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In the minds of the Imperial nobility, Ranald is infinitely worse than all of those.
Sure, but I'm arguing over ooc and God domain reasons, not ic reasons, because I absolutely think it's IC for Mathilde to try to work Ranald in there. Yes, nobles who find out are going to be mad. Tough shit, if Ranald wins it's probably going to besubtle. If they try anything the Emperor himself, whose reaction to waystones is "yes please", would beat them to death with Sigmar's silver hammer then say "Ranald? In my treaty? Less likely than you think, free PC check."

Now let's say Luitpold dies. 2 of the 3 main candidates for succession, Roswita and Toddbringer, are already invested in Waystones, and the Wissenland guy seems like he'd be easily convinced that Waystones trump the possibility that an ampersand is actually a symbol of Ranald.
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[X] Yes
-[X] Find a way to subtly honor Ranald and Halétha in the final copy of the Accord
[X] No
-[X] Specify why:
--[X] Add another clause, inserted before the currently final Clause 8:
--[X] A Clause pushing for some commitment between signatories to maintain participation in a forum where waystone information can be shared. The commitment doesn't have to be as in-depth as the current Waystone Project, but it should basically act as a backstop to make it easier to create a "Waystone Project 2.0" if the need arises once again some centuries down the line, and reduce the chances of the project falling apart if Mathilde gets killed in the near future. Having a diplomatic line open should reduce the chances of hostilities between parties, too.
--[X] Have the clauses be denoted with Classical numbering, such that the final Clause is denoted with an "IX".
[X] No
-[X] Clause 3 specifies 'within their lands.' This implies that Ulthuan, or any other signatory, is not required to provide as complete a map of the Waystone network as possible, on the grounds that sections of it do not exist in 'their lands.' While arcane secrets irrelevant to the project are not worth the effort, this is directly involved. Ulthuan will not dodge providing us a map of any potentially dormant, destroyed, or corrupted Waystones that easy.
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Just had a thought @Boney can Mathilde and Johann join in with the Mistwalkers beating up on those Sarl colonists next turn? That feels up their alley and it gives us something to do if people do not want more Riders in Red. Plus it is a chance to test out the sword mastery and maybe get some loot before heading off to Lothern.
Rune: I have no idea what any of these are
Carving is the one we actually developed when we took the Rune research action - it's just carving the shape (in some 'correct' manner, which apparently requires some knowledge of magic theory but is very very simple) and inlaying it with the right materials (Waystone gold is probably best, silver works fine). Thorek did mention that Runesmiths techniques were used to improve the effect of the Waystone Rune and we're obviously not using those so there's probably some room for improvement, but we don't have much of an indication that carving is all that bad and in any case the other options are completely untested:
I thought we just had the one "carve the thing onto magically conductive material; we have no idea how or why it works, but it works" thing Hatalath gave us. Are those notes for the results of the "Experiment with alternatives to the Waystone Rune" action?
The 'carving' option is that. The other options are to yolo one of the other possibilities without testing it first.

Assume they assemble the components and buy all of the components they cannot make themselves.
So here's the thing - my read is that Eltharion wants a recipe, not to buy literal physical Waystones. I might be reading too much into his word choices but he talks about what Mathilde developed being "taught". As I understand it he's concerned about being able to do emergency repairs on the network, and if the solutions require supplies purchased from across the ocean that seems to be kind of a huge problem. I guess you can say that they'll just purchase a boat load of clockwork mechanisem and store them somewhere, but that has problems of its own (maintenance, for one).

I don't know how Material/Colleg. Enchant/Mat+CollegEnchant handle the Dhar but it wasn't mentioned to be a problem so I'm going to assume it isn't
The Lights have some magics that move Dhar around without sending them to the pyre:
"There are some heavily guarded things in there that need to be even more heavily guarded," Egrimm says with a grimace. "But we did find a few relevant treatises on the subject of moving Dhar from place to place. Including, interestingly, a paper from your former colleague, Jovi Sunscryer, and a few collaborators. It seems they had some ambitions for Sylvania that his untimely death thwarted." Not the only knock-on tragedy from his miscast, as you recall. "There are Hysh cantrips that have a repulsive effect on Dhar - not enough to meaningfully damage beings that consist of or rely on it, but enough to shunt Dhar around within an enchantment without it actually touching and tainting the enchantment."
Of course, the Asur are probably just going to use dark magic.
Of course, the Asur are probably just going to use dark magic.
I know the Asrai have Darksingers or whatever, and the Eonir clearly use Dhar occasionally going off Sarvoi, but do the Asur have any real dedicated Dhar wielders? I suppose they probably have people that know *how*, I just haven't really seen anything that talked about with them using it. Aside from the original Waystone Foundation enchantment I suppose.
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Of course, the Asur are probably just going to use dark magic.

I suspect that an Asur Dark mage is even more rare than a High Magic user, to use it safely you need the same kind of in depth skill only for the path that is not culturally acceptable. I know Sarvoi has some understating of Dhar and he can even use it, but he is a magic nerd, a theoretical researcher, I do not think many lay-elves in Laurelorn or Ulthuan have even that much skill.
There is, yes - the ampersand is basically a stylized cross.

Which makes the current idea of adding in clauses and giving them classical numerals seem very clunky and awkward to me as opposed to just doing a simple find and replace of 'Sigmar and Verena' with 'Sigmar & Verena' and then maybe having a quiet word with the scribe about the specifics of the character in question.
I think the ampersand originated as a stylized et, the Latin for "and". Another legacy of this is "et cetera" sometimes getting abbreviated further to "&c".
I know the Asrai have Darksingers or whatever, and the Eonir clearly use Dhar occasionally going off Sarvoi, but do the Asur have any real dedicated Dhar wielders? I suppose they probably have people that know *how*, I just haven't really seen anything that talked about with them using it. Aside from the original Waystone Foundation enchantment I suppose.
The Sundering novels indicate that Dark Magic is forbidden in Ulthuan, and that the Asur have a huge cultural stigma against using it.
Given that it was invented by their ennemies and requires to have the mindset of a megalomaniacal psychopath to use, it's understandable.

The first is true...the second depends on which Warhammer books you're reading. Per the Wood Elves army book for 8th Ed. for instance their Dark Magic users are very carefully managed so that they don't succumb to madness but can still use their magic (specifically, they're paired with a High Magic user to bleed off the Winds if there start to be problems). Since adopting that policy, they've had no problems with their Dark Magic users.

Whether that's canonical for this Quest or anything else is highly debatable, of course, but saying that Dark Magic requires being a megalomaniacal sociopath rather than simply being very dangerous and likely to lead to that without extensive precautions is not a sure thing either.

Which doesn't mean the Asur use it (they most assuredly do not), but seemed worth mentioning.
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