If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

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[X] "Thanks for that." Give him an appreciative nod. "And I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
In the for-Kohaku case, a better term might be "come out" :D
Eh, was watching OG Bakugan again. I didn't know that the Japanese dub used 'pop out' until recently and thought it was cool.
[X] "Thanks for that." Give him an appreciative nod. "And I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
Pixie truly is the MVP.

My vote:
[X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
[X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
[X] "First, thanks for that. Second, I'm hunting for terminals so I have a quick way to get around."
[X] "First, thanks for that. Second, I'm hunting for terminals so I have a quick way to get around."
[] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
Last edited:
I know we trust Dante explicitly, but this feels really personal to reveal. Specifically this part.
That is a valid point... kinda.

Only the mom part is really personal and not explaining the dream walking thing and just saying "Oh there a guy hunting me down" without that context is a bad idea. Like 100% at least keep the spirit walking explanation. Maybe just cut out the mom part if that's to far for you? There is no rules saying you can't just make a minor edits to existing votes no?

And that really depends- is the whole Mom situation something Yumi is still bothered by? I thought we all agreed she's moved on from it? Okay with talking about it and all that right? I mean moving on doesn't mean you want to talk about it but with how I wrote the train of thought- it would be weird if she doesn't think about her mom. Trying to explain the thought process is hard :( -


(Edit: You are 100% free to make your own choices. If you don't wanna that's 100% fine!)
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The real question is: Why is @PetroleumMedium! Counted separately?
Adhoc vote count started by Isiri Pudireach on Apr 18, 2024 at 11:56 AM, finished with 18 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] "Thanks for that." Give him an appreciative nod. "And I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
    [X] "First, thanks for that. Second, I'm hunting for terminals so I have a quick way to get around."
    [X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
    -[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
    --[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
    ---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
    ----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
    [X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
    -[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
    --[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
    ---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
    ----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
Because apparently the fucker mistaking Yumi for Door-kun isn't enough of a fucking fucker to fucking call a fucker? /lh

Which, like, yeah tbh it does feel more Yumi-like to leave out the cussing in this situation, she's not exactly angry enough on the topic and already blew off steam earlier. I might change my vote to it.
is the whole Mom situation something Yumi is still bothered by? I thought we all agreed she's moved on from it? Okay with talking about it and all that right?
Tbh, my thought process is that she isn't haunted by the experience anymore and ready to leave the past behind, though it's still a painful memory that takes time to let go, even if you resolve to do so.

Yumi IC also just flat out doesn't know Dante well enough that I'd feel comfortable talking about something that was until recently extremely personal. We've barely had a handful of encounters with the guy at best, outside of him helping us.

Like, she's already spoken to Kazuya about it and we know Dante way less than Kazuya, so it's going to bother her less, but that was also yesterday iirc.

It's the only part I'm actually against.
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[X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... It's had it's uses, and it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"

It's the only part I'm actually against.
That is all valid reasoning- I think we should cut the mom part like I've made it above. Also remove the fucker maybe? Beth had a good read on why not to put it in I think.

@BethofDeath What do ya think about this?
Random thought, but could we cheese Sayaka's muscle growth with healing magic? So she can actually use her (claymore?)
Speaking of Sayaka's sword, @TremendousMilk3, I just went back and spotted a contradiction;
Bonus Fun Fact! Sayaka needs a STR of 32 to wield her sword.

She currently has a STR of 10.
The STR roll was from Update 292, and with a modifier of +2, that means she would've had to have had at least 14 STR, while the claim that she had 10 STR is from right before Update 699.
@BethofDeath What do ya think about this?

Well, I hope it doesn't mind volunteer work, because while I simply can't afford to pay it, it works for me! :D

[X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... It's had it's uses, and it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"

Random thought, but could we cheese Sayaka's muscle growth with healing magic? So she can actually use her (claymore?)

Depends entirely on the usual caveats of using healing magic to cheese muscle growth -- specifically, the "muscles build by repairing the tiny tears stronger and increasing blood flow" part, whereas healing magic may work by resetting the damage to zero without improving anything.

Seems like something we can save experiment time on by Yumi just... asking Grandma and Grandpa, or Raido. There's basically zero way the Kuzunoha clan or their allies haven't experimented with this.
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[X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... It's had it's uses, and it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
Makoto, walking into Tartarus, calmly: Yo, what's up, bitches?

Kotone, walking into Tartarus, not at all calmly: Yo, what's up, bitches?!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 17, 2024 at 9:24 PM, finished with 30 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] "First, thanks for that. Second, I'm hunting for terminals so I have a quick way to get around."
    [X] "Thanks for that." Give him an appreciative nod. "And I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
    [X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
    -[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
    --[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... It's had it's uses, and it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
    ---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
    ----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
    [X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
    -[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
    --[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
    ---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
    ----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
    [X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
    -[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
    --[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
    ---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
    ----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
A Three-way Tie.
I don't like ties. They're course, rough, irritating...

...And they get everywhere!

[] "First, thanks for that. Second, I'm hunting for terminals so I have a quick way to get around."


[] "Thanks for that." Give him an appreciative nod. "And I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."


[] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... It's had it's uses, and it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"

Happy voting.
Voting is open