Voting is open
[X] design Mothership

I'd rather have the teleportatorium sooner rather than later. Odds are pretty good we are going to be attacked by something we want to capture (basically anything but Tyranids) and in that case we want to have the means to send a strike force as soon as we have the ship done. This isn't a nice to have, it is leveraging our most powerful ability and that rarest of qualities in 40K, mercy. Otherwise we could well be stuck having to blow our enemies out of space or using assault shuttles which aren't really designed for boarding
It eats into the space budget of the ship so that is 1600 less weapons we can take. Since this ship isn't meant to be a main line combatant stacking shields and armor like that doesn't seem as needed.
I get what you mean, but I personally refuse to put Vita's core in a ship that has nothin short of the best defenses and capacity to run away possible

[X] Plan: Spark of the Ancients

This is a good ship design, the best shields and armour, heavy anti boarding and improved manuverability is the way.
[X] Alectai

The vision of being ready for combat ASAP with a best in class chassis is one I agree with - nice to haves can be done with modules on the turn after.

Personally I love the idea of captures, but those are definitely nice to haves. Getting that kit ready by the end of the third turn would be more than acceptable - operational in two turns is for safety against the worst case scenario, not because we're done.

Proxy voting because I don't have the time to scrutinize each plan - I trust Alectai to, say, go for Meianmaru's if that shakes out to be the best implementation in the running.
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[X] Alectai

The vision of being ready for combat ASAP with a best in class chassis is one I agree with - nice to haves can be done with modules on the turn after.

Personally I love the idea of captures, but those are definitely nice to haves. Getting that kit ready by the end of the third turn would be more than acceptable - operational in two turns is for safety against the worst case scenario, not because we're done.
Alectais plan how to build it isn't faster than meianmarus.
Meianmarus manages more stuff in 1 fewer AP of building by being more efficient.

Vox Vitae: Warhammer AI quest Mature - Sci-Fi

An AI from the Dark Age of Technology reawakens and finds themself faced with a situation beyond their worst possible assumptions. That's you. Surprise! A lot happened while you were asleep. Cadia has fallen, and the Great Rift has divided the Galaxy in two. Humanity is lost and leaderless...
Aaaand I've just noticed that combat equipment wasn't calculated properly. So I have to do some major revisions to my plan. I would suggest not voting for my plan until I've recalculated, and also checking it back if you've already voted.

EDIT: Or maybe it is not that big of a revision? Will have to double-check things.
EDIT2: Nah, it was major, revisions done, new plan in effect.
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Alectais plan how to build it isn't faster than meianmarus.
Meianmarus manages more stuff in 1 fewer AP of building by being more efficient.
Proxy voting means my vote is counted for whatever the user voted for. Alectai and Meinmaru actively discuss and workshop plans with each other, so I fully expect Alectai to vote for Meinmaru's plan in that case.

If he doesn't, he'll have a reason for it and I can change my vote before the poll closes if I disagree with that reason. I'm just busy, is all.
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I feel like Spark of the Ancients needs a lot more point defense. 200 BP worth is absolutely nothing in a 12k hull. Missiles and bombers will utterly wreck our shit and 4 fighters ain't doing shit.

Like, we should have 4x that to be servicable.

Also tuned shields and alloyed armor is a huge waste of space. They ultimately do nothing most of the time other than burn our space, and we're supposed to be a mothership here, not a warship. Generally the huild feels inefficient and somewhat incoherent, just tossing as much of everything in as humanly possible, even if it doesn't make sense (e.g. high-maneuvering thrusters, we're huge and slow they aren't going to do much) and doesn't have a coherent idea of what it wants to do.

Pointless overstuffing doesn't help. There's simply too much fluff, it feels like the idea behind it was 'put literally everything we can build on-board, regardless of space or budgetry constraints'.
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I feel like Spark of the Ancients needs a lot more point defense. 200 BP worth is absolutely nothing in a 12k hull. Missiles and bombers will utterly wreck our shit and 4 fighters ain't doing shit.

Like, we should have 4x that to be servicable.

800 BP on point defense seems excessive. I get, you want a solid defense against fighters, bombers, assault craft, missiles, and torpedoes. However I would like to point out that won't be the only thing we'll have to contend with out there. Designing a ship with a role in mind is the point after all. If you want strong point defense, give ship designing a whack and see what you come up with.
800 BP on point defense seems excessive. I get, you want a solid defense against fighters, bombers, assault craft, missiles, and torpedoes. However I would like to point out that won't be the only thing we'll have to contend with out there. Designing a ship with a role in mind is the point after all. If you want strong point defense, give ship designing a whack and see what you come up with.
I'd rather 800 BP of point defense that can handle bombers and torpedoes, instead of 800 BP of armor that will almost never serve a purpose but contributes to overcramming (with unknown side-effects). Ultimately, we should be at the back of most engagements with our drone army fighting, but we're instead built like the Yamato intended to be the vanguard of our forces, and yet in that case we don't have the point defense or short-range capability to accomplish that.

There's no coherency here, just literally tossing every single viable part onto the ship without an idea of the role or goal.
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I dislike the spark of the ancients pic aesthetic. Too close to chaos cruisers in my opinion, complete with big spikey things.
[X] design Mothership
[X] Plan: "Low" Profile Pseudo-Imperial

Do you have a design in mind then?
I had one, but it has a snowballs chance in winning at this point. Basically disable and take over ships from the inside with bordering & hacking. Long-range lance & anti-shield emphasis, alpha down shields, then take over, essentially.

