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--[X] He's stronger and faster than you are, no question.
Stronger? Probably, at least in the sense of physical strength. Faster? No. His AGL modifier is +5, ours is +10. The +12 we've been dealing with is his DEX, and that's coordination, not speed.

[X] Plan We're Already As Real As We Can Get Without Trying To Kill
-[X] "Gah, my shirt!" You liked that shirt, dammit!
-[X] "Not bad. Is bypassing physical immunity an effect of your sword, a charm, or just a you thing?"
--[X] Use the Sword Trigger to launch Dawn like a projectile, pommel first, then summon her back to her sheathe for the follow-up
-[X] Focus on countering his moves. While there isn't that great of a gap between you two, at this rate he'll just muscle through you. Hit him with everything you've got without magic or skills.
--[X] Try using feints to get him to attack, then counter those.
--[X] Try deflecting his attacks. Use his strength against him and force him into overcommitting.

We already established that we don't need to hold back with the first attack, so we're already going as all out as we can in this situation. Speaking of the situation, I cut the part about using Dawn's blade because we're not trying to kill him, and replaced it with trying to shoot Dawn at him pommel first.

EDIT: Also, I dislike the claim that he's pushing us when we've barely even started. Save that for after we've been fighting for a while.
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Faster? No. His AGL modifier is +5, ours is +10. The +12 we've been dealing with is his DEX, and that's coordination, not speed.
It's still enough that catching him with pure speed was not working at all.

I also dunno how to describe him being more dexterous than us being fast, so fuck that.
Speaking of the situation, I cut the part about using Dawn's blade because we're not trying to kill him, and replaced it with trying to shoot Dawn at him pommel first.
Using Dawn's blade is lighter than swinging the whole ass thing around, plus he has pierce so why does that matter now?

I don't actually think we can kill him by going all out without skills or magic, and if damage has already risen by that point we can call off the match already.

On that point, Yuki is hardly weak enough that one strike would kill him with Dawn. He's beaten the same enemies Yumi has and more with way more combat experience.
Also, I dislike the claim that he's pushing us when we've barely even started. Save that for after we've been fighting for a while.
You tell me how many enemies managed to completely fuck over Yumi's tempo outside of Dante and Vergil.

Hell, he fucking managed to yoink Yumi by the throat.

On top of that, have you noticed that Yuki didn't take a single point of damage, even after a clean hit to the face?

The fact is we aren't going to win with Dawn sheathed. It's not a matter of 'Who hits who a certain amount of times'.

Edit: Honestly, it feels like you're heavily underestimating Yuki's capabilities here.
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[X] Plan This Time For Real.
-[X] "Gah, my shirt!" You liked that shirt, dammit!
-[X] "You got past Null Physical, just like Dante and Vergil had. You're the third person to pull that off, y'know that?"
-[X] "Not a lot of people I've fought can push me this hard! You're really good!"
--[X] His reflexes are too much to overwhelm with raw speed or power, no question. Use Sword Trigger, and use Dawn's blade this time. You need to change tactics here.
-[X] Focus on countering his moves. While there isn't that great of a gap between you two, at this rate he'll just muscle through you. Hit him with everything you've got without magic or skills.
--[X] Try using feints to get him to attack, then counter those.
--[X] Try deflecting his attacks. Use his strength against him and force him into overcommitting.
Yumi has made two moves, and Yuki has made three counting those DEX checks. You're acting like Yuki is somehow giving us a hard fight when both he and Yumi have barely done anything.

a single hit that did absolutely nothing
Honestly, the longer I think about this, the more it feels like a QM error than anything. The very first time we fought a Witch involved us straight up kicking it, and that still did damage despite the Witch Resisting Physical. A hit from our sword, even with the sheath on it, should do more damage than that, especially considering all of our physical stats are much, much higher than they were back then, unless Yuki has immunity to Physical, something his surprise at Yumi having it suggests he doesn't.
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Yumi has made two moves, and Yuki has made three counting those DEX checks. You're acting like Yuki is somehow giving us a hard fight when both he and Yumi have barely done anything.
I say what I do since in comparison to 90% of other fights Yumi gets in, other enemies don't actually manage to do nearly as much. There are boss fights where Yumi goes completely untouched.

They haven't done much yet, but Yuki has already put her on the back foot multiple times and got first blood off her which was after she started taking him seriously.

By the logic of not having done much meaning a fight can't push us, Vergil beat Yumi in 4 moves but clearly Yumi wasn't getting pushed.
Honestly, the longer I think about this, the more it feels like a QM error than anything.
Honestly fair, but until it's specified otherwise we can't actually count on that.

What I don't get is why you think it's okay for Yuki to use his sword and Yumi can't, as Yuki has proven to have pierce.

