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970: Yumi Gets Teased A Little
[X] I agree, Okada is an asshole!

...On second thought, nah. It's because Okada was an asshole to Yuma and you. And Ms. Koizumi.

"Anyhow, I don't hear any shouting." You tell Yuma, "So, what do you say we get you back in the living room?"

"...Okay." Yuma nods, wiggling her way out of your hug, and hopping off of the bed.

(INT CHECK: 18+10)

Just as she jumps down, you notice a glimmer of... Something around Yuma's neck. There's a pendant of some kind hidden under her scarf. You think for a moment about Yuma's Nightmares.

Griffon manifests as feathers in her hair. Shadow hides as a scarf. Bella is the bracelet on her wrist.

...Could that amulet be Nightmare himself, then?

You'll have to ask her about it later. It might be bad to press her on that now, given how nervous she is. In any case, you follow Yuma back into the living room.

Kyoko enters just as you do, waving at you and Yuma. "Guess I looked in the wrong spot, huh?" She jokes, "Well, at least we found her."

"Big Sis Yumi sat on Yuma." Yuma tells everyone without even a hint of regret, "She was really heavy."

Kyoko bursts out laughing, slapping her knee and pointing at you. Homura and Madoka hurriedly look away when they notices themselves smiling, Homura even feigning a cough.

You cross your arms, looking right at Kyoko as you wait for her to finish.

It takes longer than it probably should've, but Kyoko eventually manages to compose herself.

"Got that outta your system?" You ask, not as amused as everyone else here.

"...Mostly." She grins, wiping a tear away from her eye, "So, what's the plan?"

"I've got a demon gang to check up on, but then it's Mitama hunting time!" You pump your arm, "Wanna wait here while I--?"

"Nah, I'll come with!" Kyoko walks up to you, "Yuma, go mingle with Pinky and Specs over there."

Homura glares at Kyoko, "I'm not even wearing glasses."

"They'd suit you!" She defends, "Totally bring your look together! Trust me!"

Homura almost says something, but chooses not to.

Yuma decides to sit on the floor, next to Madoka.

"...I see how it is." Homura mumbles with a soft smile.

You can't help but snicker as you walk outside, only to find Kohaku and Sayaka sitting in silence.

Sayaka looks away from you, but Kohaku...

...There's some kind of fire in her eyes that just wasn't there before.

"Yumi, can we go get some pizza tomorrow?" Kohaku asks stiffly, as if she's incredibly nervous.

[] "Yes...?"
[] "No, I've got plans for tomorrow."
[] "We'll see what tomorrow brings, okay?"
[] "How about we head somewhere else?"
-[] Write in where?
[] Write in??????????????

With that settled, you head to the Terminal, and warp to your headquarters...

...Only to find the entire place in disarray, and all of the demons circling around some guy.

"You there, with the red hair!" He calls to you, "Call the police! Call the Self Defense Force! Call somebody!!"

"Hey, boss." Rakshasa comes up on your side, "Saw this dude creeping on some highschool girls. What do we do with him?"

"I-I was not!" He shouts, "I was scouting for talent! I'm an idol recruiter! I'm not a creep!!"

"...Sounds purretty creepy to me-ow, dude." The cat says, "If we kill him, can I get his liver? I've always wanted to try that!"

[] ????????????????????????????????????
2011 is right at the start of the modern idol boom, and while a recruiter trying to scout for high schoolers is scummy, it's probably legit. Doesn't put him in any better of a light though.


[X]"Let me make a call first."
-[X] Call Raido about the recruiter. (he may not be a recruiter)
--[X] If he is a recruiter let him go with a warning and advice.
---[X] if he is not a recruiter let them have him for awhile and make sure they heal him and mindwipe him afterwards(if possible)
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Idol recruiting kids is, in fact, creepy.

Seriously, I don't even follow it and I know it's a brutal industry.

Anyone trying to recruit teenagers into it is already a 7 on the Creep-O-Meter.
[X] "We'll see what tomorrow brings, okay?"

I was kind of hoping to take down Eris tomorrow... and Athena if we don't manage to deal with her today.

[X] Facepalm. "We are not going to kill him, so that question is irrelevant."
-[X] Apologize to the recruiter and explain that there was a cult running around that you had reason to believe might target some of your school age friends, and your... associates, for lack of a better word, seem to have mistaken him for one of them
--[X] Call Raido as you do the above, explain the situation to him, and ask if there's any sort of protocol for this type of situation beyond "let the civilian go and hope that's the end of it".
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2011 is right at the start of the modern idol boom, and while a recruiter trying to scout for high schoolers is scummy, it's probably legit. Doesn't put him in any better of a light though.
...my friends and i make a game of naming anime following a theme, like slice-of-life, protagonist is X, or something. one time we retold the summary of titles but with vastly different genres, like high fantasy gundam, honey and clover in space opera, and madoka as a slice-of-life. i basically exaggerated their existing troubles like homura coming out and sayaka's whole thing. part of that answer i turning the incubators into the "kyuubey idol agency" and saying that homura had "bad history" with them

aquatorpe best describes my opinions on idol culture. the deuteragonist says that idols aren't the girls dancing and singing on stage, they are the character the agency and producers create and the fans buildup, the girl just gives it a face and a voice, but ultimately she is just one part of a product who sometimes happen to have her name, face, and voice. there is a reason why zmbieland saga and oshi no ko are the only idol animes worth watching.

