 RP)
    -[X] 1st Construction
    --[X] Repair Shields (-50 BP)
    --[X] Ship! (19,850/33,650)
    -[X] 2nd Construction
    --[X] Ship! (27,200/33,650)
    -[X] 3rd Construction
    --[X] Ship! (COMPLETED!)
    --[X] Shipboard Basic Psychic Experimentation Lab (-300 BP, -50 CP, -1 Mod Slot)
    --[X] 2x Basic Defense Satellite (300 VBP, 10 CP) = (600 VBP ,20 CP)
    -[X] Anexa
    --[X] active Action: Research
    -[X] Victan
    --[X] passive action: Counterespionage & communication
    -[X] Cia
    --[X] Passive Psyker improvement
    [X] No
    -[X] Write-in: Explain the concept of Cognitohazards, of how a thing that, if you know too much about it, can have an actively detrimental affect on you. Explain that, as a Psyker, if she ever encountered such a thing, her own powers would make her especially vulnerable, as she can put real power into the things she thinks, knows, and feels. About how she would need to become stronger in mind and soul, with an incorruptible will, before she could be safely told of such a thing, should it exist. And of how we want to give her the facilities and protection needed to do exactly that.
Voting is open for the next 2 hours, 16 minutes