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Hmmm. Modernizing marine freight would probably be nice as well.

Also, where do the two cyberdization actions came from? I don't see them it our concrete promises?
That's the "Cyberdize Your Industry" promise. As you are getting the third plan next turn, (after this one has finished) the two actions will be needed to finish all promises.

Edit: No, I can't count. You did that, disregard the above.
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I think we mentioned before that Guangchou's profound Japanophobia might be a problem in the future, and that it should be directed towards the upper classes rather than the common worker.
How come we get +Rep for building specific consumer goods factories (furniture, electronics, etc.) but not for democratically chosen ones?
Rep means "reputation," right?

I mean, I could kind of see it. The leader gets reputation if he can say "I, in my beneficence, commanded that this be made for you." He does not get a boost to his reputation if the public collectively decides to do it and he just happens to have his face on the currency while it happens.

Reagan probably isn't getting the equivalent of +Reputation from consumer goods factories being built in America, either. Because, again, not really something he can take credit for, if for different reasons.
[X] [Plan] Bread & Circuits

-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] Create New Housing (Helpful) (2 Actions)
---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (+1 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF)

If I recall correctly, these two actions should be all that's left to do to basically eliminate homelessness in Guangchou? Which would be a very nice feather in our cap for the end of the 5YP. HC?

-[X] Light Industry
--[X] Construct Consumer Goods Factory Complex (2 Actions) (What) (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
---[X] Democratically Elected (+1 People's Opinion) (Boni: +1 PttF *)

*Unless there's a consumer electronics factory in there, in which case there's an extra +2 on top.

Last two factory complexes to fulfill our plan promise.

Also the consumer goods and LSEEHs cancel out on Rep cost.

-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] Guangchou Semiconductor Manufacturing Cooperative (Mega-Project - 6/6 Actions) (-6 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF +2 Electronics = +3)

So, the reason to take this now instead of in the first turn of the next plan is that the Long Name and Plan Focus boni apply per project, so it makes more sense to stuff many smaller projects into the first turn than a few big ones. And the GSMC reduces the action cost of our electronics related actions, so we'll need fewer actions dedicated towards building supercomputers and researching the next tier of semiconductors.

--[X] Build A Superconductor Foundry (Mega-Project - 4/4 Actions) (-1 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF +2 Metallurgy = +3)

This thing is needed for the Navy to build their submarine, but it's also very nice to have for supercomputers and rockets (MHD tap-off cycle engines), which will become relevant next turn.

-[X] Military
--[X] Naval Shipbuilding Expansion (Mega-Project - 1/9 Actions) (+4 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF)

This thing rolls on in the background once we start it, so we should begin it as soon as possible and let it chug on automatically every turn.

-[X] CyPac
Fuck The US of Middle North A - Cuba (Trade and Aid) (+4 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF)
--[X] Economic Cooperation - Tanzania (Promised Industrial Aid) (Boni: +1 PttF)

Tanzania joined CyPak because we promised industrial aid, so we definitely want to honour that promise within this 5YP.

Cuba is a nice way to get Rep while cementing our relationship and establishing a secure base for further South America actions.

+1 Net Rep by my count.
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[X] [Plan] Bread & Circuits

