Man if something, Sephy dropping out of nowhere would be even worse, cauase that would mean either
A) Final fantasy void Shenanigans
B) Kingdom hearts multiverse shenanigans
and boi I would take YHVH before any of those possibilities, specially B, having to deal with heartless without a keyblade is a nightmare.
Well talking about Final Fantasy omake time
OMAKE: DLC Clash on the Mitakihara Bridge
You are Yumi Konishi and at this moment you encounter yourself with Kyoko, Homura and Mami at Mitakihara bridge.
You were just passing by, when your gauntlet detected a witch barrier on the area close to Mitakihara middle school, pointing at the bridge, since everyone was close by, you decided to call them to hunt the witch.
As everyone got close to the barrier you asked ''Everyone ready?''
Kyoko just smiles sarcastically and answers ''As if you need to ask Yumi, we have been doing this longer than you, if something we should be the ones teaching you what you need to be ready''
Homura just has a faint smile on her face that dissapears quite quickly ''Let's just get this over with quickly, knowing you Yumi you will probably pull something out of nowhere that will kill the witch in one shot'' Homura just sighs at the last part clearly tired.
Mami just stays as her calm self as says ''Well let's go then, the quicker we do this the less chance there is of familiars escaping''
You just smile at your group of friends and say ''Here we go then''.
As you 4 enter the witch barrier, you notice inmediatly there is something wrong with it, as there is clear marks that a battle took place already.
Homura is the first one to react ''What, did someone enter here before us?'' she ask in clear confusion.
Mami thinks for a moment before answering ''Looks like that is the case, probably another magical girl''
''Or a demon'' Kyoko adds.
As you check your gauntlet for a signal you finally answer '' Seems like it may be a magical girl, the gauntlet isn't detecting any demon pressence so far'' you said as you finish checking your gauntlet.
Homura just rubs her temples and says ''Ugh, lets be careful then, we don't know how amicable this magical girl will be, we could either have someone as approachable as Mami or someone as insane as little miss fear rapier''
You all nod at that and continue exploring the barrier.
As you pass by, you all notice the battle marks, holes on walls, floor crushed as if it was hit by a giant hammer, even walls were slashed in half as if they were nothing but paper, this just forms for all of you.
What the hell did all this destruction?
Then you finally start hearing it, sounds of a battle.
As you 4 get closer to the sounds, you see 2 giants doors blocking your path and you can hear that the battle is behind these doors.
Mami just asks ''So how do we open them?''
Homura clearly looking tired of this shit just brings out something from her shield... is that C4? before you can ask she just says ''Move and stay behind, I will blow them up''
Well whatever works, but before you can even move you all sense it, a big spike of energy coming at the doors at that you just shout ''MOVE''.
Soon enough you all do that as the door come flying, having been destroyed by the impact, you can still see the ray of energy that destroyed them moving along the barrier, just what the hell has that kind of firepower?
As you 4 recover you finally stand on front where the doors used to be and you finally see the witch dissipating, but that wasn't what caught your attention the most, what did it, was who was standing in front of the defeated witch, it wasn't a magical girl that is for sure.
The best you could describe it was as if you were staring at a man with a Kabuki disguise, but well he had 8 arms and god those were a lot of weapons, was this guy a demon and somehow your gauntlet missed it?.
As you 4 finally cross the umbrals of the door with weapons in hand the man finally notices your pressences and speaks ''Huh and who you people are suppose to be? this time I was expecting the guy with the big key, not 4 little girls''
Kyoko already seems annoyed at this guy ''We should be the ones asking you that question bozo, also come close and I will show who is little!'' Kyoko finishes as she readies her weapon.
The strange man/demon? just smiles and start laughing ''hehehe HAHAHAHA, well if you insist, I am the great Gilgamesh, traveler and collector of weapons and this time the secret boss of London''
at that your confusion rises and you say ''London? huh dunno about that, this place is called Mitakihara, dunno how you confuse and overshoot England with Japan''
The man just stops on his tracks his face paling despite having white paint and says ''WAIT JAPAN!, huh excuse me a moment'' at that he just brings out a phone and taps the screen.