sorry for the rant and the mild derailing. as much as i want to say a few words with the guy he is probably an ok person and a civilian...unless the agency has ties with the yakuza but that is a separate issue.
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Fun Facts: Persona-MMT Edition
1. Persona-MMT (or PMMT: Persona Route) is an alternate timeline to the main quest, which stars a slightly more timid Yumi Konishi in her attempt to escape her "Demon of Akami Springs" past. She will grow into a more familiar Yumi over the course of her Journey.

2. Yumi's Velvet Room takes the form of a train, constantly going around and around on the same track, unable to move anywhere else. The train, however, chugs on. Her attendant is named Victor, and he is a rather calm and collected individual.

3. Persona Evolution would not be tied to Social Links in the slightest. Instead, like in Persona 3, it would be tied to certain story events that truly effect the cast.

4. Kohaku would have a Social Link before she gains a Persona, like others in the party. Such characters include Homura, Mami, Kyoko, and Madoka.

5. Unlike in the main story, demons wouldn't make any real appearance, as there aren't any ways for them to enter from the Abyss. Besides, Raido handles them spectacularly.

6. Saburo's "Persona" is called Alexander, as in "Alexander the Great". While it may look like a normal Persona at first glance, it has many Shadows grafted onto it. It is more in control of him than he is of it, just like Father Hino wanted.

7. Yuma's initial Persona, Dullahan, commonly goes berserk due to stress and trauma. In fact, it goes berserk shortly after she first awakens, forcing the party to defend themselves. When her Persona evolves and the strength of her heart is rediscovered, this issue is resolved.

8. Kohaku's mother is a scientist in this canon, who found a certain group's research notes and tried to replicate the results. Father Hino decided to make a cult out of it, which earned her distain.

9. Yuki, shortly after awakening to his Percival, fights the party in an effort to "reclaim his life" from Yumi. He uses Personas from various Arcanas of the people he was closest with in his timeline. Before this, he fights you using demons.

10. After Yumi's Journey, Igor and Victor bring Yuki to the Velvet Room in an attempt to help him overcome his past. This is the beginning of his (kinda)EPISODE: AIGIS.

11...?. After the quest is finished up and I've smoothed out all of the wrinkles, I may write up Persona-MMT if you guys would like to see it.

[X]"Let me make a call first."
-[X] Call Raido about the recruiter. (he may not be a recruiter)
--[X] If he is a recruiter let him go with a warning and advice.
---[X] if he is not a recruiter let them have him for awhile and make sure they heal him and mindwipe him afterwards(if possible)
2. Yumi's Velvet Room takes the form of a train, constantly going around and around on the same track, unable to move anywhere else. The train, however, chugs on. Her attendant is named Victor, and he is a rather calm and collected individual.
I can see a theme being 'Trying to break out of a loop that she's stuck in' by trying to escape her reputation, she sabotages her own potential at first because she's scared of going down the same path again.

[X]"Let me make a call first."
-[X] Call Raido about the recruiter. (he may not be a recruiter)
--[X] If he is a recruiter let him go with a warning and advice.
---[X] if he is not a recruiter let them have him for awhile and make sure they heal him and mindwipe him afterwards(if possible)
8. Kohaku's mother is a scientist in this canon, who found a certain group's research notes and tried to replicate the results. Father Hino decided to make a cult out of it, which earned her distain.

you said 'distain' there when i think you meant disdain. sorry for focusing on that.


[X]"Let me make a call first."
-[X] Call Raido about the recruiter. (he may not be a recruiter)
--[X] If he is a recruiter let him go with a warning and advice.
---[X] if he is not a recruiter let them have him for awhile and make sure they heal him and mindwipe him afterwards(if possible)

