I had (unfortunately, after the vote) thought of some reason why music might have been better than poetry, but it escapes me now. Might have had to do with the whole "song of ice and fire" thing? Or maybe that being able to sing for younger sibling or dragons might be useful.
Agree on action economy concerns, although I think if we put any more actions into it being okay at music and poetry would probably be better than being great at poetry.
Also, interesting and unfortunate that Johanna clocked Rhea as well. Jeyne was free because it's an open secret to everyone except Septon Eustace, but Rhea is just kind of tomboyish.
Honestly kind of weird she hasn't assumed the same about us - the stuff we do is more masculine than Rhea, and we were the one who was just putting together the lesbian heiresses alliance.
I hope we do get a younger sister first. Even if we're unlikely to get lucky enough to get all sisters (although wouldn't that be nice), it definitely seems like it's be easier to bond with and get over ourselves with a younger sister.