Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

Quest eventually moved to QQ where it died in 2022.


The Immortal Ninth: The Revenant Legion [Warhammer40K / Great Crusade]

Among mankind, there are killers, and there are predators. And among the Legiones Astartes, there are superhumans, and there are monsters. You are a son of the Revenant Legion, the Immortal IX, the Emperor's most redhanded blade, barely matched in horror by even the most corrupt of foes, the...

It was decent from what I remember but just know that the protagonist and every other character are monsters that even old Mal find disgusting.
Old Mal is Malcador?
Neither do I though I am leaning towards the ones that build ships to help get us escorts we need. Though I do not like the fact that said shipbuilders are the ones that hint/request that we get involved with there feud. We very much want to stay out of that whole mess in general.
I'm more concerned that the Edison expy might have us secure expeditions that by "happenstance" run across some assets sworn to Smilnay when diplomacy "unfortunately" breaks down and we're forced to kill loyal Imperial citizens as part of our contractually obligated duties. He seems like enough of a snake to do that. I also noticed that he didn't say that Milan is capable of making Escorts while Smilnay is not.

As for alternatives, perhaps a visit to Grand Master Baldwin is in order. The Angels Crusader are fleet based, and as such rely heavily on their fleets. I can't imagine that they'd countenance this whole mess. Their non-involvement is supported by both parties saying that they have the capability to build Astartes equipment, not that they are already doing so. Pretty sure that would be used as a selling point.
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
Hey @ThunderOwl are both Forge Worlds able to provide the same ships and equipment?
"We´ve got partnerships with the regiments of the Imperial Guard and the Knights of House Lothbrok
I think this is the first mention of a Knight House in the sector.
Q.M notes: Apologies for the slight delay. I´m open for suggestions for the next planet of the guide.
Whatever planet House Lothbrok is on. I want to know about the Knights.

[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
Hey @ThunderOwl are both Forge Worlds able to provide the same ships and equipment?
Yes, the difference they have is in allies, influence and slightly better quality (Smilnay) vs slightly better production speed (Milan).
I can understand the logic behind why it was chosen to handle Fretensis this way.

If we do not follow up on this several more times, it is guaran-fucking-teed Fretensis is going to fall to Chaos or outside manipulation.

Severus hasn't done an Emperor-damned thing to convince Fretensis that actually being a member of the Chapter is worth his devotion; he threatened him into silence and abused his bonds with his fellow Astartes to peer-pressure him. And Fretensis is going to notice eventually, especially if we keep training him in Fellowship.

In effect, this is the start of recreating the old backstabbing culture of the 8th.
Okay to explain Severus reasoning a bit. This was less to convince Fretensis that he´s trustworthy and more to keep him from doing something stupid. After all, building trust isn´t done with just one chat.
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
Severus hasn't done an Emperor-damned thing to convince Fretensis that actually being a member of the Chapter is worth his devotion; he threatened him into silence and abused his bonds with his fellow Astartes to peer-pressure him. And Fretensis is going to notice eventually, especially if we keep training him in Fellowship.
I disagree personally. Marcus' position was so hostile that he was the one who started giving threats first, when he reached for his chainsword. Severus was honest with him, explained his position, and kept the conversation purely between them rather than getting anyone else involved. When Marcus accused Severus and co. of being traitors and monsters, Severus told him about the Great Crusade and how everyone did some fucked up stuff in those days. But when he threatened violence, Severus explained to him logically why he shouldn't do such a stupid thing.
Fabricator-General Thomas Epsilon 1874 of Smilnay

So what's your guy's bet? Is he lying about doing tech heresy or in denial about doing tech heresy? Either way I like him that rule is stupid.

I'm having a hard time picking a lieutenant they all seem pretty good choices for different reasons.
Fabricator-General Thomas Epsilon 1874 of Smilnay

So what's your guy's bet? Is he lying about doing tech heresy or in denial about doing tech heresy? Either way I like him that rule is stupid.

I'm having a hard time picking a lieutenant they all seem pretty good choices for different reasons.
Thomas is from Milan. Nikola Delta-Null 9 is from Smilnay. I think ThunderOwl just mixed them up.

And I don't think it's Tech-Heresy myself, since Fabricator-Generals tend to have a bit of leeway with this sort of thing. If you want to take a cannon from one tank and try fitting it onto a different tank, that's not going to be looked kindly upon, but it's legal once you're at a certain point in the Mechanicus hierarchy.
I already said I understand why it was done the way it was. You're not telling me anything I didn't already know.

