Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Gonna be honest, I really do not like it. I've enjoyed the times we've poked fun at Marienburg in the past, but much of the current discussion seems to be come from a genuine place of hatred for a fictional city in a fictional story. And we've just won this conflict: With a second canal to the north, Marienburg's monopoly is capial-O Over. Yet somehow this isn't enough, and we need to justify numerous reasons to invade the city and conquer it. But like. Wars are so expensive and wasteful, it makes digging a canal look cheap. Which is what we just did. So what is the point of everyone getting themselves so worked up about Marienburg?
Because beating dead horses until they have the consistency of soup is the internet's favourite past time.
Gonna be honest, I really do not like it. I've enjoyed the times we've poked fun at Marienburg in the past, but much of the current discussion seems to be come from a genuine place of hatred for a fictional city in a fictional story. And we've just won this conflict: With a second canal to the north, Marienburg's monopoly is capial-O Over. Yet somehow this isn't enough, and we need to justify numerous reasons to invade the city and conquer it. But like. Wars are so expensive and wasteful, it makes digging a canal look cheap. Which is what we just did. So what is the point of everyone getting themselves so worked up about Marienburg?
If the Marienburgers want the thread to stop hating them there's only one way: they need to follow the example of the Elementalists and give us all their books.
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[X] No
-[X] Contrive a way to subtly honor Ranald in the Accords.

[X] Yes
-[X] Find a way to subtly honor Ranald and Halétha in the final copy of the Accords.

I am like 90% sure that this "Yes I'm happy, but I want to change something" vote should have just been a [*] No instead, but it's already got a bunch of voters and Boney isn't an interactive fiction parser and so can probably figure it out even if we are being chaotic about it. (Sorry Boney.)

[X] No
-[X] Specify why:
--[X] Add another clause, inserted before the currently final Clause 8:
--[X] A clause protecting Waystone infrastructure in case of wars and battles. The Waystone network can be fought over, but not intentionally damaged or destroyed.

[X] No
-[X] Specify why:
--[X] Add another clause, inserted before the currently final Clause 8:
--[X] A Clause pushing for some commitment between signatories to maintain participation in a forum where waystone information can be shared. The commitment doesn't have to be as in-depth as the current Waystone Project, but it should basically act as a backstop to make it easier to create a "Waystone Project 2.0" if the need arises once again some centuries down the line, and reduce the chances of the project falling apart if Mathilde gets killed in the near future. Having a diplomatic line open should reduce the chances of hostilities between parties, too.
--[X] Have the clauses be denoted with Classical numbering, such that the final Clause is denoted with an "IX".

Sure, these are fine too.
Gonna be honest, I really do not like it. I've enjoyed the times we've poked fun at Marienburg in the past, but much of the current discussion seems to be come from a genuine place of hatred for a fictional city in a fictional story. And we've just won this conflict: With a second canal to the north, Marienburg's monopoly is capial-O Over. Yet somehow this isn't enough, and we need to justify numerous reasons to invade the city and conquer it. But like. Wars are so expensive and wasteful, it makes digging a canal look cheap. Which is what we just did. So what is the point of everyone getting themselves so worked up about Marienburg?
Obviously the only solution is another canal
[X] No
-[X] Specify why:
--[X] Add another clause, inserted before the currently final Clause 8:
--[X] A clause protecting Waystone infrastructure in case of wars and battles. The Waystone network can be fought over, but not intentionally damaged or destroyed.
[X] No
-[X] Specify why:
--[X] Add another clause, inserted before the currently final Clause 8:
--[X] A Clause pushing for some commitment between signatories to maintain participation in a forum where waystone information can be shared. The commitment doesn't have to be as in-depth as the current Waystone Project, but it should basically act as a backstop to make it easier to create a "Waystone Project 2.0" if the need arises once again some centuries down the line, and reduce the chances of the project falling apart if Mathilde gets killed in the near future. Having a diplomatic line open should reduce the chances of hostilities between parties, too.
--[X] Have the clauses be denoted with Classical numbering, such that the final Clause is denoted with an "IX".
If the Marienburgers want the thread to stop hating them there's only one way: they need to follow the example of the Elementalists and give us all their books.

