@Boney, I have more subject suggestions (sorry mathymancer).
-For Flora: Old World Wetlands, unless that's covered by Forests.
-I think they should get Arthropods because Patrons of the Old World page 14 tells us that the Eonir weave the intelligence of spiders into their weapons, and their Textile books presumably have information on weaving spider silk, which'd need spiders.
-Books relating to the Heomreth if they exist in Divided Loyalties, unless that's covered by Hoeth or Birds of Prey.
-Ursines, Chiroptera, and Canines if the Eonir employ bears, bats, and giant wolves in warfare like the Wood Elves do in Total War (they also use giant spiders).
-Books on mutation maybe?
-Demigryphs if they exist in Laurelorn, unless that's covered by Birds of Prey.
-Octopoda. There's wetlands nearby so you've got bog octopi, and WFRP 2e: WFRP Companion p113 has elven writing saying bog octopi were servants of the Old Ones.
-Rune Magic. If even the Empire's got it, elves probably do too. I believe this counts as theory? Or at least more similar to Enchantment than Rituals.
-Gut Magic, for obvious reasons.
-Warpstone, because it's found everywhere IIRC and Eonir are the type to use Dark Magic.
-Snakes, because Atharti.
-Asur books on phoenixes, unless they count as Birds of Prey.
-Whatever birds are associated with Loec.
-Incarnate elementals unless they're part of the Wind subjects rather than Elementals.
-Recreational drugs unless that's covered by Medicine or, like alcohol, the Stacks.
-Shields, as in using them (making them would be Carpentry I believe).
-Fletching, unless that's covered by Carpentry.
-Are constructs like fenbeasts their own subject?