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We still need a 'what after' by the way guys.
I say tell him about what Yuki said about him. The whole 'getting controlled by a demon' thing, but that's probably better for when we're alone without Kohaku there.

Unless it can actually be better with Kohaku there, since she can reassure him hopefully.

I would write it but I got sick over the holiday so Im too damn tired to do it myself
[X] ...And you accepted his offer.
-[X] After, challenge Yuki to a quick spar. No Skills, Magic, or Demons. Just pure swordsmanship. Hopefully it can get his mind off things.
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Ooh, that's a good one, though adding no demons would fit here I'd think.

Yumi has no reason to think he doesn't have any left after all.

[X] ...And you accepted his offer.
-[X] After, challenge Yuki to a quick spar. No Skills, Magic, or Demons. Just pure swordsmanship. Hopefully it can get his mind off things.
[X] ...And you accepted his offer.
-[X] After, challenge Yuki to a quick spar. No Skills, Magic, or Demons. Just pure swordsmanship. Hopefully it can get his mind off things.
Athena, gloating to Yumi: Foolish mortal, no man can stop my--!

Takeshi: Kame... Hame--

Athena: I surrender.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 3, 2024 at 6:37 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] ...And you accepted his offer.
    -[X] After, challenge Yuki to a quick spar. No Skills, Magic, or Demons. Just pure swordsmanship. Hopefully it can get his mind off things.
    [X] ...And you accepted his offer.
    [X] ...And you accepted his offer.
    -[X] After, challenge Yuki to a quick spar. No Skills or magic, just pure swordsmanship. Hopefully it can get his mind off things.
1027: "Dishes" A Very Bad Joke
[X] "Get over here!" - Scorpion, Mortal Kombat

...Which you immediately accepted.

Kohaku is washing them, you're on rinsing duty, and Shoji dries them. You'll be able to knock 'em all out in record time!

"Hey, Yumi?" Shoji nudges you while he dries a plate, "Do you know why Yuki doesn't like me?"

"I-- Uh, it's a bit of a long story, but..." You begin, hesitant to tell him what Yuki told you, "...Apparently, his version of you got possessed or something and maybe destroyed his whole world."

Shoji whips his head over to you, "Woah woah, wait, what?!"

"I mean," Kohaku tries to help, "It's not really you who did it, it was a different person entirely."

"I killed his whole planet?!" Shoji puts the plate down, "No wonder he doesn't like me!"

"That Shoji was possessed!" You argue, "And he wasn't you! His decisions and actions don't reflect on you."

"I get that, but I'm still me!" Shoji argues right back, "And he's, like, my twin! So when he looks at me, he sees--!"

"Ugh, this is so confusing!" You place the last dish on the rack, "Why does this have to happen right after we wake up?!"

"Shoji, you can't control another person's actions." Kohaku says, draining the sink, "But you can control your own. Focus on that, on you. That other world's Shoji and you are separate."

Shoji opens his mouth to argue further, but refrains. You glance over at Kohaku...

(INT ROLL: 19+10)

...Oh. She must be thinking about what happened yesterday and the day before. About her parents.

It honestly sounds like she's trying to convince herself that she did all she could to avoid their deaths instead of reassuring Shoji.

You should probably talk to her about that soon.

But for now, you could at least distract them.

"Hey, wanna watch me spar with Yuki?" You ask suddenly, "I wanna see where I stack up."

Shoji sighs, grinning a little, "Oh, boy. I was waiting for you to ask that."

"I honestly don't know why I'm surprised...!" Kohaku shakes her head.

Mission Success!

With your victory already attained, you march out to the backyard, and find Yuki standing over the pond.

"Wanna spar?" You both ask in unison.

"...I guess so." Yuki claps his hands, "Okay, you two head off to the side, and--?"

"Okay, no demons, no magic, just swordsmanship!" You lay out the rules, "Sound good?"

"Sure." He hefts the large sword off of his back, "Go ahead and make the first move."

[] ???????????????????????????????????????????
Effective? Wouldn't want him to think we're not taking him seriously I think. He needs more time and a hell of a lot of work before he takes any degree of shenanigans with smile and shaking his head.
[X] Open up with a strike at the wrist of the hand holding his sword
-[X] Don't use your sword trigger. Matter of fact, don't even take Dawn out of her sheath, since with how surprised he was at you being immune to Physical, he probably isn't
-[X] After that, try to hit him in the knee

Best I've got.
...do we go for flashy or effective?
Well, we don't have magic or skills, just hands and swords. I also don't want to just bullshit our way though with Null Physical, so with that in mind.

Gonna keep Sword Trigger if he's stronger than we think he is, but more as our 'last resort' trick.

[X] Plan Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object
-[X] "Heh, your mistake!"
-[X] Rush him down, but not at full speed. You want to test his own speed and reaction time first before going all-out. Dawn's blade is shorter than Yuki's sword, so don't give him the space to use it effectively.
--[X] Push his defense, but keep your eyes open for his own tricks and possible openings. Then aim for joint areas like his knees, elbows, and wrists if possible.
---[X] Do not stop moving when in range of that sword.
-[X] Don't take Dawn out of her sheathe, but save Sword Trigger for unexpected surprises Yuki may have in store. If this happens, sheathe Dawn again.
--[X] Try not to use Dawn's actual blade as Yuki doesn't seem to have Null Physical like you do. You can however shoot him with the pommel of your sword in a tight spot.
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Isn't that how Sword Trigger works? It blasts Dawn out of the sheathe for extra power right?