You joke, but if Baron Hendrik's handed us some magic books or asked to join the project on their own I at least would be a lot more sympathetic to them. One of the main driving forces for which I do not trust them is that they do not seem to have any common goals with the rest of us. I mean thing about it more broadly: We do not know much about Bretonia and they have been pretty demanding as the price of their support, but at the same time we know that if we show up and kill their mountain orcs or their swamp vampires we will get some gratitude and a fair hearing. Marienburg does not share the same concerns which in my eyes at least makes them less trustworthy.
You joke, but if Baron Hendrik's handed us some magic books or asked to join the project on their own I at least would be a lot more sympathetic to them. One of the main driving forces for which I do not trust them is that they do not seem to have any common goals with the rest of us. I mean thing about it more broadly: We do not know much about Bretonia and they have been pretty demanding as the price of their support, but at the same time we know that if we show up and kill their mountain orcs or their swamp vampires we will get some gratitude and a fair hearing. Marienburg does not share the same concerns which in my eyes at least makes them less trustworthy.
We never asked them to join the Waystone Project. And I don't think they even know about it anyways.
We never asked them to join the Waystone Project. And I don't think they even know about it anyways.

Well if they did not know until now they will after these very public accords. I know that at least part of the reason why people do not just offer to work with us on their own is OOC balancing, but just saying if some mage were to show up in Laurelorn offering to work with us for the good of the world that would be a hell of a diplomatic coup for them. It's not like we would say 'no' and it would not cost the magnates a dime.
[X] Yes
-[X] Have a scribe make a map of the waystone network on the back in invisible ink

[X] No
-[X] Contrive a way to subtly honor Ranald in the Accords.

[X] Yes
-[X] Find a way to subtly honor Ranald and Halétha in the final copy of the Accords.

[X] No
-[X] Specify why:
--[X] Add another clause, inserted before the currently final Clause 8:
--[X] A clause protecting Waystone infrastructure in case of wars and battles. The Waystone network can be fought over, but not intentionally damaged or destroyed.

[X] No
-[X] Specify why:
--[X] Add another clause, inserted before the currently final Clause 8:
--[X] A Clause pushing for some commitment between signatories to maintain participation in a forum where waystone information can be shared. The commitment doesn't have to be as in-depth as the current Waystone Project, but it should basically act as a backstop to make it easier to create a "Waystone Project 2.0" if the need arises once again some centuries down the line, and reduce the chances of the project falling apart if Mathilde gets killed in the near future. Having a diplomatic line open should reduce the chances of hostilities between parties, too.
--[X] Have the clauses be denoted with Classical numbering, such that the final Clause is denoted with an "IX".

Sure, these are fine too.
[X] No
-[X] Contrive a way to subtly honor Ranald in the Accords.

[X] Yes
-[X] Find a way to subtly honor Ranald and Halétha in the final copy of the Accords.

[X] No
-[X] Specify why:
--[X] Add another clause, inserted before the currently final Clause 8:
--[X] A Clause pushing for some commitment between signatories to maintain participation in a forum where waystone information can be shared. The commitment doesn't have to be as in-depth as the current Waystone Project, but it should basically act as a backstop to make it easier to create a "Waystone Project 2.0" if the need arises once again some centuries down the line, and reduce the chances of the project falling apart if Mathilde gets killed in the near future. Having a diplomatic line open should reduce the chances of hostilities between parties, too.
--[X] Have the clauses be denoted with Classical numbering, such that the final Clause is denoted with an "IX".
Kill two goblins with a single bullet: give the Empire access to the Great Ocean and befriend the Bretonnians by punching a canal through Axe Bite Pass to connect the Reik and the Grismerie. :V
Only problem with the Grismerie is that Mousillon is sitting at the mouth of it.

So we should build another canal connecting it to the Brienne.

The spot where they come closest is deep in Athel Loren. I'm sure it's fine.
Only problem with the Grismerie is that Mousillon is sitting at the mouth of it.

So we should build another canal connecting it to the Brienne.

The spot where they come closest is deep in Athel Loren. I'm sure it's fine.
Three goblins then! I'm sure the Asrai will have no problem welcoming human and dwarf workers digging a canal through their lands.
Voting is open