Your argument is that there's nothing that traitor marine Geneseed can do to make a chapter more or less successful/prone to chaotic infection. In order to know that you need to know what traits are on it's list, or that there are no traits that make the dcs for success/not falling to chaos higher or lower. Which is pretty silly given that chaos can and will use your personality as a vector for infection.
And? There's plenty of Loyalist Chapters who are assholes, they didn't fall to Chaos despite that, so yes, there's no reason to think that negative or positive personality trait will make the Chapter as a whole more likely to fall to Chaos.
Mechanicus as a whole is about collecting Knowledge, do you want to say that the entire Marsian Priesthood is vulnerable to Tzeentch because of that? You can be perfectionist and not get corrupted by Slaanesh.
If the Chapter can fall to Chaos in this quest, it will be due to bad rolls, something we might avoid, because of rolling perfectionist trait adding bonus to the rolls for example.
That's my point, we don't know the traits nor the ultimate result of the rolls. We can get traits from Loyalist Legions that will make them more likely to fall to Chaos as well as never roll any such trait from Traitor Legion, because we don't know what trait we will ultimately roll.
Also, I really doubt there's actually trait that inherently makes Chapter more likely to fall to Chaos. Anger issues? Sure, but again, being angry doesn't mean you will become Khornate just like being a sholar doesn't mean you are actually vulnerable to Tzeentch or artist is vulnerable to Slaanesh, artist for example can find Slaanesh disgusting and see Slaaneshi corruptive artists as lacking actual artistic skill or abilities being instead impulsive or lacking concentration on the work, so I really doubt there's any such tests to begin with. More likely, Frog will decide the destiny of the Chapter depending, on what would be appropriate story wise if we roll badly.
You're arguing that at no point in our process do we have any real influence over where the chapter goes despite the fact that that's literally our job.
The whole concept of this story as a quest falls apart under your logic.
No, the point is creating Chapters, it doesn't mean the Chapter will be successfull, and the closest we got to Chapter dying was with Eternal Guard who are Imperial Fists. And yes, we don't. We influence the Chapter flavour, by choosing their colours, symbol, creed and planet, but this is objective fact that we can't predict what traits the Chapter will actually get nor if they will be useful for what we want Chapter to do.
We're given these extra steps in the process in order to deal with the results of the previous stage and make decisions in how to get from where we're at to where we want to go, or if we want to do something else with what we got so far. If there's no chance to do worse/better based on things, there's no point in the extra steps in the process and it should all be decided up front and the rolls go from there. So obviously we have enough impact on the rolls that we shouldn't go around being stupid.
Again, we can try to add bonuses, but ultimately bonus +10 means nothing when we roll 1. Stages make sense, because we decide first what, if any, requests to choose and what to unlock.
Then we decide the planet and the optional gene-seed or modifications to change the Chapter and get extra traits as well as the planet to give flavour to the Chapter.
And then we give colours, symbol and creed to the Chapter and it's specialization.
Also my argument with training was that, we don't know which training will actually be useful, not that it's worthless, what we think can work and what will work are two different things. Some choices are obvious but in other, matter can be more complicated or vague, again, depends on what we want to accomplish and the traits we got.
But ultimately yes, no matter how many bonuses we can get from traits, ultimately dice are random, we either roll good or we roll bad and the dice results aren't decided by Chapter gene-seed.
And if it is, you might as well argue that Traitor gene-seed is
better against Traitors and Chaos, because challenging their origins and Legions destiny resonates stronger in the Immaterium and has greater metaphysical weight than some Ultramarine doing this for example.
My overall argument was that, it's just stupid to assume Traitor gene-seed is inherently more vulnerable to Chaos, when Loyalist also have personality traits and issues that Chaos can just as easily use and influence, there's also plenty of murderous and immoral Chapter who still don't fall to Chaos, because you can be evil without having anything to do with Chaos and in turn Traitors can have traits that will make them better at fighting Chaos. Again, we just don't know what traits there are nor what traits we will get. But it's just stupid to assume that Emperor's Children will be more vulnerable just because they Emperor's Children, when they can get useful traits just as likely as any other Chapter and then roll well.
Again, the closest we got to Chapter failling was with Imperial Fists, there's just no logical reasoning to think that Traitors Legions are fucking cursed, as if they were destined to get bad rolls and fail. As shown by Reborn Crusaders, we can even play Chaos games straight and still win, unless you want to tell me with a straight face that fighting Khorne Daemons in melee isn't something the Daemon in question would want nor Khorne would want. Yet, the World Eater descendend Chapter Master didn't fall to Chaos despite being legendary melee monster and ax master, he kicked Bloodthirster ass so badly that it died forever more and after dying himself become Living Saint.
If this isn't demonstrated proof that Traitor Legions in this quest don't have to make rolls not to fall to Chaos, nor are inherently more vulnerable than Loyalist gene-seed Chapters, then I don't know what else is. They won against Khorne, playing his game straight. And after that, they never dealt with Khorne ever again in any way, despite being World Eaters.
Again, give me actual proof, that we need to worry about Traitor Legions beyond saying that's it's your headcanon that gene-seed is metaphysically cursed or vulnerable. I given examples from this quest events, I given examples from actual official sources with quotes, you just said stuff because for some reason, you think Traitors Legions have fucking curse and that it works in fucking real life and will influence the quest. They don't and it wouldn't. I'm not saying we should use Emperor's Children for Cold Shower request, but I just don't see reason to think the Chapter will be destined for failure if we do so.
So Emperor's Children/Word Bearers Chimeric Chapter next turn? /s
Ehh. Can we do it another turn. Unironically it doesn't sound bad, but I wanted to buy the rest of Traitor Legions. Next turn we will be finally able to buy them all.