"Now, there's nothing to do but wait." You rest in your new throne, reclaimed from the scraps of some human monument, "...You could stand to be a better conversationalist, Lady Hino."
"...I have nothing to say to you, Shoji." Hino's spawn growls as she refuses to even look you in the eye.
You sigh, "Defiance will get you nowhere. There is no avoiding your fate now. You will offer your life, your soul, to Me, and I shall bring about My perfect world, free of sin, and of self!" You raise your hands to the sky to make your point, "Is that not the highest honor I can grant you? You will be the foundation of a beautiful creation, where no child shall ever be cursed to serve a prideful father, where all men are of the cloth, and--!"
"That's a world of stagnation!" She shouts, tears in her eyes, "What good is a world that you can't make a mark in?! Why try?! That's not living, Shoji!!"
"And look how your "free" world has come to fruition!!" You roar back, causing the chain around her neck to tighten, "This is a land of death, of unchecked sin! Freedom is naught but a shackle for man, keeping them from joining their Father in Heaven! This world is ruined--"
"Only because you destroyed--!!" She learns to hold her tongue when she's nearly choked by your holy power.
"Silence." You demand of your subject. "You are but a child, a blink in the eye of eternity. You do not know what is "best for you", only what grants you pleasure. I--"
"Shoji!!" The nearly worthless child perks up at the voice of the only soul you could not take into yourself. So, he stands before you, ready to die? So be it.
"Shoji!!" You rush into what you can only assume is your final battle, your sword already drawn. Raido trusted you enough to give you his sword, but you mostly just hang onto it for good luck.
"And so, the corrupted son of man stands before his Father, seduced by the powers of d--"
"No more speeches, you son of a bitch." You point your blade at a bastard who you once thought of as a friend, "Let Kohaku go."
Shoji scoffs, "Or else what? Your threats are as empty as your hollowed heart. You have no means to stop me, nor do you have any way to steal her away from Me. However, as a God of true mercy, I shall offer you one last chance to repent. Lay down your blade, and offer your life in her stead. If you obey My command, Kohaku Hino will be spared from her fate, and shall live in a world of bliss and worship for the rest of her days. Now, kneel before My throne, and--"
Your sword turns to light as you lunge forward and swing.