I wanted to pull it and shoot him with Dawn's pommel to discombobulate then reset.
The way I read it, it sounded like you were saying to sheathe Dawn so that we could use the Sword Trigger, not to sheathe her because we used it. That feels like more of a reading comprehension fail on my end, though.
My friends got computers, and we're doing a modded Terraria playthrough. We've just killed King Slime, and have died a lot.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 4, 2024 at 8:03 PM, finished with 8 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object
    -[X] "Heh, your mistake!"
    -[X] Rush him down, but not at full speed. You want to test his own speed and reaction time first before going all-out. Dawn's blade is shorter than Yuki's sword, so don't give him the space to use it effectively.
    --[X] Push his defense, but keep your eyes open for his own tricks and possible openings. Then aim for joint areas like his knees, elbows, and wrists if possible.
    ---[X] Do not stop moving when in range of that sword.
    -[X] Don't take Dawn out of her sheathe, but save Sword Trigger for unexpected surprises Yuki may have in store. If this happens, sheathe Dawn again.
    --[X] Try not to use Dawn's actual blade as Yuki doesn't seem to have Null Physical like you do. You can however shoot him with the pommel of your sword in a tight spot.
    [X] Open up with a strike at the wrist of the hand holding his sword
    -[X] Don't use your sword trigger. Matter of fact, don't even take Dawn out of her sheath, since with how surprised he was at you being immune to Physical, he probably isn't
    -[X] After that, try to hit him in the knee
1028: Drip, Drip...
[X] Plan Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object

"Heh, your mistake!" You grin, launching yourself forward. You don't go as fast as you can, as you're seeing how his reaction time is compared to your's--


Yuki grabs you by the throat and pushes you away, causing you to stumble back.

"I said first hit," He repeats, his face unreadable, "Not first ram."

"Oh, good!" You smile, giving Yuki a thumbs up, "I don't need to hold myself back!"

Yuki huffs, "That explains it."

You take a moment to analyze your opponent. Yuki's sword is longer than Dawn, so you should keep close so he can't use that advantage. Other than the obvious, you should keep your eyes open for any nasty tricks he may have.

Yuki takes a step to the left, and you step to the right. You're now circling each other.

Yuki says nothing as he moves, watching you like a hawk would watch its prey. The air is tense...

(AGL CHECK: 15+10)

Yuki tries to catch you in the same way as last time, but you duck under his grasp. You take Dawn and her scabbard off of your hip, and strike him!

You catch him right across the face! He grunts as he--!


His sword makes contact with you, and you find yourself backing off. Your chest...?

Are you bleeding?


"Yumi!!" Kohaku yelps as she sees the blood on the grass.

Yuki flicks his blade, spreading your blood to the side. "You've got a pretty tough hide." He admits.

[] ???????????????????????????????????????
[] "Gah, my shirt!" You liked that shirt, dammit!

Direct slash across the chest, blood drawn, shirt is probably ruined. No idea what to do next, but I think being more bothered by the clothing damage than the actual injury would be funny.
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[X] "Gah, my shirt!" You liked that shirt, dammit!
-[X] After bemoaning your shirt, compliment Yuki on the blow. You don't quite remember the last time you were hurt like that...possibly excepting Dante and Virgil.
-[X] Continue to keep close, and be prepared to use Sword Trigger.

that's all i got
Edit: Double ooof, that's what I get for not keeping up with this quest.

But yeah, ooof, it's been a while since I last voted here. Maybe I should just retire from the Auto-Sukukaja reminder role. I'll gladly give it to someone who wants it!
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Ngl, his speed mods being higher than ours is crazy, and we locked ourselves out of our bullshit.

Does anyone know what Magatsuhi Form does specifically? It's not in our Stats Sheet, so I'm just going off memory atm. I'm honestly considering it for a Magatsuhi Form vs Magatsuhi Form fight, though that probably won't change anything since no skills or magic.

[X] Plan This Time For Real.
-[X] "Gah, my shirt!" You liked that shirt, dammit!
-[X] "You got past Null Physical, just like Dante and Vergil had. You're the third person to pull that off, y'know that?"
-[X] "Not a lot of people I've fought can push me this hard! You're really good!"
--[X] His reflexes are too much to overwhelm with raw speed or power, no question. Use Sword Trigger, and use Dawn's blade this time. You need to change tactics here.
-[X] Focus on countering his moves. While there isn't that great of a gap between you two, at this rate he'll just muscle through you. Hit him with everything you've got without magic or skills.
--[X] Try using feints to get him to attack, then counter those.
--[X] Try deflecting his attacks. Use his strength against him and force him into overcommitting.

@TremendousMilk3, don't forget to apply Auto-Sukukaja to Yumi!
We locked out our skills and magic stuff, so I question if that's allowed.

Edit: If it's not obvious yet, I like combat tactics lol
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