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Oriko, standing behind everyone: Be careful, Yumi! These guys are no joke!

Kohaku: Yumi's never lost before, so we've got nothing to--

Mitsuru, using her evoker: Artemisia! Marin Karin!

Kohaku, after going stiff for a moment: ...Yumi...! Hold me really tight!

Akihiko: Nice job on that Charm, Mitsuru!

Mitsuru: ...What are you taking about? I missed.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 10, 2024 at 8:59 PM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sitrep
    -[X] "A big misunderstanding, though I can't say that the actions they took were wrong given what they knew. Try not to think about it too much."
    -[X] "Say Rakshasa, what else have you guys been up to today?"
    --[X] If they mention taking down any cultists, thank them for it and inform them that the clean up for that situation is underway.
    --[X] If nothing noteworthy comes up, step outside and call Oriko to see if she's up for a Mitama hunt, or if she can at least point you in the right direction
973: Leaving.
[X] Plan Sitrep

"Apparently, a big misunderstanding." You cross your arms, "Although, I can't really say that they were out of line by acting on the information they knew. Just, uh, try not to think about it too much!" You pat Kyoko on the back.

"Well, at least no one died." Kyoko offers.

"One guy did, actually." Rakshasa admits, "But we weren't involved, so..."

"Wait, what?" You ask, "Someone's dead?!"

"Yeah, some kinda altercation between humans. Nekomata knows more about it than I do." Rakshasa steps out of the way, and the cat demon struts up to you.

"I watched a drug deal go wrong!" She happily tells you, "The guy got shot, then some pink goop leaked out of his head! Gross, right?"

You and Kyoko stare at her.

"And then some guys in blue showed up and started talking really loudly, so I left!" Nekomata finishes her story, "Crazy day, huh?"

"Yumi, can we leave?" Kyoko asks quietly.

"...Yeah, that might be best." You guide her to the exit while Rakshasa waves goodbye.

Neither of you say a word as you leave the industrial district.

"Hey..." Kyoko begins, "...Do you think that cat thing... Tried to help that guy at all? The one who got shot?"

"I don't think we should talk about that right now." You tell her, now wondering the same thing.

Your phone rings in your pocket. The screen displays the name "Buckethead", so you go ahead and answer it.


"There's a Mitama on the road into Kazamino." Oriko cuts you off almost instantly, "It doesn't seem like it's gonna run off anytime soon. Can you get to it?"

[] ????????????????????????
[X] ''Kyoko, I think it is time we got ourselves a pay day''.
-[X] Tell Oriko that you will take care of it while telling Kyoko about the mitama and go as fast as you two can to the location.
[X] ''Kyoko, I think it is time we got ourselves a pay day''.
-[X] Tell Oriko that you will take care of it while telling Kyoko about the mitama and go as fast as you two can to the location.
[X] "Was just about to ask for directions to one of those, thanks."
-[X] Take the shortest route (including Terminals not inside the Demon Gang's base) to the Mitama's location
...wait, I thought Oriko couldn't see us? How'd she know what we were going to ask her for?
[X] "Was just about to ask for directions to one of those, thanks."
-[X] Take the shortest route (including Terminals not inside the Demon Gang's base) to the Mitama's location
11...?. After the quest is finished up and I've smoothed out all of the wrinkles, I may write up Persona-MMT if you guys would like to see it.
Oh yeah, yes please! I really like Persona-style quests, so seeing a new PMMT quest with more social elements to it would be amazing!

My Vote:

[X] "Was just about to ask for directions to one of those, thanks."
-[X] Take the shortest route (including Terminals not inside the Demon Gang's base) to the Mitama's location
[X] "Was just about to ask for directions to one of those, thanks."
-[X] Take the shortest route (including Terminals not inside the Demon Gang's base) to the Mitama's location
Nekomata, watching the entire altercation go down, knowing full well she could jump in at any time: Wow, it's like a soap opera I don't even have to pay for!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 11, 2024 at 9:55 PM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] "Was just about to ask for directions to one of those, thanks."
    -[X] Take the shortest route (including Terminals not inside the Demon Gang's base) to the Mitama's location
    [X] ''Kyoko, I think it is time we got ourselves a pay day''.
    -[X] Tell Oriko that you will take care of it while telling Kyoko about the mitama and go as fast as you two can to the location.
974: Race!

"Wow, great timing! I was just about to ask!" You smile, "Thanks for the tip!"

"Well, I don't have much else to do right now, so I decided to look around for a while." Oriko explains, "Stay safe."

...Okay, you're getting pissed off about everyone hanging up on you. Like, it's not too big a deal, the conversation is pretty much over, but still!

"What was that about?" Kyoko asks, "...Also, you look a little mad."