Shouldn't there be a "Plan" in front of that.
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QM i have a few question :
1:compared to irl how much does cypac member (and us) have trouble with unexploded ordnance and mines ?,it's probably less since some stuff haven't happen yet or didn't happened.
2:does cyberdination of an industry/field reduce the amount wounded people,polution and other ineficiency in that field/industry ?
3:did the videogame crash of 1983 was affected by us begining to do videogame at 1982 H2 ?,will arcade remain popular in mare place than japan and south america (those are the only two i know) if no new change happens ?
4:do we do trade with other nations ?,if yes with who,what are we exchanging for what,and what are thought about guangchou products ?
5:in advence thank for your time
6:what is exactly cybenizing an field/industry ?
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Also, @HeroCooky, is the space vote going to be just the design, or the goals as well?
First the overall goal (Sattelites, Moon Landing, Space Station) and then the design. With the goals having stretch-goals like: land on moon, land multiple times, make a semi-permanent base for science, kick or steal the Murican Moon Flag.
QM i have a few question :
1:compared to irl how much does cypac member (and us) have trouble with unexploded ordnance and mines ?,it's probably less since some stuff haven't happen yet or didn't happened.
2:does cyberdination of an industry/field reduce the amount wounded people,polution and other ineficiency in that field/industry ?
3:did the videogame crash of 1983 was affected by us begining to do videogame at 1982 H2 ?,will arcade remain popular in mare place than japan and south america (those are the only two i know) if no new change happens ?
4:do we do trade with other nations ?,if yes with who,what are we exchanging for what,and what are thought about guangchou products ?
5:in advence thank for your time
6:what is exactly cybenizing an field/industry ?
1. On the level of A Concern, but not (yet) at A Serious Problem.
2. Yes to all, with less accidents happening by virtue of less people working dangerous jobs.
3. Most African CyPac members will likely have a surge of interest, as their markets are tapped by Guangchou, with rising levels of wealth.
4. Most CyPac members with a lot of other small-scale trade. Guang Goods have started to gain a reputation of solidly made and robust as of late. Your main exports right now are; electronics, refined rare metals, military arms. Fun Fact: Both Germanies are your #1 customer for condoms!
5. No problem!
6. Asess what can be made by machines, what tasks are not needed once that happens, streamlining of logistics, inclusion in the CyberSyn Network, re-training of workers for new roles, and utilizing worker feedback while and after doing so.
Just noticed the change in the Cypac info post :
Nicaragua - Vicious Satisfaction
,they are eating popcorn while watching karma at work aren't they ?,has the usa stop to mess with them now or are they double downing on assholiness ?
Madagascar - Serious Debt Problems
,shouldn't the debt have lowered since we helped them or did we just transefered the debt from IMF to cypac ?
Also good toknow that personal action can have that good effects:
+15% due to Mozambique - Promised Native Mingxiang, Fuck The US of Middle North A - Nicaragua, and Take a diplomatic tour of CyPac.
The thing about Iran-Contra is uh.. In OTL, supposedly Reagan knew nothing. And Oliver North refused to talk - it's the source of a pretty famous SNL parody:

The Mute Marine (SNL)

In this time line? Well, with a civil warring China and resurgent Communist organization, I would .. bluntly expect Reagan to not hide it. Congress is likely to just authorize it. (With fairly disastrous results *still*, Iran-Contra is a cauldron of bad decisions.)

(It should be noted that Reagan was a strong believer in the dominos theory of communism, which .. well, amusingly, surviving members of the Kennedy administration regretted believing fully instead of realizing that many Communist uprisings were Nationalist ones. But hindsight is 20/20.)
-[] Construct a food processing factory for frozen and flash-frozen foods. (Very Helpful)
(Primarily meats and vegetables. Keep expansion in mind for either biodegradable boxes for frozen meals that can be thrown away or nonbiodegradable boxes. You'll pay your people a tiny amount of the price to return those to the factory.)
Did we ever do this ?

