What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voting will open in 4 hours, 18 minutes
How well would the Bloody Sunset-Class do in protecting the carriers vs the Flyssa's?
The Lamanters got 4 of them.

Bloody Sunset-Class Light Cruiser
-Length - 4.400m
-Width - 600m
-Acceleration - 5 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Triple Hull
-Shields - One Matrix
-Weapons - 3x Medium Rotary Macro-Cannon Batteries/2x Medium Plasma Macro-Cannons Turrets
-Equipment - Auto-Loaders/After-Burner Macro-Shells/Internal Security Systems/Armored Bridges/Ship Shrines/Medium Teleportarium/Tuned Shields/Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions

@HeroCooky With our enemy having a lot of point defences can we replace the Scorpio of the next SBD we build with Bloody Sunset-Class Light Cruisers when we build them?
Bloody Sunset is a brawler with cannons. The Flyssa needs hitscan weapons (lances and other such weapons) to counter-snipe them as they emerge from their microjumps. Macro cannons or plasma macros won't work.
You had three ways to figure out the Flyssa Class. Duchy Wrecks, Orrery, Early Ringyard Infiltration.
FUCKKKKK. was it because of the layout of the ships that included the Null-nets? I could understand the Orrery as they would pick up on the sentient soul shit in the black stones and the Ringyard Infiltration allowing us to try when they first arrived and the shit. But how would the dutchy wrecks have clued us into the Flyssa?

Oh good, something to do after this is over and over the rebuilding part we should do this so we can save on actions in the long run and use that corps to work on the Ashan Families, Mashan Temple Authority, and Black Ash Clan.

Ah you see.

If you decorate your ships with the bloody skulls of the faithful imperial citizen, you are a heretic.
If you decorate your ships with the bloody skulls of the heathen dissendents, you are dogmatic.

More seriously, "Heretical" seems to be more about altering the social structure of your imperialized society, than about individual technological elements.
Because, for all that the Duchy here has invented various rather illegal technologies, it's ultimately still a standardized imperial society with tech development relegated to the Mechanicus, investigation to the Inquisition, and so on and so on.
The individual fate of people inside the system has not changed. Every social class does basically the same thing it used to do before.
Its a little dumb but it works with how the definition would work and explain how it would be dogmatic instead of heretical. maybe it is just organization.

They had Psytech on/in them. Whoch would have made your Choirs grok onto the feelings being simiral from Nets/Orrery, and thus gained you some info about the lances.
.... Ah, I was right. And yah that makes since, it would have clued us into the psytech nature of the ships and said some bad things they would have gotten from the Flyssas that would be connected to their weapons.

Not really, Diplomacy has gotten us quite a few things. Just asking the Irrita for help has been immensely helpful, the Ashan Families allowed us to get to All V, and the Shipwright's Alliance provided a great improvement to our shipbuilding capabilities. If we keep pressing the Ashan I have no doubt we could absorb them semi-peacefully and if we do diplomacy with the Black Ash Clan we could likely get access to better Knight tech.
Nope, I'm saying diplomacy options that didn't give an immediate return, recall how long we sat on the irrita because we didn't know what we would get from it and not knowing how many AP it would need. We wanted to do reserach, SBG production, and other things before decided we need to at least start of the Evac options and found out about it. We ONLY did jolly cooperation because of the boost to development and never followed up on the families after that. The Tech Trade was that and no further things since then. We only did that because the other factions proved useful to us and worth an action. I'm saying doing things like a write in to start talks or the likes just to get them as allies or get actual diplomacy going when there wasn't an immediate return in someway concrete. Sure NOW we want the Irrita and to get them inside the Federation but was there an incentive to before we did that option?

Its also why I'm saying to set up a Diplomacy Corps like we did with the Office of Propaganda and use that to start on things. That way we save actions later on and having the option to the do the Black Ash Clan without saying we can't afford the actions to on them because of X.

