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This is the part where I make the observation that Khaine's name is awfully similar to Khorne's, and that one of Slaanesh's names is Loesh, which is very close to Loec.

It would have been quite clever of the Old Ones if creating similar gods that weren't completely insane was an attempt from them to steal part of the Chaos Gods' power via the elves' beliefs.
I'd argue Atharti's the Slaanesh knock off.
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X][DWARF] No purchase.
The kind of thing that I'd see elves using the principles of necromancy for is binding the souls of the dead to the material world so they can be consulted for their wisdom later.

The elven not-barrow-wights that are encountered in some places had their souls bound to their bodies and magic used so that they reanimate to murder people who try to desecrate their tombs by someone around the point of death, and presumably that was other elves.

These elves are all there, mentally, they can choose to assume their living form to converse with intruders and sometimes talk to elves to persuade them to leave them in peace (or, potentially, to allow their body to be respectfully removed and transported elsewhere for reburial).

That suggests that the elves have historically used something like necromancy to bind souls to corpses and animate those corpses.

Of course, the other thing elves might be happy to use necromancy for is on beastmen. Wherever they are is already contaminated with Dhar, so you can probably just use that existing energy for the Necromancy rather than creating significant amounts of new Dhar, and might net reduce Dhar production by using dead beastmen to kill living ones before they can spread their corruption.

A skilled elf can also probably more safely use Necromancy's Shyish Tongs to so so while keeping well clear of the bad magic, and probably also knows how to shield themselves from the ambient Dhar (if it even effects them in the way it does humans).

Is an elf better at using Shysh tongs than a human? Keep in mind that magic is not a matter of intellectual skill, but also of the ability to contort your soul into the proper shape. I'm betting using the Wind of Endings against itself like that is rather alien to the elven mindset since it is born of the denial and fundamentally fear of death.
Loec springs to mind first because asides from the name, he steals souls away from Slaanesh, but yeah, nothing stops Atharti from also taking another piece of the pie. Slaanesh covers a lot of ground.
when taking ground from a chaos god, a god that covers almost literally everything not taken up by another chaos god, you need a fuckton of gods to evenly spread it out.

because you know what all those differing and unfocused domains and emotions tied up in a single entity is called? a chaos god.
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Thirdly, there's a Nehekharan lord buried somewhere near Gretel's domain, and we'd like to have some background research done before we start plundering the tomb.

Sixth, we've had independent verification that both Krell and Kemmler are active in the Old World, and whilst its likely they are candidates for the Everchosen thing, they are also disciples of Nagash, and I'm worried that might be a prelude to him waking up and being active again.

I guess I'd prefer these reasons not exist, or at least that we not act on them. I dislike making plans or taking actions based on stuff we do not know in character- it comes off as inexplicably random and pointless to a reader who does not have external information, and it makes the main character more of a token and less of a person.
I guess I'd prefer these reasons not exist, or at least that we not act on them. I dislike making plans or taking actions based on stuff we do not know in character- it comes off as inexplicably random and pointless to a reader who does not have external information, and it makes the main character more of a token and less of a person.

Both the Vulture Lord and the desire to (re-)kill and loot him are very much IC.
Now that it seems like Boney's done adding books, I went and counted the total numerical changes in our library. All in all, our new books are worth 14850 gold, not counting the value of our new Old Ones vault (and the value of the stacks).
Natural Science (+12 Asur, +12 Eonir, +24 total)
Fauna (+7 Asur, +22 Eonir, +29 total)
Flora (+5 Eonir, +5 total)
Geography (+4 Asur, +4 total)
Hydrography (+8 Asur, +2 Eonir, +10 total)

Social Science (+11 Asur, +5 Eonir, +16 total)
Civilized Realms (+8 Asur, +8 total)
Enemies of Man (+5 Asur, +5 Eonir, +10 total)

Applied Science (+11 Asur, +15 Eonir, +26 total)
War and Combat (+13 Asur, +15 Eonir, +28 total)