Okay to explain Severus reasoning a bit. This was less to convince Fretensis that he´s trustworthy and more to keep him from doing something stupid. After all, building trust isn´t done with just one chat.
As long as this understanding makes its way into consistent action and we don't leave this discontent to fester as so often happens when characters disagree in a quest, then this works.

I disagree personally. Marcus' position was so hostile that he was the one who started giving threats first, when he reached for his chainsword. Severus was honest with him, explained his position, and kept the conversation purely between them rather than getting anyone else involved. When Marcus accused Severus and co. of being traitors and monsters, Severus told him about the Great Crusade and how everyone did some fucked up stuff in those days. But when he threatened violence, Severus explained to him logically why he shouldn't do such a stupid thing.
You are making a case for why Severus browbeating Fretensis into submission was logically correct. As previously stated, not one I consider to be flat out wrong, just insufficient.

Which is where the problem comes in; what is the plan to get Fretensis from "Simmering in disgust and contempt" to "Yeah, our heritage is utter shit, but beginnings are false and we can and will be better"? Because that has not made an appearance yet.

And because I know some idiot (not you two, probably, but someone else) is going to jump in with "MuH nIgHt LoRdS" if I don't clarify, I do not define "better" in this case as "more moral" or anything of the sort. I define it as "Confining their attentions to the right and limited targets as a matter of course and does not embrace Chaotic attitudes towards their operations and obligations".

Y'know what, I'm gonna go ahead and slap out an omake over this. Be back in a couple days or so.
I'm more concerned that the Edison expy might have us secure expeditions that by "happenstance" run across some assets sworn to Smilnay when diplomacy "unfortunately" breaks down and we're forced to kill loyal Imperial citizens as part of our contractually obligated duties. He seems like enough of a snake to do that. I also noticed that he didn't say that Milan is capable of making Escorts while Smilnay is not.
It's long been made clear that neither option is truly ideal and regarding ships I'd much rather prefer to go to the forge world that is noted to specialize in the production of warships given their introduction a Battleship being launched as an advertisement of there products, over the forge world that deals with vehicle production that we have mostly handled at this time.
You are making a case for why Severus browbeating Fretensis into submission was logically correct. As previously stated, not one I consider to be flat out wrong, just insufficient.

Which is where the problem comes in; what is the plan to get Fretensis from "Simmering in disgust and contempt" to "Yeah, our heritage is utter shit, but beginnings are false and we can and will be better"? Because that has not made an appearance yet.

And because I know some idiot (not you two, probably, but someone else) is going to jump in with "MuH nIgHt LoRdS" if I don't clarify, I do not define "better" in this case as "more moral" or anything of the sort. I define it as "Confining their attentions to the right and limited targets as a matter of course and does not embrace Chaotic attitudes towards their operations and obligations".

Y'know what, I'm gonna go ahead and slap out an omake over this. Be back in a couple days or so.
I think the only thing we can do is give him time. Because of the massive leap through history he made, Severus has no evidence of how he ran his Company in the past, leaving only his word, meanwhile Marcus flat-out doesn't trust any of the Founders. And trust isn't an easy thing to build.

Maybe Falce could help? But I'm not sure how, precisely.
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
Fretensis certainly isn't winning any friendliness awards, but his suspicion of the Founders at their true origin combined with his willingness to actually wait and verify instead of going full rebel speaks well to me. He doesn't just trust the Founders at their word, but also realizes this is a fight he can't win right now and has decided to try an alternate approach to the problem. It shows a lot of personality and strength of character.

He would be willing to fight Severus, the other Founders, and those who would follow them because he's a loyal son of the Imperium and won't stand being a pawn to traitors. And I think on some level it appeals to Severus too. It is after all what he would have done had he been a part of the Heresy, turning on his Primarch and the Legion, dying loyal to the Emperor and the Imperium.

Give him a century or two to smooth out those rough spots and polish those skills of his, and I could see him as a worthy candidate to replace Severus as Chapter Master
Give one the ships the other ground equipment, give them both volkite knowledge and tell them that they're both servants of the Ommnisiah and we aren't getting involved in their feud. Both will be equally unhappy therefore it's a good compromise.
Given how incredibly full of shit they are after so long spent at each other's throats, I suspect this won't stick unless we either go over their heads and get whoever their superior in the cult is to beat them back into shape, or a lot of politicking and favor trading probably including tech-hunting expeditions to make us indispensable.

They both have enough power and influence that not doing this or something equivalent is just going to have them take what we give them and go right to the backstabbing.

A decent idea, but more complicated to do than any of us want.