Actually, we don't necessarily need the Faith turn. The only Faith equipment it has is the weapons and they could be compensated for with a rotary light macrocannon with autoloaders and a medium Lance turret for equivalent firepower
Are you sure? last time I check if we change a SINGLE THING about the design, it stops working. We can't upgrade or change anything unless its a faith turn if we want the Aries to work as it is now. and part of the reason is that the design is more Cobra then the Cobra with its speed, firepower, and size.

What we should do is keep the Aries on guard duty. They're fragile, but that means jackshit when they're meant to be protecting against ships with Warp Cannons and they still have twice the firepower of Sword Frigates.
Fair enough, guard duty and backline roles then for the Aries until we get a faith turn.

It takes several days for the battle of Voxx Primus to cool down, and the scattered SDF ships either try to run or surrender when called upon by High Admiral Huntress in the guise of her assigned Actor.

Several more days see the last dredges of the life pods and surviving crews of either side returned to the fold or thrown into prisons for later evaluation and sentencings.

And while the workers of the Ringyards go to work to see the worst damaged ships of the Federation repaired as fast as possible, the fleet continues onward unto Voxx Secundus, knowing they will likely find an SDF willing to fight and three freighters needing to be captured.
Yah that would slow down things in the clean up and cost some weeks to do. Glad we got our people out of there.

and nice, already working on repairs for the ships there. Sooner repairs are done faster we can push.

Two weeks pass as the fleet vanishes and the last remains of the Ringyards that resisted are hunted down and exterminated even while hundreds of shuttles bearing millions of troops begin to descend upon the Hives of a planet suffering under a massive insurrection appearing in its midsts, shields of entire Hives flickering out and collapsing only moments before orbital bombardments decapitate the Spires in a vengeful fury.
Yahhhh, given the size of them and the amount of people on them it would take some time to comb through them and make sure there aren't any pockets of resistance left there. We got control over the Ringyards thanks to the uprising and Lamenters but that just stopped them being blown up from being a possibility and controls over it.

Oh Holy shit we nuked the Nobles there. was that because our troopships had the weapon to do that and the option of subverting the generators to turn them off for the Spire's shields?

Voxx Primus burns with the fires of revolution as Songs are sung and Melodies hummed against the psychic might of the Psyker-Lords of the Duchy taking to the field. Knights emerge from their pods, and SAGs take point. The transmissions in the Noosphere race and thunder with scrap code as much as attempts at subversion, propaganda, indoctrination, administrative commands, and disruptive attacks.

It is a fury and a tragedy that will see nearly five hundred million people dead within the coming months, though the numbers of the dead still living are yet to be counted
Oh looks like we have psyker battles with our choirs doing Melodies and Songs against the Psyker Lords. Nice little points of the Knights and SAG dropping and such.

Man it really is chaos down there. with the Noosphere in that state and damn five hundred million dead within a few months.... though not nearly as bad yet... remains to be seen how much we have taken and how many Hives remain contested.

as the Sector Battle Groups of the Federation find themselves...slightly puzzled.

The Mega-Freigthers 'Trusty Delivery,' 'On-Time Hallowed Foods,' and 'Bulk Discounts Need Not Apply' have proven to be...not unwilling to continue plying the route between Secundus and Primus, just as the SDF of Secundus has been willing to surrender if certain conditions are met once called upon to do so by the Actor portraying High Admiral Huntress.

Even as the Bastion of Unbowed Might and Voidhaven Argalut refuses to bow and has begun to sight the SDF ships in reach with their guns, the Battle of Secundus seems to be over before it has started. With abysmal morale, a retreat of their military forces, and the lack of fervor to defend worlds, the crews, and captains, of the ships stationed here do not care about coming together to make them choose a gamble of potential damnation in favor of assured destruction.