[X] Commiewood: Broken Earth
Basically an eldritch sci-fi magical girl series (animated of course).
Tian is one of the inhabitants of Last Point: a vast city/country on an otherwise barren asteroid, once part of an Earth that was shattered millenia ago. Her life is that of a mundane schoolgirl, the city of millions maintained by the great God-AI Elis (it's basically a land of Fully Automated Gay Space Communism). Until one day, a huge monster, seeming to be made of blue mirrors, appears within the city's dome; although fended off by the City Guard and Spacer's Covenant, the creature breaks Elis's metamagical core and steals most of it, leaving Elis dormant and the city's life-support systems damaged and running on simple automated programs. The city reeling from the attack, Tian takes time off school to help with the reconstruction of some of the most damaged areas, which results in her being present when a second, clearly more powerful monster attacks, tearing its way through the defenses with ease on its way to the remaining pieces of the core.
Pushing a girl out of the way of the way of a attack, Tian's back is turned into grass and she is unable to move. As the monster approaches, an odd little creature pops up out of nowhere, tosses an oddly shaped pendant at her and in a flash of light she transforms into the Light of the Stars, Protector Finale. A strange battle within the monster's grassland like body follows, which Tian wins, gaining a small piece of Elis's core.
In the aftermath, the creature that gave her the pendant introduces itself as Piar, a VI created by Elis in case of attack, and tells Tian she is Last Point's only hope.
Over many episodes, they battle the Dreams of the Dark, strange and weird creatures made from pieces of Elis's core and created by Endless, an enclave of humans under the control of the High Node, an oligarchy of uploaded humans from before earth's destruction.
Around episode 5, the first Enemy General (or more acurately one of the Hands of the Node) a cyborg teenager named En. Alongside Iesanne, the girl who Tian saved in episode 1 (and who is eventually revealed to be an artificial Intelligence within a robot chassis infiltrating Last Point) and Aru (a Dream of the Dark who obtained sentience), they form a complex love quandrangle, while accompagnied by a revolving cast of various figures, in a coming-of-age story exploring topics such as artificial intelligence, the emergence of sapience and surrealism, as well as Last Point's social and political situation, with monsters heavily inspired by the surrealism movements to fight.
Midaway through the series, it is revealed that the High Node wants Elis's core to create a weapon to destroy the Worldbreakers, aliens thought to have destroyed the Earth and most of humanity. Tian hesistes for awhile, and considers allying with them against this greater threat, but enough of Elis's core is eventually restored for them to tell Tian the truth: the Worldbreakers do not exist. It was the High Node themselves that destroyed Earth in a war against what would become Last Point and Elis's creators, and they intend to use Elis as hostage to force Last Point into subjugating to their rule.
During the climax of the show, the High Node merges with Elis's last shards, their cyborgised citizens and the remains of the weapon that was used to shatter Earth and narrowly defeats Tian (as well as En, lesanne and Aru, who had allied with her in prior episodes), but as it prepares to crush Last Point for not surrendering fast enough, its citizens rally together in its defence, managing to push it back as its assimilated citizenry tears the construct apart from within.
Gathering the last of her strength, Tian deals the final blow, destroying the High Node once and for all.

The series ends a few years after the defeat of the High Node: Last Point has grown greater than ever, the freed cyborgs of Endless mingling with its citizens and En, Tian, Iesanne and Aru have solved their love quadrangle by getting into a bisexual polycule, and are getting ready to go on the first interstellar ark built by humanity

BTW, what happened to Ireland again ?

Also, what would a before/after of an average Guangchou citizen's life would be like before your reign and during the current turn ? I want to see exactly how far things have progressed.
BTW, what happened to Ireland again ?

Also, what would a before/after of an average Guangchou citizen's life would be like before your reign and during the current turn ? I want to see exactly how far things have progressed.
Someone's (IRA) stirring up shit. You don't know what type, or how much.

Malnutrition, harsh labor, long hours, political uncertainty, "dissapearances," poverty.
2 Nutritional Meals per Day Guaranteed, ~8-10 hour days max, many hard labor jobs are replaced/made easier with machines, you can now (politely) disagree with the government over a certain topic sometimes, no gulags/re-education torture camps, and sharply rising wealth and a shit-load of children. many children.
Could something for liberation theology be put?
It's literally just IRL Liberation Theology. Commie Religion. Edit: for this Quest.
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To be fair there are actually many different branches of liberation theology, many not linked to communism.
We just... funded the ones that were most ideologically copacetic with it.
What happens if we have two Commiewood projects with the same number of votes ? Do they both get done ?
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