[X] Pat, pat!
You instantly reach over to pay her on the back. She doesn't object, simply letting you do your thing.
"Ever since then, I've just been... Existing." Kyoko stares forward again, "I was alive, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. I ate what I could, fought what I could, and stole what I could to survive. So, I guess I kinda... Made that my way of life. I was doomed to be a Magical Girl for the rest of my life, and I figured I'd eventually get unlucky in a fight, and then I'd die. But you just had to screw that up." She half heartedly attempts to joke, "But in the end, I made my Wish, and I told Dad. It's all on me."
"No." You vehemently shake your head, "You were tricked into signing a contract you didn't fully understand the consequences of. That's a far cry from knowingly making a Faustian Bargain, or selling your soul to the devil or whatever."
"Doesn't change the result, though." She sighs, "Maybe I just needed to blame someone so I wouldn't lose it, so I ended up blaming myself. Couldn't blame Mami, couldn't blame Kyubey, couldn't really blame Dad..."
She most certainly could blame Kyubey, and she would be right.
"After I met you, and you started being all friendly and shit, I honestly thought you were either dumb or naive. My original plan was to use you for a few meals, then make myself scarce. Then, all of the shit at the hospital happened, and you had me protecting Yuma and Nagisa..." Kyoko smiles a little, "...So that kinda fell through. After that, I started to... Get attached to Yuma, and you got me out of a few tough scrapes, and..."
You don't interrupt her, simply listening to Kyoko as she figures out what she needs to say.
"...Then, that whole thing with that dickwad "priest" and my Soul Gem." Kyoko stops, staring at the ground again.
"...I'd imagine that brought back a few bad memories, huh?" You ask, turning to her.
"...Yeah, and that's putting it lightly." Kyoko turns to you, a calm confusion in her eyes, "You've dragged me, kicking and screaming, back to my life. How the hell am I supposed to repay you now?"
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