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What could have been...


You blink. "Excuse me?"

"Like, uh, you know how I was talking about healing Kyosuke, right?" Sayaka explains, the words falling out of her mouth before she can think them over, "He's a really old friend of mine, but after hanging out with Yumi and Kohaku and K-Kyoko, I started to think some thoughts. Now, after the fiasco with Hitomi, I... Damnit, this is all so confusing!!" She plants her palms into her forehead, "And, I mean, I don't wanna step on your toes with Mado--" Sayaka stops herself halfway through.

You both stare at each other for a good long minute.

You weren't sure how to handle this, not really.


But you couldn't just stay silent, this was one of the few times you've been on good terms with Sayaka lately, and- There's a warmth in your chest, somewhere, and tears try to edge from your eyes at hearing her say your name again, but you take that hope, that long lost friendship, and smother it in the ashes of all your other dreams -you can't afford to waste that.


A deep breath. "It is not... my area of expertise, but perhaps try pretending you're confessing to them? Say, pretend I'm Kyousuke and say you love him."

There's a slight red to her cheeks, but she nods resolutely and meets your gaze.

"Kyousuke... I love you."


"It... Didn't quite feel right? I guess?"

"Good, now pretend I'm whatever girl you're interested in."

Sayaka's blush is far more noticeable, now, but she goes on.

"I-" She's bright red. You're mildly fascinated that a human can even become that colour. "I love you."

Heat floods to your cheeks. You can't help it, with the conviction in her voice.

Why did you let her do this? Oh right, it was your idea. Curse your lesbian mind.

A ringing noise, and a sound like a kettle, comes from behind you. You turn to find a beet red Madoka peeking through the door.


The door slams shut, and you can almost hear her run down the stairs.

Damn it, Sayaka.

[X] "As you can see, Miki here is having a very important existential crisis. We must schedule a meeting after school posthaste to identify her new crush and plan of attack." This most definitely is not coming from a desire to mess with Sayaka, who certainly doesn't have a thing for Kyoko. Absolutely. It'd be ridiculous to think otherwise. And that you'd be able to spend more time with Madoka is a coincidence.




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Hell we may be able to get him interested in someone else.
Again, we would need to talk everything over with him and Kohaku.

About the Yuki stuff, while I agree that Shoji and Yuki have serious issues with one another, I also feel like Shoji wingmanning his crush for his childhood friend or vice verse seems a bit hard for anyone to take.

His reaction obviously won't be world-ending like in Yuki's timeline, but it's still not great.
[X] "As you can see, Miki here is having a very important existential crisis. We must schedule a meeting after school posthaste to identify her new crush and plan of attack." This most definitely is not coming from a desire to mess with Sayaka, who certainly doesn't have a thing for Kyoko. Absolutely. It'd be ridiculous to think otherwise. And that you'd be able to spend more time with Madoka is a coincidence.
[X] Remember that Sayaka joked about Madoka being her bride the day you transferred in
-[X] Panic at the possibility of Madoka believing that Sayaka was being more serious than either of them thought
-[X] You need to say something, quick!
--[X] "Madoka, she's not talking about you."
--[X] That ought to clear things u- wait, why are they staring at you?

Consolidating votes.
[X] Remember that Sayaka joked about Madoka being her bride the day you transferred in
-[X] Panic at the possibility of Madoka believing that Sayaka was being more serious than either of them thought
-[X] You need to say something, quick!
--[X] "Madoka, she's not talking about you."
--[X] That ought to clear things u- wait, why are they staring at you?
Yuki: Looks like they're happy.

Shoji: Kohaku and Yumi? Yeah.


Yuki: She looks... Happier than when she was with me.

Shoji, looking at him oddly: Does it hurt?

Yuki, not turning to meet his gaze: ...Yeah. But if she's happier, then that's it. I can't really force her to be with me like we were.

*More silence*

Shoji: Wait, dude, are you trying to come on to me?

Yuki: What the fuck are you--? No, I'm just talking. Where the-- How did you get flirting from that?!

Shoji: Well, I just want to put it out there that I don't swing that way!

Yuki: No one said that you did! You-- Wait, do you think I'm g--?!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 23, 2024 at 9:15 PM, finished with 30 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] "As you can see, Miki here is having a very important existential crisis. We must schedule a meeting after school posthaste to identify her new crush and plan of attack." This most definitely is not coming from a desire to mess with Sayaka, who certainly doesn't have a thing for Kyoko. Absolutely. It'd be ridiculous to think otherwise. And that you'd be able to spend more time with Madoka is a coincidence.
    [X] Remember that Sayaka joked about Madoka being her bride the day you transferred in
    -[X] Panic at the possibility of Madoka believing that Sayaka was being more serious than either of them thought
    -[X] You need to say something, quick!
    --[X] "Madoka, she's not talking about you."
    --[X] That ought to clear things u- wait, why are they staring at you?
    [X] Remember that Sayaka joked about Madoka being her bride the day you transferred in
    -[X] Note the opportunity this presents for some petty vengeance. Fake confusion "You're asking your 'wife' what to do about your relationship? Given how blatantly and frequently you disregard public morals I'm surprised that's even a question. Unless..."
    --[X] Bask in the chaos of your implications. Nothing could possibly ruin this moment for you. Nothing.
    ---[X] ...Consider the possibility of Madoka believing that Sayaka was being more serious than either of them thought. And that you almost certainly made it worse if she does.
    ----[X] Panic.
    [X] Discreetly give Madoka a thumbs-up.
    -[X] Casually turn it into a hair-flip, while looking directly into Madoka's eyes, before looking away.
864: Plan Of Attack
[X] Homura's Brilliant Plan

"Ah, Madoka." Your confidence returns alongside your composure, "Miki here was, and currently is, having a very important mental crisis. My advice is to schedule a meeting after school to identify Miki's crush and form a plan of attack."

