Ah yeah. Significant effects from both - alloyed armor roughly increases your damage resistance & "max HP" by about 20-30%. Will really pay off in longer engagements with lots of chip damage. It won't reduce repair costs, but the same amount of damage is going to knock many fewer things offline.
Tuned shields is roughly the same in terms of performance - you can start to just ignore chip damage on shields. Again, serves much better in longer engagements, where it regenerates more "total" HP.
Alloyed armor must be built into the ship from the start, tuned shields don't have to be.
Thanks for the answers. But this made me think about a potential application for an another piece of equipment. Neablis, will the repair bay be able to do emergency repairs during the battle? Like, as system goes offline, and we get a periodic roll for it to come back online,? Or maybe no roll, and a set amount of systems come back online (based on repair bay BP) at set intervals, but are reduced to the absolute minimum (or at least impaired) function? Something like that anyway.
Thanks for the answers. But this made me think about a potential application for an another piece of equipment. Neablis, will the repair bay be able to do emergency repairs during the battle? Like, as system goes offline, and we get a periodic roll for it to come back online,? Or maybe no roll, and a set amount of systems come back online (based on repair bay BP) at set intervals, but are reduced to the absolute minimum (or at least impaired) function? Something like that anyway.
I think let's get this up running and then retrofit if needed. We can also research and retrofit some of the ship tech to be more space efficient, and build in the future some accompanying ships like carrier ships or pure manufacturing [with stealth) ships to acompany our grand cruiser for instance. And ideally eventualy we are going to be exploring things eventually in a grand battleship right... which will be big enough to be all things to all people 😀
I personally am keen to play around in the future with more of a carrier vibes given our ability to project fairly instant control over stealth missles, fighters etc.
Also ascetic wise no matter what ship design is chosen I will be imagining Red Rising torch ships.
Noodle sketch for a "needle" ship- A subordinate/meat shield DD
500 BP size, 8 gravities engine, medium shields/armor = 850 cost
Warp Drive 50 BP
Warp Abacus 50 BP Light Melta cannon 250 BP
Light Missiles 50 BP
This thing is just a ball of ANGERY built around a melta cannon. Get close with big engine and wreck shit.
Frigate version... 1000+225+150+225 = 1600 cost
Warp Drive 100 BP
Warp Abacus 50 BP Light Melta cannon x2 500 BP
Light Missiles 50 BP
300 BP left for boarding preparations etc... 30%...maybe high maneuverability, medium boarding preparations, and some PD or a troop bay full of Marines to defend against boarding.
Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) Will allow you to process basic biological samples, such as flora & fauna. Or captives.
Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) Will allow you to process basic technological samples, to understand their electronics, materials, etc.
Sorry I had a brain fart what I meant with my question is how would changing a strike bay say from Fighters 100 BP, 50 CP To Assault Shuttles 150 BP, 50 CP work because it's a weapon so BP cost impacts modular build caps
so my thought is instead of having the strike bay cost based on the units it contains instead have the bay itself cost a specific amount and then have the unit inside as a combat equipment expense.
Since Spark of the Ancients is very much in the lead and all of the contenders (mine included) where 'chonky-boyz' I wanted to circle back to the magic school bus to challenge some of our design philosophy. I scaled it up to a light cruiser to make it a bit more feasible.
[X] Plan: Aurora
-[x] Light Cruiser, 200 CP,
-[x]Hull: 2000 BP, 4400x800 meters
-[x]Engines: 5 gravities for 300 BP
-[x]Shields: medium for 300
-[x]Armor: medium for 200
-[x]Empty cost (2,800 BP)
-[x]Available Non-combat Equipment (700 BP, 50 CP):
--[x]Warp Drive (200 BP)
--[x]Warp Abacus Mounting (100 BP)
--[x]Psychic Shielding (400 BP)
-[x]Available Weapons (1,000 BP, 900 Size):
--[x]2x Medium Macrocannons (2x 200 = 400 BP). Medium range, projectile weapons built for sustained barrage.
--[x]2x Medium Lances (2x 200 = 400 BP) Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
--[x]Shuttles 100 BP, 50 CP. 10 Shuttlecraft, combined capacity of 500 lift to or from a planet.
--[x]2x Point Defense 50 BP. A series of turrets on the hull to shoot down enemy fighters, missiles and torpedoes.
-[x]Available Combat Equipment:
-[x]Modular slot options (350 BP, 135 CP) 4 of 7 slots:
--[x]1x Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot) Enough crew space for 500 crew to live in comfort with all necessary amenities.
--[x]1x Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot) Allows long-distance surveying of a system.
--[x]2x Manufactory (2x 100 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot; Total 200 BP, 100 CP, 2 slots) More manufacturing capacity and the raw material harvesting to use it. +50 BP/action.
-[x] Total cost: 4,850 BP, 385 CP
This ship is decent in a fight against frigates and destroyers, but is mainly built to explore the galaxy. It will rely on a fleet of other ships to support itself with. The main strength of this plan is it's cost, taking only a single build action to complete (with a shipyard). This would give us a huge amount of freedom, opening up 5 other actions over the next two turns compared to other plans. If we do follow @meianmaru's build plan (below), we could build this ship, a medium ship yard, and 8x small (frigate) defense monitors with 6,650 left over. While this is nowhere near as tough as the grand cruisers, combined with the frigates we would get more total fire power (2 + (8x4) = 34 medium macrocannons and 2 + 8 = 10 medium lances) along with more strategic flexibility.