Teclisean Magic (+29 Asur, +2 Eonir, +31 total)
Advanced Magic (+12 Asur, +12 Eonir, +24 total)
Magical Phenomena (+3 Asur, +12 Eonir, +15 total)
Dark Magic (+4 Asur, +5 Eonir, +9 total)

Old World Pantheon (+1 Eonir, +1 Total)
Dwarven Ancestor Gods (+9 Asur, +9 total)
Cadai (+8 Asur, +17 Eonir, +25 total)
Cytherai (+8 Asur, +5 Eonir, +13 total)
Ellinill and the Ellinilli (+8 Asur, +2 Eonir, +10 total)

ASUR: +160
EONIR: +137
TOTAL: +297
A lot of the value here is also in obtaining books that were otherwise flatly not for sale. This was an extremely productive action!
I guess I'd prefer these reasons not exist, or at least that we not act on them. I dislike making plans or taking actions based on stuff we do not know in character- it comes off as inexplicably random and pointless to a reader who does not have external information, and it makes the main character more of a token and less of a person.
The Tomb Lord in the Border Princes came up in Mathilde's recent encounter with the Witch Hunter down there. Kemmler came up by name (well, as 'the Lichemaster') as something the Amethysts were concerned about during the choice of where to send Mandred.

Now I do agree that even though she does in-character know Kemmler is once again active, its a bit out there for Mathilde to worry about as something she overheard one time that's going on in the opposite corner of the Empire to the ones she normally works with. The Vulture Lord should be very much at the forefront of her mind right now, though.
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They don't seek a consensus. The general feeling seems to be that having several different answers in parallel is superior to having just one answer. If another family tries to make a play for dominance within the Temple of Ulric, then the conflict would probably revolve around the conflicting explanations, but for now they're coexisting peacefully.
I feel like I'm starting to understand the elves better. Rather than wanting a definitive explanation, they see it more like literary analysis, where multiple different (even contradictory) readings only enhances things. I know much less about historical analysis, but my understanding is that there are many different ways to look at history and how it's caused and shaped, and that these different lenses are imperfect and offer different benefits.

If you care about how to use history and mythology and literature to guide your actions and thoughts and habits, then it makes perfect sense to cultivate many different perspectives, each better suited to different situations. Especially when you're longer lived, so you've probably had many different viewpoints and beliefs yourself over the years.

And this is a world where not only is it difficult or impossible to confirm some particular truths, it may be impossible because of how time and reality got fucked up. (And also most gods you're talking don't want any particular view of things to be confirmed and can't be trusted even if they have a preferred view, so it's wiser to not even try.)

So like... actually yeah, the elven perspective makes perfect sense to me.
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The Vulture Lord should be very much at the forefront of her mind right now, though.

It's only a rumor from witchhunter, in an area that's Gretel's responsibility. She knows how to ask if help is needed, and I don't think she'll hesitate if it is.

There's a heck of a lot of things in the text of the quest to be concerned about, but we seem to be ignoring most of them. Every time we swing by the emperor and Heidi they give us a list.
It's only a rumor from witchhunter, in an area that's Gretel's responsibility. She knows how to ask if help is needed, and I don't think she'll hesitate if it is.

There's a heck of a lot of things in the text of the quest to be concerned about, but we seem to be ignoring most of them. Every time we swing by the emperor and Heidi they give us a list.