The SDF offers terms just as the Mega-Freighters seem willing to barter for their continued existence.
Oh, that's a surprise to be certain. they're fine with doing their job still? okay, just change of owners. Works out for us in that case, we don't have to fight at all and we encourage other surrenders later down the line. While it is a shame they will supply the Dutchy on the planet as well, I don't think its too bad overall. We can still siege and concrete the forces to deal with any pockets of resistances. the fact they'll board a mining station and dismantle their engines is a good deal for us.

I think we can use bombers to strike non-stop if need be as well.

Known Information:
-The Flyssa Destroyers will likely target your carriers or backline ships, but they can be killed easily with Lance Alpha-Strikes.
-The Phalanx Doctrine is weaker for Frigate+ Classes.
-If not forced to provide torpedo screens, your Bombers can (mission-)kill ~20 Destroyers per Battle Round.
-Null-Nets are fired from Light Cruisers.
-Null-Nets are likely only employed against Heavy Cruiser+ Classes.)
Yup this was my and others point last time. This part here is what we learned from the past battle and know what to expect. So targeting the Flyssa with Artillery frigates or sending strikecraft. staying out of range for the Null-nets and what ships to target to get rid of the Null-nets. Adding in to what they will target with the Null-nets, we can just not engage and whittle them down more.

Van Zandt Navy:
52x Cobra Destroyers
2x Flyssa Destroyers
27x Shatterpoint Heavy Frigates (3x Macro-Cannons)
11x Sword Frigates
14x Falchion Frigates
8x Dauntless Mk1 Light Cruiser
5x Lancer Light Cruiser (1x Prow Lance, 1x Lance Battery, 1x Lance Turret)

Echish SDF:
5x Light Monitors (Destroyer Equivalent)
3x Medium Monitors (Frigate Equivalent)

Totals: 127
okay not much of anything for the SDF but that's to be expected. A shit ton of Cobras but that's about half their forces and only two Flyssa's. I think they will be much more on point with on where they use them but only two of them. I will say that with the light cruisers, we'll have to draw it out but it'll be worth it to whittle down more of the destroyers and frigate since we need to shred them first. Light cruisers might get away but it'll be fine.

I do think this is doable. We just need to make sure to inform the Lamenters of the Null-Nets and the suspected range of them and the suspected Light Cruisers that have it, just to cover our bases and hope they don't continue past Echish.

With what navy? They'll just dump their cargo on the Ringyards and kick them via marked shuttles to the loyalist areas. If they shoot those down....welp. No food for that Hive!
exactly, not much well they can do and we should just check it. We'll have total control over space around the Hive World and if the Loyalist do that to the mega freighters, then use it in propaganda.

We don't need to neccessarily occupy Echish (Though I don't think it's quite as big an ask as some think, given how it's already been de-escalated and we'll have orbital support). Especially since Secundus capitulated pretty much without a shot. And the importance of forcing the Free Duchy to have to rebuild a defense line from scratch in two places is going to split their focus considerably, making them vulnerable to defeat in detail and delaying their response.
Agreed I would say its just important to deny them the Void so they don't start building up Defensive Stations and they can't bring anything else to reinforce the ground of Echish. I would like to take that as well and build up from there but at least holding the orbit of the planet and then using that to give up space to get a view of the fleet coming in against us or to stall there.

I will hope we can take it and turn it into a military outpost or colony again.

Van Zandt does not have infinite manpower or ships, they're fighting three or four wars to the knife at the same time we're showing up from out of nowhere. Exposing two salients is normally not a great idea--but when the other side is already strained, they have to devote that much more force to exploit that opportunity if they don't want to invite defeat in detail. It constrains their options and capacity to go on the offensive if an initial counterattack fails.

It's a lot easier to turn one system into an impassable wall than it is to do the same to two.
This is true, on the other hand this is their main recruiting world. I would say we should expect to weather another attack first. they are active on three other fronts so its going to take some time for that to happen for another attack.... unless they direct the orks at us.

but yah we have some breathing room here. What we really need to worry about is the Dutchy fracturing again like Neon and us needing to do something about that.