"H-Huh?!" Madoka looks so cute when she's confused, "Sayaka, you're...? And Homura's...?"

Miki looks incredibly distressed. Inwardly, you find yourself smiling. Seeing as you're simply trying to assist your friend Sayaka and not trying to mess with her for crushing on Kyoko, you can't understand why. It would be ridiculous to think otherwise. And the fact that you would be able to spend more time with Madoka is simply a happy coincidence, and not your plan.

"I may not be able to speak on Miki's behalf, but yes, I am." You answer Madoka with a slight smile, just enough for her to notice.

Judging by the intense blush, Madoka most certainly does notice.

"I...!" Madoka tries to cover her face with her hands in an attempt to calm herself down, "...Okay." She breathes out, "S-So, who should we have for this, um, meeting?"

"Madoka!!" Miki covers her face, "Can't it just be us three?!"

"Perhaps Tomoe would have some valuable information on how to proceed?" You suggest offhandedly.

"I dunno, maybe we should keep this between us." Madoka shakes her head, her twin tails swaying back and forth slightly, "We need to go at a pace Sayaka can be comfortable with, too. Maybe--?"

"Aaaaaargh, stop!" Miki groans, "Just let me think!!"

"Sayaka, I know how you feel..." Madoka trails off mid-sentence, her eyes as wide as dinner plates.

[] ??????????????????????????????????
[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."

Cut to Yumi having another freak out after they try to ask her for advice based on said "experience". :V
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[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."

Note that the last time they asked Yumi this sort of this, she started resurrecting the dead. Maybe we'll get another breakthrough lmao
[] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."
[X] Stop time and turn around immediately. That's the wide-eyed stare of someone seeing something dangerous that everyone else doesn't because they're facing the wrong direction.
-[X] If there's nothing there, turn back and hope they're blind today.
--[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."

[:V] "W-Wait, Miki -- just us three? I know you said Madoka's your bride, I didn't expect you were serious?! ...I've never attempted poly before though, that would be something new to try."

Edited because DiscordDrake has a very good point indeed.

Edited again to add in the additions that caught on.
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[X] Stop time and turn around immediately. That's the wide-eyed stare of someone seeing something dangerous that everyone else doesn't because they're facing the wrong direction.
-[X] If there's nothing there, turn back and hope they're blind today.
--[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."
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[X] Stop time and turn around immediately. That's the wide-eyed stare of someone seeing something dangerous that everyone else doesn't because they're facing the wrong direction.
-[X] If there's nothing there, turn back and hope they're blind today.
--[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."

Edited because the additions are a good idea.
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[X] Stop time and turn around immediately. That's the wide-eyed stare of someone seeing something dangerous that everyone else doesn't because they're facing the wrong direction.
-[X] If there's nothing there, turn back and hope they're blind today.
--[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."

Best to be on the safe side, here.

Is it paranoia if they're really out to get you?
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[X] Stop time and turn around immediately. That's the wide-eyed stare of someone seeing something dangerous that everyone else doesn't because they're facing the wrong direction.
-[X] If there's nothing there, turn back and hope they're blind today.
--[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."
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[X] Stop time and turn around immediately. That's the wide-eyed stare of someone seeing something dangerous that everyone else doesn't because they're facing the wrong direction.
-[X] If there's nothing there, turn back and hope they're blind today.
--[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."
[X] Stop time and turn around immediately. That's the wide-eyed stare of someone seeing something dangerous that everyone else doesn't because they're facing the wrong direction.
-[X] If there's nothing there, turn back and hope they're blind today.
--[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."
[X] Stop time and turn around immediately. That's the wide-eyed stare of someone seeing something dangerous that everyone else doesn't because they're facing the wrong direction.
I was under the impression that Madoka is looking at Sayaka and Homura is off to the side, therefore if there was something behind Sayaka, Homura would see it.
That too, but DiscordDrake seems to have decided that Homura is so socially incompetent that she can only interpret Madoka's expression as "there is something dangerous" unless she directly sees otherwise.
And it makes sense based off of what we know of her.

Since social skills weren't something she trained in all her loops.
And again, Homura's perfectly fine to interpret as paranoid, especially in a loop going as well as this one, with a known wave of hostiles entering the city.

She has actual proof that multiple groups are actually out to get her and her friends, alongside a significant amount of trauma.

Besides, it wouldn't be Homuhomu if she didn't do something Mysterious™ and Dramatic™.

Should've included an instruction to flip hair dramatically.
About An Apocrypha...
Do you guys remember the Non Canon(?) story Early Meetings? I've been meaning to ask...

...How would you guys feel about that story being made canon?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 24, 2024 at 11:10 PM, finished with 17 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Stop time and turn around immediately. That's the wide-eyed stare of someone seeing something dangerous that everyone else doesn't because they're facing the wrong direction.
    -[X] If there's nothing there, turn back and hope they're blind today.
    --[X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."
    [X] "Perhaps Yumi and Kohaku can offer some advice. After all, they clearly have more experience than we do."
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