[X] Addressing the giant problem.
You try not to disturb Kohaku too much as you get out of your seat...
(AGL CHECK: 14+10)
...And barely even move her as you slip away to Kyoko's side. "Kyoko?" You nudge her carefully, speaking in a whisper.
"It's about my Gem, huh?" She asks, her eyes not leaving the large crack on its surface.
"What happened? How can I help?" You look at her Soul Gem, trying to think of anything you can do.
"Her Pops threatened to break it in his hand, but one of his guys stopped him." Kyoko grimaces, "Said they could use me to draw Kohaku out. You know how that played out. Now, I can't move very well."
"You... Can't move?" Worry begins to set in.
"Not easily, at least." Kyoko gently rests her Soul Gem on her lap, "Like, I can still feel everything, but I just... It's like my body is deciding not to listen."
"Kyoko, do you want me to--?"
"I fuckin' hate being this... Vulnerable." She practically spits out the word, "I couldn't even get over here without your Grandma's help."
You hazard a glance to her Soul Gem, and immediately put your Gauntlet to it. How did it blacken so quickly? It was fine a second ago!
"Shit, I guess I'm done, huh?" She chuckles dryly, "Finally catching up to the rest of--?"
"Do not say that." You nearly growl out, "You're still just as much a friend to me as you have been. Nothing's changed."
"Everything's changed." She sneers back, "I can't hunt anymore. I can't move on my own, I can't even fucking take care of myself. Fucking Hino...!" She seethes.
Her Soul Gem is dancing between black and red as your Gauntlet pulls grief off of it. You don't have a choice, nor do you think she's in the best headspace to make a decision.
You hate that you have to pull this without getting her consent...
[] ...But she can barely keep herself together.
[] ...But you're not gonna let her die.
[] ...But you need to help her.
[] Write in a reason?
You produce one of those jars with the Balm of Rising inside, setting it on the coffee table. Then, you carefully take Kyoko's Soul Gem from off of her lap.
"Wha-- Hey, give that back!" She tries to grab it back, but can't lean too far out of her seat, "Yumi, what the hell are you doing?!"
"Saving you." You reply, holding the Soul Gem above the Balm, "...I hope." With a nervous breath, you submerge her Soul Gem in the Balm.
Kyoko's Soul Gem pulsates slowly as the Balm of Rising seems to seep into it. Once the jar is empty, you raise up. At first, you don't think anything has changed.
The Soul Gem fades away into a bright red light, gently and methodically flowing into Kyoko's chest. She stares at her chest for a moment, her hand on her sternum, before looking back up at you, obviously angry.
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