That's far from an even fight. Plus, if he's anywhere near as durable as he should be, Dawn shouldn't have the numbers to kill him without skills since these are all basic attacks.
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Yuki said "first move", not "first hit".
Yuki likes being a contrarian.
it feels like a QM error than anything.
Oh shit, I never put the damage Yuki took. Uh--


There. All is right in the world.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 5, 2024 at 7:26 PM, finished with 21 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan We're Already As Real As We Can Get Without Trying To Kill
    -[X] "Gah, my shirt!" You liked that shirt, dammit!
    -[X] "Not bad. Is bypassing physical immunity an effect of your sword, a charm, or just a you thing?"
    --[X] Use the Sword Trigger to launch Dawn like a projectile, pommel first, then summon her back to her sheathe for the follow-up
    -[X] Focus on countering his moves. While there isn't that great of a gap between you two, at this rate he'll just muscle through you. Hit him with everything you've got without magic or skills.
    --[X] Try using feints to get him to attack, then counter those.
    --[X] Try deflecting his attacks. Use his strength against him and force him into overcommitting.
    [X] Plan This Time For Real.
    -[X] "Gah, my shirt!" You liked that shirt, dammit!
    -[X] "You got past Null Physical, just like Dante and Vergil had. You're the third person to pull that off, y'know that?"
    -[X] "Not a lot of people I've fought can push me this hard! You're really good!"
    --[X] His reflexes are too much to overwhelm with raw speed or power, no question. Use Sword Trigger, and use Dawn's blade this time. You need to change tactics here.
    -[X] Focus on countering his moves. While there isn't that great of a gap between you two, at this rate he'll just muscle through you. Hit him with everything you've got without magic or skills.
    --[X] Try using feints to get him to attack, then counter those.
    --[X] Try deflecting his attacks. Use his strength against him and force him into overcommitting.
    [X] "Gah, my shirt!" You liked that shirt, dammit!
    -[X] After bemoaning your shirt, compliment Yuki on the blow. You don't quite remember the last time you were hurt like that...possibly excepting Dante and Virgil.
    -[X] Continue to keep close, and be prepared to use Sword Trigger.
*sigh* Okay, something I feel I need to bring up;
STR is Strength, which basically measure your striking/lifting strength. The more Strength you have, the more damage Physical moves and your normal strikes deal.
At no point in the Quest has Strength ever been factored into normal attacks as far as I can tell. Granted, we haven't made many of them, but weapons have consistently defaulted to not adding any stats unless specified, and it feels like this mechanic has been completely forgotten, which this fight is highlighting.
At no point in the Quest has Strength ever been factored into normal attacks as far as I can tell. Granted, we haven't made many of them, but weapons have consistently defaulted to not adding any stats unless specified, and it feels like this mechanic has been completely forgotten, which this fight is highlighting.
Or, y'know, his defense is just higher than ours. We're hitting a guy around our level in strength with a sheath. I'm not sure what you were expecting in damage, Our basic attack damage isn't that high iirc.

Edit: Thinking about it, I don't think we've ever used the basic attack. If we have, I don't remember it.
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Or, y'know, his defense is just higher than ours.
Unless the QM has added one without telling us, there is no defense stat!

Our basic attack damage isn't that high iirc.
My point is that despite the mechanics clearly stating that STR increases the damage of basic attacks, it never has right from the start. When we kicked that Witch way back in Update 44, we rolled a d4 for damage and added nothing from our stats. Dawn started off doing a d6 for damage, again with no bonus from our stats until we took a specific Sword Perk, and even then, we have only ever added AGL, still with no STR-based bonus.

Multiple melee weapons from shops, no bonus from STR unless specifically stated, with the Wakizashi we bought for Shoji instead using DEX and still not adding any STR.
1029: 'Tis The Season.
[X] Plan We're Already As Real As We Can Get Without Trying To Kill

"Gah, my shirt!" You shout, looking down at your wound, "I liked that shirt, damnit!"

Shoji rolls his eyes, "Great priorities." He mumbles as he shakes his head.

You sigh, quickly recovering from the blow, "Not bad, dude! So, you know I gotta ask, how did you get past my... Unstabability? Was that a sword thing, a charm thing, or a you thing?"

"Wh-- We're in the middle of a fight!" Yuki shouts back, "Save the interview for when--?!"

You pull Dawn's trigger, and she is launched forward.


Dawn strikes him square in the chest!


"Ah! You little--!!" Yuki bites back some choice words.

Before Dawn has even hit the ground, she's right back in her sheath. You grin at Yuki.

"You think you've got a strategy now, don't you?" Yuki sneers, "Well, go ahead and try--!!"

You rush him again, full speed.

(AGL CHECK: 10+10)

You manage to close the gap before Yuki can react, and smack him across the face again.


Yuki tries to counterattack...


...But you're much too nimble. At this rate, you'll be able to easily get him to overcommit to an attack and leave himself wide open!

Of course, that's easier said than done...!


You hit him right on the back, and he responds with--!!


You duck under his arcing swing, and decide to use the opportunity.

(YUMI ATTACKS...?: 15+2)

You pull Dawn's trigger again.

But this time, you're actually aiming for something specific.

Shoji looks horrified at your strategy, and actually almost warns Yuki, but it's too late.

Blunt object, meet weak point.


Yuki topples to the ground, nearly falling onto you. You click Dawn back into her scabbard as you stand up, victorious.

Yuki bites back a scream as he writhes in pain in the grass.

Shoji looks... Uncomfortable, and that's putting it lightly.

"Um... Good job?" Kohaku cheers(?) for you.

[] ???????????????????????????????????????????
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..oof. P A I N.

And that's quite high END modifier for Yuki.

Feels like he didn't put much to MAG since he hasn't use Magic so far...? EDIT: Granted it's a spar, and granted I might have missed reading a couple of updates... :V
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