Does that mean you'll start counting votes from this page onward?
From post 5534 yes
Hmm, what is our primary objective in the Badlands Mission? Like, I know what the action text itself says, but would our primary goals going there be, and do we believe we have the necessary forces and resources to achieve them, or would it be better to wait and address other issues first?
Go get the Orcs from Kargath, the dragons from their prison, maybe the ogres hanging about too. Attack the Dark Irons to continue helping Ironforge. Also maybe take a look in Uldaman.
So I'll step in here. I don't require you to establish the specifics of constitutional reform. I want directions from you, Grok and his attendants will establish the specifics through the narration. Some of this stuff might go wrong, that's part of state building. The Soviets decided they'd vote for officers at one point and that didn't go well.
In terms of directions, it appears to be clear that everyone is in favour of institution building, state building, including more safeguards in the orcish constitution and diminisng the possibility of a Garrosh etc. There's also the stuff about using Blademasters in a more cofied role as Grok's agents and to dispense his will. There are areas of debate, eg to what extent to feudalise the orcs, but there are clear parts where there's agreement. For example:
The circles roughly correspond to the ministries above, but there are a few differences. I don't really get what you mean by 'sub circles' when talking about the Circle of Elders. Do Circle of Elders stand above it, or is their job to filter down reports from other subcircles and present them to us? How different is it from what Netos is proposing?
You all do not need to be considering the specific organisational structure of the circles. I've laid how how I see it in a previous post, if there's broad consensus that that's acceptable, that's cool. Recall as well that this is Grok's story, not the story of the Orcs generally.
So, for anyone voting for the Kosharg action, is this broadly acceptable:
Warchief on top, absolute authority over the military and anything relating to it, broad powers and authority over the Horde as a whole, delegating some of that authority to:
The Great Circle (of Elders) of honoured elders, shaman, chiefs etc, sitting at the top level acting as a upper chamber, supervising:
Circle of Fire, warriors, warfare, honour, military planning
Circle of Air, diplomatic relations, internal representation from constituent communities such as human areas and orc clans
Circle of Spirits, shaman, magical research, magical infrastructure, magical traditions
Circle of Earth, construction, industry, economics
Circle of Water, Law/administration of the clan system, justice, cultural efforts.
This is the federal system to the clan's local one. You've got the Warchief as the miltiary executive and then a bicameral legislature. Various constitutional elements to ensure the 'ancient rights and customs' of the clans are respected. Assemblies to concentrate on relevant issues, various voting and speaking privileges restricted to particular people, eg anyone can address an assembly but you need a sponsor. Larger, older clans have more voting rights, chiefs and shaman have more voting rights than others etc perhaps, or are just given rights to speak first before others, same for blademasters etc.
All these points I can represent in the narrative. People would note that smaller clans don't have as much representation, but you'd also get situations like in the US where single states have proportionally more representation than their population would allow. In theory Gol'dir's word weighs as much as Tagorr the Dread, despite the later having 10x more people in his 'constituency'. That would be a matter of debate.
This is the first vote for a step toward national reform. This is an important moment. I'm quite happy to write out stuff about Grok beginning to start differnet constitutional assemblies or forms of represntation, but I don't think its useful to get so much into the detail of how it all works currently.
might be a stupid question but for the festival are the non orc groups in our horde invited to this festival (ie the ogres and raventusk tribe they are still part of it and sworn to it ) like is it gonna be a orc only thing (and then I feel their would need to be one to build our non orcish members closer)
Yea they'll come along, more as observers than anything though. You'd have Bishop Karlus and Lord Crowley there too both being very confused as to what's going on.