Then what you could describe at best as a hologram of a cross between a cute piggy and a devil just for the wings it had, still it was pretty cute and you could swear everyone squealed at it and then it talk.
''Welcome to your personal multiverse navigator kupo'' even the voice was cute ''What can I help you with today kupo''
Then Gilgamesh finally asked the question ''So uh, on what world do I find myself now? though I was on London but then these girls come and say I am on Japan, so what is the true answer?''
The hologram takes a while almost as if it was loading and then responds ''You are indeed on Japan kupo'' then it continues '' To be exact you find yourself in Mitakihara on the world of PMMM kupo, the world of London is located more to the east kupo'' at that last part Gilgamesh just fumes ''I knew I shouldn't had bought that map from that fox, map to London my ass'' then he finally notices the last sentence ''Wait you could have told me where it was on the first place?''
The hologram just stays there and says ''You never asked before kupo, but very well if that is all I am going back to sleep kupo'' at that the hologram dissapears and Gilgamesh just says fine and puts back his phone on his back pocket.
You really have more questions than answers, you all do, but you finally talk back to Gilgamesh '' So what are you going to do now?'' you ask in actual confusion.
Gilgamesh glances you 4 again and gives a sly smile ''Well since you 4 are here and I am far off from my original destination, may as well make the most of it and gather every single rare weapon I can from this, starting with yours, I can see that sword and that spear are something rare, the musket and the guns not so much, those things are so lame, besides the author doesn't want this to be a pacifist copout, we are having a fight'' He says while pointing at Dawn and Kyoko spear.
Well you can feel Homura and Mami taking those words insulting their choice of weapon personally and if this guy thinks he is getting his greasy hands on Dawn and Kyoko spear he has another thing coming ''Well suppose it is a fight then'' you say as you try to summon your demons, but something strange happens.
The demon summoning program was locked ''What the hell why is the summoning program locked''.
Gilgamesh just laughs ''GAHAHAHAHAHA, sorry, but if you think you are getting calvary you are pretty wrong, you already have 4 characters in your party, so you will need to replace someone before the battle starts if you want to get out someone else''
You just sight at that ''Fine us 4 will be enough to kick your butt out of here'' at that you prepare Dawn, while kyoko puts herself in a combat stance, Mami readies her musket and Homura readies her Guns.
Gilgamesh finally takes a battle stance and brings out his 8 arms, every one of them with a weapon in hand and wait you recognize that rapier ''Fine by me, now don't go crying to mommy once I am done with all of you HAHAHAHA'' ok it is official, with that commentary you are making this guy suffer, you are pretty sure everyone is thinking the same.
But before you ask him a final question ''Huh, so final question where did you get that rapier?''
Gilgamesh in confusion looks at the rapier, he leaves it in the floor while scratching his head with his free hand and a literal lightbulb flashes in top of his head ''Oh this one, got it from a crazy lady, she tried to attack me, but she literally failed her special attack crashing againts a wall and knocking herself out in the process, it is a win in my book so I took it as a prize for that battle, if I could call it that, seriously I know people know me as an airhead, but even I have better footing than that crazy chick, still wish to know how to shoot ice out of this thing, she at least did that right'' finishing he takes back the rapier on his hand and takes a battle stance once again.
You say ''Huh neat''
At that Gilgamesh finally snaps ''Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! For is morphing time! AND HEY AUTHOR YOU BETTER LINK MY THEME'' as the author does what Gilgamesh said, you hear it, the music telling you this will be no normal battle.
And finally it starts as you 5 come to a clash in Mitakihara bridge.
AN: Well have another omake, have had this idea on my head for a while and at the mention of sephiroth, well I just couldn't resist anymore, but man it was fun writting FF Gilgamesh, if you writte him, be sure to have a lot of ductape at hand since this guys jsut makes holes on the 4th wall, but had a lot of ideas to run up with, like Gilga taking the wrong turn for a kingdom hearts secret fight againts sora on the world of the great mouse detective,Gilgamesh insulting pretty much anyone choices in guns since he thinks they are lame as said on his FF13 boss fight and Victoria losing her rapier, because she tried to attack Gilgamesh only to roll a nat 1 on winter's bite again, also us locked out of demons becasue Gilgamesh locked us into the FF battle system for his fight, well hope you enjoy this.