[] Plan: SF (Stellar Federation) Aquitaine
-[] Reference Image
-[] Hull: Grand Cruiser (12,000 BP, -500 CP)
-[] Engines: 2.5 Gravities (1100 BP)
-[] Shields: Medium (800 BP)
-[] Armor: Medium (800 BP)
-[] Empty hull cost: 12,000 + 1100 + 800 + 800 + 2,500 (No Shipyard Tax) = 17200, Budget for filling the hull is 12000 BP.
-[] Non-Combat Equipment (Does not contribute to Cramming)
--[] Warp Drive (1,200 BP)
--[] Warp Abacus Mounting (600 BP)
--[] Psychic Shielding (2,400 BP)
---[] Hull + Non-Combat Equipment Cost: 21400 BP
-[] Weapons:
--[] 2x Heavy Lances (800 BP)
--[] 4x Medium Lances (800 BP)
--[] 2x Medium Plasma Cannon (1000 BP)
--[] Heavy Plasma Cannon (1000 BP)
--[] 12x Point Defense (600 BP)
--[] 2x Shuttles (200 BP, -100 CP)
--[] 1x Assault Shuttle (150 BP, -50 CP)
--[] Heavy Teleportarium (400 BP)
---[] Total running cost: 21400 + 4950 = 26350 (4950 BP weapon cost, 4455 size cost, 7545 BP left of space budget)
-[] Combat Equipment:
--[] Heavy Machine Spirit Jammers (2400 BP)
--[] Medium Boarding Preparations (1200 BP)
---[] Total running cost 26350 + 2400 + 1200 = 29950 BP (7545 BP of space budget - 2400 BP - 1200 BP = 3945 BP of space budget)
--[] Installations: 3945 leftover BP means 39 modular build slots.
--[] 15x manufactories for (1500 BP, -750 CP)
--[] 1x Observatory (100 BP, -25 CP)
--[] 1x Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, -50 CP)
--[] 1x Basic Technological Research lab (50 BP, -50 CP)
--[] 1x Captive Holding cells (25 BP, -10 CP)
--[] 1x Juvenat production facility (250 BP, -50 CP)
--[] 1x Crew Quarters (50 BP, -15 CP)
--[] 10x Troop compartment (25 BP, -5 CP)
--[] 8 Empty modular slots (free)
---[] GRAND TOTAL: 26050 + 2275 BP = 28325 BP
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Okay, so everyone who has voted for me: check my new plan and decide if you still want to vote for it. Due to major error, needed to cut down the amount of manufactories down from 20 to just 10. Also, the plan leaves only one modular slot. This was due to me misunderstanding the wording in combat equipment with tuned shields and alloyed armor, thinking somehow that only they counted towards cramming.

When, in reality, their descriptions said that that only the extra amount of BP from them counted towards, not the rest of the shield BP. Nothing about them being the only pieces of combat equipment counting towards cramming.

EDIT: ...And now the plan is wrong with the amount of BP, as I cut down 10x manufactories. Sigh.
I dislike the spark of the ancients pic aesthetic. Too close to chaos cruisers in my opinion, complete with big spikey things.
On that, I'm just going with something that fits with the rest of our aesthetic:
Current Asethetic - your ships and bots are built in sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. Something like this. There's a certain allowance for aesthetic in that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties. The design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look.
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When, in reality, their descriptions said that that only the extra amount of BP from them counted towards, not the rest of the shield BP. Nothing about them being the only pieces of combat equipment counting towards cramming.

EDIT: ...And now the plan is wrong with the amount of BP, as I cut down 10x manufactories. Sigh
To be honest, why not cut the tuned armor/shields? There's no reason to be so married to them. The manufactories are always important, we will always, while on the road feel having half of our manufacturing that we do. The tuned shields and armor 99% of the time is just excess when we don't belong anywhere near the front line to begin with, barring the immediate.

Like I said, it feels like you decided to add literally everything to the design without giving adequate reason why. Like high-maneuvering thrusters - we're slow and massive as fuck, we ain't dodging shit even with them, and so it's a waste.
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To be honest, why not cut the tuned armor/shields? There's no reason to be so married to them. The manufactories are always important, we will always on the road feel having half of our manufacturing that we do. Tuned shields and armor 99% of the time is just excess when we don't belong anywhere near the front line, barring the immediate.
The unfortunate reality of basically all warfare, if done realistically. During peacetime, armies and weapons don't matter that much. Until suddenly, they matter very very much. Also, the setting isn't called Warhammer 40k for nothing. War is kinda its thing, and so durability in combat is very desirable. Besides, if we are caught off-guard by a superior foe and want to run away, we first have to survive. And we didn't pick the war-oriented AI in the character creation. So I'd like to very much stack the cards in favour of our survival.
Alectai doesn't have a plan in play so I don't think you can vote for him.
I believe you can, probably? I believe that the vote tally will pick those votes up if/when Alectai posts either his plan or his vote. (EDIT: ninja'ed)
I really like the Spirit of the Ancients design in terms of what it offers us as a mothership, but with the corrections made to its math I really think we should consider at least dropping the tuned shields

Tuned Shields Costs the same as the chosen shield cost, but does count towards cramming (not the total cost, just the extra cost for tuned shields, so if shields costs 100 bp, then tuned shields cost 100 bp and 100 bp is counted against cramming). These shields recharge significantly faster, but when taken down all the way take slightly longer to reboot.

Instead, may I suggest a Heavy Teleportarium? And some flavour of machine spirit jamming? The teleporter's half the price of the tuned shields and gives us more utility for boarding (plus maybe some non-combat roles as well?)

The Machine Spirit jammer (whichever flavour we can get away with fitting into the design) speaks for itself in a combat scenario
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Voting is open