They had heavily invested into additional defenses on most of their ships, so your torps only got a hit ratio of 1-to-15.
Yah, that checks out. really goes into their doctrine and strengths. So we..... fucking hell. Most of our navy uses Torpedoes so that's a bit hard not being able to use them as well. Strong Point defense will do that. I still advocate for some more Macro-Canons and Lance equipped ships.

3-Way War of Duchy, Federation, and Spicy Star Father Semi-Chaos.
Hah, checks out pretty well there but sadly it didn't happen that way.

Yeah. That's why your fighters weren't getting shot down by the dozen in attack runs.
Oh, do you mean the bombers? either way that's good when paired with the speed but a problem since our fighters are also being tasked with shooting down the torpedo spam. I don't think it'll be a problem if we skit the edge and keep to that way of fighting.

My congratulations to whatever Yeeni engineer managed to ducktape 2 entire ships back together to get them spaceworthy enough for warp travel.
HAHAHA, I didn't even realize that. Holy shit give those Yeeni more tech to play around with or give them a bonus for that shit.

Make it a successor to the Yeeni's scout cruiser and watch as the thread internally screams at the kind of stuff the improved Yeeni Explorer drags back in their 5 year missions.
Don't tempt fate. They WILL do that somehow, though I don't know how they top the necron shit.

It shows a perfect 3d map of the nearest system and its stellar bodies and their paths.
....DAMN IT ALL. its always the details and leaps of faith. That sounds so damn good with that. able to scout from the system over with that and at able to look and know shit about the system before jumping in to confirm with visuals or first hand info. Yah we need to get around to getting that done soon.

1. Nothing. You actually lose the ability to starve your enemies. It's just that they don't really care to fight you if they can continue plying their routes.
2. It will make it harder because your enemies won't starve. It will also mean that you gain propaganda to make enemy forces surrender faster because you are the ones allowing them to continue eating.
3. You will be closely watching them blow up their engines. If they want to play fuck-fuck games, they'll need to do so without any engines at all.
4. You won't need to fight here, so your forces are fresher when they fight there.
5. It will make the liberations faster, due to the PDFs realizing they won't need to fight to the death.
1. eh fair enough, I think we can deal with it.
2. ahhh I see, but I think the encouraging surrender makes it worth it since we are letting food through.
3. yup, not much for them to do.
4. sweet. push on to the Ecish.
5. ahhhh, yup part of the art of war. Leave a path open for the enemy and they will normally take it as oppose to fighting to the death. works best for us.

Pluto-sized. And it does show hulks, but only if they seem to be interesting? You have no idea why, or how, that is possible, but the people who made it just said: "Warp Bullshit" and everyone agreed.
Okay so it can miss things but overall good for getting a first impression and we'll use the normal means for our scouts once they jump in system. and yah, just like when asked to explain how 40k tech works. Its 'magic/sci-fi' and that's that.

Yeah. They are the fuckers who keep the serfs from rebelling. They definitely are curently shooting at the people you've incited to rebell as they weren't told jack shit about the massive fleet currently in the system by their superiors and are mostly operating on "this is enemy propaganda" regarding any news about you.

Don't worry, some Knights and ortillery will stop them right quick! :>
Ohhhh right, they would be needed for that. and given how things are, it makes sense for that, I assume things will resolve themselves once we head down and put things in order.

HAH, yah I bet the Knights will make them stop.
Are you sure? last time I check if we change a SINGLE THING about the design, it stops working. We can't upgrade or change anything unless its a faith turn if we want the Aries to work as it is now. and part of the reason is that the design is more Cobra then the Cobra with its speed, firepower, and size.
If we change a single thing about the design the Faith Weapons/Equipment stop working. But the only stuff we got is just a triple-barreled light macrocannon turret and what's effectively a light lance that fires twice as fast. A light rotary macrocannon with autoloaders and a medium lance should be able to compensate for that well enough.
Oh Holy shit we nuked the Nobles there. was that because our troopships had the weapon to do that and the option of subverting the generators to turn them off for the Spire's shields?
Pretty sure every single one of our Taurus-class troop transport have both normal and heavy Ortillery. Those will serve just fine to knock out hive spires if the shields go down - like they did because of the subversion action. We have control of both orbital bombardment and orbital protection. I'm looking forward to hearing more about that ground battle.