A) Final fantasy void Shenanigans
B) Kingdom hearts multiverse shenanigans
and boi I would take YHVH before any of those possibilities, specially B, having to deal with heartless without a keyblade is a nightmare.
Well talking about Final Fantasy omake time
OMAKE: DLC Clash on the Mitakihara Bridge
You are Yumi Konishi and at this moment you encounter yourself with Kyoko, Homura and Mami at Mitakihara bridge.
You were just passing by, when your gauntlet detected a witch barrier on the area close to Mitakihara middle school, pointing at the bridge, since everyone was close by, you decided to call them to hunt the witch.
As everyone got close to the barrier you asked ''Everyone ready?''
Kyoko just smiles sarcastically and answers ''As if you need to ask Yumi, we have been doing this longer than you, if something we should be the ones teaching you what you need to be ready''
Homura just has a faint smile on her face that dissapears quite quickly ''Let's just get this over with quickly, knowing you Yumi you will probably pull something out of nowhere that will kill the witch in one shot'' Homura just sighs at the last part clearly tired.
Mami just stays as her calm self as says ''Well let's go then, the quicker we do this the less chance there is of familiars escaping''
You just smile at your group of friends and say ''Here we go then''.
As you 4 enter the witch barrier, you notice inmediatly there is something wrong with it, as there is clear marks that a battle took place already.
Homura is the first one to react ''What, did someone enter here before us?'' she ask in clear confusion.
Mami thinks for a moment before answering ''Looks like that is the case, probably another magical girl''
''Or a demon'' Kyoko adds.
As you check your gauntlet for a signal you finally answer '' Seems like it may be a magical girl, the gauntlet isn't detecting any demon pressence so far'' you said as you finish checking your gauntlet.
Homura just rubs her temples and says ''Ugh, lets be careful then, we don't know how amicable this magical girl will be, we could either have someone as approachable as Mami or someone as insane as little miss fear rapier''
You all nod at that and continue exploring the barrier.
As you pass by, you all notice the battle marks, holes on walls, floor crushed as if it was hit by a giant hammer, even walls were slashed in half as if they were nothing but paper, this just forms for all of you.
What the hell did all this destruction?
Then you finally start hearing it, sounds of a battle.
As you 4 get closer to the sounds, you see 2 giants doors blocking your path and you can hear that the battle is behind these doors.
Mami just asks ''So how do we open them?''
Homura clearly looking tired of this shit just brings out something from her shield... is that C4? before you can ask she just says ''Move and stay behind, I will blow them up''
Well whatever works, but before you can even move you all sense it, a big spike of energy coming at the doors at that you just shout ''MOVE''.
Soon enough you all do that as the door come flying, having been destroyed by the impact, you can still see the ray of energy that destroyed them moving along the barrier, just what the hell has that kind of firepower?
As you 4 recover you finally stand on front where the doors used to be and you finally see the witch dissipating, but that wasn't what caught your attention the most, what did it, was who was standing in front of the defeated witch, it wasn't a magical girl that is for sure.
The best you could describe it was as if you were staring at a man with a Kabuki disguise, but well he had 8 arms and god those were a lot of weapons, was this guy a demon and somehow your gauntlet missed it?.
As you 4 finally cross the umbrals of the door with weapons in hand the man finally notices your pressences and speaks ''Huh and who you people are suppose to be? this time I was expecting the guy with the big key, not 4 little girls''
Kyoko already seems annoyed at this guy ''We should be the ones asking you that question bozo, also come close and I will show who is little!'' Kyoko finishes as she readies her weapon.
The strange man/demon? just smiles and start laughing ''hehehe HAHAHAHA, well if you insist, I am the great Gilgamesh, traveler and collector of weapons and this time the secret boss of London''
at that your confusion rises and you say ''London? huh dunno about that, this place is called Mitakihara, dunno how you confuse and overshoot England with Japan''
The man just stops on his tracks his face paling despite having white paint and says ''WAIT JAPAN!, huh excuse me a moment'' at that he just brings out a phone and taps the screen.
Then what you could describe at best as a hologram of a cross between a cute piggy and a devil just for the wings it had, still it was pretty cute and you could swear everyone squealed at it and then it talk.
