Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X] [COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
@friget234 out of curiosity, what would you have wanted to spend the Transcendent Boon on?

I'm not sure to be honest as it is indeed a tricky one. At the moment I'm wondering at the long term future of the Waystone Project now that we're winding down the theory aspects of it and considering practical manufacture at scale. I suppose pulling in one of these larger dwarf boons would have been helpful for the sheer effort and resources that might be needed for that to be rolled out quick (them being long lived enough for it to be a thing that could continue after our human lifespan is a bonus here). Even that's only something I can say with the benefit of hindsight as we're considering events from back before the project even began though.

But I don't want to give people the impression that I'm judging them for the library thing anyways though, I just remember thinking how funny it was at the time. If I'm being entirely self reflective here though I would have pushed for something at least as extravagant and quirky as the library if not far far more so :lol2:
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations

How much would [] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV) cost in terms of AV? Would it even work?
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I actually have some concerns regarding grabbing an Ulgu Powerstone for the Elfcation.

Having a solid chunk of raw Ulgu on our person seems like the sort of thing that might make us easier to spot, if we aren't careful.
Not only do we already have a Powerstone integrated into our robes as has already been mentioned our arcane marks means a good portion of our soul is already a chunk of raw Ulgu.
Count me in for druchii lessons and favor economy.

[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - The Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations, Prophecy

[x] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
[x] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
I might have missed something but why are so many people voting for

[ ] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - The Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations, Prophecy

Is it part of a plan to eventually learn High Nehekharan so we can eventually translate Old One? Is it to learn how to read the Vampire Prophecies? Is it preparation for investigating Nehekhara's Waystone Network? Could someone explain? Sorry if this is a dumb question.
I actually have some concerns regarding grabbing an Ulgu Powerstone for the Elfcation.

Having a solid chunk of raw Ulgu on our person seems like the sort of thing that might make us easier to spot, if we aren't careful.
Mathilde already carries along a bunch of enchanted items and constantly keeps a lot of Ulgu in her soul for ease of casting. I wouldn't worry about that. Particularly when you consider that she already has a lot of experience with this sort of thing.

Re: Trying to open up the favor economy with the Runesmiths... I am against the idea. I'm still not entirely sure why people want that. Sure, a number of wizards may well want Runic items, but Runesmiths and dwarfs are almost never going to want their counterpart, enchanted items. In general I don't imagine many Runesmiths are going to seek out the aid of wizards.

Furthermore, if there was actual consensus from the thread to want this, I don't think we should use AV for it - what you should ideally be thinking about is spending the Runesmith boon we got from helping Kragg. That'd be a good way to get your foot in the door.

But even then, like... I'd really rather use that boon to help get a library deal with the Runesmiths' Guild - Boney confirmed a while back that Runesmiths are typically the ones that handle weird magical phenomena in their Karaks, so they're probably the ones to go if we want more Dwarf books on magical phenomena such as Sevir, Chaos Sorcery, Skaven Warp Magic, Waaagh Magic, and Warpstone - topics in which we have a mere Extensive, but which Dwarfs quite likely have up to Esoteric, on at least some of them.

Hell, it's possible we might get Dwarf books on other magical topics we have nothing from them on, like Necromancy (Karak Kadrin has lived near Sylvania since it was Sylvania) and Forest Spirits (Karak Norn has lived near Athel Loren since it was Karak Norn).
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - Chamon, Ghur, Hysh, Shyish

This gets us the remaining books from all the eight winds in Imperial lore. I think it's fairly likely we'll eventually end up using one or more of these topics, and it feels wrong to have an area so close to Mathilde's normal work left incomplete.

[X] [COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Re: Trying to open up the favor economy with the Runesmiths... I am against the idea. I'm still not entirely sure why people want that. Sure, a number of wizards may well want Runic items, but Runesmiths and dwarfs are almost never going to want their counterpart, enchanted items. In general I don't imagine many Runesmiths are going to seek out the aid of wizards.
Runesmiths used to work with elven mages on all kinds of projects. College magisters could help fill some of that missing capability, at least for some areas of research and possibly more. Plus, a number of wizards would greatly desire runed items - and thus would be more than willing to go on dangerous adventures and other endeavors in order to earn those items. I think there's plenty of opportunity here for mutually beneficial trade.
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.

A powerstone is the only known safe way to temporarily boost one's magic stat. When you need your magic stat boosted as a Lady Magister you really need it.
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - Chamon, Ghur, Hysh, Shyish
[X][COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
Runesmiths used to work with elven mages on all kinds of projects. College magisters could help fill some of that missing capability, at least for some areas of research and possibly more. Plus, a number of wizards would greatly desire runed items - and thus would be more than willing to go on dangerous adventures and other endeavors in order to earn those items. I think there's plenty of opportunity here for mutually beneficial trade.
I don't think it's a bad thing that wizards may want runic items, but again, I just don't think many Runesmiths (incredibly conservative and guarded individuals, from a species that starts turning to stone if exposed to magic) are going to be lining up to try to obtain enchantments or cooperating on big magical projects on their own initiative under the current state of the Runesmiths' Guild.

Even the Eye of Gazul can be chalked up to how Belegar was behind it and at the time K8P was not fully retaken, something that irked Kragg more than he is irked by magic.

Like. If Thorek went ahead and reshaped the Guild into what he would prefer, yeah, I could see it being more plausible that Runesmiths may be more willing to seek out the aid of wizards for collaboration. But in its present state, I could only see them requesting wizards in their capacity as magical scholars and walking artillery, not necessarily for joint projects.
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X] [COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)

@Boney a few questions about Lileath
  • Same question as about Ladrielle - Mathilde didn't know a ton about Her previously, now that we have books on Her what's Her deal?
    • In particular, what place does Lileath have in Eonir society? Like, under what circumstances would someone stop by a temple of Lileath?
  • Official art related to Lileath often uses upward facing crescents. Is a specifically upward facing crescent an important/common symbol of Lileath in-quest?
  • I see you've already said that She is considered the daughter of Isha. Is She ever said to be the daughter of Kurnous? In fact, is She ever said to have a father at all?
  • Does She have a horse?
  • Does She have wings?
But in its present state, I could only see them requesting wizards in their capacity as magical scholars and walking artillery, not necessarily for joint projects.
I mean, that's fine too? All we're asking is that the same favor system that was so beneficial to Mathilde be available to the colleges. Mathilde didn't get most of her favor from enchanting, she got it from helping Dwarves, and if a Journeyman also wants to fight besides them in a battle or two in exchange for a new shiny then that's gravy.

I don't think anyone knows exactly how this could shake out, but there's nothing committed and zero harm in opening negotiations. Aside from not wanting to spare the wordcount, I guess.
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - Chamon, Ghur, Hysh, Shyish
[X] [COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
I mean, that's fine too? All we're asking is that the same favor system that was so beneficial to Mathilde be available to the colleges. Mathilde didn't get most of her favor from enchanting, she got it from helping Dwarves, and if a Journeyman also wants to fight besides them in a battle or two in exchange for a new shiny then that's gravy.

I don't think anyone knows exactly how this could shake out, but there's nothing committed and zero harm in opening negotiations. Aside from not wanting to spare the wordcount, I guess.

Eh... that is a fair point, changing out for spending the AV, it's not like it's doing any good sitting in barrels

[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Voting is open