[X]"Let me make a call first."
-[X] Call Raido about the recruiter. (he may not be a recruiter)
--[X] If he is a recruiter let him go with a warning and advice.
---[X] if he is not a recruiter let them have him for awhile and make sure they heal him and mindwipe him afterwards(if possible)
Remaniphesto is coming out tomorrow
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 8, 2024 at 8:04 PM, finished with 17 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X]"Yes...?"
    [X]"Let me make a call first."
    -[X] Call Raido about the recruiter. (he may not be a recruiter)
    --[X] If he is a recruiter let him go with a warning and advice.
    ---[X] if he is not a recruiter let them have him for awhile and make sure they heal him and mindwipe him afterwards(if possible)
    [X] High pitched holding back a squeal of joy: "Yes...?"
    -[X] *Clears throat* "Yes."
    [X] "We'll see what tomorrow brings, okay?"
    [X] Facepalm. "We are not going to kill him, so that question is irrelevant."
    -[X] Apologize to the recruiter and explain that there was a cult running around that you had reason to believe might target some of your school age friends, and your... associates, for lack of a better word, seem to have mistaken him for one of them
    --[X] Call Raido as you do the above, explain the situation to him, and ask if there's any sort of protocol for this type of situation beyond "let the civilian go and hope that's the end of it".
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 8, 2024 at 8:04 PM, finished with 17 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X]"Yes...?"
    [X]"Let me make a call first."
    -[X] Call Raido about the recruiter. (he may not be a recruiter)
    --[X] If he is a recruiter let him go with a warning and advice.
    ---[X] if he is not a recruiter let them have him for awhile and make sure they heal him and mindwipe him afterwards(if possible)
    [X] High pitched holding back a squeal of joy: "Yes...?"
    -[X] *Clears throat* "Yes."
    [X] "We'll see what tomorrow brings, okay?"
    [X] Facepalm. "We are not going to kill him, so that question is irrelevant."
    -[X] Apologize to the recruiter and explain that there was a cult running around that you had reason to believe might target some of your school age friends, and your... associates, for lack of a better word, seem to have mistaken him for one of them
    --[X] Call Raido as you do the above, explain the situation to him, and ask if there's any sort of protocol for this type of situation beyond "let the civilian go and hope that's the end of it".
Fair enough.
971: Idol Business

"...Yeeees...?" You tell her, unsure as to... Well, anything about this conversation.

Kohaku nods, smiling. "See you then."

...That felt abnormal. Did you just agree to selling your soul to her? You suppose that there are worse people to be eternally ruled by than Kohaku...


[X] "Not yet, Ferb."

"C'mon, miss!" The man pleads, "You're not gonna let these things kill me, are you?!"

"...Let me make a call first." You reply noncommittally, stepping past everyone to go outside. Kyoko doesn't follow you, wanting to make sure that the demons don't get bored and kill him anyway.

You take your phone from your pocket, and call Uncle Raido.

Ring, ring...

Ring, ring...


"...Whoisit...?" You hear a tired Nori answer.

"Nori?" What the hell...? "Why did you answer Uncle Raido's phone?"

"What're you talking ab--!!!" You hear her nearly choke on the other end, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!!"

(INT ROLL: 14+10)

"You never gave him his phone back?" You ask, shaking your head, "You've had it for days and never thought to--?"

"Sh-Shut up! Let me think!" Nori yelps at you, "Fuck, does this count as stealing? Am I gonna get arrested?! Is Ma gonna have to hire a lawyer?! Am I--?"

There's a knock at her door.

"Oh, God." Nori mutters.

You hear her open the door.

"Can I get that back now?" You hear Uncle Raido ask.

There's some indiscernible noises, then...

"Yumi, you alright?" Raido asks.

"Oh, uh, yeah, mostly." You answer, a little confused from everything, "But, uh, do you have any leads on a missing... Idol recruiter?"

"...I'm guessing this A; isn't a joke, and B; means you found one."

"...Potentially. If he's not lying." You tell him.

"I see. Can I get a name?" Raido asks after sighing.

"Uh... One sec." You poke your head back inside, "Yo, what's your name?!" You shout across the room.

"Shinji! Shinji Koyanagi! I work for Hearts 'n' Stars!" He answers hurriedly.

You lean back into the phone, "Shinji Koyanagi. Works for Hearts 'n' Stars, whatever that is."

"Mmhm." Raido grunts, apparently busy, "...Hearts 'n' Stars... Texting the Chief now. Waiting on a response. I'll get back to you soon."

"How soon?" You ask.

...This bitch just hung up on you.

You head back inside with a huff.

"So, you got any coworkers, Shinji Koyanagi?" Rakshasa asks, keeping his swords on his back.

"I-I mean, not that I'm friends with, those guys can be creeps, but they know me!" Shinji answers, "I just hope they don't throw me under the bus..." His eyes light up, "Wait! I've got a pack of business cards in my back left pocket! Check there!"

Kyoko shrugs, instantly putting her hand in his pocket and producing...

...A rather long receipt for a model building shop.

"...My left." He reiterates.

Kyoko huffs, digging around in his other pocket for--?

"Got one." She holds it up, "Take a look!" Kyoko hands you the card.

You take it, inspecting it closely...

(INT ROLL: 18+10)

...Yup, looks official. Hell, it feels official, too. If this is a fake, it's pretty damn well made. There's his name, Shinji Koyanagi, and right above that, the logo for Hearts 'n' Stars Talent Agency.

Your phone buzzes, and you take a look.

>(1) Kuzunoha Guy: His work called the Chief about Shinji Koyanagi not checking in earlier this afternoon after he didn't respond to any phonecalls. Is he alright?


"Looks like it checks out." You put your phone away along with his business card, "Thank you for telling the truth."

"You're a lucky man, Shinji Koyanagi." Rakshasa nods over to the armored demon with the spear, who releases Shinji, "Maybe you should tone it back a little, yeah?"

Shinji hurries to his feet, hugging you like you were an old friend, "You saved my life! I can't thank you enough...!"

[] ?????????????????????????????????
Is this guy from an outside source, or just a random name? I wonder if there is anything supernatural happening in the idol business. Goddesses of beauty would be vain enough.

[X] where do we drop you off?
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