Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So, on a completely different topic, has the topic of windherding magical plants come up before? Because I'd be interested if we could work with Panoramia to make magical bushes that would Bewilder anyone that touched them or something. Seems like it could be a fun followup to their collaboration on windsoak mushrooms.
This is going to be entirely unrelated to current matters, but where did the term "Sevirric" to describe Wind magic come from? I fail to find links anywhere but to this quest when searching it
So, on a completely different topic, has the topic of windherding magical plants come up before? Because I'd be interested if we could work with Panoramia to make magical bushes that would Bewilder anyone that touched them or something. Seems like it could be a fun followup to their collaboration on windsoak mushrooms.
I have asked about combining AV and windsoak mushrooms. I don't know of any discussion of windherding and magical plants, but we haven't interacted with that many magical plants period. It's just the flowers Panoramia found on the march to K8P that comes to mind, and I'm not sure if they were magical flowers or just reagents for magic.

edit: It seems like the Black Lotus are just interesting as a poison.
A few days later, Panoramia ambushes you as you return to camp, cheerfully reporting her progress; you're not sure if she considers you invested since you helped make the bottles or if she's latched onto you as a mentor figure. Her delves into the Forest of Gloom were largely uneventful, but progress was severely limited by having to skirt widely around tracts of giant spider territory. Finally, she stumbled across something that made the trip worthwhile: a lake covered in competing plant life, and in the center, a dense growth of flowers, of a shade of purple so dark that it seems black. You only covered the basics of poisons at College, but this one certainly came up: the black lotus, the source of the most popular domestic poison in the Empire, available to any foolish enough to venture into the deepest parts of the forests of the Southern Empire.

"I've never heard of them growing this big," she reports happily. "The piranhas must have kept the goblins from harvesting them, and a few had well-developed seed heads." She shows you a phial filled with bulbous lotus seeds, each the same dark purple as the flower. "Poisons are just the flip side of potions, and can be just as useful."
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For windherding, I would personally prefer to complete the sevirophone research line. I am really hoping for something that can see broader deployment that the visual seviroscope.

Also, since we are voting...

[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Medicine and Flora of the Reik Basin
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] Ulric (Imperial Esoteric, 100 gc)

Fat chance of the LoM winning the vote, but I am reasonably persuaded of the possibility of continued access being time sensitive at this point.
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To be fair, the vote says that the animal in question is Eike's choice. We're just funding it.
It's deciding that Eike should get a familiar and deciding that it should be an animal familiar. Neither of those are decisions we should be making.

[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, the Kingdom of Nehekhara, Naval Warfare
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.

The reason I don't want to buy anything with money is to save up money for the Ulthuan trip.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Medicine and Anatomy
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Medicine and Flora of the Reik Basin
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, the Kingdom of Nehekhara, Naval Warfare
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] 1x Crystal Mist (5 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] Ulric (Imperial Esoteric, 100 gc)
Not sure if she wants a pet either.


Mathilde is not a social idiot (as opposed to a political one), Boney is not particularly mean as a QM.

A poor roll when Mathilde did that mock duel with Boris resulted in an unsatisfying display, not in Boris getting his head cut.

Mathilde is perceptive about Eike's moods and body language, as seen in several of her interactions, so if getting a pet and/or familiar becomes an issue the whole thing presumably gets dropped.

Basically, I am assuming that "Eike's choice" includes the choice not to choose a thing.

I refer to this thing from many updates ago:

Sounds proves most difficult of all, and you spend some time watching her grapple with the magical fundamentals of the spell before her voice growing fainter as the days go on clues you in to something deeper going on here. With gentle effort you manage to draw out of her just enough to learn that being the bastard daughter of a professional concubine has left its mark on the girl, and as you go over your interactions with her you can see how a deep instinct for not drawing unnecessary attention has influenced her behaviour in the past. She's having trouble with a spell to create sounds because part of her believes fundamentally that she needs to avoid making noise. You allow the subject to be dropped, much to Eike's relief, and move on to something more psychologically compatible with her.

So, while she may blunder into doing an oof, Mathilde is generally mindful in how she treats Eike.
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Mathilde is not a social idiot, Boney is not mean as a QM.

Boney is also a GM that expects players to not shove everything off on them regarding decision making. 5 college favor is a huge amount for most. That combined with Mathilde being her master who she deeply respects, means the 'implication' is a very, very weighty one. Acting as if it would just turn into some Schrodinger non issue if it might be a problem is kind of taking agency (which includes the ability to make missteps) away from voters that would be very deliberately voting to make this happen.
Boney is also a GM that expects players to not shove everything off on them regarding decision making. 5 college favor is a huge amount for most. That combined with Mathilde being her master who she deeply respects, means the 'implication' is a very, very weighty one. Acting as if it would just turn into some Schrodinger non issue if it might be a problem is kind of taking agency (which includes the ability to make missteps) away from voters that would be very deliberately voting to make this happen.

*raises finger*

*checks Collection of Important Information*


5 College Favour is equivalent to 500 gc or six months of assistance from a Magister. Enough to get a pegasus.

That's... rather more significant than what I was recalling. A bit more than a year of Mathilde's income, based on Mat's musings when settling that debt a few turns back.

Not changing my vote, because I expect things to turn out okay, but you raise a lot of valid points in your post.+

Okay. Changing my vote, in the end.
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We are her master, so she better acquire her familiar, should she want one, from Shallaya, as we did with Ranald. Smh.

For real tho, i don´t see any point whatsoever.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, the Kingdom of Nehekhara, Naval Warfare


I would rather Eike decide if and when she wants a familiar.
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I feel I should also mention that Mathilde's experience with her familiar was not a usual one.

(The roll that resulted in getting Wolf)
[The All-Important Roll To Play With Your Puppy: 99]
[Rolling for Familiar Ability: 49 - Magic Power]
(The roll to bond with him.)

A 98, a 99, and then landing on the +1 magic trait. That was an utterly absurd series of rolls.

Eike getting +1 magic out of the deal should not be the expected result. And each time you roll those dice you risk familiar obsession.

That in addition to thinking familiars are a personal matter that we shouldn't really be sticking our nose in unless asked, and thinking that Eike has had so much stuff given to her already that it could easily cause her issues later in life if she starts questioning whether she actually earned any of her success*- no, I don't want to give her a familiar.

*Not saying that she hasn't, mind, just that imposter syndrome is a hell of a thing and that there is such a thing as helping someone too much.