Speaking of - @HeroCooky I've looked at the Omake board a few times and not been struck by inspiration. Part of it is just that work & my own writing has ramped up, but do you have any prompts for battles within the hives? It's what's been on my mind. Obviously I'd prefer to write about Federation victories, though I'll settle for a Thermopylae style situation. It might be fun to write about an Inquisitor & his retinue trying to strike a choir and going up against the Templars (if the Inquisitor is still around?)

The admiral, sure.

But individual captains of humble Cobras?
And if it doesn't work, it's not like it costs us anything.
Honestly you're mostly right here, I didn't see your full argument and didn't want to change the previously written vote because the priority was getting a plan out there quickly so people would vote for it and actually have a strategy beyond 'yes'. I also didn't think it was significant enough to go back and change once you reminded me. It's probably a good idea, but the chance it earns us significant benefits is minor, and it does give us ammunition to throw at the van Zandt Mechanicum & Inquisition later.

Seriously, what's even up with the van Zandt Inquisition? All kinds of fucked up in ways they really should know better.
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[X] Plan: Extra Escorts
-[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender
-[X] We Fight!
--[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
--[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
--[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
--[X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge.
--[X] 2 Bloody Sunset cruisers escort the carriers
--[X] 2 Bloody Sunset cruisers try and hunt down the Flyssa's

The Bloody Sunset might not be ideal ships for killing the Flyssa's but as bombers wore them down they do stay in real space for a while.
They are better then most cannon armed ships as Flyssa killers we have as theirs are plasma ones with afterburner shell, loaded by autoloaders and aimed by Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions
and if i am wrong its only 4 ships out of our entire fleet.
They also have teleporters so if one Flyssa get disabled/looses its shields they can try and capture it.
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@HeroCooky I've looked at the Omake board a few times and not been struck by inspiration. Part of it is just that work & my own writing has ramped up, but do you have any prompts for battles within the hives? It's what's been on my mind. Obviously I'd prefer to write about Federation victories, though I'll settle for a Thermopylae style situation. It might be fun to write about an Inquisitor & his retinue trying to strike a choir and going up against the Templars (if the Inquisitor is still around?)
Yeah, you can just grab one of the prompts I've written for myself if you like.
-Ogryn Shieldbearer and her squad ensure a tactical retreat from a hab-block succeeds by shielding the masses of refugees with her portable ion-shield, Yeeni snipers firing over/between them to silence the attacking PDF.
-A Psyker-Lord and their Acolytes attempt to kill a Choir with the aid of Kasrkin Squads as Templars and local Fifth Column Elements stop them.
-A Choir utterly annihilates the defences of a Hive with Song and the Melodies of Fire, Justice, and Death.
-a Choir no-sells an attempted shelling of a camp, returning fire with a Melody of Health to turn the enemy into cancer-ridden biomass blobs.
-Saint Candidate Theodorius leads the Ancient Pack in another charge against Hive defenses, the accumulated paint of centuries of handprints atop the backs of the Knights burning and flacking off in invisible fire as they shield locals charging with them beyond their shields.
-Native priest having the time of their life rousing millions with their sermons to rebell against the Nobles.
-Lamenter Tragedy #381560
Seriously, what's even up with the van Zandt Inquisition? All kinds of fucked up in ways they really should know better.
Nothing more than usual. The OG Imperium Inquisition does contain Inquisitors that summon daemons and bind them to unwilling sacrifices as daemonhosts for shits and giggles. They are called Radicals. :V
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jul 21, 2024 at 11:22 AM, finished with 50 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Accept the Terms of Surrender
    -[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender
    -[X] We Fight!
    --[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
    --[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
    --[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
    --[X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge.
    [X] Plan: Fight Smart
    [X] We Fight!
    -[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
    -[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
    -[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
    - [X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge.
    -[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances in concert combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes in the backline should do much to run them down, and they're no longer suited for front line duty.
    -[X] Before combat commences, provide evidence of enemy utilization of abominable intelligence to enemy command and any other force willing to listen. Offer the opportunity to surrender.
    -[x] Concentrate some Leo's near either edge of the fleet, but keeping enough in reserve to hold the core. These Leo's while have their choirs use "Turn Their Eyes Away ", using the psychic power to fool the enemy into a moment's inattention, which will allow them to dart forward/ allow them to be ignored as the core retreats, and take the enemy in a deadly enfillade
    -[X] Push half of the more intact Libra-Quartus's forward, to resupply fighters as they take on point defense, and to use their own point defenses to help stem the torpedo tide.
    - [X] Utilize torpedo fire in concentrated waves against enemy light cruisers, to deny them any path forward to deploying their null beams.
    -[X] Deploy bombers against light cruisers initially, then destroyers
    -[X] Have the Loyalty's Bloom hidden among the front line, to boop the nose in of any light cruiser which attempts to close
    -[X] Lamenter vessels should try to identify the enemy command ship, and if possible, attempt a boarding in force to capture intel/desorganize the enemy formation
    [X] Plan: Extra Escorts
    --[X] 2 Bloody Sunset cruisers escort the carriers
    --[X] 2 Bloody Sunset cruisers try and hunt down the Flyssa's
864.M42 - Flee Once More
It is with thunderous collapses of reality that the Federation Fleet arrives within the Echish system, their sensors already pinging against the ships surrounding Phantom, and the attached Choirs find that the Warp is filled with messages screamed at the nearest world. With idle smugness, they find that the methods used by the Duchy's Psyker Lords are far more primitive than the Song used by the Federation to connect star systems to their neighbors.