''Welcome to your personal multiverse navigator kupo'' even the voice was cute ''What can I help you with today kupo''
Then Gilgamesh finally asked the question ''So uh, on what world do I find myself now? though I was on London but then these girls come and say I am on Japan, so what is the true answer?''
The hologram takes a while almost as if it was loading and then responds ''You are indeed on Japan kupo'' then it continues '' To be exact you find yourself in Mitakihara on the world of PMMM kupo, the world of London is located more to the east kupo'' at that last part Gilgamesh just fumes ''I knew I shouldn't had bought that map from that fox, map to London my ass'' then he finally notices the last sentence ''Wait you could have told me where it was on the first place?''
The hologram just stays there and says ''You never asked before kupo, but very well if that is all I am going back to sleep kupo'' at that the hologram dissapears and Gilgamesh just says fine and puts back his phone on his back pocket.
You really have more questions than answers, you all do, but you finally talk back to Gilgamesh '' So what are you going to do now?'' you ask in actual confusion.
Gilgamesh glances you 4 again and gives a sly smile ''Well since you 4 are here and I am far off from my original destination, may as well make the most of it and gather every single rare weapon I can from this, starting with yours, I can see that sword and that spear are something rare, the musket and the guns not so much, those things are so lame, besides the author doesn't want this to be a pacifist copout, we are having a fight'' He says while pointing at Dawn and Kyoko spear.
Well you can feel Homura and Mami taking those words insulting their choice of weapon personally and if this guy thinks he is getting his greasy hands on Dawn and Kyoko spear he has another thing coming ''Well suppose it is a fight then'' you say as you try to summon your demons, but something strange happens.
The demon summoning program was locked ''What the hell why is the summoning program locked''.
Gilgamesh just laughs ''GAHAHAHAHAHA, sorry, but if you think you are getting calvary you are pretty wrong, you already have 4 characters in your party, so you will need to replace someone before the battle starts if you want to get out someone else''
You just sight at that ''Fine us 4 will be enough to kick your butt out of here'' at that you prepare Dawn, while kyoko puts herself in a combat stance, Mami readies her musket and Homura readies her Guns.
Gilgamesh finally takes a battle stance and brings out his 8 arms, every one of them with a weapon in hand and wait you recognize that rapier ''Fine by me, now don't go crying to mommy once I am done with all of you HAHAHAHA'' ok it is official, with that commentary you are making this guy suffer, you are pretty sure everyone is thinking the same.
But before you ask him a final question ''Huh, so final question where did you get that rapier?''
Gilgamesh in confusion looks at the rapier, he leaves it in the floor while scratching his head with his free hand and a literal lightbulb flashes in top of his head ''Oh this one, got it from a crazy lady, she tried to attack me, but she literally failed her special attack crashing againts a wall and knocking herself out in the process, it is a win in my book so I took it as a prize for that battle, if I could call it that, seriously I know people know me as an airhead, but even I have better footing than that crazy chick, still wish to know how to shoot ice out of this thing, she at least did that right'' finishing he takes back the rapier on his hand and takes a battle stance once again.
You say ''Huh neat''
At that Gilgamesh finally snaps ''Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! For is morphing time! AND HEY AUTHOR YOU BETTER LINK MY THEME'' as the author does what Gilgamesh said, you hear it, the music telling you this will be no normal battle.
And finally it starts as you 5 come to a clash in Mitakihara bridge.
AN: Well have another omake, have had this idea on my head for a while and at the mention of sephiroth, well I just couldn't resist anymore, but man it was fun writting FF Gilgamesh, if you writte him, be sure to have a lot of ductape at hand since this guys jsut makes holes on the 4th wall, but had a lot of ideas to run up with, like Gilga taking the wrong turn for a kingdom hearts secret fight againts sora on the world of the great mouse detective,Gilgamesh insulting pretty much anyone choices in guns since he thinks they are lame as said on his FF13 boss fight and Victoria losing her rapier, because she tried to attack Gilgamesh only to roll a nat 1 on winter's bite again, also us locked out of demons becasue Gilgamesh locked us into the FF battle system for his fight, well hope you enjoy this.
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