"Oriko found a Mitama for us," You answer, "And I'm mad because people keep hanging up on me! I didn't even get to say bye!"

The mere mention of a Mitama immediately sparks excitement in Kyoko's eyes. "Then what the hell are we waiting around here for?! Let's go get some cash!" She almost takes off then and there, but realizes that she doesn't know where it is.

"You know the street I always take to get into Kazamino?" You explain to her, "Apparently, it's there!"

"Race you!!" Kyoko shouts as she bolts past.

"Hey, you didn't even count!!" You yell as you rush behind her.

(AGL CHECK: 10+10)

You don't like bragging normally. Whether you win or lose in any kind of competition, you are usually respectful of your opponent and congratulate them on a match well fought. But alas, Kyoko cheated by not counting down.

And you still smoked her by two minutes.

To be fair, she's still probably getting used to moving as a normal human, but still.

You arrive first. You could bump the Mitama off right now, and have the bragging rights all to yourself!

Speaking of the Mitama, it's cyan in color, and looks rather happy. You wonder what this one's purpose is...

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
[X] Plan First Come, First Served
-[X] Summon Virtue, Black Frost and Devil Dog
--[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash with Zandyne (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)
--[X] Black Frost casts Bufudyne
--[X] Virtue casts Hamaon
--[X] Devil Dog uses Shooting Spree
---[X] If none of those work, Yumi uses Thunder Slash and Black Frost casts Mamudoon

Having Black Frost cover Dark instead of Virtue because Virtue already burned around half his MP today, whereas Black Frost has done much less so far.
[X] Plan: not being rude
-[X] Wait for Kyoko to catch up first, unless it starts leaving
--[X] Summon Virtue, Black Frost and Devil Dog
---[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash with Zandyne (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)
---[X] Black Frost casts Bufudyne
---[X] Virtue casts Hamaon
---[X] Devil Dog uses Shooting Spree
----[X] If none of those work, Yumi uses Thunder Slash and Black Frost casts Mamudoon

So we actually wait for her first.
[X] Plan: not being rude
-[X] Wait for Kyoko to catch up, unless it starts leaving
--[X] Summon Virtue, Black Frost and Devil Dog
---[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash with Zandyne (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)
---[X] Black Frost casts Bufudyne
---[X] Virtue casts Hamaon
---[X] Devil Dog uses Shooting Spree
----[X] If none of those work, Yumi uses Thunder Slash and Black Frost casts Mamudoon
Yeah, not waiting for her is rude, even without the bragging.

Also, unrelated. But since Kohaku's feelings were revealed, I want to know what Shoji thinks of Kohaku and Yumi. Does he think of Yumi as just a friend or have romantic feelings for her?

So yeah, I'm fine with Shoji only having platonic feelings for Yumi. But my ship of Yumi/Shoji is dead, so yeah.

My Vote:

[X] Plan: not being rude
EX 110: Blank.
Kohaku isn't interested in you.

You know this, it's not an earth shattering revelation. You've known for a while, even if Kohaku herself didn't. Still, it hurts to not even have a chance. But that's what she chose, and you respect her decision.

...Mostly. Honestly, Kohaku being into women was kinda a "non-secret" to you, but why did she have to be into Yumi, too? And now, hey, Yumi's a great person, and pretty, and cool, and she's saved your ass just as many times as you've covered her's...

...But it's not fair.

Kohaku has an actual shot at steal-- courting Yumi. Even though you're the one who was actually around--

What the hell are you thinking?! Kohaku was being persecuted by a Goddamn cult! She didn't have a choice but to run! Hell, she's probably never had a choice before that!

Kohaku has gone through a lot, so she deserves Yumi more than you. That's how that works, right? You suffer, then good stuff happens! So, if you suffer through your two best friends leaving you behind to start a happy new life, you'll get something good too, right?


You should be elated that they're gonna be together. But you're not.

Mom was right.

"You can't be happy unless you drag everyone else down with you."

You don't understand. You got perfect grades, you tried to make friends, you loved her and Dad...

...But they hated each other so much that you fell to the wayside.

"You're just like her," Dad would say, "I'm busy, and you keep bugging me about shit that doesn't matter."

"You're just like him," Mom would say, "Always asking for handouts when you don't even lift a finger."

So, here you sit, in the bathroom, desperately trying to regather your rampant emotions.

Men don't cry.

Men don't cry.

Men don't...

...God, you're just the worst parts of both of them, aren't you?

You're the worst kind of friend to Yumi and Kohaku. Like Dad was with Mom.

You're the worst kind of manipulative. Just like Mom was with Dad.

You're the worst.
....who's available for the poor guy right now? Man, talk about "Not all times you are the hero of somebody's story."

Let's hope that once we see Shoji-boy (heh), we don't mess up that INT roll.
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