With far more interest to High Admiral Huntress is the way the Duchy Fleet has taken position over Phantom, seemingly uncertain if they are to fight or defend the world, hours ticking by as the ships fire off communications between themselves and the planet as noticed by the bleed-off of their communications systems and the sensors of the Federation.

And then, as a day passes and the two fleets are a mere hour away from engaging in combat, the Duchy Fleet ignites its engines...to flee once more.

Bewildered, several scans are taken at that revelation before the fact seems to take hold; the Duchy is retreating from Echish. A quick call by the Choirs of the SBGs confirms that the Duchy Fleet has received a shout from a nearby system, and though its contents could not be deciphered, the Choirs agree that the fleet has been ordered to retreat to conserve strength.

...most likely.

Which leaves the fleet, once more, in an awkward position. Technically, it is now in near-to-full control over the Echish system, with only a smattering of SDF ships desperately screaming at their comrades to turn around remaining in the near future. Even if these ships were crewed by the elite of the elite and blessed with captains and a commodore capable of wielding each piece to its utmost extent...the 200 ships of the Federation would win by default of having far more tonnage than they.

So...what now?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)
Do you stil follow your plan with Echish (destroy local Void Infrastructre and then bail)? What are the next movements of the fleet. Do you pursue? Change plan and invade Echish? Try something else?

2 (1, 1, 1) - Duchy Preparations - Yeah, we can't hold here. Strategic Retreat!
AN: God, I do so love an excuse to have a short write. :V
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... Not a great choice, but I'll take it. Never interrupt the enemy when they're making a mistake after all.

Honestly, do we have any idea what the Echish garrison looks like right now @HeroCooky ? Because it looks ripe to pivot our plans to just seize the infrastructure and commandeer it as our FOB. And a crit-fail on their prep effectively ceding our stretch goal without a fight is ideal. It lets us set our front line at Echish.
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Voting will open in 4 hours, 18 minutes