Most of those things to be concerned about do not have giant piles of loot and magic gubbings, which Tomb Kings are famous for. That puts the Vulture King in a different category to most other concerns, potential Vow-Untroubled Loot Pinata :V

Now one might argue that we do not have time for such things, but that is more an argument about IC utility not OOC fixation or the lack thereof.
A lot of the value here is also in obtaining books that were otherwise flatly not for sale. This was an extremely productive action!
Most of the magical section and the War and Combat section is stuff that was not for sell. That is around 90 BOOK, so something around a third of this haul is stuff we wouldn't have gotten otherwise. And sheer volume aside, the bonuses to the magic section are very notable: +3 to Ulgu isn't a ton, but library bonuses on magical topics that are relevant from Mathilde are very rare and mostly maxed out.
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
It is for most people, but then so is a scenic walk though the Chaos Wastes. Bit hard for Vulture Man to come back for his revenge if we have a Death Wizard use the Animus Imprisoned in him and drop him off at the bottom of a dwarf vault. Not like any other Tomb Kings will care, he's an exile.

It may be just about possible to cut a deal with him if he wakes up in different circumstances to those of canon. Even the dwarf wights aren't necessarily his fault, it's his traitorous vassals who buried him, IIRC, so that's probably on them (or can be politicly blamed on them, as they're not around to protest their innocence).

If we can make deals with Chaos Marauders and the Chaos Dwarves, and possibly the Dark Elves when it's expedient, we can make a deal with him. He's very knowledgeable about magic.
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I just don't see why it would increase availability, rather than just redistribute availability.
From whom in the colleges would it be redistributed? It's not as if there's any existing official channel for wizards and runesmiths to advertise or request services from one another.

This write-in is an old concept that goes back to when the rooms of calamity were built for the rest of the colleges. Boney has already gone so far as to say we'll have the option to back out and be refunded, so I wouldn't fear that we're spinning our wheels here.
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X] [COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)

Opening a link between the Colleges' favor system and Runesmith Guild's favor system WOULD be in line with WEB-MAT's goals. And Boney said that we will have a chance to back out if the price in AV is significant.
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[x] [COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[x] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - Chamon, Ghur, Hysh, Shyish
[x] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
From whom in the colleges would it be redistributed? It's not as if there's any existing official channel for wizards and runesmiths to advertise or request services from one another.

This write-in is an old concept that goes back to when the rooms of calamity were built for the rest of the colleges. Boney has already gone so far as to say we'll have the option to back out and be refunded, so I wouldn't fear that we're spinning our wheels here.

From people like Mathilde, who was fully capable of earning dwarf favour from the first time she interacted with dwarves.

All this would do is somehow allow wizards who have dwarf favour to exchange it to other wizards in return for College favour.

Wizards would still need to be going out and earning dwarf favour to have the 'currency' to exchange, it just means that other wizards would be able to use it, not just them.

I don't believe there's any official channel for either dwarfs or wizards to internally exchange favours. There's no job boards that Mathilde has ever seen that allows her to earn College favour. She gets it in return for writing papers, and then people do things for her. How those people themselves get paid for their time is left very unclear. The total amount of College favour in circulation seems like it should be going up very fast, as every paper written adds to the total stock (as the people who provide the service that we pay College favour for also seem to receive College favour in return). The dwarf favour economy may work because favours are bilateral. You do a favour of someone, they do a favour for someone else, etc., and eventually it's paid forward to you. College Favour doesn't work like that, as you can earn favours by doing things for no one, like papers, so there's no one in particular holding the other side of the debt. That means favours can be extinguished. The College system doesn't seem to work like that. Each favour earned from writing a paper adds to the total stock of favours in existence.

Let's say that there are several dozen wizards churning out papers creating several dozen units of College favour a turn. They decide to spend it on runecraft as it's the new (old) shiny. For the exchange to work there need to be enough wizards doing enough favours for the dwarves to generate that amount of dwarf favour who are willing to trade it.
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[X] [COLLEGE] Translations of Extensive/Obscure Asur Medicine and Anatomy texts into Reikspiel, to be donated to the Temple of Shallya (Pay with 6 College Favor)

I had forgotten about this.
[X] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
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[X] [COLLEGE] Translations of Extensive/Obscure Asur Medicine and Anatomy texts into Reikspiel, to be donated to the Temple of Shallya (Pay with 6 College Favor)
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