Actually, it does have an effect on the rollout of the waystones.
Note, that the Z'ra's trust and belief in the waystone system is going to change greatly how much effort, money, and influence he puts into it. (Or if he does at all)
If we want Boris to bankroll it by himself, we should make him happy by pushing Troll country.
If we want the Z'ra to bankroll it or contribute a large part, then we should make him happy by showing that this system can affect the worst problems on his To Do list.
Boris will bankroll it either way, because he killed his father to be able to bankroll the Waystone project. That was literally why he went "I'm gonna have to have this bitch shanked", because he didn't think his father would. Boris has an excellent claim to being the most dedicated to the Waystone Project, or at least the subgoal of Fuck Chaos.
The Troll country option is so that Boris can bankroll it
more. Get some cash out of the effort he can reinvest into more stones (and also other things related to Fuck Chaos).
Similarly, the Z'ra
will invest in the waystones, because he doesn't want to live in/rule I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-The-Chaos-Wastes Town. Choosing the New Town option merely makes him invest
more, because he sees that the biggest pain in his ass might actually go away in his lifetime, rather than being an open sore that will pain his grandchildren.
I think people should really keep in mind what kind of vote this is. It is not "which of these mutually exclusive options do you want", or at least mostly not. It's "you get all these nice things, but which of these nice things do you get the most?". It's more like the Kron-Azril-Ungol vote of "what is the library especially good at?". We chose order, but that doesn't mean it's not also good at security, it's just not as good at security as if we'd chosen that as the focus. Similarly, Boris, the Z'ra, the people and the priests will all be happy Praag is getting unfucked, and outsiders will see the usefulness of all aspects. This vote is about where the focus is put, which group is the most happy, and what the most important use of the waystone is perceived as.